Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 511: It's him!

Shao Xuan took people and approached the fire pit of Wanshi. Oh,

It is very strange that the closer to the fire pit of Wanshi, the more slaves I encountered, but the Wanshi people did not see much. Let the slave owners help around the fire pit, and the people of Wanshi are not worried that the slave owners will destroy their fires?

The heart is too big? Still, don't worry at all?

If something goes wrong, Shao Xuan must be more careful.

Instructing other people to be vigilant, Shao Xuan’s hands on the sword are constantly moving.

Because Shao Xuan’s sword is bigger and heavier than many people, so when it is used, it is not a dexterous style, but more direct, without too many fancy moves, just like hunting in the past. At the same time, with the least effort and time, the most effective response, but also with the Yan Meng people's fierce and neat.

All the techniques are practiced in hunting and combat.


Shao Xuanyi sword was cut in front of a higher slave.

Because the other party is in a higher level in the slaves, and the treatment is better. Compared with other ordinary slaves, such high slaves are not wearing ordinary armor or protective armor made of animal bones. It is a metal armor. For example, the turtle shell protects its trunk part before and after, and there are many protective equipment on the arms and legs.

Shao Xuanben is slashing to the other's neck, but the slave is also prepared, can't avoid it, he can only move as far as possible, and let the part covered by the armor meet,

However, even wearing a metal armor with a turtle shell is not absolutely preventive.

The sword that Shao Xuan chopped over was indeed blocked by the armor. However, in the moment when the blade and the armor collided, in addition to the crisp sound of the collision of the gold, you could hear a bang.

A clear dent appeared on the armor, but this is not the most deadly. The vibration transmitted by the armor is directed to the inside with a flow of air. Under the armor, the slave suddenly fell down on his chest, as if he had been overwhelmed by heavy objects, if he listened carefully. I can hear the bones squeaking.

Even with metal armor, it is difficult to block such a blow.

Did not see the slave who vomited blood to the ground, too late to see more, Shao Xuan continued to face other people blocking.

On the ground of the Wanshi tribe. The grass is not dense, perhaps because of the frequent walking of people, the ground is empty and the soil is bare. This time, because of the fierce battle. Kicking and pedaling, slashing, the clods on the ground splashed apart.

Everyone seems to have been integrated into this battlefield. Shao Xuan can hear the rushing and heavy breathing of the people around him. The chest is ups and downs, with the low squatting of the beasts in the mountains, the weapons in the hands of everyone are moving fast, the air is broken. Make a snoring sound and touch the nerves of the person. The weapon in the hands of the soldiers swept over, driving a burst of killing. The situation is quite fierce, rushing toward the front, picking up a pungent **** and full of killing.

The ground has been stained red by blood.

Looking through the bodies of the slaves in front, Shao Xuan saw the people standing there. Although it has been more than two years, Shao Xuan still has an impression on that person.

It was the young master of Baishicheng. Shao Xuan once saw him in the stands of the Colosseum.

On the sight of Shang Shaoxuan, Bai Shicheng’s young master stunned. He only thought that Shao Xuan was very familiar and seemed to have seen it before. It’s just that time has passed for a long time, and a lot of things have happened in the past two years, so that the White Rock City Master did not think about it for the time being.

The white stone city master quickly searched in his mind, where he had seen each other.

As Shao Xuan brought people closer and closer. The White Rock City Lord has retreated a distance.

Not far away is the mourning and screaming of the Wanshi beast, which is the Wanshi beast of the Wanshi tribe fighting in the beast of Yanyan. The Wanshi beast is the killing machine selected by the Wanshi tribe, in the Yanjiao tribe. Before the arrival, there were people from the Wanshi tribe who tried to pick out the best Wanshi beasts and let them enter the forest and kill the beasts.

therefore. Even now, facing the fierce beasts of Yanjiao, this group of killing machines screened out from generation to generation does not know how to be afraid. Even if it hurts the enemy, it will do the same thing. Born to kill, died by killing.

Wan Shi beast always let the slave owners think of the beast city in the desert. Many of the fighting beasts in the beast city are cultivated in a similar way. It can be said that the Wanshi tribe is learning this with the slave owners. Method.

After escaping from the desert, the slave owners often recalled the life in the desert and recalled the beast city. Listening to the sound of the beasts passed over, Bai Shicheng's thoughts on the Lord's main body could not help but spread out to the Beast City in the desert, and then he was shocked. He thought of a person.

It's him!

That kid!

Bai Shicheng’s young master stared at Shao Xuan’s direction.

He remembered, the kid, the kid who once appeared in the Beast City!

The performance of Shao Xuan Colosseum in the past made many slave owners remember. However, when Shao Xuan came out with a hat at the end, his appearance could not be seen. Others may not recognize it, but after the Battle of the Beast City, the knife has been identified and told the identity of the person in the home of Bai Shi Shao.

If there are other things, the White Rock Master may not have such a deep impression, but Shao Xuan used to go with the gang of deciduous cities. The deciduous city, in the eyes of these slave owners who fled the desert, was a traitor, and the desert cities were destroyed. The deciduous city remains, and the people in the deciduous city not only live well in the desert, but also have a larger territory.

The people who killed the White Rock City are mainly the deciduous city! The deciduous city is the running dog of the family of Yanling!

The white stone master's hatred of the deciduous city is now passed on to Shaoxuan. After all, Shao Xuan once followed the three lords of the deciduous city, Su Gu, and after the Battle of the Beast City, the luck of Baishicheng became worse and worse. Not only did the king die, but the entire White Rock City did not exist for a long time. If he had been prepared for it, he would have escaped and the whole army was wiped out.

In the eyes of Bai Shi’s young master, the fierce violent rise, let the slaves around him take out the bow and arrow, staring at Shao Xuan’s position, the violent emotions gathered in the eyes of the haze, took the bow, and used the desert in the hand. The strong bow made of the rare material of the beast is pulled into almost full moon shape, and all the resentment since the escape of the desert is incorporated into this strong bow.

Perhaps, Shiraishi is not good at all, but on the bow and arrow, quite capable.

At this time, the White Rock Master has ignored everything except the target, and will not think whether it is possible to accidentally hurt his own person. At this time, he only has Shao Xuan this enemy!


As the bowstring vibrates, the arrow rotates at a high speed, and a whistling sound is heard in the air. The sharp arrow of metal casting breaks through the air in front, such as a flashing meteor, and goes straight to Shao Xuan!

The sharp screams brought by the arrow branch, whether it is a slave or a flaming warrior fighting with it, feel that the eardrum seems to have been caught by someone, and it hurts.

When Shao Xuan stared at the other side, he was prepared. He could see the general idea from the other side's eyes. The undisguised killing, passing through the front of the melee, clearly passed.

Blocking the slaves attacked from the side, Shao Xuan’s eyes reflected the appearance of the other side’s bow, not flashing away, legs such as ancient trees firmly rooted and ground, the body’s totem power surged, and the breath seemed to take With the heat of the flames, the wrists move, and the sword stands up, blocking the fierce momentum of the meteor.


The two powerful forces collided together, and the bursting sound was particularly harsh in the noisy battlefield.

The arrow that hit the sword was blocked and flew to other places, while Shao Xuan put the sword on it, but only left a slight trace.

At this time, Shiraishi Shaozhu noticed the sword held by Shao Xuan. He is not a sword that has never been seen in metal casting. However, the style and material are very different. On the technique of casting, Baishicheng is far less than the three major cities in the desert. The goldsmiths they contacted in Baishicheng are few. However, after the chaos in the desert, some of them were grabbed, but Shao Xuan’s sword was not unusual, which shocked Bai Shi’s heart.

It must be given by those who are in the Yanling City! Other than that, he couldn't think of another reason.

The Yanjiao tribe is also the running dog of the family of Yanling City! !

Simply confuse!

"Give me kill them!!" The White Rock Master roared and let the slaves fight with the Yanjiao people. He then stepped back and avoided the battlefield. There were other slaves around him.

The White Rock Master still wants to say to the slaves, let them grab Shao Xuan’s sword, but before he can open his mouth, he will see Shao Xuan’s side. After a glare of cold light flashes with blood, Shao Xuan speeds up. The speed, coming directly to him. While the blade was slashed on the metal armor, a series of bone breaks could be heard, and then the sharp blade crossed the flesh, and the blood light flew with the stump, and the opened slave flew out. .

At this time, the White Rock Master did not care whether he was an enemy. When he saw Shao Xuan Chao rushing over him, he was so scared that his heart was rushing, his scalp was tightening, and he turned his head and ran a little further. After the chaos in the desert, they learned the most skills and ran away. When I ran away from the battlefield, I was not afraid that the kid would come up. The threat to the other party would be much smaller. They are just helping the Wanshi tribe. They can't do it with all their own nets. When he ran, he did not forget to let the slaves protect him and prevent the cold arrows.

Shao Xuanben wanted to solve the annoying slave owner who was hiding behind the arrow and solved him. Other slaves may not have much war. However, the White Rock Master fled too fast, he still wants to fly a dart in the past, but there are too many slaves around the White Stone Master, and may not be able to shoot people.

Seeing that the White Stone Master escaped from sight, Shao Xuan could only give up that goal and continue to approach the fire pit of Wanshi.

Perhaps because of the departure of the White Stone Master, the war of these slaves has been shaken, giving the Yanjiao people a chance to accelerate their forefront.

In addition to the slaves of White Rock, there are slaves of other slave owners. However, those people seem to be only the cannon fodder that is sent out, not a too difficult role. The slave slaves, of course, had other thoughts and did not wholeheartedly help the Wanshi tribe.

As I approached it, Shao Xuan could feel the sense of rejection from the Wanshi fire, and it also stimulated the body's totem power to surge. The fire that fits into the body seems to have met the opponent and can't wait to go.

It’s not just the battle between the tribes, the fires and the fires, but also the two incompatible ones, all with the meaning that you have no me. (To be continued.)

Ps: There is a second chapter later. Everyone sleeps first.

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