Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 513: Lei Shicheng

Wanshi tribe, the reason why it is called "Wanshi", is only because of fire, this is born in Wanshi!

The megaliths of the megaliths form the mountain, and the fire of the Wanshi tribe is born in it!

At the end of the gray flame, Wanshi Wu only had a very vague figure. Because of the swing of the flame and the flow of the air, his figure looked a little distorted, and he was surprised.

Although I can't see the appearance of Wanshi Wu at this time, Shao Xuan can hear the crazy laughter from the fire pool.

"Ha ha ha! Who told you that the people in Yanjiao did not have a kind of fire?! I got no fire, I see how you Yanjiao fight with me!"

boom! boom!

A group of gray flames fell on the ground, making a meteorite-like movement, giving no breathing time. The place closest to the fire pit has already started the third floor.

The Yanjiao warrior carrying the injured person felt that the body was experiencing rapid fatigue, the meridian of the frontal horn was beating, and the sweat of the big drops slipped from the body. From the beginning to the present, it is clear that there is only a distance of less than 100 meters. If it is in peacetime, but it is only a time of breathing, but here, at this moment, it seems to be deeply immersed in the torrent, every step is Running backwards is extremely difficult.

The soldiers on the side are also feeling the same. The violent offensive is going out, but they feel that they have been relieved of a lot of strength and become a little weak. If the strength of the non-Yanjiao people is already large, they can still persist after suppression. After a while, I changed to someone else and I was backed up by Wan Shi’s people.

"Be careful!"

A large group of gray flames, directly to the people there.

The range covered by the sky gray flame is too large. The spread is too fast. They simply can't run away, even if they avoid this, they can't hide other fire groups. Ten warriors got together, they could only resist hard, and watched the gray flame of the group squatting down. They could only raise their weapons and resist.

The gray flame passes through the knife and axe. Passing through the bodies of the warriors, the thunder slammed on the ground, and the ground under the feet trembled for a long time.

Although the flames passed through the bodies of the warriors and did not cause damage to them on the bright side, the warriors of the flaming horns seemed to be overwhelmed by the boulder. The whole person seemed to be imprisoned and surrounded by powerful pressure. The blood vessels are squashed, and there is more pressure on the top of the head that makes them panic, like a piece of huge stone, and the boulder is still fast.

The heart is like being pinched, the frequency of beating loses its usual regularity, and the lungs of the breath have a feeling of being frozen. Every breath is extremely difficult. The strength of the whole body is falling sharply, and the power of the totem in the body, like the hibernating animals, encounters cold weather and has a tendency to be drowsy.

There is still a sharp increase in pressure, making it difficult for them to stand.

The situation is not good!

Not only are the Yanjiao soldiers who are caught in it feel profound, even the slave owners who are avoiding the outside are feeling scared. Although they are not caught in it, the power of the fire makes them afraid. They can easily enslave a slave without any kind of fire. However, it is extremely difficult to control a totem awakened warrior. This is the power of the fire, and the exclusion and conflict between the fires.

The slave owners are descendants of the tribes who are involved in the fire. After a long period of time, they become slave owners, and they also have fire in their bodies. The war between the fires, like the battle between people, has never subsided.

Some of the slave owners who had fought the idea of ​​the Wanshi tribe when they escaped from the desert, now they are secretly glad, but fortunately he did not shoot, if the Wanshi tribe was forced to use the power of fire, they are now pressed with those Among them, the Yanjiao people are as tragic.

"Fortunately, I didn't do it at the time!"

"It seems that Yanjiao can't get better this time. I hope that Wanshi's people can take this opportunity to kill the Yanjiao." Those who were not optimistic about the Wanshi tribe have now changed their minds.

On the side of a slave owner, the eyes of the singer swayed and whispered: "Is it better, let us take this opportunity to help the Wanshi tribe?"

The person who said this was the Tianshui City lord who was not optimistic about the Wanshi tribe before. Now seeing that the situation of Wanshi has improved, he has also started his mind.

"It makes sense. Go!"

There are other people who are as thoughtful as the Lord of the Sky, who take the slaves in their hands and go to the battlefield.

Under the gray flame of the Wanshi tribe, Shao Xuan also fell into it. The strength was suppressed and he felt very clear, but his actions were much more flexible than others.

Seeing more and more Yanjiao warriors being shrouded in them, Shao Xuan hearted and shouted: "Get together, everyone is close together! Don't spread too much! The more the better! People are, the fire is there! Don't afraid!"

Wan Shiwu said that there is no fire in Yanjiao? How could there be no fire? !

People are there, the fire is there, but it is no longer the original form.

Shao Xuan will be rushed to other places where the Yanjiao warriors pull toward the team gathering place, picking up the blade of the stabbing, kicking one foot on the other's chest, kicking the Wanshi people, without stopping, directly Not far from that gathering team passed.

It was the first person to follow him. Now they can't run out of the flames of the 10,000-stone fire. After hearing Shao Xuan's words, the Yanjiao warriors who have already gone out to the outside have begun to come back and gather together. . Even if they run out, they can't run faster than the flame spread.

The first time I faced such a powerful fire suppression, they also had no experience, and they were still very confused. Shao Xuan’s words undoubtedly let them see a bright light. No matter what Shao Xuan’s words are, their first reaction is to take photos. do.

After gathering, the Yanjiao warriors felt a lot easier. The totem pattern that had begun to fade in the body was once again revealed. The power of the fire in the body seemed to break open and the ice layer began to recover.

it works! !

Yes, when the fire was first merged, the witch also said that if people are in the fire, they should only feel that they are a kind of comfort in faith, but they don’t understand it thoroughly, but now they deeply understand the meaning of this sentence. .

The fire is integrated into them, burning all the time, never going out! A person's strength is limited, and the fire is small. However, more people gather together, just like Mars gather together, become a fire group, and when the fire gathers together, it will become a raging fire.

Shao Xuan’s words were passed out. Du Kang, Gui Qi, and Ta Dao all summoned the people around them, gathered the scattered people, and arranged the people and the enlisted Luo.

A person everywhere is like a broken point. It gradually connects. Although it is not a tight line or a circle of a group because of the war, it forms a front line. As more and more people join this On the front line, under the tremendous pressure of the rock of the Wanshi fire, the battle line, like a red hunting knife, broke into it.

The pressure exerted on them by the Wanshi fire is getting smaller and smaller. Even if the flame above has accumulated a terrible height, at this time, the people of Yanjiao have lost their fear. On the contrary, with the power of the fire in the body. Gradually active, the intent of confrontation becomes more apparent.

Wan Shiwu said that it is not easy for the war between the tribes of this level to completely wipe out the other side. It is really difficult to carry on the battle between the fires.

Yes, so far, no tribe has come out to fight with the fire, which is one of the reasons why the Wanshi tribe has always been fearless. But now, the behavior of Yanjiao makes Wanshi witch feel amazed.


Why is there a breath of flaming fire? !

Is the fire of Yanjiao not gone? Not before!

With the fire coming out to fight, the people in Yanjiao are crazy?

where is it? Where is the fire of Yanjiao placed? !

Wan Shiwu carefully felt the temperament of all the fire on the site, but he found that on the site of Wanshi, there was a breath of flaming fire everywhere. Every place was not strong, but it was faintly connected and curved. The line of fire is like splitting the mountain that has just been piled up.

Two momentum from the fire, is colliding!

Whether it is the Yanjiao or Wanshi warriors, or the nearby slave owners, you can feel this change.

The slave owners who originally planned to join the army to help Wan Shi found that the situation was reversed again. Under the uncertainty, they suspended the action and stayed in a place not far from the battlefield. If Wan Shi continued to dominate, they would shoot again. Not too late.

At the edge of the fire pit, Wan Shi’s eyes are full of incredible colors. “How come... how could this be?!”

What did the group of Yanjiao do? !

Shao Xuan will drop a wounded, and the Yanjiao Warrior, who is about to swallow, will pull up his shoulder. The wound of this warrior is actually not too heavy. It is just because he is under pressure from the fire of Wanshi. He has been unable to support it. Before he was fighting with Wanshi people, he was too far away from everyone. When Shao Xuan let everyone withdraw, others did not find him. Didn't bring him together.

Most of the people who saw Yanjiao gathered together. However, this special case of Shao Xuan ran back and forth. Wan Shiwu returned to God, his fierce eyes stared at Shao Xuan, and the gray totem pattern made his twisted expression look even more. ferocious.

"No matter what you do, I want you to be buried here! Be the bones under the Wanshi volcano!"

A beam of fire spewed out of the fire pond, gathered in the air, and fell to the place where Shao Xuan was.

Shao Xuan feels that there is a strong force above the top of the head. The pressure of the sky is approaching. It is too late to think too much. The people on the shoulders are thrown hard in the direction of the team gathering.

In the next moment, the huge pressures were overwhelming, like the avalanches on the mountains. Shao Xuan felt that the muscles and bones of his body were squeaky, as if he were bearing the weight of a mountain.

The gray flame is more intense, blocking most of the light around, like the night. (To be continued.)

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