Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 514: Desperate, my glory

"Shao Xuan!"

"A Xuan, how are you?!"

Someone on the side of the team anxiously shouted.

However, because of the thicker gray flame, the surrounding sight is blocked and cannot be seen clearly. In particular, the location of Shao Xuan is the place where Fang Cai Wan Shi Wu has made great efforts.

Shao Xuan knows that the blow was directed at him. Even though the flame was dark and gray, Shao Xuan could feel the other side of the flame.

The team that first scored here, the leader is Shao Xuan, how can Wan Shiwu not hate? Moreover, Wan Shiwu also saw Shao Xuan before. In the desert, he also saw Shao Xuan and Tuo when he was with the Bai Shicheng Shaozhu. Even he helped the idea to set up a set. And Lei, but the development of the latter things exceeded his expectations. At that time, Shao Xuan was listed as a key figure in Wan Shi’s heart. Now see Shao Xuan again, Wan Shiwu is also afraid.

Here, since those people are not good at killing, first crush this very threatening kid first!

Above, the fire group that has already become a mountain continues to increase, and in this place, the fastest increase in the fire group is not above the Yanjiao team that gathers, but the top of Shaoxuan.

Before Shao Xuan could run a few times and pull a few wounded, but now, Shao Xuan feels like there is a mountain pressed against the top of the head, and even turning over is powerless, let alone walking.


There is an arrow in the distance two steps away, but because of the fire flame, or the other party can not see the exact location of the target. So I shot the place.

This is someone who wants to take this opportunity to kill Shao Xuan.

Under the flame of fire. Within such a murder, outsiders want to shoot people with precision, and it takes a lot of effort.

Shao Xuan can feel that there are Wanshi people approaching here. Perhaps they think that the Yanjiao team there is not good enough to transfer the target to this side. After all, there are too many people in the horns there, getting together. The power of the Yanjiao fire produced by the people of Wanshi is also very uncomfortable.

Wan Shi’s people couldn’t see the situation on Shao Xuan’s side, but they could feel that there was a non-Wanshi tribe’s person who had not settled against him.

Realizing the current situation, Shao Xuan knows that he can't wait too much, and he moves his arm hard and wants to get rid of this feeling of being almost frozen. Here, in addition to the great pressure above. Shao Xuan also had the feeling of being in contact with the stone worm king insect, as if it had to be turned into a stone all over the body, away from his own control.

Do not break this resistance, it is to die!

Shao Xuan can perceive that the team of Yanjiao is trying to get closer to this side, if it is a single or a small number of people. I want to come and save him. There is no way, because it can't resist the power of Wanshi fire, but there are more people, and there are people in Wanshi who are blocking, and moving naturally is slow, Shao Xuan can't wait.

The facts are indeed as expected by Shao Xuan, who are also eager to help Shao Xuan in the past, but as soon as they leave the team, they will feel the huge pressure suppression. Don't talk about saving Shao Xuan, they want to be safe in the past, and the closer they are to Shao Xuan, the bigger the block. Wanshi Wujia’s power of Wan Shi’s fire in Shao Xuan’s body is stronger than other places! They want to go in the past, either moving a little bit to the other side, or waiting for other people to come over, gathering more people, and fighting against Wanshi.

Only, time does not wait for people.

Shao Xuan breathed hard, and every nerve conveyed a sense of urgency, eager to break through this obstacle.

The power of the totem in the body almost rushed to the limit, and a sound of squeaking sounded like a rusty gear finally began to turn. In the mind, the totem flame is raging, but this power is not enough, not enough!

Surrounded by the totem flame, the faint hood has a white light, and the light is rapidly enhanced. Even the fire of the totem flame inside is overshadowed. Shao Xuan can't see the totem flame inside through the egg-shaped mask. If you don't see the force of the red totem extending from the inside and the power of the blue inheritance, Shao Xuan will even have the illusion that the totem flame is shielded and cut off.

Among the egg-shaped reticles, a white line extends along with the force of the totem and the power of inheritance, such as the torrent of the rushing into the whole body.

With the influx of these forces, the blood that seems to be frozen and petrified is melting and then boiling; the strength is gradually rising, the muscles of the whole body are trembled at high frequencies, and the arm of the sword is creaking with the sound of the sword. Lift up.

The red flame was taken from Shao Xuan. This time, it was not from the bones he wore. The bones seemed to fall asleep after experiencing the seabreaking thing. Shao Xuan had not used the power of bone decoration for a long time. Nowadays, the flames that come out are from the surface of Shaoxuan, and have nothing to do with the bones, and there is more than one place. In the dark gray flame, there is a completely different light.

The flames of the outer scorpion are more and more, the flame is getting bigger and bigger, and Shao Xuan is covered in it.

The heavy pressure around the hard rock, from the top, the circumference, all the pressure, is being pushed.

At first, it was only a small fluctuation, but soon, the fluctuations became bigger, the power of pushing was getting stronger and stronger, and the flame of Shao Xuan was more and more prosperous.

faster! Just a little faster!

With the enthusiasm of the flame, Shao Xuan felt that every pore in the body was like a hero, and all the obstacles blocking it were pushed away.

broken! broken! broken!

A sound like a crack in the rock suddenly sounded.


There are more and more cracking sounds, and the sounds are starting to be everywhere.

The blockage is gradually pushed away, the pressure in all directions is weakening, and the exhaustion of the body is alleviating.

Under the feet, there are signs of cracks on the ground. When the flame at the top was pressed, there was no tread on the ground under the foot, but now, as the pressure on the upper side weakens, there is a sunken footprint on the ground, which is caused by the explosion of Shao Xuan's body strength.

Slowing the heartbeat is accelerating, Shao Xuan deep breath. It is like discharging all the pressure. Then slammed in and screamed.

With the whistling sound, the flames of Shao Xuan's body rushed up and penetrated the gray flames surrounded by them, such as the broken dragon.

Without turning around, Shao Xuan’s arm swayed and the blade that reflected the fire swept out. The three Wanshi people who came from the tip of the sword had two palms. The swordsmanship brought by Jianfeng, like a sharp blade, easily cut the other's throat.

Wan Shiwu originally wanted to wait for Shao Xuan to be crushed to death by the power of Wan Shi, and then concentrate on the power of the fire to deal with other people. Just waiting, he found that something was wrong.

A drop of sweat fell from the forehead.

Wan Shiwu stared at the position of Shao Xuan. At this time, Shao Xuan also just looked up and looked at this side. Wan Shiwu seemed to pass through layers of flames and saw Shao Xuan’s twin eyes.

"Block him! Stop him!!" Wan Shiwu's terrified voice was shivering and sharp, and passed everywhere.

At this time, no one has ever thought about the sound of Wan Shiwu. They are puzzled. So what happened. Can make the witch scared to this point.

What happened to the fire pit? !

The scattered Shiwan people gather in the place where the voice of the witch is heard.

Shao Xuan’s front stepped out and stepped on the ground to make a squeaking sound, which was comparable to the slamming of the fire of the previous Wanshi fire.

After getting rid of the exhaustion, Shao Xuan now seems to be full of inexhaustible power. Every time he takes a step, the power increases.

As the steps gradually speed up, the feet become lighter, and the sound of the earth is weakening. The footprints left on the ground are shallower than the previous one, until no footprints are left. Only the low grass on the ground was driven by the inaudible snoring.

The sword in his hand smashed out, and the sword rushed through the layers of gray flames, piercing the chest of a stone man who was aiming to shoot the arrow.

Shao Xuan is still approaching the fire pit of Wanshi, and it is getting faster and faster.

The Wanshi people who came over didn’t have time to stop, and they couldn’t stop it. When they approached, they could feel strong repulsive power, like the burning of another tribe.

Wan Shiwu felt that he was facing a mad beast that was covered in flames. Why Shao Xuan can break the suppression of the fire, why Shao Xuan can move freely under the full suppression of the fire. Now, Wan Shiwu has not thought about it. What he has in his heart is a possibility that he does not want to guess. This guess Let him be like an ice cave.

At this moment, Wan Shiwu regretted why he did not arrange more guards here, and then suddenly he was shocked. He found that he was doubting the fire of his tribe.

Can the fire hold this person?

This time, he suddenly did not have confidence.

Even with the guards, he could not block Shao Xuan. Shao Xuan was too fast. His vision was not affected by the gray flame.

At this point, within his vision, all the gray flames faded, everything around them was clear, and there seemed to be a voice in the brain telling him how to do it.

Wan Shiwu looked at Shao Xuan constantly approaching, thinking that Shao Xuan’s goal was him, but when he waited for death, he found that Shao Xuan jumped away from him ten steps away from his head. To the fire pit behind him.

Wan Shiwu's eyeballs are about to come out, and in his heart, he can't believe that the goal of this person is actually a kind of fire! He has to extinguish the fire with his own power! !


This is a madman!

If the fire of the Yanjiao is here, it may be possible, but there is only one of them here. Can he represent the fire of Yanjiao? ! Wan Shiwu has never heard of anyone, who can fight against the fire of a big tribe by himself! Jumping in is death! !

But soon, Wan Shiwu felt a pressure that caused his heartbeat to stagnate, pressed down from the top, and pressed him to kneel down to the ground.

Shao Xuan Yue went into the air, raised his hand and patted the flames in the Wanshi fire pond. The palm of the hand passed through the gray flame, as if it had been rubbed from a piece of cold rock.

This palm, like being infinitely magnified, gives the impression that the palm of your hand will cover the entire Wanshi fire pit. Under one palm, like the other side of the world, it seems that there is a current flashing under the palm of the hand, as if under the endless sky, the flash of the bursting clouds.

This palm, every time you press a point, the gray flame mountain formed by Wan Shilei will burst.

The cracked gray flame blasted, and the sound was like a thunder. The madness of the airflow was like an avalanche from the top of the mountain, and it screamed.

The towering flame mountain, like the giant, could not shake the momentum, shaken and collapsed. Everyone in the Wanshi tribe can feel this amazing change. At this moment, all the people who are fighting, stopped the movements in their hands, and nervously felt the change.

In Shao Xuan’s mind, the white mask is brighter and brighter, and an unparalleled power suddenly emerges, and the palms are pressed down again, with the power of destroying the earth and destroying the ground.

The battle of the tribe, the battle of fire, the game of life and death.

Desperate, my glory.

From now on, there is no more Wan Shi!

Yanjiao, will return to the peak! !

"Give me...destroy!!"


The landslide is like a sky.

The bang of the cracked rock broke through, and even the air seemed to burst open. The wind is plundering, as if to kill everything.

Wan Shiren believes that the indestructible, the strongest and most reliable guards, the most powerful mountain of fire, are on the way to the end, just as their belief in collapse.

The sound of the earth shook the earth, such as the rising waves, the waves and waves spread to the distant places, and passed to the faraway places, even the people who took refuge in the mountains and forests could clearly hear them.

Between the lush forests, the flock of birds stunned, and the beasts screamed and ran towards the farther direction.

When the banging sound subsided, the gray flame mountain that was over the Wanshi tribe was gone, and if the dense fog was blown away, everything became clear.

The sun's rays in the afternoon are glaring, and the warm light shines on the earth.

However, in such a world that is supposed to be active and noisy, it is like being frozen for thousands of miles.

Everything is silent! (To be continued.)

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