When Shao Xuan came back to the tribes, the other tribes were staring at them. The place where they were placed was not far away, so there was movement and everyone else could know. Shao Xuan came over here, and other tribes naturally saw it.

See Shao Xuan suddenly turned to go over there, and then look at that direction, everyone's eyes suddenly become meaningful.

Not eight tribes are good intentions!

Young people of this age must not have much resistance to beautiful girls. Yan Yan, the great elder, certainly can't avoid it.

In that direction, it was the house where the eight tribes were placed, and outside the house, the tribe of the tribe was sitting on a white-haired spider with a fishbone comb in his hand to comb the spider. Xu is also a relatively powerful person in the tribe of the Eight Dynasties. Not to mention the tribes in the tribe, the young people of other tribes, and many of her pursuers.

The Qiu Valley that the eight tribes brought this team to this time is also a joy in seeing this situation. The heart said: Well, if the kid is interested in the dialogue, maybe he can learn more about the secret of Yanjiao through him. Why have you neglected such a hand?

Seeing Shao Xuan coming over, the movements on the hand of the hand, the fingers holding the fishbone comb tightened tightly, and the drooping sight slowly lifted up. Before she even talked, Shao Xuan ran past her by the wind.

Xu: "..." One does not pay attention to the hand, combing a large white hair from the spider.

The people who have been staring at the situation here are also embarrassed. What happened to the great elder of the Yanjiao tribe?

Shao Xuan did not pay attention to what other people were thinking, he just kept locking the two breaths. The same breath that I encountered in the past few days. Two people this time. It should be the one who had been mixed into the tribe and buried the Long Live.

Rare to find those two, Shao Xuan will definitely miss this opportunity!

Perhaps it is the feeling of Shao Xuan's approach, the two are desperately trying to run.

Want to escape? !

Shao Xuan's knees are so heavy that if the taut bowstrings tremble slightly, they will accelerate again, and they will run far away. Only leave a faint shadow to everyone behind.

The people of the seven tribes, inexplicably looked at Shao Xuan’s sudden and crazy behavior.

"He is, what happened?" Someone asked.

"Who knows, rush to eat meat? I heard that Yanjiao people love to eat meat."

"They love meat, and they are not lacking in meat. Good Yan Yanjiao is now a big tribe. Even if you are anxious to eat, you will not be eager to do this, like what!"

"Who knows, after all, they are Yanjiao." Yanjiao rude and rude label. I have not been able to tear off their impressions.

"However, he runs very fast, I don't want to keep track of it." Someone said with emotion. They have just discussed and can see if they can track a person with a slightly higher status in the Yanjiao tribe, and maybe they can find a little secret. But when they saw the scene at the moment, they were deeply suspicious.

Although I don’t understand what Shao Xuan’s behavior is for. But I can't stop curiosity. Because Shao Xuan is running away from the Yanjiao tribe, his posture is more like chasing someone.

Those who had been hiding in the house to discuss countermeasures all ran out. Because it is still the site of Yanjiao, they can't move freely. They can only jump on the roof and stand taller and can see farther.

"There are people running in front!"

The man standing on the roof was alarmed. In front of Shao Xuan, there are two people running fast, so they can't see them at all. I want to come, Shao Xuan’s goal should be the two.

"Yanjiao's patrol team has also followed up! Certainly something is happen! Besides we are here. Who else is coming in?"

Not much hesitation, the people of the Yu tribe, the Tianshan tribe and the Hui tribe rushed to greet the birds of their own tribes. Of course, the roof is better than the sky. Moreover, they can't run around on land, can the Yanyan people still manage them? Yanjiao now has only one bird, and the more threatening eagle has long since disappeared. They are now fearless.

"Let me go up!"

The Changzhou tribe was run by the tribe of the feathers, but was kicked by the people of the Yu tribe.

"Roll, go find the Tianshan tribe and return to the tribe, and the eagle on their side is bigger."

On the side of the Yu tribe, there are many small birds, and there are only a limited number of people. On the combat effectiveness of the Air Force, the two tribes on the grassland have advantages. Unfortunately, the two tribes will not let other tribes stand on the eagle back.

Several birds took off at almost the same time, and they followed the direction of Shao Xuan.

When Shao Xuan pursued the two figures, the patrols left by Yan Yan naturally found anomalies, and the two sneaked people, although they had been hiding well, were far away from the soldiers of Yanjiao. The patrolling people did not find them, but once the two men ran, the power of the totem used soared, and the breath of the fire was strong.

This kind of apparently not his own tribe, nor the seven tribes who came today, is definitely the goal of their defense in the past few days!

chase! !

The patrol ran up.

However, not everyone has the speed of Shao Xuan.

The patrol's talents have been chased to the tribal edge, and they have been stunned by the first three people for a long distance, and this distance is still growing rapidly. Even if they have been stunned, they have to keep on, maybe they can help? Besides, the tribe rewards things according to merit. How can this kind of opportunity for fishing be given up? !

In the patrol team, several Yanjiao warriors who are not good at speed stopped first. They couldn’t keep up with the rest of the team. They would drag their legs and only turned around to inform the leaders in the tribe. Someone else is mixing in.

On the ground, after Shao Xuan locked the two people, they kept on chasing. Because the speed of the legs is too fast, I can hardly see the look of the legs. The whole person left only a faint, flashing figure on the grass.

run? Run once, let you run for the second time? !

I am not a big elder when I don’t catch you today! !

Shao Xuan accelerated again, the air swept through the air, leaving a ringing sound in the ear, the two arms constantly swaying and cutting the air, making a squeaking sound.

At this time, Shao Xuan, like a train of galloping, whizzed on the ground.

The patrols behind have not seen the figure of their elders, and they can only judge the general direction from the breath of fire.

"Continue to chase!" The leader of the patrol gnawed his teeth. It’s not so good to chase the tribe so far.

The feathered tribes, the Tianshan tribe and the tribes in the air are also dumbfounded. They knew that Shao Xuan ran fast, but I didn't expect it to be like this. They couldn't keep up.

Not to mention the patrols of Yanjiao and the people in the sky, even the two people who are fleeing in the forefront are very strange and suffer in their mouths. How did this kid really catch up? I haven’t chased it so tightly before, not right, the kid didn’t have this speed before!

Those in the sky, as well as the Yanjiao patrol team that was taken away by the Yuan Dynasty, were ignored by these two people. The only thing they were jealous of was Shao Xuan. Shao Xuan’s catching up exceeded their expectations, forcing them to take action.

Fortunately, Shao Xuan has only one person, and they are two.

Needless to say, the two suddenly separated and ran in two very different directions.

As long as Shao Xuan paused a little and hesitated for a second or two, they would be able to make Shao Xuan a farther, so that he would succeed in more than half.

However, they did not expect that Shao Xuan did not stop, even the speed has not changed, continue to chase one of the figure, did not manage the other.

Nima! How can the kid stop without stopping! !

The people who were stared at by Shao Xuan were in a big fight, but unfortunately this was not the time when he was distracted. After chasing this for a long time, the kid has not slowed down, the speed does not have an advantage, and the physical strength may not be able to win. Only other methods can be used.

The person running in front quickly observed the terrain. It is already a long distance away from the Yanjiao tribe. It is also far from the site that was once occupied by Wanshi. The surrounding trees began to grow, and in front, it was a dense forest.

it is good!

The person who runs in front of him is happy, and he is also very good at hiding the woods. Going into the forest to hide, see if the kid can still find it!

Shao Xuan also secretly said in his heart: I thought you couldn’t take you out when you hid in the woods. ! (To be continued.)

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