Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 521: The secret of "theft"

Although the woods in front are also dense, they are still very different from the beasts.

There are many trees in the woods, but they are not big. There are few ancient trees that are hundreds of years old. They are inaccessible, but no one is coming. Sometimes some distant trading teams will enter this forest.

There are no beasts, only some beasts that are not big are active.

After the people in front rushed into the woods, they began to quickly find the best hiding point. The running route was also very varied and twisted and twisted in the woods.

The line of sight was blocked by the leaves, and the figure in front could not be seen. Shao Xuan could only hear the sound of some smashing leaves and branches.

Looking at the other party's actions in the woods, Shao Xuan knows that this is a veteran. He knows how to run faster in the forest with minimal movement. Some of the sounds coming from the front may not be accidentally made by the other party. May be intentional.

It is impossible to judge by voice, and those are the means of interference that the other party exerts.

Shao Xuan has been staring at the trace of the other kind of fire, just chasing after, the other's fire suddenly disappeared!


Shao Xuan's footsteps slowed down and then slowly moved forward.

There were a few small beasts around the tree holding the branches, curiously looking at Shao Xuan, and the sound of the demonstration was screaming, Shao Xuan did not pay attention.

There is a **** in front. Because of the dense weeds, Shao Xuan can't see the situation under the slope. It can only be judged according to the sound of the running water. There should be a small river below.

In the middle of the slope, there is a animal skin. That is exactly what the other person is passing through. The place where the **** is lower. There are also pants and shoes that the target person passes through.

Did not go down to see, Shao Xuan stood above the **** and looked around.

There are a few thick trees around, perhaps because there are fewer people coming here, and the age of the trees is bigger than that of trees in other places nearby.

The bushes are not high, and Shao Xuan stands up to see the general situation on the surrounding ground.

After the line of sight was swept in the grass. Shao Xuan walked around the old trees around him, and looked at the branches of the trees from time to time. He occasionally stopped to listen to the movements around him to see if anyone was close. For a time, I could only hear the sound of Shao Xuan’s foot on the ground and the squeaking sound when the branches were moved. Not far away, there are a few birds calling, and the more lonely here.

After viewing it in the vicinity, after going back and forth for a few laps, Shao Xuan was left.

Wait for Shao Xuan to leave. It was quiet again around here, only the birds and insects that were not obvious.

After a while, on the tree near the slope, suddenly a subtle movement suddenly appeared, like someone who was gently scraping the bark.

About twenty meters from the ground, on the trunk. The junction of two lychees. Suddenly opened a pair of eyes, the eyeballs still moved.

At first glance, I thought that these eyes were growing on the tree, but if you look closely, you will find that these eyes are not embedded in the tree, but belong to another.

The texture and pleats of the bark gradually recede, exposing the skin that belongs to the human. With a slight breathing sound, a human body is exposed.

This person is the pursuit goal of Shao Xuan just now!

Looking around, the man slipped off the tree flexibly. Are preparing to leave. Just two steps, suddenly the scalp is tight, the keen instinct tells him that there is danger here, the eyelids are shaking again and again, and the bad feeling suddenly comes.


Stepping out, he was preparing to start the second round of flying, but before he could run, his legs seemed to touch something, with the sound of the swaying silk, the trees around, the branches It was suddenly cut, the broken branches and leaves flew up, and a filament that was easily overlooked came to this side.

The foot was tight, the ankle had been tied two times, and it was very tight, as if to break his entire foot. He could feel that if he wanted to break free, maybe this foot would Abolished.

I wanted to take out the knife and cut the line, but there was no such time, because when he was preparing the sickle, several lines were tied and tied, and the whole leg was stretched.

There are footsteps coming from not far to the side, and there is no hurry to approach.

When I heard the footsteps, the person who was tied by the lasso was downright, how was it fooled? This kid is really awkward!

"Well, I don't run." The man raised his hand and looked at Shao Xuan in front of him, pulling a smile.

Shao Xuan returned a smile, his wrist moved, the blade edged next to the other's neck, almost moved a little, you can cut the pulse.

The chill of the metal blade and the **** murderousness provoked the man to sneak a sigh. "Don't kill me! I am not malicious. I am just curious. I heard that you have destroyed the Wanshi tribe and went to Yanjiao to have a look. ""

Shao Xuan did not talk nonsense with him, the sword did not move, said: "Come out."

The man's brow slightly picked, but did not speak.

The surrounding forest is very quiet, and no human voice can be heard. Only the sound of the woods is from the insects.

"Don't go out? Then take the corpse for him!" Saying that Shao Xuan is going to slash.

"And slow!!"

An unacceptable female voice emerged from behind the bushes.

The other party looks very young, but gives Shao Xuan a sense of maturity and maturity. The face is very ordinary, and it is easy to be forgotten. It is dressed as a tribe of Yanjiao. The patterns painted on the animal skin are all Yan style. The flame pattern and the bones worn are similar to those of the Yanjiao tribe. If you just look at the appearance, put her in the Yanjiao tribe, it is not awkward. It is no wonder that this person can sneak into the scope of the Yanjiao tribe.

"There is something to discuss, there is no need to cut and kill." The woman is still calm. "You haven't made a killer until now, and presumably intend to learn more from us."

"Not bad." Shao Xuan took back the sword, but the insects that caught the man did not recover.

The woman looked at the person who was tied, and saw that the other person shook his head without a trace. He knew that the line that tied him was not an ordinary line. He could not easily break free. He had to think of other methods.

When Shao Xuan did not see the eyes exchange between the two men, he asked: "Who are you? Why come to my Yanjiao tribe? Don't say that you are sneaked in curiosity. I don't believe this. If I crap, I will break. Your feet."

Although Shao Xuan’s tone is calm, both of them know that he is not talking about playing. The sword that has just been placed around his neck is also murderous. If the woman does not come out, the sword will really go down. .

Knowing that it is not easy to fool, the people who are tied are thinking a little, and they say: "Pirates eleven."

"Pirates twelve." The woman who came over was also quite reluctant.

Seeing Shao Xuan frowning at them, Pirates 11 reluctantly said: "Really, I didn't lie to you. If you want to come, you should also guess that we are 'stealing' people. We are named after the rankings."

These words are half-truthful, they are really named according to the ranking, but this can only be regarded as a code name, the real name will not be easily said, even within the 'stolen', it may not be known that everyone is calling what. But these will not tell Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan did not speak, just staring at the two men. I can see that both of them are in the heart.

The origin of these two people, Shao Xuan did not doubt, although his face is calm, but the heart is very strange. He found a weird thing.

In the past, people who only thought that "theft" had a special kind of fire. Now it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. "Pirates" are indeed different from other tribes.

In the past, Shao Xuan knew that “theft” was a very special tribe. The members of this tribe were relatively independent and did not live with other tribes for many years. The mystery of this tribe is that no one can find the place where the tribe is located until now.

Many people hate their teeth, spend a lot of effort to find, and even those who have lost valuable objects many times, clamoring to destroy the "stolen" fire, so that "theft" has nowhere to steal.

However, no one has ever succeeded.

Of course, it can't be successful, because the original fire of "theft" may not be there anymore!

Shao Xuan always thought that Yanjiao was the first tribe to merge fire here, but now it seems that this is not the case!

It’s no wonder that when we asked about “theft”, everyone said that the thief was very mysterious, and the members were scattered and puzzling. They were the ones who combined the fire, so they didn’t need to gather around the original fire. Their tribal form had already changed. From the gathering to become scattered, more like an organizational form, doing everything on weekdays, and things get together again.

It is no wonder that everyone can't find the base camp for "theft". People don't even have the original fire, and even the fire pit is ineffective.

"What did you steal from Yan Yan?" Shao Xuan asked.

"No! We didn't do anything, we were discovered." The Pirates 11 shook their heads again and again. This is true, they are depressed, how can they be discovered so soon?

"In addition to you, who else sneaked into the Yanjiao?" Shao Xuan asked.

"I don't know." Pirates said, "The actions of other people, we don't understand, are all different."

"I don't know? He went to the house where you buried things." Shao Xuan said.

Upon hearing this, the Pirates eleven and the Pirates 12 have changed. How did Shao Xuan know that they buried something? Could it be that things have been dug up by people in Yanjiao?

"It’s the Pirates of the Seven." The two did not mean to squat, and did not feel that there was anything to hide. They only talked about the place where they buried the things. If someone passed, they were mostly stealing seven.

Seven? Shao Xuan looked up and looked at the two people in front of him. Ranked in front of the two, that is, the level is higher than the two. It's no wonder that I ran very fast at the time, and the response was indeed one step ahead of the two.

"Where did you bury it, where did you steal it?" Shao Xuan asked.

The two did not say anything, but the eyes were exchanges many times, probably thinking about how to deceive the past.

"If you honestly answer, I can let you go."

"Really?" The two men looked straight at Shao Xuan and wanted to distinguish the true and false of this from Shao Xuan's eyes.

"Really." (To be continued.)

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