Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 522: People in the cave

In the woods, Shao Xuan followed the footsteps of the two.

Pirates eleven and Pirates Twelve said that the baby was picked up when they were hiding things. In an underground cave, it was not too far away from the Yanjiao tribe.

At that time, the two of them started from the tribe, and they followed the Yanjiao team who went to the old place at that time. They planned to fish from Yanjiao’s hand because they had stolen the water moonstone from the tribe and stole other tribes. There are many "outcomes" that affect the action. I think that I will hide the things first, and then continue to follow the Yanjiao team and mix in.

As in the past, they will find an inconspicuous place, hide the things they are carrying, wait for things to finish, then go back and dig up the things and bring them together to run. It was at that time that they found a crypt.

Many tribes will find a place to dig crypts, some to hide food, some to prevent danger, and to build a shelter. Where the crypt was, probably once was the place where a small tribe lived, but later the small tribe migrated or was destroyed, leaving the underground cave.

The cave is still hidden, there is no smoke for a long time, surrounded by dense woods and grasses. If they don't deliberately dig a hole in the surrounding, they may not find the cave.

Now Shao Xuan wants to know the place, and promises that as long as they lead the way, they will be released, and the 11 and the Pirates will agree.

Pirates 11 and Pirates 12 have never been caught before, even if they are found, they escape quickly, it is difficult to catch up. This is the first time they have been caught. Either they are killed or lead the way, they can only choose the latter.

The two are husband and wife, one person is caught, and the other person does not want to run by himself, not to a last resort. Pirates 12 will not leave alone. She did not dare to mess with her hand, tied the line on the eleven feet, and the other was in Shao Xuan's hand. She was not sure that she could solve Shao Xuan before Shao Xuan started. Can only wait for opportunities.

"It’s coming soon, I remember it’s around here.” Pirates eleven moved his ankle and said.

If you don't cut it with a knife. He really can't get rid of those silks, the more he earns, the tighter he is. He is now numb throughout his legs. If one leg is abolished, his name of "Pirates eleven" can't be saved. He can't fight into the top ten, but he is in the eleventh. Only when they squeeze into the top ten, they can learn more secrets and get more and more attractive things. The status of the tribe will also be greatly improved.

He didn't want to risk losing one foot, he was willing to compromise, only hope that Shao Xuan really let him. Pirates think about it for the first time. When I first saw this kid, this kid was not very strong. At that time, I lost this kid and played. How has it been more than two years, and the change is so big?

"Yeah." Shao Xuan wrote down the topography of the surrounding area, and no one took the lead next time. He can also come by himself, but also on the map that has not been completed. Add this piece.

Yanjiao’s patrol team has received news from Shao Xuan and turned back. The people in the sky, the Yu tribe, the Tianshan tribe and the Hui tribe, after Shao Xuan’s and the Pirates’ 11th, entered the forest, they lost Now, where are they going? Is to continue to find, or return to Yanjiao, Shao Xuan is not interested to know.

No one is following them today.

It stands to reason that no one else is following. Pirates 11 and Pirates 12 should be happy, the two are right, they should be dominant, but now they do not feel this way, on the contrary, the more cautious.

Shao Xuan dared to stare at them both, either too conceited and lack of mind; or, he is not afraid of the two.

For his own feet, Pirates eleven decided to be honest, and the plan to escape was thought-provoking. This kid is not like a person who is flickering.

"It's there!"

Pirates eleven fingers to Shao Xuan to see, while paying attention to Shao Xuan's expression, see if Shao Xuan is killing them.

Shao Xuan looked over the place, the middle of the two small hills, it looked like an ordinary grassland, the ground was overgrown.

The Pirates 12 received the eyes of the Pirates eleven, hesitated, walked over and took out a knife.

The habit of the two is that where the things are hidden, they will be marked with a mark that no one else can see. It is a mark that only the two of them understand. Therefore, after the past 12, the Pirates 12 quickly found the position of the knife.

Plane the top layer of soil to expose a square slab nearly one meter long below the soil layer.

The slate is thicker, and the thieves are a little bit hard. They run fast, but their strength is not great.

Pirates eleven intends to help in the past, see Shao Xuan approaching the other side, stretch out the hand that did not hold the silk thread, grab the thick stone slab, connected with a layer of soil covered above, and smashed the whole slate stand up.

Looking at Shao Xuan easily put a thick slate and bare bark like a light and easy to pick up, or one-handed, the two hearts have a deep impression on the Yanjiao people's great efforts.

"Just here."

Pirates 12 and Pirates 11 look at each other, the two jumped first and led the way ahead.

The cave below is relatively deep, but it is not long. Counting, the place where things are stored, the area is 70 to 80 square meters. But it is very strong, supported by stone pillars and slate, otherwise it is impossible to stay for so long.

So, after going down a few steps, Shao Xuan will see this cave clearly.

The Pirates 12 held a piece of water moonstone, illuminate the cave, and then pointed to the three bones that were leaning against the wall: "Things are found from them."

They have never had the words "Long live the leaves" with Shao Xuan, thinking that Shao Xuan may not know what it is, but only by "things" and "baby", when it is said, it is vague. Now I think about it and regret it. How did I bury the thing at the corner? It should be right here. If not, perhaps they can now squeeze into the top ten with "Long Pirates" with Long Live.

The ruthless people of Yanjiao really know the true value of Long live the leaves? I don't know the best. If there is a chance, they have to sneak into the Yanjiao and steal things back. Unfortunately, they could not test Shao Xuan’s intentions, nor did they know how Shao Xuan thought.

Shao Xuan approached the few bones, their clothes could not be seen, and there were no iconic items on their bodies to prove their identity, but from the perspective of the hardness and retention of the bones, these people were also very The stronger the warrior, the stronger the bones remain.

Shao Xuan still remembers the appearance of the wooden barrel of the long-lived leaf of fashion. I don’t know how many years have passed, the wooden cylinder has already changed color, but it can be kept for hundreds of years or even thousands of years. It is also a rare and high-quality wood. The long lived leaves contained in it are even more so. When they are taken out, they are bright and new.

The long lived leaf records the technique of the Yi tribe's knot rope, which was made by the Yi tribes a long time ago, similar to what Shao Xuan learned from Wang Chengyi's family. It can appear on the sea side, and it should have been brought by those who came from the passage in the sea thousands of years ago.

Looking at these poses of white bones, Shao Xuan asked the 11 people to steal: "When you came over, moved them?"

The two people who were communicating with each other were shocked by Shao Xuan’s sudden question.

"No! I looked up and saw it, but then it was restored." They steal, but for those bodies that have not been known for many years, they are still awesome and will not be thrown away.

Shao Xuan looked at the three white bones, they all looked in the same direction, like watching.

Looking through the empty eyes, Shao Xuan saw the answer on the standing stone pillar.

The stone pillars are engraved with many words and patterns, some of which may be left by the unknown little tribe who lived here first, or the text here. There is a pattern in it, which seems to be mixed with other words and pictures, and the uninformed people can't see it. This is also the reason why Pirates 11 and Pirates have never noticed. Different tribes have different patterns. The thieves and the eleven people did not delve into this small tribe that had not been left in the history of the water. Therefore, most of the texts and drawings on the stone pillars were not taken care of. .

The pattern carved on the stone pillar looks like a certain kind of plant. However, Shao Xuan, who has seen this pattern, is already very surprised.

This is the ethnic pattern of the Wangcheng family at the sea side! It is the early childhood tribal totem pattern!

At that time, the passage of the sea was rising, and a group of people came from the sea. In addition to the Mu family and the Yi family, there were even people from the family. However, now the Mu family's people change their "轼" surnames and dominate the desert, but the people who are at home are desperate for this. People who come over, internal conflicts are not small. I can steal the things of Yi Jia. What do you want to do with these three family members?

Unfortunately, in the past millennium, Shao Xuan did not know their thoughts.

Shao Xuan looked carefully and found nothing. There is nothing else on the stone pillar except the pattern of the family. The pattern of the house seems to be the last trace left by the three.

Out of the hole, Shao Xuan did not return a temptation to the Pirates eleven, but just released them.

Once they got liberated, Pirates eleven and Pirates 12 couldn’t take a chance to test Shao Xuan.

Looking at the back of the two escaped, Shao Xuan turned and walked back to the hole.

There are people who have a habit. They will put the millet in their grave. Look at the three of the caves, they should have prepared for death. So, have they done according to the customs of their own tribes? Looking at the pattern of the last tribes they left, they should have deep feelings for the family.

The following cave Shao Xuan has been examined in detail. There is no grain found in it. It may have been rotted into dust, or it may have been eaten by other underground creatures. However, Shao Xuan always thinks that it does not stop there. If you follow the custom of the family, they should put a container of grain in the side, not necessarily a pottery, but also other alternatives, but in fact, nothing.

They know that they are about to die, and they can never go back. If they carry grain, what will they do? (To be continued.)

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