Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 526: Dig back!

When Shao Xuanyi rushed into the tribe, he called people to gather witches, princes and big leaders to come over.

Not many meetings, the two hurries rushed into the house, the two leaders and three big leaders also rushed here.

The person who heard the message said that Shao Xuan was coming back in a hurry. I was looking for something in the past. I didn’t say that Shao Xuan was looking for them. But I heard that it was very anxious. If it was only a small matter, Shao Xuan would not rush to summon them. So, a few people put down the things at hand and rushed over.

Shao Xuan went to chase the thieves and they knew that they were relieved when they came back, but they were so anxious to come back. What happened?

Just stepping into the door, a few people saw the big bag placed there at first sight.

"What is this?" asked Wu.

Shao Xuan will untie the rope of the vegetable ball and the large leaves outside, revealing the green cabbage inside.

This room is the place where the tribes meet to discuss matters in the weekdays. The door of the stone house has been widened. Shao Xuan did not appear to squeeze the vegetable balls. On the road, Shao Xuan also paid attention to trying not to let the vegetable **** collide with the branches, so, Now, the ball is still intact.

"I found something, it may be useful." Shao Xuandao.

Just saying, coming in alone is a broad sense.

When Shao Xuan returned to the tribe, he saw the broad-spectrum outside the fierce beast forest, and patrolled the newly opened field, and let him bring two birds.

The young cub brought in by the generals is the stupid bird that the Lu tribe just brought.

"Stupid birds" are the large birds raised by the Lu tribe, which Shao Xuan had seen before. Because their upper limbs are degraded, they are unable to fly, their bodies are fat, and the two legs are thick and fleshy. They are raised by the Lu tribe and used as food. Perhaps they were domesticated by the Lu tribes. These birds almost lost their original wildness and were much more stupid than the beasts in the mountains, so they were called stupid birds.

The expansion of Yanjiao has made many fields and beasts on the original Wanshi site. The beasts are naturally for farming, and some of the feeding animals have been purchased from the Lu tribe.

The first batch of stupid cubs have been sent, and their size is much larger than that of adult ducks. After all, their eggs are very large, and the hatched birds are naturally much larger than other birds.

Shao Xuan brought in a broad sense, in addition to the stupid cub, but also tied an adult stupid bird. The young cubs were small and were taken directly into the stone house, while the adult stupid bird outside was placed directly on the wooden cart.

"What do you take with a stupid bird?" he asked.

"Try these to see if you can eat." Saying that Shao Xuan tore off two leaves from the vegetable ball, handed it to the stupid cub, and the other piece was placed at the mouth of the adult stupid bird.

Although I have tried the flying squirrels, I can be cautious, but I still try more. Otherwise, the people who planted the tribes later ate something, what should I do?

Shao Xuan was planning to feed the leaves of the birds if they didn't eat the leaves. I didn't expect that both the cubs and the adult stupid birds would be very happy.

Even if it was tied to a wooden cart, it was awkward, but when it came to food, the stupid bird was in the spirit, and the leek leaves were very fast. In comparison, the cubs are much slower.

Seeing the behavior of Shao Xuan, several people in the house have already understood the meaning of Shao Xuan, and then look at the stupid bird who eats the leaves and eats joyfully.

"This is, can you eat?!"

Every time they find a food that they can eat, they will have a sense of accomplishment. Even if the beast is a beast, can you eat it? After so many years, you have experience, but plant-based food is their short board.

Being able to eat means that they can try to plant, even if they do not eat the totem warriors, they can also eat to the tribe's women and children. In addition to eating meat, they will eat some fruits and other cereals from the sea. The seeds brought back by the side have not yet seen the results. Now, if they eat it, it will be a few times. If there is more than one kind of food that can be widely planted, they are also happy, even if the food is not hungry.

At the moment, they are not lacking in food. They are able to hunt on the beasts and mountains, and they can open up a wide range of fields and beasts. The food is still sufficient, and they try to plant them. They can afford them. The ability to grow new crops is also a testament to the ability of the tribe to speak out.

Just like this time, when the big tribes came over, they learned to be smart. They did not bring the goldsmiths, but the specialties of the tribes brought by them, which were more valuable and more common. In those ordinary visitor gifts, there are several kinds of food that the Yanjiao people have never seen, which are all cultivated inside the tribes.

When I used to lack food, I didn't care. But now it is different. I always feel that tribes that can produce a variety of foods are forced to be higher.

Dokang looked at the big vegetable ball that Shao Xuan brought back, and the smile was meaningful: it was also possible to plant it. When you go to other tribes in the future, send a big dish to the past.

The vegetable ball of Yanjiao specialty?

It sounds good. Who said that Yanjiao couldn't produce good things? Such a large vegetable ball can be grown by ordinary people?


A few people in the stone house stared at the vegetable ball, their eyes were full of meaning, but how they thought about each other, Shao Xuan was not known, he stared at the reaction of two stupid birds.

Ten minutes passed.

The stupid cub pulled a bubble in the stone house, a bit Greek, but its spirit is not bad. As for the outside, it is even more spiritual, and clamoring to continue eating.

Didn't find any big problems, Dokang had a sleeve, "Is it better to try it first?"

"Wait, this is not anxious." Shao Xuan prevented Dokang from pulling the leaves.

"How can we not be anxious? If we can really eat, let's hurry and dig back and plant it. What if it is preempted by other tribes?" Dokang still wants to take it out and force it.

"This is not the most important thing." Saying that Shao Xuan took out the heavenly veins wrapped in leaves from the animal skin.

When wrapping, the soil was also placed inside, and the soil was removed. Then carefully brush it with a brush. Shao Xuan took a section of the small roots that were missing for everyone to see.

"This... looks at the feeling..." Guigui can't say why, but I feel a little familiar.

The tower looked at the shape of the roots of the veins and also had a kind of coolness. "It seems to have been seen, but it has never been seen."

The words of the tower are contradictory, but everyone in the room can understand that they have seen it, they feel that they are familiar, but they have not seen this plant before.

Shao Xuan also knows the mood of everyone. Although many people in the Horde, after hunting, when dealing with prey, they will observe the physical structure of the prey, so that the next hunting will give a fatal blow to this prey, but for people, they have never been so, can know the general distribution of the meridians. Because they are using the power of the totem, there will be a feeling of embarrassment, with the power of the totem, "see" the meridians in their own body.

For this reason, they will be familiar with the blame and the tower.

"It looks like the meridians in our body. Because of the growth of the sky, it is also called ‘天脉!'” Shao Xuandao.

"Tianmai?!!" Zheng Luo and the old lady witch almost simultaneously called out.

When they were on the other side of the sea, they had heard about the things of Tianmai, but they only heard that their names were not seen. It is said that only those in Wangcheng had their hands. It’s been many years since I heard about Tianmai, or they heard it from the people of the Taihe tribe.

"Tianmai? Is it the rumor that can connect the broken meridians?" The old lady's voice was shaking with excitement.

Dokang and Zhenglu are also excited to look red.

"Does the pulse grow like this?!"

"Shao Xuan, where did you find it?!"

In the house, eight pairs of eyes stared at Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan will discover the things of Tianmai and Chinese cabbage, and briefly tell them about it.

Hearing Shao Xuan said that there may be a thousand years of natural veins there, even if it is a calm and steady witch and leader on weekdays, they are all breathing and heavy.

"Digging back!!" The two witches almost simultaneously.

The leaders and the leaders are also gearing up, and I can’t wait to remove the land from the past.

"As for Chinese cabbage..." Shao Xuandao.

"Digging too!"

"Digging and digging, all dug back!"

Tianmai will not say it, and the fool knows the value of Tianmai. This Yanjiao will never let go. The Chinese cabbage that Shao Xuan said, the origin is unknown, no matter whether there is a collection of the family, but it can eat, grow bigger, maybe grow faster, and most importantly, it may be very easy to live!

What is the fear of Yanjiao people now?

Not afraid of a bad harvest, the harvest is not good, it is also rewarding. Their large-scale planting began shortly, and everything was just an attempt to explore the stage. It is impossible to compare it with those tribes who are good at planting. There must always be a process of practice.

If it can be successful, perhaps, for Yanjiao, it is not a small breakthrough, but also gives everyone enough confidence and confidence.

In the notes of the ancestors, the brilliant flaming angles are not only the value of force, but also the cultivation of handicrafts, etc., which are not inferior to the people. Now the inflammatory horn is just awakened from the slumber, and wants to return to the same year. The status of the parties also requires the efforts of all parties.

"Chinese cabbage" is also a piece of fat for them at this time, and will not give up!

Several people talked in the room for a while, then look at the two stupid birds, the cubs were looking curiously, and the outside was only boring and snoring, and there was no bad appearance.

Non-toxic, can eat.

This also finalized everyone's determination.

There is not much time for them to do more trials. Several people are hung in their hearts. I am afraid that the place will be discovered by others. I want to do more trials and move all of them back!

As a result, Shao Xuanfei ran back without much meeting, and left with a large number of people, one of the leaders of the two leaders and many small leaders. Such a battle, the movement can not be small, the tribe did not want to completely hold on, perhaps several other tribes still secretly follow the past, but things are their horns, who wants to grab? Not much, just do it!

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