Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 527: Recently, the thief is really

This time together with Shao Xuan, it is the levy, the more Kang and the blame. In general, the people in the sea have more experience in planting than in this area. They also have experience in digging things. After all, they used to The neighbors are Taihe tribes who are good at planting and always have related experiences. Hey, give it to them, and the two witches are more assured.

As for the blame, it can continue to follow instead of the tower. It is because the white cockroach he raised, when the cockroach is absent, the early warning mission in the air can only rely on it.

Although this Yanjiao knows that there is no way to take everyone, but precaution is a must.

The tower was extremely depressed. When the brothers on the other side of the sea came over, it was not his turn to go out. This time, it was still not his turn. So, the other tribes who are sharing their feelings in Yanjiao went out and saw the elongated face of the tower.

Shao Xuan took the person to the ground hole where he found Tianmai again. He looked around carefully, and no one else had been there. The surrounding plants were not traced by bites, and his heart was relieved.

"Just here." Shao Xuan will refer to Tianliu to others.

Seeing the living veins, everyone is very excited, and then think about these will be all their own tribes, more excited.

"Hey? That is Shao Xuan you said cabbage?" Zheng Luo looked at a cabbage in the woods.

Shao Xuan brought back only a vegetable ball, but here is a complete one, if not Shao Xuan pointed out, the Luo Luo root will not be on the number.

"Yes, it is, I only cut the middle of the vegetable ball."

When I saw such a big dish, I nodded with satisfaction and no delay. I will divide the team that I brought over, who is responsible for the warning, who is responsible for digging cabbage, and who is responsible for digging the heavens.

Knowing that there is a treasure everywhere, a group of flaming corners of the rough man is particularly restrained here, lifting a small step and a small step. They had been smashed by the witches and the chiefs before they came, knowing what to do, just because they understand the preciousness of these things. Therefore, I will be careful and be too careful, for fear of not paying attention to which one will be killed.

Treat these precious plants. It’s not that they hunt on weekdays, they are gentle.

The word "soft" is very difficult for Yanjiao people to say.

Considering that some people have low recognition of plants, Tianmai is a plant that the tribes value. No mistakes can be made, Shao Xuan will first circle each of the Tianmai, so that other people can also worry about digging.

When the excavation was ordered, the soldiers who were thicker than the humans, the soldiers who were all under pressure, and the shovel who had no pressure, now squatted on the ground. Drill a little carefully and carefully.

After digging a shovel, he turned to ask Shao Xuan: "The elders, I am doing this right?"

Then dig a shovel and ask the levy: "The leader. Do you still want to dig?"

"Digging and digging! Hurry up! Don't grind, why are you going to dig when you dig?!!"

The levy Luo couldn't stand down, took out a small shovel, and shoveled down to a small sky in front of him. The action was fierce and moving. However, at the moment the shovel fell to the ground, it was like a sudden stepping on the brakes, only to shovel the depth of a fingernail.

Shao Xuan: "..."

Looking at the gangsters who are not sweating, they shoveled a few shovel and sweated. Shao Xuan also can't stand it anymore.

This group of people is doing this for the first time. The psychological pressure is too big and tense. After this time, I will encounter a similar situation later. Maybe it will be better.

Shao Xuan is responsible for the biggest Tianmai, and Luo has dug a few shovel to the side and came over. The biggest one, as the leader, must be personally involved.

However, whether it is the levy or more Kang they. Even the blame that has been fairly calm, when the digging is also very nervous, Shao Xuan a shovel down, they will shake. They worried that Shao Xuan would ruin the Tianmai, but he also knew that it was not a matter of tension and tension. In the end, he could only follow Shao Xuan together.

Their purpose is to bring this tree back to transplanting, as long as it is as far as possible to ensure the integrity of the roots of the veins, do not need to shovel all the soil, so Shao Xuan they basically start to shovel from somewhere outside.

Shovel the soil, Shao Xuan continues to dig along the roots of the Tianmai, sometimes with a shovel, and sometimes with a beast brush, in order to bring this Tianmai back, when digging, it is like treating antiques.

In fact, the roots of Tianmai, although mostly thin, are still very strong, not so fragile, especially the Tianmai, which is suspected of growing for a thousand years, and its roots must be harder than other small veins. When Dokang dug, he accidentally shoveled heavily, and when he looked nervously, he found that the shovel had to be shoveled on the shovel, only the shovel was not deep, and it was not broken.

As long as you pay attention to it, there is no big deal, you don't have to be too nervous. This makes a few people's minds set aside, and they are no longer tied up, and the efficiency of digging is also high.

The white cockroaches in the sky are called from time to time, just warnings and warnings. If someone ignores the warning and wants to come over, the people in the horns will have to start.

Caesar was brought out by Shao Xuan and defended with the soldiers in the woods. The wolf nose was more sensitive than the human being, and it was able to detect the places that the defending soldiers ignored.

When the sun is setting, the biggest vein has been dug up. Its roots are too long, and the spread is relatively large. It is much larger than the upper part of the ground. It is like a giant more than ten meters high. The meridian composition of the body.

After dug out, Shao Xuan will carry a large piece of linen, wrapped in soil, and wrapped the roots of Tianmai.

This place should not be left for a long time. They are now carrying the baby. When they come over, the movement is not enough. If you stay here for one night, it may be that the change will happen. It is the most insurance to return to the tribe as soon as possible.

"The other ones have been dug up?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Digging is almost the same, Tianmai can see, no matter how big or small has been dug, the cabbage you said, but there are still some small did not finish." Zheng Luo said.

"No matter what, take all these excavated and bring them back, and those who stay, and then dig again. You will sort them first, and I will go down the hole."

Saying that Shao Xuan took a clay pot, opened the slate of the hole and jumped.

In the cave, the three bones are still lying there, maintaining their original posture. Perhaps in this position, they have been lying for nearly a thousand years.

Shao Xuan will have a small pottery pot that has been prepared for a long time next to the three white bones. Some pots are placed in the pottery jar.

The rules of the tribe, whoever finds it. Whoever grabs it. Therefore, all the things here are dug away, and I don’t think there is anything. Shao Xuan is also. not to mention. Most of the people in Wangcheng’s family had enmity with Yanjiao. When they were on the other side of the sea, Wangcheng people chased them.

Although I don’t know the identity of the three people, I don’t know what happened in the past. Shao Xuan still decided to come and lie down, not related to Wang Cheng's family, not for others, just because Shao Xuan lived there when he lived there, but once he had said that Shao Xuan encountered such a situation, I hope he can put it A jar filled with grain is not next to those who can't return home. Just ask for a can of corn.

Compared with other people in Wangcheng's family, the residence is not bad for Yanjiao. Also helped Shao Xuan a lot, the seeds in Yan's hands, some planting techniques, etc., are all taught by the residence. What Shaozhu once said, Shao Xuan is also willing to do it.

Come out from the hole and look at the sky, Shao Xuan with them, and dig out the things they have dug, go back to the tribe, try to rush back before the sky is completely dark.

It’s too late, and many things don’t seem to clear. Those who secretly follow the Yanjiao team in the distance can only see the Yanjiao warriors who are carrying or carrying things.

Someone walked through the cave after Yan Yan left, there was nothing on the ground, and there were traces of passive soil everywhere. I can't get out of the key points. Before the Yanjiao team left, they flipped over again and erased the key traces.

These people can only guess that Yanjiao people have dug things here, but they can't know what they are digging.

In fact, people in Yanjiao did not hold everything, and the things of cabbage gave off some wind, so. In the tribe, some people know that Shao Xuan has found a new kind of food outside, and took people out to dig, and the things of Tianmai, that is, even people inside the tribe may not be clear.

The next day, the people of several tribes who exchanged feelings in Yanjiao did not sleep all night with doubts. When they woke up in the morning, they heard that Yanjiao had a big move and rushed over to see.

The newly opened land, a piece of the surrounding has been stopped, blocked with a high wooden fence, covered with no seams, there are many soldiers outside, not let others close.

The people of the Tianshan tribe couldn't help but be curious. They wanted to fly on the eagle to go to the sky to see it. The team that had just been patrolled and patrolled was forced to drop with arrows.

The patrol team has a tough attitude. You have to listen to me on my site. You can’t let it go twice and twice! Feeling uncomfortable? You are cool, you can go, what are you doing here? Friendly exchange? Are you so friendly and exchangeable? Seeing it next time is not just forced to fall, shoot directly!

It’s rare for the Tianshan tribes who are sulking in the air to be noisy. They are too curious. What did the Yanjiao people get? Is it so strict?

Others also persuaded to be patient first, and they must first touch the situation of Yanjiao.

However, when they really figured out what was planted in Yanjiao, the interest was gone.

New food? Who are these tribes, who have less food? That is to say, the Tianshan tribe and the Hui tribe on the grassland are planted less, and they are not interested in planting.

A new kind of food is really not attractive to several of their tribes.

Just for such a thing, is it so tight?

Yanjiao is really stingy! No insight!

At the same time, in the mountain forest, opened up in the fields of the tribe, the Tianmai has been planted all the time. After a few days of adaptation, the Tianmai of the earth began to show its vitality. In particular, the small veins of the small trees have been suppressed and the growth has been sluggish. Now that the land is large, there are fewer competitors to grab nutrients, and they will have to start a new round of growth.

Looking at the Tianmai in the ground, the two witches were gratified and laughed. The cabbages outside attracted the attention of those people. These days were very low-key.

"There must be a hand here."


"The outside cabbage land can't relax."


The witch and the leader are talking, and Shao Xuan suddenly looks at a position.

"What happened to Shao Xuan?" asked Luo.

"There are so many thieves recently." (To be continued.)

Ps: Watching the movie is late, and it will be even more tonight.

Extracurricular: About Chinese cabbage in real history

The origin of Chinese cabbage has the origin of hybridization, and the origin of differentiation.

One of the points of view of the origin of hybridization is:

Original Phthalocyanine x Primitive Chinese Cabbage = Original Loose Leaf Chinese Cabbage → Half Ball Chinese Cabbage → Chinese Cabbage

According to some literatures and studies, most people think that there are cabbages first, followed by Chinese cabbage, first with loose leaf Chinese cabbage, and then with cabbage Chinese cabbage. Interested friends can check the relevant literature. However, this article is empty and unconstrained, so don't take it seriously.

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