Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 528: Suspicion

When I heard Shao Xuan’s words, several other people changed their faces. "乐"文》小》说|

"Is there someone coming?" asked.

"Yeah." Shao Xuan nodded. "But it ran again."

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan said again: "It seems that it was not the last person."

Shao Xuan said that he was aware of the breath when he was in the tourist area not long ago, and the breath that he perceived at the moment is similar to the former, but not the same.

This is not even noticeable by the two leaders of Luo and Yu, but they do not doubt Shao Xuan’s judgment.

"The last time you brought the patrol people back, I personally did it. I guess there is more than one person lurking in the dark," he said.

The last time Shao Xuan chased the thief 11 and the thief 12, the patrol people followed at the beginning. Later, Shao Xuan arrested the thief 11 and restricted the activities of the thief 12, so that the patrolling person would return first. . However, he also let the patrolling people bring words to Luo and He.

Shao Xuan put the Pirates eleven and Pirates 12, but they also painted a little on them.

When the Yanjiao hunting team is hunting, look for some special prey, such as the need for a part of the prey as a medicinal material, or the horn of the prey that is ideal for polishing weapons. If those prey are good at escaping, the horns will sprinkle some powder for tracking on the prey when they first encounter the prey.

Most of the powder smells thicker, just like when they came back from the sea, when they encountered a sneak attack at night, those thrown at the sneak attacker, after being contaminated, even if the other person hides, they will be yanjiao People are aware of it.

In the powder used for tracking, there is a smell that is very light, and most people can't smell it, but some beasts can.

Shao Xuan is the latter behind the Pirates eleven and Pirates. The smell is light and difficult to detect, but Caesar can smell it and will not completely dissipate in a short time.

After the patrolling person returns. The words of Shao Xuan were brought to the levy and the scorpion. They used the scent of the scent of the tribe to sneak around the tribe every day and closely inspect the areas where the smell was smelled.

Shao Xuan was arresting the 11th. From him, he learned that Pirates 7 was lurking nearby, and the more people who were ranked higher, the more difficult it was to be noticed, they borrowed the Pirates eleven and Pirates 12 as a medium for those who had been in close contact with them. Especially those who have handed over, will definitely get the smell,

According to the results obtained during this period of time, after the thief eleven and the thief 12 were released by Shao Xuan, they sneaked in, but only in the periphery, and did not sneak into the Yanjiao tribe.

Tracking and inspections, although not able to catch people, but can be sure, in addition to theft of eleven and theft of twelve. And the people he met with the two thieves lurked nearby, and some of them were even more powerful than Pirates 11 and Pirates 12, which was mentioned by Shao Xuan. Thieves.

"Not only stealing eleven and stealing twelve, but also stealing seven, there should be other 'robbery' people, just, those of them. Not necessarily one heart." Zheng Luo feels tricky, who is good at hiding in the dark People will not feel good when they stare at it, not to mention those people who are still famous for their "stealing".

"Actually, I am puzzled. Why is it so fast? Even because of the result of our battle with Wanshi, it will not come at once." Shao Xuan said his own ideas. The news is not fast here. The seven tribes can come over quickly because they have been staring at this side, and the "stealing" people? Scattered everywhere, and did not stare at Yanjiao in the first place. But now, it has come a few times at a time, and it is still a master in the "stealing", it is difficult to catch people.

Yanjiao, what attracts them?

Even if you have destroyed a million stones, you will not be attracted to so many masters. "Pirates" are not the same as the purpose of others. Their purpose is to steal, not to inspect the strength. In the eyes of most people on the land, the Yanjiao is still a relatively backward, only rude and rude tribe.

The witch next to it agreed: "It is true that I have long heard that thieves are most interested in stealing valuable treasures. Are they looking at something in our tribe?"

"Is it because of fire? Or, nuclear species?!" The old lady asked Wu Si.

Several people also negotiated a result, but the stolen thing is indeed something they must be wary of. They don't need to worry any more about the fire, but they have to be focused on the nuclear species.

Shao Xuan carefully recalled the details of his pursuit of Pirates eleven and Pirates 12. The more he thought, the more he thought that the two men might not be really the first-year-old leaves buried in the first place. Perhaps, Long live the leaves are only incidental, otherwise, the middle two More than a year, enough for them to sneak into the Yanjiao, why wait until now? Or let the Pirates look past?

To put it bluntly, if the room that sneaked into the tourist area was really the thief of the eleventh thief, then the pirate seven appeared, far earlier than the other big tribes.

Perhaps, before the battle with Wan Shi, someone has come!

"There is definitely something that we don't know happened." Shao Xuan Shen said. A straw rope fell from his hand, and he couldn't know what was going on through the knot, but he had a feeling that the person who came this time may not be because of Wan Shi!

"You said, those tribes who have been relying on outside, are there any things that are holding us?" Shao Xuan asked.

"That's not impossible, anyway, their tribes, there are things that are not one or two times." The tone was filled with strong dissatisfaction.

Those who have lost money also said that they should communicate friendlyly, cooperate in depth, and cooperate with each other!

I licked the axe on my hand, and I had the idea of ​​going out and cutting those people out now. He just looks at those people who are not pleasing to the eye! If you don't know that it is not good with those people now, he has already started.

As he said, someone came over and said to Shao Xuan that someone who came back to the tribe came over and wanted to see him.

Not two leaders, not witches, but to see Shao Xuan.

"Do you know who it is?" Shao Xuan asked the soldier who came over to inform.

"Back to the tribe, Gula."

"Is he alone?"


The witch gestured to Shao Xuan, "Let's go and see what he wants to say."

"Yeah." Shao Xuan let people bring Gula to the house where he lives.

The fire of Yanjiao is no longer there. Even in the place near the fire pit, there will be no pressure from the fire. Therefore, when Gula was taken over, he was not aware of the suppression from the Yanjiao fire.

Suspicion in the heart, Gula knows that there may be some changes in the Yanjiao fire, but such changes really make him unable to think through. However, the matter of the fire is considered to be the secret of the tribe. The Yanjiao people do not want to say anything. He can ask no questions, and continue to ask him to increase his disgust. He came here to find Shao Xuan for other things.

In Shao Xuan's house, Lao Ke was grinding stone in another room, and Caesar was guarded outside the door, not afraid of being eavesdropped.

"How, what's the matter?" Shao Xuan handed Gula a cup of herbal tea.

Gula absent-mindedly drank, and the bitter taste made him frown, but he didn't care. After drinking the mouth, he put down the pottery cup and thought about it for a while. To Shao Xuandao: "Do you find suspicious people around you?"

"What you said is that I caught up with the two in the past few days?" Shao Xuan looked up at Gula.

Although the Gula face is still calm, but with hesitation in his eyes, the fingers on his legs are pounding, seemingly considering what decisions to make.

After the pause, the look in Gula’s eyes was finally settled, and the tone was aggravated. “No, not just them. There may be more.”

Shao Xuan’s heart jumped, and it really has an inside story? !

"what do you mean?"

Gula did not answer directly, but said: "You know, our tribes have been focusing on the desert in the past two years. What is happening in the desert, we can know quickly." Gula smiled awkwardly. "But the movement of your horns has not been noticed."

Gula said that the Yanjiao tribe suddenly brought out so many people from the desert. They did not find the reason, which is why they have been puzzled.

After looking at Shao Xuan, Gula saw that Shao Xuan had no idea to explain. He coughed and continued: "Actually, after you left so many people with the desert, another group of people left soon. The people of Yanling. When we knew it, we thought that the desert lord, Yanling City, sent people out of the desert to destroy the slave owners who fled the desert because their direction of action was toward this side."

"But, until now, I have not seen people in the desert rocks nearby." Shaoxuan.

"Of course you haven't seen it, because they went in from another part of the beastly mountain forest, and they didn't come from the side where your tribe is." Gula pointed out.

The beasts are very large, and the side where the horns are located is just a small area on the border of the forest. If someone enters the forest from another place, it is possible to know nothing about Yan. After all, from returning to the old place with people, until now, Yanjiao only had a long-distance hunting, and this time it was only hunting food nearby.

Without going deep into the mountains, nature will not know other movements.

"What do you mean, people in the desert rock, the purpose is to be a beastly mountain forest?" Shao Xuan asked. It’s not those who have escaped from the slavery, not the Wanshi, nor the Yanjiao, just to enter the forest?

"It seems to be looking for something, what to look for, we don't know. When you bring back the new kinds of food, there are people who speculate whether you have discovered the secret." Gula smiled. In the end, let them down. What Yan Yan found was just a new kind of food.

Shao Xuan’s eye-opening thoughts can make the people of Yanling City’s homes send people, and they will run into the beasts and mountains. What is it?

Gula’s words revealed a lot of information. The most important point is that the purpose of those people is not necessarily the Yanjiao, but something in the mountain of the beast.

At the same time, Gula also conveyed a message that they want to cooperate with Yanjiao. Compared with other tribes, they are more optimistic about Yanjiao.

After all the words to be said, Gula left after a while.

Shao Xuan also informed the witch and the leader and other people about what Gula said and asked them to prepare early. (To be continued.)


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