Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 532: Do not believe

Suddenly heard the name, even the two witches, can not calm down now, let alone stand in front of the Pirates of the Seven. Oh,

Therefore, when the Pirates said the name, the levy could not hide the shock and excitement in the eyes.

At the same time, the people who spoke were not much better than the ones.

The Seven Pirates want to see the ignorant look of the Yanjiao people, rather than the obvious "what is, it is".

Doesn't it mean that everyone other than Yanling City doesn't know it?

Even the slave owners who have been arrogant for many years in the desert, no one other than the family of Yanling City, let alone the tribes outside the desert.

Where did Yanjiao people know? !

Pirates of seven hearts are in doubt.

Shao Xuan did not expect that Pirates 7 would give such an answer.

If you don't believe that people inside the Yanjiao who know the green face will not reveal the news, they will first suspect the internal spies.

The thing about the green face is that Shao Xuan learned from Gong Jiaheng. Then, where did the family of Yanling City know from?

If they knew it early, why didn't they send someone to look for it?

"Hey family, haven't you ever seen a green face before?" Shao Xuan asked.

Pirates also recovered from the shock just now, thinking about it, simply not squatting, he could not come to give himself a dominant position, Yan Yan people know more things than he expected. Now, he can only use more news in exchange for the promise of Yan.

"Actually, the family of Yanling City has long been sent to find people, but they have not been found. The people in Yanling City are among the deserted cities. The slaves sent the most to the outside. Just, because of the desert There are other people, Yanling does not want to make a big noise." Pirates said.

Shao Xuan remembered a long time ago, he had just seen a sloppy place, there is a slave base there, and Yanling is a stronghold outside the desert. Absolutely more than that. I used to think that they were accepting slaves and expanding their ranks. Now they want to come, maybe they have the purpose of finding green teeth.

When the flaming horns did not come to the beasts and mountains, other people came less. Naturally, no one would find someone entering the forest. When Yan Yan came back, it happened that the Yanling City planned to unify the desert for several years. . So I did not see anyone coming into the mountains. Besides, the fierce beasts are so big, even if the Yanjiao is hunting, it is impossible to travel through the entire beastly mountain forest. It is also possible to find traces of other people entering.

Now that the desert situation has been set, there will be another unscrupulous act.

but. Shao Xuan always felt that this time the action of Yanling. It seems anxious.

"How do you grow your face?" The levy and the sputum were all rushed. They learned that using the blood of the blue-faced fangs can create a good weapon. They have been thinking about it, but they have not found it every time. If you can learn more detailed information about the fangs, they can find it easier.

The pirates are not visible on the seven sides. But my heart has begun to measure.

It turns out that the Yanjiao people don’t know what the green face is like.

Instead of trying to find it yourself, it is better to tell the Yanjiao people to let the Yanjiao people bother to bother, and then wait for them to find it, and then steal it again! Pirates seven thoughts.

I said that the scars have forgotten the pain. The man was still tied and began to think about how to steal the next time.

"I have seen a picture, remember it in my head, but I tied it with my hand. How can I paint it for you?" Pirates seven chins and tied his own straw rope. This kind of straw rope is too strong, he feels more The tighter the struggle, the feeling of not being able to do it is very bad.

The levy looked at the two witches and saw that both of them nodded, only to unravel the vines on the seven arm of the thief.

Shao Xuan took out a half-arm wide leaf and handed the animal brush and paint. This was already prepared. He intended to take some useful things from the stolen seven. I didn’t expect that the Pirates would not have any roots. The meaning of squatting, but also brought such a surprise.

Loose hands, stealing seven and let the Luo will also unravel the vines on his feet, otherwise he is not comfortable in this position, painting is not good.

After thinking about it, the levy tied the stolen seven feet, but this time it was not tied into a large font, nor was it fixed on the stake, but let him sit on the ground.

"Let's paint!" Hey, the patience of this thief has been exhausted. He felt that the thief was too embarrassed and could not be trusted. If the witch did not agree to kill the killer, he had already cut an axe. Under the coercion, could he still have a hard mouth?

I didn't care about the murderous cockroaches. The Pirates knew that the two old people in the house were also very high, but he didn't understand why there were two witches in Yan. In any case, since the two witches of Yanjiao have promised to let him go, as long as the news he has come up with is worthwhile, the two old people will certainly fulfill their promises, so they are not in a hurry.

Turning the lower wrist, the thief wrinkled a face, and when he moved his arm, he could still hear the movement of the bones on his body. The one that was last night was too heavy.

An arm can not be painted, and he can barely use another one.

I endured the pain, stole seven, grabbed the pen, stained the paint, recalled the painting I had seen, and then seriously, painted the paintings I had seen in one stroke. In order for him to escape smoothly, and to let Yanjiao quickly find something, he did not mean to swindle. He waited for the Yanjiao to find it, and then he went back to steal the things from the desert and his family.

However, the seven thieves of a stroke, the two leaders who stared at their eyes, looked worse and worse.

"Okay, finish it!" Pirates looked at the results of the painting, satisfied with the nod, and was about to continue talking about the conditions. When he looked up, he saw the two men standing next to each other with a black face.

The two princes shot almost at the same time, one took the knife, one took the axe, and one hacked seven.

"Slow!" Pirates seven quickly hurry. He is wounded now, can't easily escape, and he doesn't understand why the two men reacted so much.

The tip of the knife and the blade of the axe are attached to the sides of the seven necks of the Pirates. The next moment will allow him to separate his body. Then the thief who is calm and calm can't calm down under such murderous pinch. "You don't keep your promise!" The matter is actually repenting, how to face your totem!!"

"We don't keep promises? You don't look at what you paint! It's fooling us!" Breathing, the nostrils expanded, and the heat spurted out like an angry bull.

"Where am I fooling you?!" Pirates 7 is also angry, he clearly painted exactly the same!

"The picture I saw is like this. I dare to swear in the name of 'theft'!"

Pirates stalked his neck, his face was not convinced. Draw so well, actually licking Laozi! Do not understand! Yanjiao people are really rough, just like the little tribes who live on the edge!

The people on both sides were blushing and crouching, and the witch sitting on the side coughed curiously, indicating that he and Luo had put down the knife and the axe, and looked at the painting that Shao Xuan handed over.

I still want to say something, but the witch handed over a look. I didn’t understand it at first, but when I calmed down, I thought it would be overwhelming, and I couldn’t help but blink a few times.

For Xi, Shao Xuan still knows better.敖 Only when you are guilty, you will involuntarily continue to blink.

Shao Xuan also knows the meaning of witch. In fact, Pirates said that the paintings composed of several simple lines he painted are absolutely serious results. There is no such thing as a foolishness. Shao Xuan also believes. Because, here, most people draw the same technique, let alone the paintings passed down thousands of years ago?

The people in Yanling will know that there are only one possibility, that is, the people who came over thousands of years ago, some people know. Therefore, the person who painted the green face paintings, at least the people of the millennium, inferred that the words of the Pirates are still credible.

I want to understand both the 敖 and the levy. If this was put a few years ago, they actually painted this kind of thing, and they didn’t even steal it. Only later because of the various pictures of Shao Xuan's paintings, even the painting techniques with them have improved a lot, and others have not looked up.

Suddenly I saw such a monotonous picture. They couldn’t accept it. I just looked forward to it. After seeing the paintings of the Seven Pirates, I was disappointed.

The mood is calm, and then carefully look at the paintings of the Pirates. Like a deer, not a deer, something like a sheep and a sheep, is a green face?

敖 敖 敖 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 扫 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖 敖

Pirates of seven swollen high faces, originally squeezed into a slit of the eyes, because of being too angry and hard to round.

Despise Laozi's paintings? !

However, people have to bow their heads under the roof. Pirates of the Sevens still expect the other party to fulfill their promises and let themselves go. They can only take a deep breath and sigh with anger and say what they know.

In fact, the Pirates said that Shao Xuan had already heard it. Green face fangs, small body size, thick green skin, hoofless horns, fangs grow up, sexually violent, like grass. No more, no more.

"Just these, no?"

"Nothing." The thief saw that this person had a tendency to murder and soar. Knowing that he was not satisfied with what he said, he quickly added: "The people who told us the news really only said this, but there is another sentence. He told us that if you really encounter a green face, you will naturally be sure."

"The person who shows you the painting is the person who is in the home of Yanling City?" Shao Xuan asked.

"No." This problem, the Pirates seven obviously do not want to say. This is the secret of their piracy, even if it is a timid thief, there are principles, some can be sold at will, some can not be said to kill.

"How much benefit does the people of Yanling City give you?" Shao Xuan asked again.

"Looking for a green face can bring something to change with them, anything you want!" This can still be said.

"It seems that you have been linked to Yanling City, and you may not be able to dispatch so many people at once." Shao Xuan said.

Pirates are still dead, and there is not much to say.

After asking about it, a few people in Yanjiao reluctantly believed in the words of Pirates, and fulfilled their promise to let him go, just blindfolded his eyes and then threw them out of the woods and threw them out.

I thought that this person could not walk because of the injury, but did not think. After landing, he escaped at the speed of a bird. Several ups and downs disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

"I said that he is loaded like that!" angered, "A Xuan!"


"See you again next time, kill him!"

"Good." (To be continued.)

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