Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 533: Looking for blue face fangs

Knowing that the purpose of the desert rock is to find the blue-faced fangs, the 敖 and the levy can't stand it.

In their view, the blue-faced fangs are equivalent to the higher-level weapons, with a higher level of weapons, the tribal combat power will be greatly improved, who do not want to find?

Since the people of Yanling City’s family sent people to the beasts and mountains to find out, is it true that the beasts and mountains are really green?

It may not be, but if there is a place on the land where there may be a green face, it is not a beastly mountain forest, because there is no large-scale mountain woodland suitable for the survival of the beast.

Finding a green face is definitely not a relaxing life. Otherwise, the family of Yanling City will not send a large number of people into the beasts and forests, and even find someone who is good at discovering the "stealing" of treasures.

"The beasts of the mountains, really green teeth? After so many years, people in Yanling City have not found it?" said the tower.

"Not necessarily. Even if they have ever found it, as long as they don't say it, no one can know." He said his own thoughts. "If it doesn't, Yanling City has existed for nearly a thousand years. Why should you keep staring at the beasts?"

The rulers of several generations of Yanling City have been sent to find out that they have never given up this mountain forest. If not, why is it so persistent? Yanling City is hidden too deeply. If it was not the melee that had been set up in the past two years, no one could know that Yanling City had been brewing a big conspiracy. No one can know the true strength of Yanling City. Perhaps they have more, unknown balls.

"Think about it. What are you waiting for? Let's go find it, I will join you first!" Dokang couldn't wait.

“No hurry,” Shao Xuan looked at the direction of the tribes outside the mountain forest. “Those people have not solved it yet.”

Since the people returning to the tribe expressed their intention to cooperate, Yanjiao is naturally willing. They are arrogant and do not think that they can challenge other tribes at the same time with their current strength. It is also a good thing to pull an alliance.

"Go tell Gula, get ready to enter the forest." Shao Xuandao.

"If it is someone from other tribes, do you want to go with you?"

"Then let them show their sincerity!"

Among the people who came back to the tribe to Yanjiao, they actually divided into two factions, while supporting the abandonment of several other tribes and uniting with Yanjiao. Others believe that Yanjiao is not worthy of cooperation. They are just empty and powerful. They may have some caution, but they are far less than other tribes.

but. In the end, they decided to choose Yanjiao. First, they said that they are united with several other tribes. In fact, the relationship is not so good. Usually they are not very close. In many cases, they still need to ask for information themselves. The benefits are not much. . Second, they have been unable to endure the moderation of those who are too cautious and hesitant.

In recent years, people who returned to the tribe only felt that something might happen, and the witch who returned to the tribe also predicted when they sacrificed. Soon, there may be a huge change, time is not allowed, but certainly not far away. This makes the returning tribes that are still calm on the grassland unable to calm down. Can be affected by their big changes, must not be underestimated. Unfortunately, until now, progress has been disappointing. They can't wait.

On this day, several people in the tribe were arguing over the cooperation with Yanjiao. They went to Gula from Gula, and they have been in the past for so many days. Yan Yan did not give a reply that satisfied them. It was so cold, and some people started to worry. Didn’t you see other tribes laughing at them? The door didn't want to go out, I was afraid to go out. I saw a taunting face in a circle.

I am complaining, and I am looking for it.

"Pick up, we are going to enter the mountain."

"Into the mountains?!" Gula's eyes burst into a happy color. Guiding the mountain, certainly not hunting, but going to find things!

"Do you already know what you are looking for?" Hershey asked next to him indefinitely.

There is no direct answer to the blame, but a meaningful smile.

People from several other tribes around. Almost as soon as they left, they rushed into the place where the tribe lived. They learned that the people who came back to the tribe had to go into the mountains with the Yanjiao people, and they couldn’t sit still. They all went to the big heads of Yanjiao or leader.

They don't believe that Yanjiao people can learn what Yanling City is looking for. They want to go with them, but they hope that Yanjiao will lead the way. After living in the mountains for a long time, there will be many discomforts after entering the forest, and the beasts and mountains will not give them enough opportunities to adapt. It is easy to lose their lives when they go in. As for the "sincerity" that Yanjiao said, they also understand that Yanjiao is going to "take a toll". This is good to say.

So, the three big bosses took the promises of those people to find Shao Xuan.

"The Changzhou tribe has a big ship, the tribe is half-car jade, the eight tribes are half-car silk cloth, and the Tianshan tribe has a strong bow..."

Shao Xuan listened to the three big leaders and raised his eyebrows. "Let them double the original."


Not to mention the three big bosses, even the two leaders who have been listening to them, I feel that Shao Xuan’s request is somewhat high.

"Those people may not agree," said Luo.

"Do not agree? Do not agree to roll, limit them to the results within two days. Otherwise let them leave." Shao Xuan calmly said.

After thinking about it, I nodded. "Just do it." Those people have been relying on it for so long. Do you think that Yanjiao can always tolerate them? I thought that they were so rare.

Two days later.

The three big leaders came again with the results of the negotiations.

"The other tribes have agreed. Only the Tianshan tribe refused. They have already left. It seems that they intend to go into the mountains themselves." Think about the black faces of the tribes. Dokang feels refreshed and thinks that Yanjiao is free. living? They just charge a late fee.

"Oh, yes, the people who returned to the tribe said that they would send a group of excellent horses on the grassland after this incident." Guiqi laughed. "The people who returned to the tribe are very sincere."

Several other tribes have sent people to send letters back to prepare things. In addition to those who plan to go along with Yanjiao into the forest, they will also leave a few people down, and then hand over the promised "sincerity."

"When is the departure?" Wu asked Xiang Xuan.

"After two days."

"This weather is getting more and more strange." Shao Xuan looked at a flowering tree not far away, said.

The berry of the tree is used to make the paint, so when the house was built in the tribe, the tree was not removed and it was useful. This kind of tree can only bloom when it is close to the summer, and it will only happen when the summer is hot.

Calculated according to normal time. It is time to get into the winter now.

But now, this winter, maybe the weather will be closer to the summer.

The mountains may be more dangerous than ever, and the beasts who are disrupted by the rhythm of life. Perhaps the temper will be more violent and extra care. At this time, you may encounter some dangers that you will not encounter in previous years.

It’s just a mountain temptation to find it, go further, but not hunting. You don't need to bring a lot of people. This time Shao Xuan intends to bring only five people, but with other tribes, there will be more.

The field outside the forest, in the cabbage field.

The new leaves are growing, and many small cabbages that have been transplanted have also begun to grow and form leaves. The leaves are wrapped around each other. I don’t know if it is because the land area is large and the fertilizer is sufficient. These cabbages are almost one day. One kind. It grows quite fast.

Because of the weather, combined with last year's situation, crops that should not have been sown in winter are now being tried.

Shao Xuan’s giant fly swatter is also used by people patrolling around the field. Because the metal is too rare, only one is made. Others use a similar big beat, but not made of metal, but with wood. ,just. Yanjiao people have great strength and are too easy to shoot. Therefore, every time a group of insects is encountered, people who guard the farmland will rush to use the metal to pat. That thing took the flying insects, brushed, vigorously swept the past, can shoot a bunch, especially cool.

In the tribe, still live at the original rhythm. It's just that many times, people always have the feeling of just passing from spring to summer, and sweating when they move.


Shao Xuan will bring the prepared medicine pack and other things. The other four people who went into the mountains with him this time are Du Kang, Tuo, Mai, Xiang Chen.

Just to find out if there is a green face, you may go to the traces of the slaves who entered the mountain to see if you can get more information from them.

Compared with the calmness of the people in Yanjiao, the people of other tribes have not really entered the depths of the forest, and they have felt uncomfortable for a while.

The mountains are filled with all kinds of screams and murmurs, and even the wind that is blowing has a feeling of crisis, and the danger of unpredictability is even more chilling.

However, in order to understand what the desert hegemons valued, they still have to go in and see.

It’s not just about returning to the tribe. In fact, several other tribes have also foreseen that there will be a huge change in the near future. However, they cannot predict what it is. They can only try to understand all kinds of doubts and seek More protection. This is why they are willing to come up with more things in exchange for their peers. Between the house and the house, they still have a focus.

The sun is high, and the tall trees gather together. There are no yellow leaves. Even the trees seem to have lost their original growth rules. They are lush and vigorous, and there is no sorrow.

There are flying insects flying between the leaves, and a pair of eyes hidden behind the leaves, or vigilant or bloodthirsty eyes.

With the other seven tribes, Qu Ce followed the spring leaves and walked forward with the footsteps of the Yan Yan people. The sense of existence around the lines of sight is too strong, he wants to ignore it is difficult, but Yan Yan people said that those do not care, as long as you do not pay attention to them, they will not actively attack.

However, such a thing has long been used to Yan Yan people, but others are not, Qu Ce can not help but look up to the side of a tree ten times thicker than him.

There is a figure on the branch, and I can't see what it is, because it is too close to the color of the bark. If it is not very sensitive to paying attention to his own vision, Qu Ce will not find the figure. It looked at the eyes here with an undisguised murderousness, licking the fangs, as if to rush over the next moment.

Qu Ce was a spirit, and quickly took back the line of sight, not looking at the eyes of the tree, it seems that the killing in the line of sight has also faded. Sure enough, Yanjiao people are still very experienced in dealing with these. It is no wonder that the elders of the tribes are in favor of letting Yanjia lead the way, instead of going into the mountains themselves, it does save a lot of unnecessary troubles. (~^~)

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