Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 537: Land of the mountains

There are a lot of broken branches around, the branches and leaves that cover the sky above are scattered on the ground, revealing a vacancy, and the sunlight of the sky can directly shine on the ground. △,

Under the hot weather and the sun's roasting, the smell of carrion is scattered, attracting a lot of scavengers. Just, I don't know if there is a huge beast that has been angry before, except for the group of gray feathers. In addition to some flying small insects, animals with a slightly larger size were not seen.

After looking around and discovering the trail you want, the team will start again.

Now that you have found the traces of the slaves sent by Yanling City, and then searched for them by the traces, it is much simpler. After all, there are many slaves.

It is said that there are 500 people sent out by Yanling City. Compared with the entire tribe or the entire Yanling City, it is not much, but a group of 500 people came from the desert and entered the fierce. Beast Mountain Forest, in comparison, even if it is a big deal, now Shao Xuan is only fifty or sixty people on their side.

I found the traces of the slaves, and others no longer doubted the words of the Yanjiao people. I was glad that my heart was lucky. Fortunately, they chose to follow the Yanjiao. Otherwise, they would find a team of 500 people in the big beast and Lin Lin. Ten days may not be found. Many traces can't be kept for too long. The self-repairing speed of the forest here is much faster than people think. It is the corpses that they just saw that they have just finished eating. Even a bone will not be left tomorrow.

Because the team entered the forest much later than the group of slaves, the traces left by the slaves were mostly covered by the self-repair of the forest, so at the beginning they could not know where the slaves were heading.

With this in mind, several tribes felt that the "sincerity" they paid to Yanjiao was quite cost-effective.

Beyond the familiar range of Yanjiao, it is much harder to find a satisfactory rest. The hidden dangers in the mountains are more and more concealed, making people hard to guard against.

Followed by the traces left by the slave team, and followed for four days, 63 people in the team, now five fewer. In the middle of the road, I was killed for various reasons.

This morning, a person from the Changzhou tribe was poisoned by a poisonous snake. Even the rescue did not have time. The other side was bitten by the neck. When no one else looked at his injury, his entire neck was quickly blackened. It was dyed by the ink, and it was festered. The bitten person broke off shortly. That is an intermediate totem warrior, and the body's resistance to toxicity is still ok. But it didn't last long, and I couldn't even say a word.

The poisonous snake that bites people ambushes in the tree, quietly, like a dead object clinging to the tree, blending with the image of the tree, only when the person passes by, suddenly attacked.

In the past, the people of the Changzhou tribe only believed that large snakes were generally non-toxic. Unless it is a beast, but here. There are many different kinds of large snakes, and they are also highly toxic. Just like the one that bite their companions before, it is thicker than humans and extremely poisonous. After the head was cut off, he almost bit another person. If the person who is not in the Yanjiao moves fast, the estimated time of the Changzhou tribe will be lost.

"Don't think that these things are cut off, there is no attack. Be careful, or crying is too late." Shao Xuan said to those people.

Because I have been to a similar crisis in the mountains, before the Yanjiao tribe moved to the old place, many places where the hunting team went were such forests. Especially for the advance team, the difficulty is not smaller than here. Therefore, even if Mai Hetu came here for the first time, they can adapt quickly.

The first time I came here, I was not familiar with the topography. I couldn't find a cave for people to rest quickly, so I often had a meal. The first two days when they were looking for a place to rest, they were on a hill in the open air. If no caves were found, they would rest in a leeward place near the mountainside.

The slave team who passed through here should also rest here, leaving traces of the activity.

There are some carved paintings on the mountain wall. With Shaoxuan’s understanding of the stone, many paintings on the mountain wall are not left in a short time. Some of them should have been going on for a long time. This also proves that there have been slaves. I have been sent.

Finding traces of the activities of the former slaves also confirmed Shao Xuan’s speculation. The people of Yanling City have absolutely caught the green face and fangs!

Along the way, they will see the bodies of some slaves from time to time. Some of them have been bitten and cannot be seen as they are, and some are incomplete. In such a place, talents are prey.

At noon, two people from the eight tribes went to the river to fetch water, but they were not too close to the river. The day before yesterday, their tribe was dragged into the river because they were too close, and they didn't even see anything.

The hotter the weather, the harder they are, the more sweaty they are. Walking in the woods, although the upper leaves cover the large sunlight, everyone can feel the higher the temperature, the demand for water is getting stronger and stronger.

A filament binds to a hard shell that looks like a coconut. The round shell is dug a hole in the middle of a half fist, then a stone is tied to the shell, and then the shell is stoned together. Throw it to the river 20 meters away.

With a bang, the rounded shell was tied down, and the river was poured into the round shell from the digging mouth. After the feeling was almost the same, the two warriors who had not eight were violently pulling the silk of the hand, wanting Bring the round shell that has been filled with water back.

The round shell filled with water just emerged from the water. When it was pulled into the air, the river suddenly jumped up to a figure of nearly two meters long, and it was pulled into the round shell of the air, then fell into the water again, and the water was pressed. Four splashes.

The two soldiers who took the water could still clearly hear the broken sound of the round hard shell of the water.

However, in this similar situation, they have seen it several times. After a slight surprise, they calmly took out the same round hard shell again and threw it into the river. This time, they were not bitten and the water was successfully taken.

"The next time you can change the roots of the silk, you can also fish." Shao Xuan looked at the still turbulent river and said. The figure that just jumped up looked like a lizard without feet and should be a fish in the river.

The warrior who did not think about it, too, if it is a strong silk thread, if it is bitten when taking water, it can drag out the things in the water, and maybe the food at night can be solved. He couldn't drag it alone and let the people in Yanjiao help him.

The eight tribes are rich in spider silk, and the spider silks produced by different kinds of spiders are also different. After treatment, some silks are soft enough to woven clothes, while some are more firm, just harder, suitable for weaving nets, traps, prey, etc. .

For the young people in the team, this is a rare experience, feeling far better than the time in the desert.

They must not only follow the traces of the slaves, but also solve the problems of food, water, and so on. Sometimes they have to grab the cave with the bears. It’s safer to have a mountain in the night, or a cave.

When they were looking for a place to rest overnight, they encountered a situation of robbing the cave, but that time they didn’t win. The giant bear was too smart, and it didn’t come out at all. If they couldn’t help, they would only stay in the hole. That place.

If the giant bear is led out of the hole, everyone can rely on the advantage of the number to deal with it, or even turn it into dinner, but the bear can not come out, it will be difficult. The people outside can't get in, the bears in the hole make full use of the land to defend, and the people in the team can't take it out.

Quze several people were also smashed by the giant bear. It is estimated that the giant bear has eaten the fish, and the spit star that comes out has a strong fishy smell. Now Quce is still walking with a fishy smell.

However, I don’t know if it’s the impact of the giant bears. On several occasions, the people in the team were attacked by ambushes, but no one went to attack Quce. This is another lucky for him.

It was half a day later. When the team turned over a mountain, it stopped at halfway up the mountain and planned to rest.

"what happened?"

See Shao Xuan standing on a stone and looking at the distance. Many people came over and asked.

Shao Xuan pointed to the front, "Is there any difference?"


A few people from Dokang looked at that direction. "There are many mountains."

"Not only that, the leaves of the place are very different." Shao Xuan feels guilty.

"When you say this, I also think that the leaves there look... supple and tender." Dokang touched his chin and reached out and took off the leaves on a bush next to him and looked at it.

Perhaps because the weather is too hot and there is no rain, many of the plants here are a bit sloppy, and the leaves on the tree are far from the trunk.

However, look at that direction again. Although it is impossible to see what kind of plants grow on the mountains there because of the distance, the greenery over there is really eye-catching, even if it is already deflected, it cannot Let them become dull, especially in such a hot climate, where the green feels like a fresh, fresh, fresh water that looks like a refreshing one. It’s refreshing.

"Hey, look, there is smoke over there!" said Mai.

The voice of Mai also brought the other people in the team together and looked ahead.

In the green fields of the green mountains, some gray smokes rise from the mountains in the mountains. However, because of the wind, it was blown away just after it started.

"It's the group of slaves! It must be them!"

"Finally caught up!" The spirit of the team was shocked.

Shao Xuan looked at the mountain over there and said: "Maybe, what they are looking for is in the mountains in front."

The team was quiet, and more than 50 pairs of eyes looked at Shao Xuan.

"The meaning of Shao Shao's elders is, is it here?" asked the spring leaves.

This road has come and seen a lot. Their attitude towards Yanjiao has also changed significantly, especially Shao Xuan, who plays a decision-making role, and when they talk, they will also bring the word "elder". It is also an endorsement.

However, Shao Xuan did not care about these, others did not recognize that he did not mind to manage.

At this moment, Shao Xuan looked at the forest in front of him, and he thought about the information of the green face.

There are many mountains in front, and there should be more water. At first glance, it gives a sense of tranquility and tranquility. In the wild beasts, it is also a special area. Green face fangs, it is really possible to be there. (To be continued.)

Ps: The next chapter will be late, everyone will sleep first.

In 2015, the last time I said good night to everyone.

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