Surrounded by mountains, the wooden houses that were built one by one, the crowd called the movement. ",

These wooden houses were built in the near future. The wood breaks are relatively new. A wooden house is arranged here. It looks like a cottage that lives in this inaccessible place.

A large wooden pillar with a root of more than ten meters has been set up on the periphery to form a wall that blocks some wild beasts that are not large. On the tall tower that was built, there were three slaves with dark skin, standing there, looking at three directions.

In the open space, a huge animal bone was thrown there, and the whitish bones of the flesh that had not left a trace of flesh had been split and could not be seen in the original way. Only the eye holes and nostrils above allowed it. People know that this is the beast of a behemoth.

The animal bones, horns, and teeth that are suitable for polishing weapons have been split down, and the sound of the bone washer can be heard everywhere. Although they are mostly out of gold, they have consumed a lot of them. The conditions here are limited. They can only repair some gold weapons that are not seriously damaged. If they exceed the scope of repairing capacity, they can only be shelved. No weapons can't survive in this place full of beasts and crises. Animal bones and horns, animal teeth, etc. are more convenient than stone tools. The slaves responsible for polishing, running around with various utensils, were very busy.

Compared to other people's movements, there are a lot of empty space around the wooden house. No one dares to run around, and even dare not shout.

There was a fire on the open ground, and a bone with a piece of meat was grilled there, and the oil dripped into the fire and made a creaking sound.

A relatively white-skinned middle-aged man sits next to the fire, and other slaves are either wearing tattered linen or skins with blood. And this middle-aged man is wearing a very clean dress. The same is linen, but the cloth on his body is more delicate, and the texture is obviously different from other people. In addition to some scratches on the corners of the clothes, there is nothing in the hole.

at this time. The middle-aged man was frowning and looked at a picture of the animal skin in his hand.

There are some simple pictures on the skin rolls. The dark green triangles are the mountains. The large green without the shape is the woods in other places. Among these greens, there is a sand yellow line through the green. And finally ended in one place.

This is a simple map. The line on the map is the route of their team, one end of the line. It is where they enter the forest, and at the other end, where they are.

Make sure that you have not made a mistake. The folds of the middle-aged brows are squeezed toward the middle, and the folds are deeper and deeper.

A few senior slaves standing next to each other, hanging their heads with only the light, carefully watching the people sitting on the stone looking at the map, knowing that the other party is in a bad mood, they do not dare to scream. I am afraid that what is wrong will cause this anger.

"It's here, there is nothing wrong!" the middle-aged man sitting on the stone muttered. The feet on the ground are swaying because of emotional fluctuations. The weeds at the feet are stepped on a pit with a big foot.

The slave standing next to him, his head hangs even lower.

The smell of meat is permeated in this cottage. The slaves who were guarded or busy everywhere slammed their noses, and the smell of the meat made them obsessed. Stimulating the secretion of saliva, but even if they really want to look over there, they still hold back the cockroach, staring at the work in progress. Do not dare to chaos.

At this time, the entrance to the cottage came to a quiet, a team of 20 people came back from the outside, or dragged or dragged a small prey.

The middle-aged man who stared at the map slammed his eyes and looked at the past. The team who just walked into the temporary cottage, after seeing each other, looked at each other with a distraction and dared not look directly at each other.

The middle-aged man holding the animal skin roll, the expectation of flashing in his eyes, quickly dimmed, and even the rapidly rising anger.

" Still not found? How is it possible?! Why can't I find it!!"

The middle-aged man with red eyes due to anger, swaying his arm and wanting to roll the animal skin on his hand, can be stopped at the moment before his knees, and replaced by a strong foot.

The animal skin rolls can't be thrown. This is an important guide for their actions. They can't get angry, and they feel unhappy. They can only kick the grass on the ground.

Weeds that are higher than the knees are broken by a root.

"Can't find a green face, why bother to vent your anger?" A lazy voice came.

The middle-aged man holding the animal skin roll heard the sound, and the corner of his eye was pumping. He didn’t look at it. He turned to the slave standing next to him and shouted: "Give me continue to find it! I can't find you." gone back!!"

When I heard that I couldn’t go back, the slaves mourned in their hearts and did not dare to delay. Those who came back before this, hurriedly ate something and set off again. The slaves who polished the horns moved faster.

For many people, the desert is a dead place, dry and windy weather, it is rare to see a little green, so desolate, it is far from easy to hear.

For these slaves, even though the food in the desert is not as much as the forests full of tree beasts, they have long been used to it. Many of the people in the ranks are slaves from generation to generation. The slavery has been engraved in the bones. Apart from being a slave, they do not know what to do. Moreover, in these people's eyes, desert rock is their place of return, is the land of their allegiance, but also their belief, can not go back just like their life.

Nowadays, Yanling City is already a desert hegemon. The slaves of Yanling City are more honored and more loyal to Yanling City. These people who are sent out are all loyal to Yanling City. Don’t worry about their betrayal. .

Five hundred people brought out, because of various crises in the mountains, hundreds of deaths and injuries, but I have found it here. Unfortunately, the map shows the destination here, but I have not seen the shadow of the target for several days.

The middle-aged man returned to the fire again, sitting on the stone and sulking, unable to find the green face and fangs. He was also embarrassed to go back, but there was no way. Can you still find the mountain here?

After taking a few deep breaths, the middle-aged talent couldn't help but ask: "Pirates four, how are you over there?"

"Not found." The three words floating in the air are almost the same as the attitude of this person. It is completely indifferent. It is not urgent or slow, and it is very comfortable. It seems to be playing. It seems to be quite enjoyable.

"Then you still don't look for it?!" The middle-aged man almost squeezed out his teeth. I really don't understand why people who are looking for "theft" are coming over. What else will this group do besides stealing things? Eat?

The thief walked slowly to the side of the fire and sat down. He picked up the succulent ribs that had been baked well, and he was not afraid of burning. He began to eat. While eating and still fluently said: "To be so good to find, you Yanling people, it will not be only a few hundred years to find only three."

"Oh, yes, 轼矢." The Pirates looked like something suddenly, and said, "There are tribes coming over."

For the Pirates of the Four, they are "stolen" is different, non-slaves, and not a traditional tribe, he is also very satisfied with the current "stealing" state, think that it is higher than the average tribe, so, usually Speaking of the tribe, it refers to other tribes rather than "stealing."

"Tribal people? So fast?!" Yuya did not expect the tribes to find them so quickly. Want to grab the green face? !

Feeling the murderousness of the 轼 身 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Upon hearing this, the eyes of Yan Ya’s eyes flashed silently, but they also recognized the words of Pirates. They have been here for a few days and have not progressed. Maybe those tribes can find something?

After eating the meat, the Pirates did not stay too much. They walked out of the cottage and entered the dense forest outside. The guarded slaves only saw it.

In the woods, the moist atmosphere dispels the heat brought by the weather, under the branches of the sky, the breeze is everywhere, and the cool coolness.

The Pirates walked in the woods, and most of the weeds on the ground exceeded his waist. Walking in it was like falling into a green sea.

There are no slaves in Yanling here.

"How?" Pirates said.

Five steps away from him, the trunk of a big tree slowly reveals the outline of a person.

"I couldn't find out." The person who came down from the tree was puzzled. "The slaves only know that they are going to look for things this time. No matter how much they don't know. But, you can be sure that you are really anxious." What is the role of the blue face and tooth decay?"

"We don't know, we can't know. But we don't need to move for the time being, whether it is the slaves who find the green face, or the tribes find it, it is a good thing for us."


Said, the man leaped, stepping on the trunk and heading forward, not seeing in the blink of an eye.

A dark green long-legged multi-footed worm, stood up from the thick grass, and the two pliers-like claws expanded to an exaggerated angle, rushing toward the thief standing in the grass, but the next moment The person standing there disappeared.

The multi-footed worm that stood up half of the body rushed into the air, and the two rod-shaped tentacles on the head turned like an antenna, as if they were exploring. It was impossible to find out what it was, and it gave up the prey just now and broke into the thick grass again.

From a distance, in the green grass waves, some grass leaves are swinging and passing forward, like a ripple on the lake. Then, the amplitude of the blade swing is getting smaller and smaller until it subsides.

The woods here are once again restored to the calm before. (To be continued.)

Ps: A chapter that didn't come out last night, make up.

In addition, red envelopes will be issued around zero tonight, and the passwords for the U-Blocks will be waiting for the friends who sleep in the New Year's Eve.

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