Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 540: Re-enter the dream

Under normal circumstances, Shao Xuan rarely dreams, and each time he dreams, there must be a reason, and it is still more important, something that may actually happen.

Counting the dreams I have done so far, which one is not with a strong hint?

Shao Xuan sometimes wants to do more "dreams" like this, but unfortunately, it is not what he can control, but he can't be forced.

However, this night, after Shao Xuan fell asleep, he entered a long-lost dream.

Shao Xuan feels that he is in the middle of the mountain. He can hear the surrounding leaves and grass blowing because of the wind blowing, and the sound of the ripples, like waves, waves and waves.

Looking up, the two moons in the sky are getting smaller and smaller. After all, at the end of the year, the two rounds of the moon that have been separated from each other have become small curved buds that cannot be given to the big strip. Come enough light.

There is no starlight and the surroundings are very dark.

Shao Xuan wants to inspect this place with a special vision, but it is useless. After changing it, it is like being covered with a thick mist, not as good as ordinary vision.

Except for the limitations in the field of vision, Shao Xuan feels that his mind is very clear-headed, his senses are sharp, and he can clearly hear the subtle movements around him. This feeling is wonderful, it seems that I know that I am in a dream, but there is a sense of reality in the real environment.

Although the surroundings are very dark, Shao Xuan can still see the outline of the surrounding forest trees, but it can't be seen carefully.


It seems to be the sound of the wind, and in the sound of the grass that oscillates with the rhythm of the wind, there is still a sound, which is not obvious. It is difficult to distinguish between various sounds. If it is a person with bad ear power, it may not be able to Hear.

Among the dense grasses, something is moving fast, and ran from the shackles not far from Shao Xuan. Shao Xuan only saw a vague shadow, and the wind generally ran to the distance. I can even feel the air and waves that are driven by the passing of the figure.

Did not think much, Shao Xuan quickly followed the voice to catch up with the past, by intuition, he thought that should be the goal.

The figure ran very fast. In the dense woods and grasses, the movement is free, there is no sense of blockage, and the movement is very small.

Run out of the thick grass and pass through a stone. Crossing the creek and entering a forest. The tree there is strange, twisted and twisted, like a weeping willow that is swayed by the gale, and then it can be poured down.

However, because of the dimly lit environment, Shao Xuan could not see it carefully.

When Shao Xuan chased the voice, the sound of screaming in front of him was like a quick chewing sound. Occasionally there are some slight "squeaks" of the blades of grass being torn off.

Shao Xuan wanted to get close to him, but the figure quickly left again, still at the speed of the previous, shuttled in the woods, occasionally stopped, and then it was the movement of chewing again.

Suddenly, Shao Xuan’s muscles stretched out and a strong sense of crisis hit. In front of the chewing sound, a pair of bright green eyes glanced over and stared straight at Shao Xuan's direction.

I can't see how the eyes look. However, I can feel that the murderousness is as strong as it is, and I can’t help Shao Xuan think more. The bright eyes in those dark nights will droop and will not look directly at this side. But the murderous but the more intense.

Shao Xuan wants to avoid it, but the body still stays there, facing the figure that has been rushing over.

Under the night, there seems to be a sharp sword, stabbing straight, and the whole person will be pierced in the next moment.


Shao Xuan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up. The feeling of being in the dream just about to be pierced by a sharp blade is still clear in my mind, and the tight muscles make the body stiff.

"What happened to Shao Xuan?" The people next to Mai and Dokang heard the movement and asked quickly.

During the day, Shao Xuan’s results from the trap analysis made many people unable to fall asleep at night, thinking about various things, including the four people in Yanjiao. Even if they slept, they did not sleep well. The movement of Shao Xuan’s fierceness was too sudden, and the people who were so scared that they could make their sleepy were sober, and thought they were attacked.

"Nothing." Shao Xuan raised his hand and wiped his forehead, cold sweat in one hand, and gasping was a little anxious.

"You don't look like nothing." Another voice inside the cave said. It is a person of the Qianbian tribe.

Shao Xuan ignored him and said to them: "It’s just a dream."

Other people in the cave heard Shao Xuan's words. They only thought that Shao Xuan probably thought more. He had a dream in the night and probably had a nightmare. I didn't expect this kid to be courageous.

See Shao Xuan lying down again, a pair of people want to continue to sleep, other people do not ask more, do nightmares, who has not had a nightmare? Especially after entering the beasts and mountains, I often dreamed of being eaten by the beasts and swallowed by those weird plants, but that was only the beginning of the time, and then it was much better. After all, I can follow them. People who are both capable of their respective tribes are not so vulnerable.

I know that Shao Xuan will be a nightmare and be awakened. Several young warriors in other tribes have a lot of balance. Shao Xuan is also afraid of this kid, hehe.

However, the balance of other people's minds, the four people of Yanjiao mentioned the eyes of the blind.

After going through some things, they know that Shao Xuan’s dream is not a general dream.

When he followed the advance team to hunt, Shao Xuan dreamed of seeing the young thief. When he was on the other side of the sea, Shao Xuan dreamed of his ancestors and dreamed of crossing the sea. Those, all had great revelation and guidance!

Now, I heard Shao Xuan say that dreaming, the four people in Yanjiao want to ask, can take care of other people in the cave, can only hold the doubts.

Because Shao Xuan did this, the four people in Yanjiao had no sleep, and other people in the cave could also perceive that the people in Yanjiao seemed to be very unsettled.

In the land below the cave, some unknown creatures are creeping, and the sound passes through the stones at the bottom of the cave to the ears of everyone. Those creatures are not close, and they are not threatened for the time being, but they always shake the nerves.

In the mountain forest outside the cave, there is a roar of night beasts in the farther places. In the night, the mountains and forests are still strangled.

Shao Xuanyan looked at the black lacquered stone cave, and the mountain forest at night was a bit cold. The temperature from the stone surface of the cave made him calm down a lot. Think carefully about every detail in your dreams, recall them over and over again, and write them down.

Green face? What is in the dream is the green face?

It’s a pity that in the dream, not only the view is dim, but also a layer of fog, no matter which field of view is used, it can't be seen clearly, only the outline of the surrounding can be seen.

This place is really different.

In the latter half of the night, Shao Xuan has been reminiscing about the various details seen in the dream, as well as the murderousness of the substance.

If the dreams are really green, then you can explain why they are so hard to catch. The action is too fast, the attack power is very strong, and the alertness is very high.

Shao Xuan has already searched for this mountain of rest. According to memory, the place in the dream is not here.

Not here, where is it?

The next day, after simply solving the breakfast, the people of the tribes in the team separated and each set off.

The five people in Yanjiao also did not say much, they followed Shao Xuan. They knew that Shao Xuan had definitely discovered something. (~^~)

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