After Shao Xuan went down the mountain, he began to look for it.

He didn't know which mountain was the place to see in the dream. The view that can be seen from a height is more open. Shao Xuan borrowed the giant eagle from the tribe and wanted to see it from a height.

It is a pity that from a height, it is impossible to see which mountain is special. There are not much differences between the mountains seen when looking down.

These giant eagle eagle always have obvious vigilance and rejection for non-returning tribes, far less trusting to those who return to the tribe. After searching for a lap, the mountain eagle with Shaoxuan carrying the name "Mountain Knife" has begun to be intolerant. After several sounds, he is urging Shao Xuan to hurry and watch it.

Gula has comforted the "mountain knife" several times, but unfortunately, the mountain giant eagle has a temper, which is the maximum that they can endure after compromise. It makes them feel uncomfortable here, and they carry a person who is not trusting on their backs. They keep turning around in a place where they feel bad, and they feel good.

Shao Xuan will paint several places of suspected dreamland on the animal skin rolls, woods, streams, rocks, etc., as long as they look similar, all marked out.

When the painting was almost finished, Shao Xuan came down from the eagle. The three hawks who returned to the tribe were not jealous, and Shao Xuan could not let them continue to cooperate. He also saw that the three hawks were very jealous of this place, but they did not realize that there was any danger, that is, they were uncomfortable.

After drawing the picture, Shao Xuan did not reinforce them. Thanks to Gula, Shao Xuan took the four people with Yanjiao to start searching according to the places marked in the picture.

Unable to determine exactly where it is, you can only use the dead method to find a mountain.

At the beginning, some people wanted to follow Shao Xuan in the past. However, looking at Shao Xuan, they seemed to search for nowhere, and they had no patience. They did not continue to follow.

Five people quickly shuttled through the woods, Shao Xuan ran in the front, and looked around the line, if it was at the marked place. I will stop and take a look. If I can't find it, I will change it.

After looking for three mountains, the five talents stopped to rest.

The mountains are quieter than the rest of the places they passed before. The place where they stopped was quieter. They could only hear some birds and insects around them, as well as the faint beasts in the distance. The most obvious thing is that the five people are breathing heavily because of the continuous running.

Take their physique. Even if you are chasing the prey and running for a few days while hunting, as long as it is not against the beast, it will not be so tired.

They came here, and there were not many vicious beasts. The giant beasts did not. Just be careful of the plants here and the animals hidden in the dark. Their hunting has become accustomed to the mountains and forests. For them, it doesn't matter, but it feels tired.

very tired!

"This is really hot!" Dokang sighed.

Last winter. They were almost buried by snow, and this winter, coming to the sea, it was too hot. Two extremes.

Shao Xuan stood up from the stone and looked at the surrounding forest. There are some hidden sights in the woods that pay attention to them. Those are just predators hidden in the grass. This is a kind of cleverness in the mountains. They judged that they are measuring the combat effectiveness of Shaoxuanwu. I feel that I can attack. It will probably move. Only now, they are still hesitating. The strength of Shao Xuan’s five people is too strong. They dare not act easily.

Did not go to see those hidden in the thick grass. Just keep a vigilant, but with more attention, Shao Xuan is placed elsewhere.

“Is it really because of the weather that I feel particularly tired?” Shao Xuan asked.

Seeing this place from the beginning, you can discover the difference here, and the plants grow more fresh and moist.

The air seems to be very fresh, and every breath makes people feel refreshed. However, it is only the feeling at the beginning. When the exercise is more intense, the longer the time, the more you feel a sense of sorrow and breathe hard, but always feel tired.

Shao Xuan said this, the other four people also felt strange.

"I now believe that there is a green face here." Mai smiled. In his opinion, the more special beasts, the more strange the place where they live.

"Let's go, continue to find." Dokang took a bit of aching muscles, and the interest was even higher. For him, finding the green face is the most important thing. Compared with the stone tools, he prefers the sound of the golden instrument. However, after using the goldsmith created by Gongjiaheng, he will use the weapons that are not used to other grades, and would rather use the weapons polished by the top grade stone. I don't want to use inferior gold. I don't want to use it.

Faster, as long as you find the green face, you can create a better gold to make up for the technical gap!

Dokang’s heart is hot and he doesn’t care about this fatigue. Not only him, but everyone else. Do you know how weird it is? Still have to continue to find!

The five people once again looked for the next place, until when they found the eighth mountain, Shao Xuancai suddenly gave birth to a sense of familiarity. It is the first time I came here, why do I feel familiar? The reason has only been seen in a dream!

The scenery seen in the dream is very vague. The woods here are not much different from the places they have been looking for before. The distribution of species, the density of trees, the height of grass, etc. are not much different. But now, Shao Xuan is standing in this wood, and the familiar feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

"right here!"

The four words that Shao Xuan said made the four people of Dokang uplifted.

Walking along the familiar feeling, Shao Xuan slowly compares each scene with the dreams dreamed in the dream. The original dim background in the memory begins to become bright, the shades of green and the darkness in the dream. Perfect overlap.

Right here, he heard the fast shuttle sound.

Going forward, Shao Xuan stopped and looked around to find the grass. He saw the grass with the light fragrance when he removed the trap.

It is not a complete grass. If it is not intended to search here, Shao Xuan will not notice them, because they are just a little bit out of the ground, like what was bitten.

"This is... Green face smashed?" Dokang business was shaking with excitement, staring at Shao Xuan, waiting for him to give an answer.

"Should be." Did not see the final goal, Shao Xuan is not sure, but there are already seven points in my heart.

There is no definite answer, but this has made Dokang very happy.

Sure enough, Shao Xuan’s dream is not white!

Although I want to find the target quickly, I can't remind you at this time. Dokang is on the side of Shaoxuan, guarding around, solving the threats from the grass and letting Shao Xuan feel at ease.

Out of the woods, Shao Xuan saw the stream that was not deep, and there seemed to be a sound of drowning in the dream.

When stepping on the water, Shao Xuan felt that something was wrong, the sound was wrong, and the sound of drowning in the dream was lighter. Was it stepping on the stone?

It is not right. There is no exposed stone in the middle of this stream to be trampled, but Shao Xuan can't find a reasonable answer to explain. He can only skip this paragraph first.

After crossing the stream, I saw those trees with a slanting shape, and Shao Xuan no longer doubted. From the air, we can't see the shape of these trees, we can only see the dense foliage, so it is difficult to find this forest. Standing on the ground is different, and the curvature of the trunk is clearly displayed in the field of vision.

This is the place, that's right!

There is a rotten stench in the air, and the sound of birds and some beasts threatening each other.

The five people looked at each other and put their hands on the side.

From the dream, the place to be attacked is getting closer.

The rotten smell is getting stronger and stronger.

The scavengers beat each other and snatched food. There were some small beasts screaming to drive out the falling birds. The behavior of feeding was once again causing a melee. There are also some big bees flying around.

There, there is a corpse about two meters high. In this area, it is already a large one. It is only a long and thin body, and it is about seven or eight meters high. Today, the corpse has been eaten less than a quarter, and it is impossible to see what the beast was like before.

Birds and beasts are rushing around the corpse, and Shao Xuan has not passed. It is not wise in the past, it will cause the siege of those scavengers, and the beast will protect the food, and it will be crazy.

When the food was almost there, the flock of birds gradually flew away, and the beast that had eaten only left, and the insects on the ground were almost scattered. Shao Xuan was close to there.

Waving the weapon on the hand, driving away the flying insects, Shao Xuan looked at the corpse of the bones in front of him.

It was here that he was attacked. No, exactly, perhaps, it is not Shao Xuan who was attacked. At that time, the one who was really attacked should be the dead beast.

This beast had a bone plate on the chest and should play a protective role. However, Shao Xuan saw a round hole on the bone plate.

The protective bone plate is so easily poked out of a hole, showing the sharpness of the sharp weapon, and the speed and strength of the rushing.

It's no wonder that when you are in a dream, you feel the danger of sharp edge impact. It should be this.

"There are only some fresh bites on the bones. They should be bitten by those who eat carrion. Besides, it seems that there are no other wounds." After I saw it, I analyzed it.

"It's not like being beaten around." Tuo glanced around the woods, with doubts.

"One hit is fatal." Shao Xuan pointed at the round hole. "If you kill it, it's really green, we have to be more careful."

The green noodles don't eat meat, so they leave after killing a beast and leave the corpses to the rotted animals.

"You said that this generation of large-scale beasts is relatively small. Is it because of the threatening beasts that have been slaughtered?"

At this point, everyone could not help but shudder. (~^~)

Ps: Thank you for your vote on the first day of 2016!

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