Shao Xuan and the five people followed closely. Just after the four people saw the blue-faced fangs, they hesitated for a moment, but for such an instant, they were already far behind.

The prey in front is getting faster and faster, ignoring the trees and the grass, whether it is thick grass or trees everywhere, it does not affect its speed. Being able to walk on the grass is one thing. On the other hand, it seems that it is very familiar with this area. How to run and where to go is like already knowing the general, such as swimming into the water.

Shao Xuan at the rear could not see the hoof of its swing. Because it was too fast, he could only see the grass waves under his hooves swaying with its running. Each time it was placed, it was like hitting the waves and pushing the other side. Escape at a faster rate.

In the sky, Gula and other people returning to the tribe, after hearing the shouts of Shao Xuan, followed the figure below.

Although there are many branches in the woods that block most of the sky, there are still many gaps that allow Gula to see the figure flying down. Even if Gula can't see it clearly, with the eyesight of the mountain giant eagle, he can lock the fleding figure.


The prey seems to know that there are hunters in the sky, so the place it runs is to run towards the denser woods, not the open areas.

The Shaoxuan five people behind can't stop it for a while, and the people in the sky can only guarantee to keep up, and they can't catch it for a while, watching it rush into a higher and denser forest.


The giant eagle in the sky was not willing to scream. The prey below is rushing into the denser woods, and it can't be chased again.

Losing prey in the field of vision, the eagle of the sky spiraled, not knowing that it should fly in that direction.

Gula whispered, indicating that the giant eagle flew, and he jumped from the back of the eagle and entered the forest with the four people who had just caught up. There are three people in the sky who are watching the tribe. If they see something, they will prompt the people below.

The only thing missing is Shao Xuan. because. Only Shao Xuan caught up.

The same is to follow the trunk, Shao Xuan can keep up, Duo Kang four but more and more far and wide, and now even the goal has been lost. No one will be in a good mood.

"The one just was a green face?" asked Gula.

"Shao Xuan said yes, that must be, I really didn't think that the green face fangs could run on the grass!" Dokang gasped, this difficulty is almost the same as catching "theft", and lost the opportunity if you don't pay attention. Just a little worse! I shouldn't hesitate just now!

"Run on the grass?!" Before Gula was at the top. I couldn't see the situation below. I couldn't see the figure when I went to the ground. Now, when I heard Dokang, Gula was really shocked. He has only seen long wings flying on the grass. How can it be so capable?

The four people of Dokang didn't know much. In fact, they only saw a vague figure, and they didn't see the whole picture of the green face, and they only knew this more than Gula.

But now is not the time to say more.

"Looking for each other!"

Such a large forest can not find traces. If you can't continue to pursue it, you can only find it separately.

I hope Shao Xuan can catch up with the green face. Four people thought.

At the beginning, Shao Xuan was able to catch up with the "stealing" person. Now, should you be able to catch up with the green face?

Shao Xuan really keeps up, but this is not the site of the Yanjiao he is familiar with. The geographical advantage is more powerful in the face of the green face. All he can do is not to be opened, and then find opportunities to tell others.

In the process of catching up, Shao Xuan could not be distracted to leave the mark of tracking for Dokang. The route in front of the figure was too smashed, and Shao Xuan might even hit the tree.

In the dense forest, the two figures flew in tandem, sometimes changing too fast. Shao Xuan will also leave footprints on the trunk and even break the branches. However, there are not many such situations, and it is impossible to leave traces of continuous traces to the people behind.

A worm that slept in the grass, stepped on by Shao Xuan, who was jumped off the trunk, waited for it to stand up. When he was anxiously moving his cheeks to look around, there was no Shao Xuan’s figure.

Run out of a mountain, cross the valley, run to another mountain, then turn over the mountains...

The front figure still seems to run tirelessly, there is no tendency to slow down.

When Shao Xuan thought that this would be a longer long hunt, the figure running in front of him suddenly stopped there as if he suddenly stepped on the brakes.

Before the stop, Shao Xuan did not dare to be close to him. He had limited understanding of the green face and fangs. When he could not know their attack habits, Shao Xuan would maintain a relatively safe distance with it, especially knowing that the other party can easily kill a body type. Be careful when it is a lot of beasts.

Before I only looked after the chase, no matter what else, now stopped Shao Xuan discovered that the front, it seems to be a little fat. No, it can't be said to be fat, it is more like eating too much.

The short and wide four hooves, the belly is round, the body is a blue-green pattern, the color is different, and there is no law. The entire face is completely cyan, with no other variegated colors. The head looks like an animal like a cow or a sheep, but there are obvious differences. On the slightly wider jaw, there is a tooth that grows on the sides of the jaw, and the other side has only a short piece, which should be due to a certain Broken for some reason.

There is only one fang, and the corpse found by Shao Xuan should be killed.

It looks at Shao Xuan's eyes fiercely, there is no fear at all, no barking, only people feel very gloomy silence.

The sound of the jet sounded. The hot air is like a thick mist, and it is sprayed from the two large nostrils of the green noodles that are not far away. In its slightly open mouth, there are no sharp teeth, it is not a meat tooth, but a grass.

Shao Xuan recalled what he had described with him. "The face is blue and has a very thick skin. It is often active in the mountains. It is fierce, and it attacks other beasts and grazes."

Although the hunting team used to hunt a lot of prey from the mountain, many of them were similar to the ones that were not far away, but Shao Xuan denied the first sight of those prey. However, when I saw this in front of me, Shao Xuan had a feeling that it was right!

This green noodle tooth should know that it has got rid of other people. The eagle has not seen in the sky. Only Shao Xuan is alone. It feels that the crisis has been lifted. Now, it has chosen a positive response. The fierce light in both eyes, the head drooping, the fangs facing the position of Shao Xuan, releasing the signal of attack.

There is no other extra movement. It just squats in the short and four hoofs. The body that looks cumbersome will easily leaping and rushing toward Shao Xuan, as the Shao Xuan sees in the dream. offensive.

In the face of the fangs that can easily break the bones of the beasts in the forest, Shao Xuan had to deal with it cautiously. He had already blew the wooden whistle. The whistle of the bird song had already been heard, but he did not know when they could come over. Before that, he could only cope with it. (To be continued.)

Ps: It’s even more tonight.

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