Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 545: block up

The body of the high-speed running of the blue-faced fangs, when running, screams the sound of the wind, turns into a green light, and rushes to Shao Xuan. It seems that the body that looks round and bulky gives a feeling of being fluttering like a floating thing.

Shao Xuan did not retreat directly, and the abdomen contracted backwards. The whole upper body was twisted toward the side with the twist of the knee, avoiding this fierce blow. At the same time, the wrist holding the hilt was turned, and the sword body crossed a light. Cut the blue-faced fangs that have been attacked, and you will see this strange beast from the head of the beast.

Unexpectedly, this beast was not only fast, but also very agile. When Shao Xuan cut the sword down, the body that leaped up and emptied turned, the head of the animal twisted, and the blade was blocked with a tooth.


The animal tooth collided directly with the blade, but it did not break, leaving only a little deep flaw.

Instead of hitting a single shot, it was strongly blocked. The blue-faced fangs probably didn’t think that the weapons in Shao Xuan’s hands could pose such a threat to it. After being bounced off, the ball bounced like a ball. It quickly swayed the hoof and pulled the distance between them. It stopped at the distance of 20 steps from Shao Xuan and looked at Shao Xuan in disgust.

Shao Xuan didn't know if it was his own illusion. The cyan on the face of the green face seemed to be deeper, and the eyes with the murderous eyes and the wrinkled skin on the strange face seemed to be more vicious. ferocious.

In fact, Shao Xuan knows that if you want to get the blood of the blue-faced fangs to cast, it is best to catch them alive. The traps set by the Yanling City people are also the main purpose of catching them instead of killing them. The beast's aggressiveness is extremely strong. When attacking is killing, Shao Xuan is not sure that he can easily catch them.

The blue-faced fangs again sprayed two hot air from the two large nostrils and stepped on the hooves.

obviously. It did not intend to let Shao Xuan go, and the sharp fangs came to Shao Xuan in the blink of an eye.

Shao Xuan did not dare to care about it. When he thought of the corpse, he had a feeling. If it was tied by this tooth, the fistula was a human being. Whether it is a primary or advanced totem warrior, and whether or not this tooth has the key to the internal organs, it will definitely be dead. There is no evidence, intuition.

The strong wind driven by the body that rushed over, directly on the face, just the wind, Shao Xuan actually has a feeling of being photographed by the wooden board.

Still did not retreat, Shao Xuan did not even avoid this time, but the front with a sword to block this flash of lightning.

A steel-like fang is stabbed on the sword. A sharp sound, the short squeaking sound of the cusp on the sword.

Shao Xuan bit his teeth and held the sword's arm with a blue rib.

The impact of this beast is very large. It is not that it is really strong, but that it is too fast. Under the speed increase, every impact is like a shell that is ejected. Even if there is no tooth decay, it is not something that ordinary people can afford. What's more, it also has a pointed tooth like a steel nail. The special sword of the workmanship can only cut a deep trace on its fangs.

One hit, the blue-faced fangs are going to retreat again, not in love.

See you. Shao Xuan’s mind flashed an idea quickly, but after all, it was speculation that he was not sure.



Third attack, fourth attack...

The ideas in Shao Xuan’s mind are getting stronger and stronger.

Block these four attacks. Shao Xuan has a feeling that the green face tooth should be very light, far less heavy than it looks, and it should be not close to melee, prefer a long-range impact, relying on speed and its fangs to make a fatal blow to the prey. Therefore, it will only be missed several times in a single hit and choose to temporarily retreat.

Just, after all, it’s just speculation. If you want to be sure, you can get a confirmation.

The fourth attack of the blue-faced beast was not hit, and it was already arrogant. Two of the nostrils were much larger than Shao Xuan’s fist. The heat was like boiling water, and the sputum sprayed outward. After the spray was finished, the fifth attack was launched.

With the experience of the previous four times, Shao Xuan calmly blocked this blow and did not want to give it a chance to run away.

The soles of the feet forceed in the direction of the retreat of the blue-faced fangs. On the arm without the sword, the block muscles jumped with the force of the totem, and the overturned wrist grasped the long fangs of the blue-faced fangs. Force, want to throw this beast all over the ground. If you want to catch a living, you can stun it and say it.


This is Shao Xuan's first thought.


This is Shao Xuan’s second thought.

The green face is not as heavy as it looks. This Shao Xuan has been psychologically prepared. He also guessed it, so he was not surprised. If there is no such light weight, how does it run on the grass? It is not as long as a bird.

In addition, I feel that the fangs held in my hand are so slippery. This is what Shao Xuan didn't expect. After all, the fangs don't look smooth, and there are still many traces. There are Shaoxuan's swords. As a result, there are other scratches. As a matter of course, it should not be so slippery.

However, the fangs that should be controlled in the palm of the hand, like the slippery mud, are out of control with the struggle of the fangs. When he noticed that it was wrong, Shao Xuan’s extended arm quickly recovered.

If Shao Xuan is quick to close his hand, his palm will definitely be scratched by the fangs, even worse.

The Qingmian fangs that were controlled by Shao Xuan stopped again, but this time, it was farther away from Shao Xuan. It was probably scared by Shao Xuan’s behavior just now.

The eyes with fierce light stared at Shao Xuan, and the black pupil of the blue-faced beast quickly contracted and expanded again. The skin that wrinkled on the surface was more, and the two spurts were sprayed. In Shao Xuan, it was thought of again. When the sixth offensive was launched, the shovel of the green-faced fangs was moved, and it turned around one hundred and eighty degrees and ran away.

It is the habit of most beasts and people, and it is also the most correct choice based on survival.

Dokang did not come over, Shao Xuan blew the wooden whistle, and quickly left a mark on the trunk next to it, and then continued to chase toward the front.

It’s rare to encounter a green face and can’t just let it go.

However, it really ran, the front of the belly was round and green, and it was really difficult to catch. It was dedicated to the grassy places, the four hoofs, the treads on the thick grass, left and right, Shao Xuan still The first time I met such a terrible beast. Because it does not have a fixed running route and direction, and the speed is fast, Shao Xuan wants to lick it and can't do it.

However, the beast in front does not always run aimlessly? According to what Shao Xuan learned, many beasts living in the mountains and forests have their own refuge points. When they encounter uncertain threats, they will run to refuge, caves, caves, rivers, tall trees... Wait a few places.

Then, in front of the green face, what is it going to run?

The land surrounded by the green mountains is much larger than what Shao Xuan thought. In the process of catching up, Shao Xuan pays attention to the topography, so as not to catch up with his own lost roads. In the process, he discovered many strange plants. Perhaps because of the unique environment here, there are many Shaoxuan that have never seen before. Flowers and trees, but these can also be understood, the only weird, probably there is no large beast?

After chasing this long journey, Shao Xuan saw other big beasts, but never saw a giant, which is the same as the discovery they just entered this zone.

If it is really the cause of the blue-faced beast, how many green-faced fangs must it be made to make this band even a large beast difficult to see?

The one in front, is it that I want to go to the old nest?

If that is the case, Shao Xuan will have to keep up.

If it is a normal warrior, running so far, even if you can continue to run, the speed will slow down, can not continue to catch up at full speed, even if Shao Xuan, chasing here, also has a significant sense of fatigue. The frontal fangs still maintain a very fast speed, but the sound of the jets that Shao Xuan heard was louder.

When is it still going?

Shao Xuan looked at the blue-faced fangs flying in front and thought about it.

In front of the woods is a mountain wall, and the front of the green-faced fangs has not slowed down at all, nor has it turned. Although it is still swaying everywhere, the general direction is toward the front of the mountain wall.

Could it be that there is something on the mountain wall?

Shao Xuan chased the front figure and rushed out of the woods, quickly glanced at the front of the mountain wall, did not find it inappropriate, similar to the other side of the mountain wall.


The trace of Shao Xuan sweeping toward the mountain wall fell to a place near the ground, where there was a hole, and the green face fangs that rushed out of the woods rushed straight to the hole.

Is that its refuge? !

Shao Xuan didn't know how deep the hole was on the mountain wall. He didn't know if there were other entrances and exits. If you let it rush in, I don't know if there is any chance to catch it.

Although Shao Xuan now wants to stop the green fangs in front, he is still one step behind. He can only watch it getting closer and closer to the hole in the mountain wall. If the horse crosses the sky, a long hair on the head is blown by the wind. Drifting, the front half of the body slightly tilted, the slightly higher head of the fangs turned downward, the front hoist folded, shot toward the cave.

Look at that series of actions, you know that it is not the first time to do this, very skilled.


Shao Xuan’s footsteps were slow, and he stopped standing there, watching the blue-and-white figure rushing straight into the cave at Mount Shanbi.


One sounded like the muffled sound of the palm of the hand quickly snapping to the empty bottle.

Shao Xuan looked at the situation at the entrance of the cave. The muscles on the face shook and then lifted his feet and walked over there.

At the hole in the mountain wall, the blue-and-white figure completely blocked the hole, and half of it was exposed. The rounded stomach just stuck in the hole, and the front side of the folded front shovel was facing outward, and it was stuck in it. . The hind legs that were exposed outside were squirming, but the hooves were short, and the rounded belly that was stuck there restricted the curvature of the body, so when the two heels swayed, it was just a glimpse of the mountain wall. Can not borrow strength, can only vacate the kick, a short tail around the circle, do not know if it is urgent. (To be continued.)

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