Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 546: Pull back

Before going to the hole, Shao Xuan looked at the group that was blocked there. Just now he felt that the hole seemed to be a little smaller, and this is only so fat. It seems that it is still a little bit weak, unless it is soft and soft. , flexible and flexible.

Sure enough, blocked?

Just rushing so fast, blocking is also more forceful, stuck there, if no one pulls it out, do not know when to get stuck, unless hungry.

It is said that the green fangs are very thick, but Shao Xuan looks at the hairs in most of them. The hair is not long, and the shades of different shades are very chaotic. However, such colors are really excellent in the mountains. The protective color, coupled with their completely inconsistent reaction speed and attacking power, does not necessarily lead to this place, at least rare rivals.

I don't know if this green-faced tooth has ever been used by the people of Yanling and the tribe. The only thing Shao Xuan can confirm is that he saw it in his dreams.

The blue-faced fangs there were licking the hooves for a while, and then swaying forward, but unfortunately, it was still useless, and it could not be pulled out and could not be squeezed in. The movement of the tail was getting faster and faster, and it was estimated that it was really impatient.

"I knew that I didn't have to worry so much about it." Shao Xuan said.

In the past few days, he also deliberately studied the kind of traps made by the people of Yanling. He thought that when he used the trap to arrest, he did not expect that he would encounter such a scene.

Looking around, Shao Xuan is going to find the vines to tie this one, so a good opportunity, not a pity.

After two steps, Shao Xuan stopped and turned back to the front of the hole, and took out the white silk from the animal skin bag. Originally he intended to use white silk to set the trap, but now he changed his mind. The average vine, Shao Xuan does not know whether it can be tied to it, or use white worms more assured.

The front hoof has been stuck inside, and it can't be tied. Shao Xuan can only tie the heel first, and prevent it from escaping after it is pulled out. The blue-faced fangs are running too fast. It is too difficult to chase.

I can't run, but I can't compare with Shao Xuan. I can't help the hoof of the fangs. Shao Xuan will wrap up the white worms in his hands. Fold the two heels and tie them together with the torso.

After the tie up, Shao Xuan reached out and poked the skin of the green-faced beast. He really felt its thick skin, but there was a strange place. This touch, in addition to the skin thickness, is still somewhat wrong, there is a strange feeling when tied.

Reach out and press.

Without a poke, Shao Xuan continued to force, and his fingers fell into it.

He had just seen it with a special vision. The bones on this green face have no problems, and they are not pregnant with animals. It has been running towards this side and should be very familiar with it. If it is not squeezed in before, it will not be so fast and accurate, certainly not fat.

The only possibility is that it eats more.

It is rare to swell up after eating too much. Shao Xuan has not seen a few like this in these years. Moreover, other beasts, even if they eat too much, can make such a big change, and unlike it, it will not be so soft. This green face is fangs. The belly is just like a gas.

The blue-faced fangs that had been poked a few times were even more powerful, but now, no matter how struggling it is, they can't pull out from the hole.

Shao Xuan can hear the sound coming from the cave. It should be that the green face is licking, it sounds like the wind is blowing.

Did not wait, Shao Xuan decided to tie up, stretched out his arms. The two arms are clip-like, and the trunk of the blue-faced fangs is buckled outside the hole, and the foot is stepped on the wall of the hole. Pull your arms outwards.


A soft bang, the blue-faced fangs stuck in the hole were finally pulled out. The first reaction from the hole was to twist the neck and rub the teeth toward Shao Xuan.

It is a pity that Shao Xuan buckled his torso and pressed it to the ground before his teeth were tied. His face was facing down.

Shao Xuan moved to the back of his neck and grabbed the other hand. He tied his front leg with white worms and tied his mouth.

The hind legs were tied and could not move, could not run, could not force, and the whole was slammed on the ground. It was also better than Shao Xuan, but he could only let Shao Xuan tie.

After the front and rear legs were tied, the blue-faced fangs also lost their ability to move. At most, they could only roll in place, and they could not stop flying from the nostrils. The whole face of the beast looked more and more gloomy.

"Why haven't you come yet?" Shao Xuan blew his wooden whistle, still did not hear their response, and the tribes were not seen in the sky.

Didn't catch up?

Still encountered other things blocked?

Since Dokang did not come, Shao Xuan could only go back with the green face that he had caught.

Looking at the sky, Shao Xuan will be **** by the green face and smashed his teeth, head out, not letting its fangs have a chance to come over.

I was planning to return along the original road. Before entering the woods, Shao Xuan suddenly stopped.

In the dark woods, the sound of the grass waves swaying with the wind and the leaves rubbing is still embarrassing. Besides, there seems to be no other movements, but Shao Xuan does not step into the woods, but slams back.

Just when Shao Xuan retired, a few squeaks in the woods, three bones with thick fingers, suddenly shot from a tree, one plunged into the position where Shao Xuan just stood, and the other two shots After Shao Xuan’s body, he finally hit the mountain wall and made two loud noises.

The images of the two people were suddenly born from the tree. Two bone-like darts were shot at Shao Xuanfei, and they did not stop when they pulled out the bones. People followed the Shaoxuan. .

Although these two people can fly directly on the grass like the blue-faced fangs, but the action is also very light, the sound of jumping on the trunk is very small, and people with bad ears may not be able to hear it.

Shao Xuan avoided two bone darts, and the approaching figure quickly zoomed in his pupil. He threw up the blue-faced fangs and the other hand, and the other hand held the sword and swept it out. The sword smashed the air and made a whistling sound, which seemed to drive the torrent of torrents.

When he was fangs, Shao Xuan still had a little bit of thought, but for these people, his attitude was different.

When Shao Xuan had an action, the two men changed their feet, one person leaped up, and the other was still facing Shao Xuan, blocking a sword from Shao Xuan.


In the squeaking sound of metal impact, the vibrating body of the sword will reflect the infinite amount of light, such as a light group suddenly exploding on the sword.

The person who took the sword of Shao Xuan had heard about the great strength of Yanjiao people. He had heard of the behavior of Yanjiao people, but he really felt it when he faced it. This sword with a sharp head brings strength, enough brutal impact, and the knife on the hand must be shaken off the fly.

However, the reaction of the person is also fast. When the sword is blocked, there is already a preparation for retreat, and the force is retreated by the anti-seismic force.

After wiping a sword, Shao Xuan did not go to see each other, but raised his hand and grabbed it, as if it was already good, grabbed the tail of the blue-faced beast. When he threw it, he forced his head to face up and his tail to face down.

Above, the person who had already touched the blue-faced fangs suddenly found that the target was thrown back and was pulled back. (~^~)

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