Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 550: Wind sound

I have to say that what I want to think of is indeed the truth. :6d

These fierce beasts, which are very time-conscious, are foraging at night, looking for a comfortable grass during the day, and they are very regular throughout the year.

In the cold winter, it is snowing in this mountain forest, and the green noodles don't like snow. They will hibernate like bears. In order to better keep warm, they will squeeze into the same mountain and go into hibernation together. This is also their rare gathering period. They will not come out of the cave until the spring of the following year.

In the past two years, even if the weather changes very differently, it is obviously the time of winter. The snow is not seen, but it is very hot. Many animals in the mountain of the beasts have abandoned the idea of ​​hibernation, but they are still in accordance with fixed time rules. By that time, regardless of the weather, they will squeeze into the hole, and then fall into a deep sleep, unless they are hungry, hungry, will come out for food.

This is also the reason why people who came here rarely see a green face at first. Because they are hibernating.

Only a few few hungry, came out of the hole, then went to eat a few meals, and felt that the hoarding was good, then went back to the hole.

The only thing that Shao Xuan caught was that he came out to eat after hungry, only to find out because he wanted to hoard more energy to spend the rest of the hibernation time, so it ate more, if it was not discovered by Shao Xuan, it Will continue to eat for two days, and then after absorption, the body retracts back to the original volume, will once again drill into the cave to hibernate.

At this time, most of the blue-faced fangs are actually hibernating in the caves in the mountains.

The percussion sound brought by Sui Ya, in addition to the inside of the green fangs that had been hidden inside, also awakened other green fangs, and to a certain extent, he did receive the effect of knocking the mountain smashing beast. Unfortunately, this effect is too great. So much so that he can't get it right now.

The blue-faced fangs that wake up from sleep, the temper is even worse, and it is a collision. The slave just received the most violent blow after it woke up.

Hunting nets have, however. There are more green teeth, so it is not so good to arrest.

The screams came one after another. It shows that the arrests in all places are not smooth, and it also shows that the smoldering fangs that ran out far exceeded the expectations of 轼矢.


A figure came straight, and the slave who took the hunting net had to pick up the weapon to deal with it.


The sound of broken bones was particularly harsh in this night, although the slave had just avoided the fangs that had been stabbed, but was accidentally smashed with a hoof, and the chest collapsed with the fragility of the bone fracture, a thick blood. Squirted from the mouth of the slave. I didn't expect to escape the fangs, but I still couldn't bear the kick.

For a time, the impact of fangs and gold and bones. There are also a variety of bone cracks, screams, and a mixture.

It is also a blue-faced fang that rushes out of the cave, and the eyes of the green that are glowing in the night, staring at a person and rushing straight into the past, the fluttering body, such as the shells that are fired, step on the grass. On the land. A burst of smoke was blurred, blurring the night's sight.


The sharp fangs hit the sword held by Yuya.

From the wrist to the elbow, he feels like being suddenly irritated, swollen with a numbness, and on the bare arm, there are faint blood in many pores. If the strength of the non-Yuya is stronger than the previous slave, under this collision, his whole arm will also spurt blood.

The head-on wind blew through, blocking the squatting of the slap, and it took a few steps to stabilize, and the ground was stepped on a clear footprint.

Seeing that the blue-faced fangs that had just been attacked were retired, I plan to come again.轼 Sagittarius is like a dish, and the sweat of the forehead is not falling down.

The temperature at night seems to be rising, and the clothes behind the scorpion are soaked in sweat, I don't know if it is hot or urgent.

While nervously watching the surroundings, Yan Yasui turned sharply and thought about the way.

There are more and more green fangs, although he did hope to find more green fangs before, but it is not that the more the better, the more is not lucky, but the disaster!

Can't help, what?


How can I not run? Is this pair of grumpy guys on the tip of the teeth?

"Go! Go back!!" Cang Yah called, while holding a wooden whistle, blowing at a specific rhythm. The slaves in other places heard the whistle of the slap in the air and knew what to do.

Pulling up a blue-faced fang that was tied, and let the slaves cover it for him. He ran down the mountain and ran away and yelled at the slaves: "Where you catch the green face, you can go back and have a reward! You can even mention level!"

I heard that there are many rewards, and there are already slaves who are itchy. Although these green faces are not easy to catch, they are willing to take risks in order to reward them. Listening can "lift", one by one, the line of sight is hot.

The slaves who are unwilling to upgrade are not good slaves. What is the difference between the life of slaves that cannot be upgraded and the stones in the desert?

This is the result of the superb brainwashing of the slave owners of Yanling. Under the trend of slavery, the slaves will not betray, and the bait that has been released gives the slaves hope that the slaves will be willing to pay all the price.

In addition to this, there are also some figures in the nearby mountains, coming out from some hidden caves in the mountains.

The screaming sound of the jets tells their anger.

In the dark night, the shadows merge with the night.

In the woods, on the grass, each figure is wrapped in a whirlwind, with a hot breath, running on the grass, there is no point to hide.

Before the seeing Shao Xuan saw the blue-faced fangs that were foraging at night, running like a wind, the sound was invisible, but now, suddenly these came out, but with the anger of anger, so that I could not wait for a storm, toward Gushing down the mountain.

The figure rushing down from the mountains gathers in the valley, and then rushes in the same direction, and there is the direction in which the snails run.

The blue-faced fangs have their own squeaking sounds. The sounds they really smashed are actually more like the sound of the wind slamming. Maybe others can't tell, but the other blue-faced fangs that sleep on the mountain can hear this.

The tempered temper who woke up from the slumber, now thinking of ways to vent, who to catch who, even the other beasts encountered on the way to pursue 轼矢, are also merciless, still do!

Want to hide grass? Look at the teeth!

After the tree? Look at the teeth again!

Don't die! !

There are no beasts and other beasts in other parts of the mountain, like the beasts of the high-pitched beasts, when the snoring of the blue-faced fangs is gathered, such as the screaming wind in the mountains.

The leaves of the woods trembled in such a sound. The grass in the mountains, like the lake was thrown into a huge stone, picked up countless waves, and waved again and again.

This mountain forest at night, like entering a deep world, a violent wind, disturbing the tranquility of the night.

The tribe rested on the hill.

Shao Xuan feels that the goose bumps in the body are rising again.

"Do you hear any noise?" Shao Xuan asked the two thousand-faced tribes who watched the night.

"It seems to be heard, is the yelling of the Yanling people?" asked one person.

"No, not that, it's the wind...not right, it sounds like the sound of the wind."


Shao Xuan’s words made the two thousand-faced tribes more confused.

Is there any problem with the wind?

There was also a sound like a wind blowing in the cave.

The three men looked at the cave at the same time.

"Is that?" Thousand-faced tribes raised their fingers at the hole and asked Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan looked at the stone cave, the voice, listened carefully, and the wind is still different. He also heard that it was actually the sound of the blue-faced fangs, but it was difficult to distinguish it when it was far away.

Looking again at the cascading mountains in the distance, Shao Xuan listened carefully to the sound of the wind, and then quickly whipped out the wooden whistle.

The piercing whistle pierced the silence of the night, whether it was a person who slept in the cave, or a person who slept outside the tree, and was awakened by the whistle.

"what happened?"

"What happened?"

"Who blows the whistle?!"

A group of people quickly gathered at the place where the whistle sounded.

When I saw the person standing there and holding the wooden whistle in his hand, Dokang asked: "Shao Xuan, what happened?"

"Yeah, what happened in the end, the whistle is so urgent." asked a non-eight tribe who yawned.

Shao Xuan looked at the distant forest and said: "If I guessed it well, the prey you want, come."

Everyone was shocked and asked quickly.

"The prey is coming? What are you talking about?"

"This is a good thing!"

"How many? Is it enough?" If you don't have enough points, you have to grab it.

Shao Xuan took a deep breath: "...a lot!")


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