Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 551: Each skill

Shao Xuan’s words made the people of several tribes in the field ecstatic. They rushed to this dangerous place, just to find the green face, no matter what its use, the slave owners tried hard to find things, they Let's get it first.

Yesterday, people who saw Yanjiao caught one, and many people were sour in their hearts. Now, their chances are finally here!

The activities were hands-on, and everyone listened carefully. They only heard the voices of people coming from afar. There were occasional beasts, which they saw in this mountain, not the target, but also the trees. The broken buzzing sound, except that, there seems to be nothing.

"Listen to the wind, those who are very like the wind blowing, the sound of the green face fangs." Shao Xuan explained to everyone.

"No wonder, I still wonder why the wind is so big, but I don't see it." The tribe raised his mouth and determined that Shao Xuan did not lie, and he was gearing up and planning to do a big job.

"Since there are more prey, it is not necessary to stare at one place." Qiu Gu of the Eighth Tribe said.

"Yes, it's up to you." The wooden tour of the Changzhou tribe agreed.

They are all crowded together, and they may be robbed. Therefore, the best way is to separate the actions. The tribes go hunting themselves, and the number of them caught is their own, saving more disputes. Moreover, when you only have your own people, you don't have to worry about anything. You can do whatever you want.

Several tribes there expressed their feelings, and the people in Yanjiao looked at Shao Xuan. They came out this time and they still had to listen to Shao Xuan.

Shao Xuan gave them a gesture of a little sorrow, and then said to the few hilarious tribes: "There are a lot of prey, but it may not be a good thing. At the same time, I have to remind you that the green face is not So good to catch, pay attention to what I told you. Be careful, don’t complain when you are hurt.”

"You can rest assured that we will not blame you. On the contrary, we must thank you, Shao Xuan, for reminding us, otherwise we may not be able to know the traces of those prey." The feathers of the Yu tribe smiled inadvertently.

They are now thinking about how to catch the green face and fangs. Shao Xuan reminded them that although they would listen, they did not feel how terrible. From entering the fierce beasts to the present, they have already encountered all kinds of beasts in the forest, and then see the black-faced fangs that Shao Xuan grabbed. It seems that Not so powerful.

If you want to say something, how do people listen to it, Shao Xuan can't manage it.

The tribes have begun to prepare, although it is still at night. However, the enthusiasm for catching the green face and fangs is high, one by one, holding the water moonstone, and cutting the tree and smashing the rattan by light; the eight people have begun to wrap the spider silk.

The wind is getting closer.

Shao Xuan has been able to clearly hear the shouts of the Yanling people.

"Come on the mountain!" Shao Xuan said.

After listening to Shao Xuan saying that the wind is the beast of the blue-faced fangs, they can also distinguish them, bring the tools that have been prepared, and quickly walk toward the mountains.

After the time of three breaths, there were only five people in the corner of the cave before the cave in the mountains. And a few people back to the tribe.

The giant eagle of the Hui tribe is not good at hunting at night, and now they are not planning to summon the mountain giant eagle. Since there are many goals, he is not in a hurry for a while. It is not too late to call the eagle when the sky is bright. Besides, the people in Yanjiao are not in a hurry, and they do not need to be impatient.

"Axuan. How are you going to do it?" Mai asked with the rattan net that he had already prepared.

"There are too many fangs to smash out the fangs. They are chasing the Yanling people, and here are also close to the Yanling. There will definitely be a few uphills. Let's try to trap a few, don't stare. Big team."

Checked some traps placed on the mountain before, Shao Xuan made some changes, and then arranged the action.

The kind of grass that the blue-faced fangs like to eat is really hard to find here. It is impossible to go to the grass in other places in such a dark night. Without the smell of the beast, you can only find another way.

Can't use grass as a bait, then useful people!

It is a common practice for the hunting team to lure prey into the set. Shao Xuan and the other four people talked about their experience of chasing the green face and fangs, and then they started to act.

The team of blue-faced fangs that rushed to the bottom of the mountain came to the forefront. There was no point to stop, and people who had been chasing Yanling. But there are also some green-faced beasts on the side of the team, who will be distracted to pay attention to the movements next to them.

The people of several tribes who have already gone down the mountain, because Shao Xuan will pass them, the blue-faced fangs are easy to detect the changes around them, so be extra careful, it is best to wait until they all pass, then start again, otherwise the big team may be taken to rest themselves. The mountain, on the contrary, helped the people of Yanling to stop the crisis for them.

Although it has been told by Shao Xuan that there will be a lot of blue-faced fangs, but when I really see the mountain, I still let the people of several tribes tremble.

In the dark, I can't see what it is like to run there. I can only hear the screams hang like the wind, like a continuous wind blowing, the squeaking of the leaves obscures the movement of the tribes. They hid in the grass, on the branches, and so on, quietly paying attention to that side.

Those blue-faced fangs were indeed running over the rocky side. There were a few green-faced fangs on the side of the team that seemed to notice something. They suddenly rushed out of the team and came over here.

The person who was the closest to the eight tribes was secretly stunned. He thought he was exposed. He could only see that the rushed fangs were only chasing a mouse-like thing.

However, he was so relieved that he was too early to listen to the slamming sound, like what was stuck in the trunk, and then it was a crisp and crisp sound.

The tree he hid was knocked down.

There are many people in the team that have seen the fallen face, but seeing that there is nothing that makes them interested in venting their anger, they continue to attack with the big team.

The man who was originally hidden in the fallen tree did not land on the tree. He had a very thin wire on his foot. The whole figure was attached to the filament. If he did not see him, Otherwise, I can't find out there, there are still individuals.


The very light sounds, but it is covered by the hum of the leaves.

A large net was quietly woven, which was jointly carried out by five un-three tribes hiding in different positions. At this moment, this net is silently smashing toward the green face that is separated from the team.

At night, the six night-time birds screamed and stopped at the nearby trees. The blue-faced fangs in the running will not pay attention to them. It is flying in the sky. They can't be used and they are not interested.

Another cry of "咕咕" came, but it was not from the birds, but from the woods not far away.

After hearing the sound, the six night-time birds flew over there. After a while, the six birds flew here again, but unlike before, they caught a vine on their claws, and six birds just caught one. The six corners of the net!


The sound from the woods was like a kind of guidance. The six birds that were holding the net were moving away from the group, attacking the green face of the beasts in the grass and flying away.

These six birds are not really domesticated. This is only the people of the Yu tribe who used the secret techniques of the tribe to save their urgency. The six birds could not carry out their own effective tasks independently. They could only guide them through the voice and tell them. How should they do it.

In addition to the not eight tribes and the Yu tribe, thousands of tribes, tribes, and the Changzhou tribe also use their own methods and techniques to slap their teeth.

The big team of blue-faced fangs has passed, Shao Xuan leads the last few to the mountain, and then, with other people, separates these green-faced fangs and slams them into the set traps. Gula and others returning to the tribe are Assistance next to you.

A single green face is good, as long as they have their temper and style of action, the plan will be successful. If there are more than one face, the variables will be big, not only the plan fails, but also may cause everyone to fall into crisis.

A blue-faced fang that stepped into the trap struggled, trying to poke all the vines around with the fangs. Shao Xuan and Gula, who jumped from the trees on both sides, quickly passed, tying the blue-faced fangs that had already broken away. stand up.

The air at the tip of the fangs oscillates at a weird frequency, making a whistling sound. It is screaming, venting anger, and the hot air ejected from the two nostrils carries a temperature higher than boiling water. Even though Shao Xuan and Gula have already avoided, they can still clearly feel the rising temperature around them. The air around the blue-faced fangs is like a dislocated wild horse. It is irregularly chaotic, and it is not tied to the light. No one knows how long this kind of binding can bind them.

Not much, after the tie, Shao Xuan took out a few polished copper needles, which he built before he came, smeared the venom collected on some plants in the forest, and gave the green face fangs. A shot came.

That kind of toxin has a fainting effect on large beasts, and some beasts with poor anti-toxicity may even die by eating the plants. Shao Xuan did not know that this is not suitable for the green face, so this time brought a few, one useless and then tie one. The last time he was looking for a blue-faced tooth, he did not use this. This time, I plan to give it a try.

After three consecutive ties, the action of the blue-faced fangs was slowed down, the frequency of the jets in the nostrils was also low, and the air that swollen around the body seemed to stop.

"Three to five, there is no need to be more." Shao Xuan looked at the blue-faced beast that struggled more and more slowly, said.

After that, Shao Xuan caught another blue-faced beast that fell into the trap. When they are not hooked, they may be very difficult to catch, and they can't catch up quickly, but as soon as they step into the trap, they can be quickly **** by those who are buried there, and then they will be honest with three or five stitches. (To be continued.)

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