Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 569: Change of the rainy season

The changes in the boundless river have made the people of the tribes worry all the time.

The changes in the big river lasted for a few days, but the slowness of the real movement was like seeing someone throwing a huge stone at them, but they never saw the stone landing, and the witches and chiefs of the tribe were even more Insomnia for several consecutive nights.

Since the emergence of the river, the crocodiles in the river collectively moved the nest away from the river bank. Now their range of activities is also far from the river bank. Even if they climb a long distance every day, they will be willing. Even if the people of the tribe are puzzled, they are even more worried. What the **** is it, so that the crocodiles have such behavior?

Until a seemingly peaceful day, the ground suddenly vibrated, and the crocodiles who had been swimming in the water panicked from the river in the river and continued to run away from the river bank, running towards the newly dug caves. .

The person standing on the back of the crocodile was overturned. No matter what he called, the crocodiles did not look back and climbed towards their new cave.

After the earth shook a little, there was no movement.

When the soldiers of the Horde tribe were searching around, they found that there were many dead fish in the river. A few days ago, I was fiercely continually beating on the river with big mouths and bites each other. Now I flipped my belly one by one and floated on the water, motionless.

"This is this... what happened?!"

The patrolling soldiers rushed back to report the matter to the witch and the leader.

In the following days, every ten days, there was a movement, and the time between each movement was shorter and shorter.

The tribes listened to the words of the witch and the leader, learned the crocodiles, and moved the houses away from the river bank.

At that time, this piece of land. Water in many places has dried up.

The good news is that there is no obvious change in the weather. It is still the same climate as in previous years. It is only the people of the tribe when it rains. And the tourists who depend on the survival of each tribe will rush to take out the prepared pots and pick them up.

The tribes who are good at making pottery have earned a lot under such a strange living environment. In the past, large pottery was not easy to sell, and now the best sellers are those pottery jars and large pottery jars.

Burning pottery is simple, but good pottery is not easy. The quality of pottery cooked by many people is not good and it is easy to break. Even the wall of the tank is still seeping through the water, or it can be used soon, and it is not strong enough to buy pottery from the place where it is traded.

The same is true of Yanjiao. Visitors will also ask for labor to exchange pottery jars and the like.

After the end of a shower, the people inside and outside the tribe were busy, and entered the house with the pottery that was placed outside.

Now, because the situation is special. If Wu feels that it is going to rain, he will inform the tribe in advance. Then when you see the sky change, everyone will rush to remove the tools that have watered their homes, so that the outside is full, so that in the end, there are not many places where outsiders walk. But when it rained, few people were outside. Everyone is busy picking up the water.

The vibration on the ground is not only felt at the edge of the mainland, but also in other places, especially in the mountainous areas where the Yanjiao is located, which is particularly fierce. Every time the ground vibrates, there will be a mess in the forest, the herd is smashing, and the birds fly.

What scared Shao Xuan most was that when he went out to hunt, he saw a volcano in the mountain. The volcano should have not erupted for a long time. The depression in the top of the mountain also formed a pool. The people with the hunting team have been there.

It seems that there have been no eruptions for thousands of years. There are many plants and animals living there. Shao Xuan did not care.

But this time, when he went out with the hunting team and took the prey to the rest of the cave, the road was over there. The towering mountain that was several kilometers above the ground was clearly the same as before, but it was kind of Shao Xuan. Weird guilt.

Shao Xuan also asked the hunting team to let other people, they look at the volcano, and there is no special feeling, only Shao Xuan, the more you look at the more shocked, the total feeling, it seems that under this tranquility, hiding a potential The ferocious monster to be sent.

It may not be that there is a huge beast there. Shao Xuan just feels a panic when he sees it. This is the first reaction brought by intuition. It will not happen for no reason. There must be a reason.

Then the successive earthquakes gave Shao Xuan a speculation, and if so, the guess came true...

Taking a deep breath, Shao Xuan called the person who looked after the cultivated land and asked about the situation in the next place.

Some new crops with short growth cycles are close to maturity. They are some small dishes that warriors don't like. Other non-totem warriors in the tribe like them. These are also good for their bodies. Those who take care of the cultivated land choose these seeds to plant.

The harvested millet and some foods that can be stored for a long time are processed and placed in the warehouse. The weapons are always being built. For the restlessness, everyone has been preparing.

In the earthquake again and again, the rainy season is coming.

According to previous years, the rainy season here is not as obvious as when it was on the river bank, but the rainfall will be more. This year, precipitation is not only frequent but also fierce. Everyone no longer takes out the containers that receive water. However, this does not reduce the panic in people's hearts.

There was another shock on the ground, and many of the pots that were there to receive water fell over and even broke.

Some people almost did not stand firm, all kinds of appliances slammed together, and many children heard the crying of the children.

This is already a very good situation. After all, the number of ground vibrations has increased, and everyone is psychologically prepared, not as confused as a headless fly in the beginning.

The last shock, but only five days. The time interval is shorter.

Oh la la!

Rainfall has become more urgent. If it used to be, there will probably be many people living near the rivers who will worry that such intense rainstorms will flood the rivers and flood their farmland?

However, nowadays, no one is thinking about the flooding of the river, because the river still maintains a low water level.

Lu tribe.

The leader of the Lu tribe had a face and stood in front of the water pool owned by their tribe. Here, it has become a bottomless pit.

Since the end of the winter season, there is no more water in this pool. Even now, when the rainfall is unusually frequent, the surrounding water is poured into it, and there is no point in the water.

This rainy season is unusual and has never been experienced by many people. The amount of precipitation is large, but it is still surging, just the river, but it still does not rise.

The tribes living on the edge of the mainland feel more intense.

The patrolling soldiers stood on the banks of the big river and looked at the distance. The huge fearful river animals jumped out of the water and made a long scream.

Living here for so long, every year at this time, they will hear the river tyrants shouting and go with the rivers. But for the first time, they heard the kind of screams that the hegemons in the river did not look like in previous years. This time, the screams were sharper and more urgent, and they made people feel more flustered.

Moreover, according to the law of the year, all kinds of river beasts in the river will leave in the rainy season, but this year, the situation of the river beasts left, as early as the rainy season has not yet arrived!

During the rainy season this year, the river beasts left very early.

During the rainy season this year, the tribe's crocodiles did not leave, but they rarely appeared. The situation of going down the river was even less. Many times, they were staying away from the river bank.

During the rainy season of this year, the rivers of the infinite rivers began to fall in advance, and they did not wait for the end of the rainy season.

No matter how much rain, it is impossible to save the falling river.

"You said, what will happen?" A warrior from the tribe was drenched in the rain, wiped his face and asked.

After he asked the voice, he did not hear the response from the rest of the team. As soon as he saw it, the soldiers all stared straight at the river, as if they were going to pick up the eyes, and the face was gray, as if they saw it. What a terrible thing.

"Look at what, you scare this..."

After a word was not finished, the soldier also saw the situation on the river.

In fact, they don't look really good. After all, they are far away, and there are thick rain curtains that interfere with the line of sight. They can only see a vague shadow. But this is a vague shadow, scared the patrolling soldiers of this team almost suffocated.

Among the large rivers that have fallen a lot, in the distant waters, there was originally a river of the river that was exposed to the surface of the river. In the past, the river tyrant who could give an unbeatable sense of oppression, it suddenly exploded.

Yes, it bursts directly.

Like a piece of soft mud, it was squeezed hard.

In the distance, a piece of blood. The cry of the fearful river beast came to an abrupt end, and there was no other fearful river beast to take the head. Everything on the river seemed to suddenly calm down. Maybe there was something going on, but the river bank was far away, and There is also the noise of the rain falling and falling, and the warriors of the tribe can't hear other sounds.

In the far distance of the river, it seems to be covered by the mist of blood, and you can't see other things.

The rushing rain fell on the human body, and fell into the eyes, flowing through the narrow pupils of the tribes. They can stand the water into the eyes, but the rush of rain drops too quickly, causing a little discomfort into the eyes. But at this time, that discomfort can not affect the mood of the soldiers of this team.

After a little silence, the warriors of this group of tribes reacted and took a deep breath of water with a cool rain.

Rain water was poured into the trachea from the nasal cavity, and several soldiers were caught, coughing like coughing up the lungs. In fact, the rain is not serious, but they just returned from the shock, just want to make some behavior to vent their fear.

On the river, that is the hegemon of the river, everyone is extremely jealous of it, acknowledging its dominance in this river. However, the huge river master, but in an instant, turned into a **** fog!

That is, what kind of power? ! (To be continued.)

Ps: There is only one chapter.

Chapter 569: Changes in the rainy season:

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