Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 570: Ready to leave

Above the river, the **** mist in the distance became thinner with the rapid decline of the river surface, and finally disappeared.

In the end, the tribes did not know that after they saw the scene on the river, the entire tribe moved again away from the river bank, farther away from the bank of the river.

Although there is no closer to the big river, the people of the tribe can also speculate on the situation from the movements of some small rivers nearby. Before they moved back, the water in the big river had already started to land earlier, and the small rivers that communicated with the big river changed the same, similar to what happened after the rainy season in previous years. However, this time, all the changes were advanced. Only. Moreover, the water in those small rivers has a lower water level than ever before.

The rain is still going on, it lasts longer than in previous years. The waters in the nearby rivers have not risen. The crocodiles of the tribes all seem to be scared. They always hide in their nests, do not leave, at most Going to the river to go fishing, there are some tempered crocodiles will fight.

The crocodiles are worried, worried, and the tribes are not just them. On this continent, people from other places, within the tribes, there is a sense of panic.

Especially the witches of the big tribes always felt very flustered. It seems that there is a beast that has been lurking for a long time to open its fangs.

The beastly mountain forest, inside the Yanjiao tribe.

There is no rhythm in the sound of the grindstone in the house. This is not the old style of the old gram, but at this time, the old gram has been absent-minded, and the line of sight is not placed on the stone that is being polished, staring at somewhere, but there is no focal length.

Shao Xuan looked at the sky and there was still no rain, and he did not speak. Suddenly, the sky seems to suddenly change the style, a dark picture replaces the sky's falling rain, the flashing electric light is distributed everywhere, the sky seems to be dyed with a group of ink. The ink is spreading rapidly.

The panic of a huge pressure, suddenly invading, let Shao Xuan can not help but take a breath, the hair must stand up.

but. When Shao Xuan is a spirit, when you look at it, the sky is still just like that, the clouds are all over, and the rain is rushing down. Where is the electro-optic and ink?

"No, no!"

Shao Xuan circled in the house.

This feeling is too familiar. Not every time I will get a revelation from my dreams. He will “see” some situations that others can’t see. It’s been a long time ago, but this is not the case. Only.

Shao Xuan suddenly such an impetuous movement, let Laoke return to God. Stopping the movement in his hand, Lao Ke walked to the door of the stoneware with a cane. The probe looked to the other side and asked, "What happened?"

The heart of Shao Xuan’s fierce beat has not eased. When I heard the old gram, I didn’t explain much, but said: “I’m going to Wu’s side!” He took two steps and went back to the old road. “You can always make a hat, hard, and The hat is wider."

After talking about Shao Xuan, he hurried into the rain, leaving Lao Ke standing there with doubt. He did not understand what Shao Xuan wanted to do. The hat of the style that Shao Xuan said was when he cultivated last year. Shao Xuan made it for the people who took care of the cultivated land, in order to block the sunlight. Later, everyone used the straw hat to weave the rattan grass, and remembered that style. Old gram is no stranger to nature. However, Shao Xuan just said that it must be hard. If it is hard, you can no longer use the ordinary rattan.

Although I don't understand why Shao Xuan said this, Lao Ke still said what Shao Xuan said. What kind of materials do you use?

Over there, Shao Xuan hurried to the witch. When he went, the two witches were discussing something. Seeing Shao Xuan in such a hurry, he did not continue to talk. He asked: "What happened?"

If it is just a general matter, Shao Xuan will not be so anxious.

Shao Xuan nodded and said the scene he had just seen, with the two witches.

It is said that the two witches are also shocked in their hearts, and the worries in their eyes are more intense. "What do you think is that sign?"

The two witches did not know what the situation was, but Shao Xuan had a speculation, taking a deep breath again, trying to make the tone steady and the expression clearer. "I think the volcano in the forest may have erupted!"

"What?!" The two old witches looked stunned and jerked up from the hide.

Shao Xuan went out with the hunting team last time. After seeing the volcano, he came back and talked to the witch. However, there was no sign at that time. No one could be sure what would happen, but now, Shao Xuan feels that he is The possibility is more than 60%.

The two witches did not know what effect the volcanic eruption would have, but they had learned similar things from the notes left by the ancestors.

"Sure enough, are you coming?" Wu Cang's old voice was shaking. The eyelids were closed, the loose eyelids trembled, and then slammed open, and the two warriors who were outside were called in, and the tone was determined. Almost one word emphasized, "I will immediately inform the people above the leader!"

There may be some old veterans who are not willing to leave, but at this time, the tough side of the witch is once again shown.

In order for this action to be carried out, the leaders must be informed that as long as the leaders can take the lead, the soldiers under their control will certainly have no other ideas.

In recent years, the courage of some people inside has indeed grown a lot. Usually, Wu can still do it, but at this time, he does not allow anyone to have objections!

Both witches have the same idea. It’s not that they are arrogant, they are acting arbitrarily, but they are afraid.

What Shao Xuan said about the disasters of the heavens and the earth is actually not the most important for them. What they are most worried about is that the tribal divisions of the year will happen again. If the concept is different, will it encounter the things that the ancestors encountered before the millennium? After all, this time, the situation may be similar to the disaster of the millennium.

Two witches, three big leaders, and twenty small leaders, after being notified, did not dare to delay, ran over the rain.

The witch simply retelled Shao Xuan’s words and said: “I mean, my tribe, I should be ready to leave!”

Although I was psychologically prepared, I really heard this decision and everyone still refused.

"That... when will I leave?" The voice was screaming, and there was some hoarseness. There was obvious fatigue on the face, and the eyes were dark and black. These days, he did not sleep better.

For this question, the two witches looked at each other and then looked at Shao Xuan at the same time.

Shao Xuan paused and said: "When the rain stops, everyone will be ready. These days, everyone will be ready. If nothing else, you can come back again, but if you have no life, nothing will be done."

The rain lasted for a few days until one day, suddenly clearing and the sun was shining.

However, the Yanjiao tribes are not as bright as the sun, they are ready to leave the place where they have spent more than three years. (To be continued.)

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