Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 593: Yanhe Trading Area

The purpose of shipbuilding sailing is not only a long-distance transaction. Shao Xuan also thinks that if the navigation technology is good, he can go upstream or downstream to see it. The limitation was so great that many places in the upstream and downstream were not. Familiar with. [[[[?

New trading area

There is really no large trading area nearby. This is a remote area of ​​Big 6, especially when the Yanhe River is still a dangerous river. Other tribes on the Big 6 are not willing to go here. Over time, the new ones here. The fewer the faces, the more communication between small and medium-sized tribes, such as the tribes and the tribes. If they want to trade, they go directly to the other tribe instead of going to a place for free trading. .

The tribes have been shackled by the tribes. I don’t know how many times. In fact, the tribes themselves know that they are pits, but they don’t have many other choices. There are not many people in their tribe. Every year, many people are playing the idea of ​​their tribes. The soldiers are afraid to stay away from them. They are afraid of accidents. The tribes that are close to them are their only choice. Perhaps the Luo tribes of that year. Also considered a trading object, but now, the Luo tribe is not there.

From the perspective of Yanjiao's interests, it is indeed a problem without a good trading target. When I was on the other side of the sea, the long-distance team would carry the hoarded hides to the battles that the slave owners controlled. There were many people there, and each city was a good place to trade. Can also sell a better price, in exchange for more satisfied things.

But now this remote place

After Shao Xuan thought about it, he went to Wu and negotiated.

Shao Xuan did not mention it. When I made this suggestion, let alone the witch, the two leaders could not sit still, and the heart was itchy. In the fierce beasts, they knew that there were trading areas in the vicinity of many large tribes. They used to think of one in the past when they were in the beasts and mountains, and there were people from the Lu tribes who often came and went. Nothing to think about. Now that the inflammatory horn has migrated, the environment is different. If you want to change to something better, you can only travel far.

The distance from here to the nearest large trading area. It is much longer than the distance from the beastly mountain forest to the nearest trading area. If you don't take any action, you will probably have to travel far after every transaction you want to get a satisfactory result.

"Axuan's thoughts. It's not bad." Wu thought about it.

"However, how to establish a trading zone? Where to build?"

"It certainly won't be on our side." Think about it, Shao Xuandao, "I used to look for the other side of the Yanhe River."

If there is a suitable place, try to show it. Certainly it will not be displayed at a time with the central, or the large-scale trading areas of the grasslands that are well-known for a long time, but step by step, always succeed.

Not too much delay, Shao Xuan went out different teams this time, so. (He has time to examine the surroundings and terrain.

Speaking of it, when the tribe migrated, he only went to this side of his mind and did not go to other places to see it. He just took the opportunity to see what happened in the past along the river. Variety.

Calling the roaring around every day, riding the eagle, Shao Xuan let it fly to the other side of the Yanhe River, flying near the river bank.

This area has many forests. The earth was cracked thousands of years ago. Before the formation of the river, the banks and rivers were connected together. The side where Yanjiao lived was a mountain forest. The other side of the river can be similar. It is equivalent to another beastly mountain forest, but it is too far from the center of the Big 6 area. It is dangerous. Many tribes living here are small and medium-sized tribes. They cannot grab a place in the more fertile soil. Can only survive in this remote area.

In fact, the soil in many places here is not bad, just because it is close to the big river, there are more dangers in the river. Before the big river is produced, the mountains and forests are connected together, and the danger is even greater. The fighting ability of small and medium-sized tribes is not strong, and they can only survive with their hands and feet. .

Shao Xuan looked down on a mountain below, the mountain here is not high, the woods are not dense, probably because of the survival of some people, did not see the kind of old trees.

The catastrophe of the world has swallowed a lot of river banks here, which is slightly different from Shao Xuan’s memory.

After seeing many places, Shao Xuan was not satisfied, and let the dragonfly fly along one of the rivers.

This river is not far from the tribe. The river used to flow from the center of the big 6 to the big river. It is still the same. The boat of Yanjiao will enter the river from the Yanhe River and then enter the inner 6.

Looking closely at the ground below, Shao Xuan suddenly said: "Go and see."

Hey, he should fly down.

When he was down, when he was close to the ground, Shao Xuan jumped from the back of the eagle and landed in a small forest.

The reason why Shao Xuan took this place is because the terrain and environment here are very similar to the one he has ever seen.

When Shao Xuan came to the side with his cockroaches alone, he followed the long-distance team of the 濮 tribe to the middle of the 6th. He had a rest in the middle, where there were some tourists, slave owners and slaves. It’s where the mystery is seen, and there’s still the scent of tourists.

That place is a river junction, and there are often long-distance teams living in remote places passing by rafts.

Now, the place that Shao Xuan saw was very similar to that place.

"Here, it should not be the territory of any tribe."

Shao Xuan let him fly in the air and make sure that it does not belong to any tribe. Although there are traces of activities here, there are not many traces.

Shao Xuan made a mark on the map, marked "1", and then went to other places to find a suitable location.

For three days, Shao Xuan was looking outside, and the place could not be too far away from the Yanjiao. Therefore, in the past three days, the place within the appropriate range has been found again. There are four places of satisfaction, and the final one is marked with "1". .

Once finalized, Yan Yan people began to act.

As a result, some other tribes who went out to forage saw the Yanjiao people and took the big stone monument to insert the monument. However, this time it is not a name, but a circle!

The engraved stone tablet will circle the piece and tell the people who come and go: From now on, this piece of land belongs to us.

What, disagree?

Here is not the territory of which tribe, it is completely unowned, how can I not accept it?

Who said that the site must be connected? We like to circle two unconnected places!

Any comments?

Nothing, just say something, come over, let's have a chat. (To be continued.)

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