Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 594: Best animal skin

This place where Shao Xuan is looking at is also at the intersection of two rivers, which is conducive to boating. When Shao Xuan draws the layout of the painting, he also deliberately draws a place on the animal skin to build the dock. ◎,

Those who did not have a long-distance mission, did not have a rotation, and did not go hunting, were transferred to the land that Shao Xuan had set and began to build.

In the minds of tribes, the first task of the enclosure is to enclose the place that belongs to them and let outsiders know that the land is theirs.

Therefore, these days, every day, I will see some Yanjiao warriors with thick and tough ropes tied with a pile of stones of different sizes on their shoulders or on their backs, in the new circle. Shipped.

The stones are all in the nearby mountains. The surrounding mountains are not big, but they are still quite common. They still don't belong to any tribe. They can only see some stunned outsiders hiding in the trees from time to time. They stare at each other. Yanjiao.

Those who are outside will not dare to shoot at Yanjiao. Anyone who sees so many stones and can laugh and laugh will always be jealous of three points, let alone the Yanjiao people they see every time. One or two, more careful.

Curious people must have, those small tribes who live in a small corner that they don't know may be inconspicuous, but they must have their own ability and their own way of life, otherwise they will not survive. Shao Xuan will not go to ignore the tribes.

After learning that there were some people in the vicinity who did not know which tribe was watching in the dark, Shao Xuan made some wooden cards and then used the paints of the plants to write on the wooden cards.

The words written on the wooden sign tell the tribes who came out to eat together three things: First, we have a horn in this place. Second, we are going to build a trading area called Yanhe Trading. District, the trading area will be open before the official arrival in winter, which tribe wants to trade, you can come and see; third, we have a lot of high quality animal skin. There are beasts and beasts.

After thinking about it, Shao Xuan added another sentence at the end: "Fair trade, virginity."

After writing it, Shao Xuan handed the wooden card to the soldier who transported the stone. "Looking for a place on the road."

The soldiers who transported the stone looked at it and understood the meaning of Shao Xuan. Not much to say, they took the wooden board and quickly left, they still had to transport the stone.

Yanjiao is very arrogant. The efficiency of transporting stones is also fast. Shao Xuan will circle here for only two days. The surrounding walls have already been built in half. Shao Xuan said that it can be opened here before winter, not by chaos, but by calculation.

Shao Xuan also sent people to the tribes and the rain tribes, the tribes, and some nearby tribes that were known at the moment, and sent messages to tell them about the Yanhe trading area.

The rain tribe has begun to sharpen the knife and prepare for the transaction. They are already in reserve, and they plan to change things with Yanjiao before the winter. Now that they know about the Yanhe trading area, the interest is even stronger. The people who the Yanjiao likes, the people of the rain tribe may not like it, if it is only with inflammation. Corner trades, they may not be able to exchange what they need, now, the emergence of the Yanhe trading area. They may give them more choices, and naturally they will be busy.

Some of the free craftsmen in the tribe came over to help after the end of the shipbuilding. Lao Ke also came over. He is inconvenient to move, but it is good to polish stone tools. If you build a house, you can help. If Caesar is there, he will take advantage of the old gram, and take the boat to the Yanhe River with other soldiers, and finish it and go back. If Caesar goes hunting, he will come with the old gram, and even the ship will not sit.

The craftsmen of Yanjiao did not rest after the shipbuilding was completed. They offered to come over and help. They liked to create. What's more, the Yanhe trading area is a good thing for Yanjiao. They are willing to be so busy.

The long-distance team has left. Before the team left, Shao Xuan has already determined the land of the Yanhe trading area. Therefore, before the team left, he once said to the distant people, if he went to the inland. In the trading area, tell the people there, the best hides, just in the Yanhe trading area.

Is this wrong? That's right, absolutely right!

Yanjiao people dare to shout out such a sentence, "We are the best animal skin!" It is also true.

At the same time, Shao Xuan also let the distant soldiers tell the outsiders of the inland trade. The animal skin is more expensive in winter. If you want to use the same thing for more animal skin, it will be in other seasons. Time to exchange in the Yanhe trading area.

In the past two winters, the climate is abnormal and nature does not need hides. But now that the weather has changed, the climate will return to its original state, and there may be other changes, but it will never repeat the past two years.

In many places on the mainland, it is sure to snow in winter and may even be colder. Otherwise, the migratory birds will not fly only here, not to other places. The demand for animal skin will definitely increase this year. The disaster in the past has caused many tribes to suffer heavy losses. It may not be able to get enough animal skin to keep warm. Even if there is, the animal skin of the beast may be comparable to the beast. Animal skin?

Some people use animal hair, feathers, straw and other things to act as a filling, and make a simple scorpion with linen, but on the warmth, there is absolutely no suede to be convenient and strong, especially the fur of the beast, which is very popular for many people. like.

The animal skins brought out by the long-distance team will definitely be sold out, but as for the people there, whether they will come to the Yanhe trading area to change the hides, it is not certain.

Shao Xuan did not intend to make the Yanhe trading area well known. This is not a short-term completion.

However, the emergence of this trading zone will certainly attract more tribes from the upper and lower reaches of the Yanhe River, so Shao Xuan can get more news from the upper and lower reaches of the Yanhe River without taking his own boat.

There are people who have exchanges, and there is communication to have information flow. What Yan Yan does is to provide a place for communication.

Of course, there will definitely be people who are not intending to come over and want to **** or steal. For such people, Yanjiao has only one attitude: kill!

Even friendly tribes will not be merciless to those who steal and **** their belongings.

Shao Xuan took a picture drawn on the animal skin roll and gave the builders a detailed explanation. After they understood that they understood it, they went to the next place.

The team that transported the stones had already left the trading area with the wooden boards written by Shao Xuan to go to the mountain.

They walked among the trees. They used to transport stones in the past two days. They have already walked out of a path. The trees on the trails have been cut off, the obstacles on the road have been removed, and the grass on the ground has been stepped into grass.

"Just insert it here." Lang Lang inserted the wooden board next to the path, quickly swept the woods not far away, and left with others.

Shortly after they left, several figures were carefully approached. They were unkempt and covered with some woven weeds. After two steps, they stopped to listen and confirmed that there were no other people around them.

They came to the board that had just been inserted here, and the head of the person frowned and looked at the words on the board. The expression was a bit difficult. It seemed that it was difficult for him to identify the words on the board.

Although there are common words and languages ​​on the mainland, not every tribe has a high literacy rate.

The head of the man finally recognized the words on the board, and then he talked with the people behind him. When several people were in a circle, when they were together for discussion, there were individuals standing around the cautiously.

After the deliberation was completed, the man who took the lead went to the front of the board and pulled the board with his teeth to pull the board up.

After being pulled out, a few people were like a beast in the back, and they ran away.

Then, when Lang came over the stone, he saw the place where he inserted the wooden sign, leaving only one pit. (To be continued.)

Ps: At the end of the month, you need to clear the position. Everyone should pay attention to check their own ticket. Sf0916

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