Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 595: All parties moving

The man carrying the wooden sign quickly shuttled through the woods. They are like the quick monkeys in the jungle. They only hear the movement of the blades of grass, or the sound of the branches shaking, but there is no other sound.

They have only a few rough vines tied to their feet, and their toes are still exposed. Compared to other tribes, their toes are twice as long, and their feet are large and their toes are large.

When they walked and jumped between the jungles, they used feet in addition to their hands. The toes were flexible and powerful, just like their other hands. The fingers hooked the branches, and the body shape swayed. One step on the other foot has already hooked the front branch and goes forward again.

They are a tribe living near here. The team that comes out is foraging. If you see a beast, you can hunt it. If you find a fruit or other food that you can eat, take it back. When they started building the trading zone on the first day of Yanjiao, they noticed the movement. However, they knew that their tribes’ combat power was not strong. Here, they even beat the tribes and tribes. At best, they could only follow Compared with the Luo tribe that has been destroyed.

They can know the Yanjiao people, or the leader told them that when the Yanjiao people appeared and left by the boat, many of the warriors out of their tribes saw it.

The tribe recognizes the tribe and basically looks at the totem. Therefore, when they see the stone that is painted with the totem of the totem, the person who knows who came here. Because I didn't dare to look close, I couldn't understand what Yan Yan people wanted to do.

Observing two days of unsuccessful, when I looked at it again today, I saw a Yanjiao person inserting a piece of wood there, and also wrote a word on it, and then curiously looked at it.

Among them, there are not many people who can read, and they can read all the words, none of them, because they don’t need to know many words on weekdays, so they don’t care. The person who starts is the most literate. He recognized the what he said on the board and was shocked by the news above.

In their minds, the tribe should be surrounded by fire, regardless of the big tribe or the small tribe. They are all centered on fire, but the size of the site is different, but the Yanjiao people will circle a piece of land there. Is this a big thing? What is the Yanhe trading area for?

If you don't understand, they will go back and ask the leader and the witch.

just. They couldn't write so many words, and when they didn't have the memory, they pulled the board back and took it back. They didn't realize that pulling the board where the Yanjiao stood there would directly provoke the Yanjiao, because no one had done this before.

When they were carrying the planks, they turned over several mountains and then passed through a narrow mountain road between the two mountains that looked like they were connected. I couldn’t find a mountain road there.

Walking through the mountain road, into the inside, into the small basin. Surrounded by mountains, there are many trees in the basin, and many trees and trees are tied with vines or branches, surrounded by living houses, with branches and large thick leaves, or some branches, Dry leaves worn by grass ropes.

The things that are left on the outside, the pottery is rarely seen here, mainly stoneware and wood, and the stone horns are rough and rough. Most of them are hunting tools, and there are even many strange shapes. The wood is much more refined, and most of the life tools are wood. Bamboo baskets, rattan baskets, rattan, rattan shields, etc.

The inhabitants who lived there saw the people in the rushing cannon ash tribe, and their eyes were puzzled. Are these people not going out to find food? How can I bring back a wooden sign? When is firewood?

The man holding the board did not pay attention to the sight of doubt around him. Directly rushed to the leader, and put the board to the leader who was sitting in front of the house and weaving the rattan basket.


The sound of the wooden floor fell scared by the people who were weaving the rattan basket. The hand was inadvertent and the force was too strong, and the rattan basket was broken.

The leader’s two eyebrows were picked up one after another. This is a precursor to anger.

The warriors who came back from the rafters were anxious to scratch their heads. He didn't know how to explain it, only one finger pointing to the ground.

The angry leader gasped and looked down at the plank on the ground. The light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn’t care for the fire. He kicked the rattan basket that had already broken one side and carefully placed the plank in front of him. Look at the word above.

Being a leader, certainly not as illiterate as those people just now, he can easily recognize all the words on the board, and can also extract a lot of information from the words mentioned above.

Seeing the person standing next to him, the leader waved his hand and motioned for them to leave. He sat there, meditating on the wooden board, and finally seemed to make any decision, taking the board to find the witch.

At the same time, in another place, the place where the tribe is located is also talking about the Yanhe trading area.

Knowing that Yanjiao people want to build a trading area here, the first reaction of the tribes is: lying in the trough, someone grabbing business? !

At that time, some people were clamoring to argue with the Yanjiao people and give the Yanjiao a little color. However, when you find out the fighting power of Yan Yan, you will be dying. They can see the situation. If only some small tribes they can handle, they will definitely rush to the "theory". However, in the face of the big tribes whose strength is stronger than them, many people in the tribe will be paralyzed.

However, as a famous "businessman" of this generation, the people of the tribes began to ponder after seeing the situation, how to get more benefits from this.

In the past catastrophe of the world, the losses of the tribes were relatively small. They are still fortunate to this day. The leaders of the tribes have triumphantly praised the ancestors of the tribes for their foresight after the end of the catastrophe. I chose a good land, not like the tribes and other tribes that have been destroyed in the past catastrophe in the past, and disappeared from this world.

However, after being thankful and proud, they began to worry again.

In the past, the catastrophe of the world and the destruction of several tribes that had exchanges with them, even if they were not destroyed, survived the catastrophe, but the strength was seriously damaged, and many actions no longer participated, such as the tribe’s annual The field went far and the tribes refused to participate. Those tribes are already few people. If they still run out a lot of people, who is going to guard the tribe?

Therefore, now, the tribe has never traveled far, has a lot of things in hand, wants to go outside to trade, but suffers from lack of manpower, can't travel far, has been nestling in the tribe to ponder.

The Yanhe trading area established by Yanjiao now provides them with a good opportunity.

So, after complaining, the tribe began to prepare to trade in the Yanhe trading area before the winter. (To be continued.)

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