Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 63: Different roads

Seeing the stone held by the tribe witch, Shao Xuan knew why he came.

On the other side of the sea, Shao Xuan discovered the crocodile trail from the mountain forest and found many stones left by the crocodile there. I just wanted to check it, but I didn’t expect him to make something, because it was not like Like the water moonstone, it can shine for a long time. It must be absorbed by the sun before it can be used. Shao Xuan called the stone a water stone.

At that time, Shao Xuan made a lot of water and stone. When crossing the sea, the people there also brought the stones. Just after coming here, the water moon stone is more convenient and not expensive, so everyone uses water. There are more moonstones.

It should be that the tribe's people saw the warrior with the horns found using the water stone.

Seeing that Shao Xuan came in, the witches of the tribes moved their attention away from the stones in their hands, and the emotions were quite exciting.

"I came to take the liberty, just want to ask the elders Shao Xuan, this stone, from where?"

Shao Xuan thought for a moment and said: "These stones are brought from the sea."

The tribe witch nodded, and he already knew, "Can you ask Shao Xuan elders to elaborate on the origin of this stone?"


Shao Xuan said that he had discovered the stone, but he did not explain it in detail when he made the water stone. "At that time, I just wanted to try it. I didn't expect success. It should be my special ability to pass on. ”

The look of the tribal witch is very subtle. He couldn't figure it out. He found the stones left by the crocodiles in another distant place. He could understand that after all, they only had crocodiles in the tribes, and many places existed in groups. However, Shao Xuan, a Yanjiao, how did he make this stone?

Isn't this their exclusive tribe? !

However, Shao Xuan will not tell his secrets, only these can be said.

then. After the horror of the tribal witch staring at the stone in his hand, he said, "I don't know if you still have this kind of stone?" Suddenly, and added, "the stone left by the unformed treasure fish."


"Can you borrow... cough." The tribe witch suddenly remembered the large debts of his own tribe, but he still did not return it. I have to borrow now. However, this matter is different and must be borrowed, otherwise he will always remember.

"Yes, wait a moment."

Shao Xuan went back and took the stone he brought back. When he decided to cross the sea, Shao Xuan Shun took a few pieces of rough stone. Now, since the witches of the tribe want to see it, it is no problem to give them a piece.

Holding the stone that Shao Xuan handed over. The tribal witch carefully observed it. Although the shape was very similar, he could feel that this was not the crocodile of their tribe. There was a strange atmosphere on them, and they could recognize it. However, after all, they are closer to the crocodile, even if they know the strange atmosphere, but they are not excluded.

"This... Can I borrow some time?" asked the tribe witch carefully. no way. In front of the creditors, speaking is short of breath.

"No problem." Shao Xuan did not care.

“Thank you!” The tribe witch seriously thanked him. Then carefully put the stone into his animal skin bag, think of something, he looked at Shao Xuan, "Shao Xuan elders, you just said, is it that you changed the stone left by the treasure fish?"


“I didn’t rely on the power of fire? I mean, was it just by your own ability?”

"It is true."

“How is it possible?” The tribes are puzzling.

The 咢 tribe produces water moonstone. That was on the day of the full moon, under the urging of the fire, can it be formed in the water channel, but why did it happen as Shao Xuan said?

If you don't see a stone that is very similar to the water moonstone, the tribes will not believe it.

Before leaving. The tribe witch also asked a question. In fact, he did not intend to get an answer. He just couldn’t help but ask one more question.

"I didn't feel the fire of your horns. What happened?"

On the day of the move from Yanjiao, the people of the tribe did not feel the suppression and rejection of the fire. At first they did not pay attention. At that time, the impact of the catastrophe was too great, and there was such a big thing happening on the riverside. Think about other things. After all, everything was stable and I was thinking about it.

I didn't even feel the fire! !

Moreover, these Yanjiao people, when they saw it, seemed to have made some changes, but they couldn’t say why, but they felt different when they first met Yanjiao.

Tribes without fire will fall into tourists. This is something that tribes on the road know. But now, they don’t feel the fire of Yanjiao. But the Yanjiao people not only lose power, but make people feel stronger. And acting a lot bolder, such as in the outer circle.

"We are all well." Shao Xuan said, "As for the fire, it is no longer in the fire."

The tribes of the tribe have doubts in their eyes. "Not in the fire pit?" He still couldn't understand. "The fire is not in the fire pit. Where else can it be?"

Shao Xuan looked at the other person with a deep look, then raised his finger to point to his eyebrows. "Here, there is..." Then the man moved to the chest and pointed to the heart, "Here."

In the eyes of the tribes, the pupils shrink, and he seems to think of something, but he is not sure what he thinks. There is chaos in his mind, but what he perceives.

After sitting for a while, the sorcerer of the tribe was awakened. Shao Xuan had left. He sat alone here. I don’t know how long it took to sit. Someone in the front of the table had poured a cup of herbal tea, but the tea was already cold, and the fire next to it. He was added to the firewood, and all this, he did not notice, let the thought of Shao Xuan just now.

After a little bit of stiff body, the tribe stood up and touched the stone inside the animal bag, then walked out the door and came to the river bank.

There were patrolling Yanjiao soldiers on the banks of the river. They stood on the tower and greeted the tribes.

The tribe smirked and responded with a smile, then lifted his foot and walked on the ice on the river.

The footprints of the time were already very shallow and could not be seen. He stepped on the ice and kicked his whistle. The ice on the shore is a little thicker, and he doesn't have to worry about the rupture of the ice.

Walking all the way to the crocodile waiting, he stopped and walked to look at the direction of Yan Yan before stepping on the back of the crocodile.

As a witch, he is more sensitive to the power of fire, and can feel something that others cannot perceive.

The fire of Yanjiao is indeed gone, but this is only the surface. In places where people can't see it, he can feel the burning flaming **** fire, right there, the mountain is everywhere!

When I recalled the inside of the stone house, what Shao Xuan said, the tribal witch took a deep breath and lifted his foot on the back of the crocodile.

The back of the crocodile, which is ten miles long, surfaced, and the swinging tail left a wave of water. Under the water, some unwilling piranhas wandered around, but they were not close.

The tribal witch looks at the direction of his tribe, thoughtfully. Yanjiao people seem to have chosen a different road. How do they choose the tribe? (To be continued.)

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