Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 64: Deaf decision

Shao Xuan knows that the ones he revealed, the witches of the tribes can certainly guess the changes that have taken place in the fire. As for his last choice, Shao Xuan is not known. Not every tribe has the courage and determination to change. After all, for tribes, it is the related tribe that lives and does not act rashly.

The winter days are still deserted. By contrast, this area is also the most busy for Yanjiao.

In addition to occasionally going to talk with the leader and the witch after the end of the winter, Shao Xuan is still in the process of perfecting the trading area. Most of the rest of the time is polishing the lens, which is not easy to live.

Compared with the calmness of Shao Xuan, the tribe witch who left from Yanjiao has not slept for seven days.

The witches of the tribe are not old, but the temper is somewhat like the witch of the flaming horn. It seems to be approachable, but in fact it has more thoughts, but it does not seem obvious. Just because I thought a lot, I was deeply entangled. Every day he closes his eyes, he will think of many situations, what happened, what did not happen, and sometimes he scared himself out of sweat.

The tribes of the tribes are full of blood and people are clamoring for the flaming of the princes.

It’s been a few days later, and the crocodile, which is hibernating with hunger, is very quiet. It’s so quiet that it’s too lazy to move in its own house.


The sorcerer and sorcerer of the tribe of the tribe, together with several elderly elders of the tribe, came out of the house, and everyone had a dignified breath, so that the sun that was rarely exposed in the winter seemed cold. less.

"Since I decided to do this, then I will go with the eyes and go to Yanjiao!" The tribe saw the other side of the Yanhe River and sighed, and the worried eyes became firm.

For thousands of years, the tribe seems to be stable. However, there are countless hidden dangers. The dangers of the tribes and the leaders of the tribes are the most clear. In fact, as early as two hundred years ago, the witches of the tribes began to change, but they could not start. Because I don't know how to change. Now, when they took over the leadership, they finally saw the opportunity!

So, on the fifteenth day after the tribe of witches left Yan Yan, Shao Xuan once again saw the witch of the other side of the tribe under the mountain, and at the same time, the leader of the tribe.

Shao Xuan was actually thinking about what the tribes would make in the end, no matter what their choices. It always takes time to consider, but what Shao Xuan didn't think was that the people of the tribe had made a choice in fifteen days!

When the early raining tribe’s Yang Lan knew about the kind of fire, he thought about it now and he has not yet decided.

After sitting down, the tribe witch said his thoughts, "About the kind of fire. I hope that Shao Xuan elders can elaborate."

Shao Xuan stared at the two people across the table for two seconds, and did not sell off. People in the tribe actually prefer direct decisiveness and do not like to bend around, which is similar to the inflammatory corner. However, Shao Xuan did not immediately inform the changes in the fire, but to explain some things first, they will know sooner or later.

"On the other side of the sea. There are some slave owners, no, it should be said that there are many slave owners. I believe that you should have heard a little from the warriors of Yanjiao."

The tribe's witches and nods of nostalgia. From the Yanjiao to arrive here, the exchanges between the two tribes have increased. Many things can't be kept squatting. Not everyone's mouth is so strict. When it comes to rise, it is accidentally exposed. What's more, there are people from the rain tribe, and some people from the Yanjiao have come from the sea. The tribes already know a few people.

"There are many tribes in the sea, but the tribes on the other side are different from this one. They don't have fire!" Speaking of this, Shao Xuan noticed that the two people in the opposite direction flashed inexplicable light.

"A long time ago, the tribes there were also kind of fire. They called it the original fire. Only later, they all chose to fuse the fire, which is the practice of our horns now." Dunton, Shao Xuan continued. "Your decision, I can roughly guess, just, look at our friendship, I need to remind you of some things. The people of the rain tribe have known the things of the fire very early, but they have never chosen to change, Because there are also worries."

"The tribes are gathered together because of the fire, because the fire is everything, the fire is there, the tribe is, the fire is extinguished, the tribe is dead. But if there is no fire, the fire is not extinguished, but it is scattered, and the tribes are gathered. The power together will disappear. Some tribes disappeared from the sea, not the kind of tourists on our side, but scattered, no longer gathered together. So, do you still choose this?” Shao Xuan looks opposite.

Frustrated and frowning, his emotional control is not good, he can see that he is in a mess now, but the decision he made before has not been shaken.

The tribe sorrowed slowly: "Actually, I have considered these. But I believe that we will not easily shake the tribes! There will be no dissolution. Regardless of the form of the fire, we will tribe, Together!"

Shao Xuan contrasted a bit, and his heart nodded secretly. is not that right? The tribes are hesitant without the rain tribes. They are more united and have more core cohesiveness. Under the seemingly violent appearance, there is actually a dead house. The discrete things of the human heart, the probability of happening in the rain tribe is much larger than that of the tribe.

It has been a long time since I met the tribes. Although there is not much time to get along, some things can be inferred. According to Shao Xuan’s understanding of the tribes, if the tribes are not lacking in food and the basic life is stable, they would rather stay in a certain place than in the place, perhaps occasionally want to go out and see one. Fan, but with many times, still in the old place, even if they have almost used as the universal currency, the moon has never had other thoughts.

There are indeed some hidden worries in the tribe, perhaps more than Shao Xuan knows, but even so, the decision to make such a big decision within fifteen days still surprised Shao Xuan.

"You... really decided?" Shao Xuan asked again.

"Decision!" A slap in the table, like to suffocate himself, then stand up and use the rituals of the tribe to make a serious bow to Shao Xuan, "I hope that Shaoxuan elders can tell!"

Saying, it is a promise and an oath to hand over a piece of animal skin from the animal skin to Shao Xuan. Any request is a price, and what is listed above is the decision of the tribe to negotiate.

After Shao Xuan took a cursory look, he collected the animal skins. "I will discuss this with the witches and chiefs of our Yanjiao. I will finally tell you."

“Thank you!” The tribes and the chiefs of the tribes once again bowed to Shao Xuan seriously. The tribe’s ceremony was not as pleasing as the slave owners who liked to force, but with a more direct and heavy Serious. (To be continued.)

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