After the Yanjiao sacrifice, it took nearly 30 days for Shao Xuan to come back from the mountain forest. [[,

Returning to the tribe with the rest of the hunting team, according to the rules of the past, from the mountain to the mountain to deal with the prey, until all the end, Gui Ze told Shao Xuan, the witch of the tribe in the time of their hunting It’s been three times, but it doesn’t look like it’s urgent, it’s not like what’s going on.

"The witch of the tribe?" Shao Xuan thought about it. The witch of the tribe was so anxious to come and look for him. There are two things, either a fire or a water moonstone.

"He didn't go to find other people?" Shao Xuan asked. If it is a kind of fire, the tribe of the tribe does not see Shao Xuan, and will definitely go to the two former witches who have become the elders of Yan.

"No, he just came to ask if you came back, and then left." Guize simply said the time of this period.

"I can probably guess." Shao Xuan handed the prey to the soldier next to him, pointing to the two prominent fangs of the behemoth. "This pair of teeth helps me to pay attention, and the rest of you deal with it."

The soldiers responsible for the uniform handling of prey quickly nodded, because the hunting brought back too many prey, brought back, are treated by the experienced old hunters in a unified treatment, and then thrown into the ice hole to freeze or pickle Others go back to rest. For the banquet in the Yanhe trading area, their first hunting in the beginning of the year was harder than ever, and everyone was very tired.

The harvest of this hunting is quite a lot, perhaps because of the combination of fire, and perhaps the blessing of new bronzes, coupled with the excitement of the feast, the team’s people have been hunting a lot better than before. The spoils piled up into mountains.

Some of the Shao Xuantong hunting team went to the green space in the mountain forest. The area occupied by the plant.

Because there was a greater degree of danger over there, Shao Xuan did not bring Caesar and lost one eye. Although Caesar’s usual actions looked back to the original level, it would still be restricted if he actually entered such a place. It is easy to have an accident, so Shao Xuan only took the embarrassment.

Speaking of it, Shao Xuan only found the cockroaches there. In the past, he was only a bird egg that was stolen by other birds. After Shao Xuan brought it back, he almost cooked it.

This time, he followed Shao Xuan to the green space, and the birds in the green area made a living, but after all, it was a bird of green land. And the number is still many, even if you have experienced two times of eagle mountain transformation, but in the face of such a group of birds, and did not easily take advantage of the wind, knowing that back to the tribe, the mood has not yet refreshed.

After Shao Xuan went down to the house, he did not immediately go to the other side to find someone. He planned to sleep first.

Unfortunately, Shao Xuan was not long before closing his eyes. The witch of the tribe came over.

Do not blame the tribe's witch so well-informed, after all, the hunting team of Yanjiao came back too much.

This is the first time that the witch of the tribe saw the situation when the Yanjiao hunting team came back. It is no wonder that when he came over to Shao Xuan, the people in the Yanjiao told him that if the hunting team came back, the other side would definitely hear the movement. . That's it!

After coming to Yanjiao. The witch of the tribe directly found Shao Xuan here.

Shao Xuan yawned and saw the witch of the tribe carefully take out a animal skin bag, and then pulled out a large moonstone from the inside.

However, compared to the previous use of the water moonstone, the piece that the tribal witch now takes out is much more dim. And not so shiny.

In the past, the water moon stone feels smooth like a boiled egg with a shell, and the spar has a slight coolness. But this one in front of it is not. In addition to dim, the hand feels rough, and the surface of the spar is like a lot of uneven pleats, such as frosted.

"This is the water moon stone?" Shao Xuan doubts,

“Not bad!” The tribal witch smiled. “This piece of water moonstone was made by me! It took me eight days!”

In the eight days of making the water moonstone, in addition to eating and drinking when it is too hungry, or when there is no energy to continue, take a break. At other times, the tribes are making water moonstones.

When Shao Xuan was on the other side of the sea, the first time he turned the original stone into a water stone. Afterwards, he felt obvious dizziness, and even the tribe was even worse. He could not even completely transform a piece of waterstone stone into one, but In eight days, the score is completed ten times. This is also the reason why the surface of this water moonstone is not smooth. Every change on the surface of the water is the "node" that the tribes will continue after the break.

Moreover, at that time, the moon just came out, not bright, making the production of the water moon stone difficult, so this stone will be so dim after it is completed.

However, fortunately, all this proves that Shao Xuan’s words are correct, and they can indeed change the original stone of the water moon! Nowadays, after the fusion of fire, everyone is like a scaled-down fire, and the fire power in the body still exists. The success of the tribal witch means that other people in the tribe can do the same!

"Slow down, it should be better to try a few times." Shao Xuan handed the stone back to the tribe witch, and intended to comfort him, but he did not expect to look up and see the pride of the tribal witch. It doesn't seem to be ashamed or troublesome.

"I think so too."

I’m just looking for this thing, and I’m going to share the experience of turning the original stone into a water moonstone. After all, the entire Yanjiao tribe, only Shao Xuan has such a special ability use.

After talking for a while, the sorcerer of the tribe hurried back. He is now making a second piece of water moonstone. He has already made a large half of it, and the rest of the two days should be able to get it. It is necessary to complete one day in advance, and it is also progress. Moreover, I don’t know whether the moonlight is getting stronger or he is more skilled in using the fire ability. The second piece of waterstone made by the fire is lighter than the first one.

Nowadays, because the first water moonstone transformation of the tribes of the tribes has been successful, the people in the tribes have begun to learn this skill. They have to survive. This skill is undoubtedly a shortcut and the advantage that their tribe has always had.

The sacred moonstones that the crocodiles have taken out of the water have been taken into their homes. This year, they don't have to wait for the full moon, everything can be done by their own ability. Don't worry about being attacked by other people who are not in the same day.

The heart of the tribe's impetuousness has settled down due to the success of the transformation of the water moonstone. At the same time, the rain tribe that just ended the fusion ceremony of the fire is still in the stage of irritability and anxiety in the early stage of the fusion of fire.

Those Shao Xuan did not have much time to understand, he still has new tasks.

Because Yanjiao and the Hui tribe are in a cooperative relationship, this time Yan Yan’s Yanhe trading area has a banquet. It is said that the surrounding tribes are invited, but the tribes with close cooperation are still invited, and other large tribes have to be informed. Therefore, Shao Xuan took an invitation letter written by a trusting witch and sat on the back to the grassland.

Starting with Shao Xuan, there are other people, but those who are not in the same place as Shao Xuan are going to Shaolin, who is going to the tribe to invite the tribe to the tribe, and to send a copy to the Tianshan tribe. Others are going to send invitations to several other big tribes. As for the people of the big tribes who went to the banquet, the Yanjiao people didn't care. They just noticed it and told the tribes that they had the ability to hold banquets.

Shao Xuan came to the grassland along the route he took when he first went to the grassland with the long-distance team.

Although the catastrophe in the world is fierce, the changes in the grasslands are not as obvious as in other places. At least Shao Xuan now sees the situation, and there is not much change in his memory.

The people returning to the tribe have a map of the grassland. It’s just that Shao Xuan came along the route of the year and did not choose the quickest route.

This season, the grassland is green again, and the grass waves rise with the wind and spread to distant places.

Step on

Behind the mound in the distance, a group of patrol soldiers riding horses passed by. This is what they must do every day.

Because of the breeding of some animals such as cattle and sheep, in addition to guarding poachers on land, they must pay attention to the raptors in the air. As soon as they saw the huge figure in the air, they entered a state of nervous alert.

"It's an eagle!" someone shouted.

"Be careful, keep the arrow!"

"When it is flying low, it will shoot!"

The leader of the patrol, Yibei, gestured to the people behind him and was ready to shoot the eagle in the sky. Even if you can't shoot it, just drive it away.

However, the eagle in the sky is flying too high. When you look up, the sun is too glaring, and the eagle flies high. You can’t see what the eagle looks like. I know that it is an eagle. As for the eagle, I can’t see it for the time being.

"He head, it flew inside our tribe!" someone yelled.

The place where they are currently patrolling is only on the edge of the Feng tribe, and there will be cattle and flocks grazing on the grass, and the grazing people may not be able to stop the predators in the sky in time.

"Blowing the horn!" Yibei raised his hand to indicate that the person next to him blew the horn to remind people in other parts of the tribe to be careful in the air.

However, the man just took out the horn and tried to blow it. He heard a few whistle from the air.

"That is...the sound of the wooden whistle?" Ih-Hui stopped the man with the horn, looked up at the sky, covered the glare of the sun with his hand, and stared at the air and began to fly low. Someone whistling, it means that it is not an eagle living alone in a mountain forest, but belongs to a certain tribe. There are too many tribes with hawks on the prairie, and the whistle from the air is not

The whistle continues.

After watching it for a while, Yibei waved his hand and "the arrow was put away."

Regardless of who is in the sky, the other party does not mean to attack, nor does it have the momentum to steal, otherwise it will not be discovered so easily, and it will not be avoided after being discovered.

In this case, it is not good to take the arrow again. It is not a friendly expression to use the arrow on the grassland, but with an attack. Ibei did not want to offend people easily before I figured out the origin of the other party. Their tribes belong to the edge of the grassland. They have more distant teams and more things to think about, and they are more comprehensive than many tribes who do not interact with the outside world.

Of course, the collection of arrows does not mean that they are not guarded. The people who have received the bows and arrows touch the knife they bring.

However, when Yibei looked at the sky and the figure was flying closer and closer, the eyes were getting bigger and bigger.

"That that ... what is that? Great!" said the person behind Yi Bei, looking at the flying figure.

I don’t think when I’m far away. Now I’m flying closer. They’ve been able to estimate the size of the eagle in the sky, so they’ll be shocked.

On the grasslands, there are many tribes with hawks, but there are only a handful of tribes with such hawks. The most famous ones are of course the two tribes back to the tribe and the Tianshan tribe.

Even in the same grassland, Yibei had limited understanding of the two big tribes, because they were rarely accessible, so he could not tell which of the two tribes the whistle was.

The eagle's figure swiftly passed over the horses, even though they were some distance away from them, but the fanning wind was about to roll over the horseback.

As the eagle in the sky swept past, a figure jumped from the back of the eagle and landed firmly on the grass in front of the horses.

Yibei and others looked at the past, holding the fingers on the handle to forcefully guard against the young man carrying a parcel not far away.

"Everyone, I haven't seen you for a long time." Shao Xuan smiled and said hello.

“Hey?” Yibei felt that the people in front of him were familiar, but they didn’t think about who they were.

"Ah! Shao Xuan is you!"

Several young figures in the crowd turned over and ran to Shao Xuan. The first one was the melon. When they were still tourists, they graze for the family. Speaking of it, Shao Xuan also saved melons, and I also carved wolf wood carvings.

At that time, the melon was just a child. Now it has become a teenager. Douya and other people next to the melon are growing up from the children. Now they are the soldiers who can officially follow the patrol. The clothes are different.

As soon as the melon was called, Yibei remembered it, and the vigilance on the face receded and replaced with a smile. The Yanjiao tribes are stronger than their tribes. For the powerful tribes, they have always been more polite, let alone old acquaintances. However, he does not know why the Yanjiao people will have such a big eagle. The last time I saw Shao Xuan, the eagle was not so big. Changed one?

"How come this time to the grassland? Is there something?" Ih asked.

"I plan to go back to the tribe." This Shao Xuan did not hide.

“Return to the Horde?” Yibei is strange. What are you going to do back to the tribe?

“Invite them to participate in the banquet in the Yanhe trading area established by our Yanjiao.”

banquet? !

A tribe with no strength can't hold a banquet, let alone a banquet that invites people from big tribes to participate.

"Oh, yes, this is for you." Shao Xuan said that he would unload the things behind him, untie the linen on the outside, lift his hand and throw it, and throw two huge beasts to Iraq. Humble them.

One of the beasts was caught by Yibei, but his hand holding the tooth was trembling. He has never seen such a large tooth. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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