Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 69: Two teeth

When Shao Xuan planned to go to the grassland, he decided to visit the Fengfeng tribe. One is to see how the tribe is, and it is rare to have a familiar grassland tribe. 》. The second is that the location of the Feng tribe is quite special. They will encounter some remote travellers. There is a place where the fleet of the former tower of the winter has not been visited. Shao Xuan intends to start from the Feng tribe. They help with propaganda.

Although there is no formal invitation, Shao Xuan also said to Yibei, if there is time, you can go to the Yanhe trading area, you can catch up with the banquet, and you can buy some animal skins.

Not every tribe can shoot a distant team, and the Feng tribes are not formed. They have always stayed in the same place and waited for the other tribes to go to the door. As soon as he heard Shao Xuan’s words, the Feng tribes were shocked.

Establishing a trading area is nothing new. There are trading areas in other places, but when Shao Xuan talked with them, the Feng tribes did not return to God until Shao Xuan left.

Even if the trading area is over, but the party? That is not easy to organize, let alone the scale of the feast, it is incredible. For those who see food as more important than life, let them take out food to host a feast, it is just their life, so they envy the tribes who can take out the remaining food to hold a banquet.

The standard for a feast of banquets, the standard of success is that after the banquet, there is still a lot of food left.


Ibei, who had come back to the world, took a deep breath, and there was no Shao Xuan’s figure in front of him. The shadow of the eagle in the sky was getting farther and farther, leaving only a small point that disappeared quickly.

"Head, the man just said, is it true?" A Feng tribe warrior dared to come forward to ask at this time. He was shocked by the giant eagle in the sky. He is not familiar with Shao Xuan. Now wait for Shao Xuan and the eagle to leave. Only have the courage to ask for a voice.

Ibnben wanted to say "How do I know", but when I got to my mouth, my eyes fell on my hand and held the huge animal tooth higher than him. The tongue was like a knot. Why can't you say it?

The animal teeth are erected, one end against the ground, Yibei riding on the horse, holding the animal teeth, so as not to fall the tooth. Such a large animal tooth. If he does not rely on external forces, it is also very difficult, and the horse will probably be overwhelmed.

The beasts are so big, you can imagine how big the behemoth is. Although he has not seen such a behemoth, but based on his experience, he can still see many things from the animal teeth he is holding.

There is still blood on this beast, and the time of unplugging is not long, and even if it is only a beast that is out of the body, the fierceness of the beast is still on the beast. When he caught the animal tooth, the horse's leg was almost soft and squatting, and it was very anxious. If it wasn't for the horse he was raised from a young age, he was very well tamed, as early as Shao Xuan throwing the tooth. I screamed and ran away.

Think again, just now Shao Xuan easily carried two huge beasts from the high eagle's back and stood firmly, then throwing the animal teeth as easily as throwing a ball... Yanjiao tribe, such Should people be a lot? Such a tribe is not capable of holding a banquet? Yibei does not believe in himself.

In the traditional view of the Feng tribe, the Yanjiao tribe has only taken the lead in recent years. Even if it has been out of the limelight, such as the elimination of the Wanshi tribe, etc., but there are still a lot of gaps from other old big tribes, but now. Many people's ideas have begun to change.

Perhaps they greatly underestimated the tribe.

Two beasts, one was caught by Yibei, and the other no one dared to pick it up. When Shao Xuan threw it out, the horse there did not wait for the immediate person to react. Just hurry back a few steps, it is the nature of animals, they can feel the breath of the beasts uploaded by the beasts.

"Head... head, what about this tooth?"

After Shao Xuan left, the others immediately rushed to the other beast on the ground, touched and touched, feeling the breath on the beasts at close range, even if they could not see the complete form of the behemoth, there is still one A feeling of heart-breaking meat. However, the more you feel terrified, the more people love it.

"Bring back," Yi said.

These two beasts were sent by Shao Xuan. This is a gift given between the tribes. There are also lettering on the beasts. The words "Yanjiao Shaoxuan is given to the Feng tribe" are also engraved with the totem of the Yanjiao. . The animal teeth are hard and huge, and it is not easy to draw on hard objects. The words and patterns on the animal teeth are quite smooth and very delicate. He can't find any flaws.

What Shao Xuan used to paint on the beast's teeth, Ibei did not know, he is not in the mood to ponder that. Moved hands and touched the smooth beast.

The smoothness of the animal teeth proves that the behemoth often uses these two beasts instead of decorations, which is a real beast.

"Yanjiao tribe... Yanhe trading area?"

Taking back the line of sight, Yibei directed the people to send the two fangs back to the tribe.

Since they are sent out, they belong to their Feng tribes now. They can even sell them at a high price. Just don’t say that Yibei is unwilling, and other Feng tribe warriors will not be willing to put these two huge ones. The beast is sent out.

Sure enough, after Yibei took them back with two beasts, the leader of the Feng tribe could guess Shao Xuan’s plan. This is a mutually beneficial thing. At the same time, he really likes the pair of teeth, and the two The beast is placed in front of the door of his house, one left and one right, the door is like.

The chiefs of the Feng tribe also carefully wiped the animal teeth with the animal skin every day. For fear that the beast teeth were gray-stained with mud and grass clippings, just like a knife can not be dusted, two animal teeth should keep it sharp and smooth, as if to reload it. Can continue to hunt prey in general.

The two beasts caused a sensation in the Feng tribe, and since then, each of the long-distance teams that reached the Feng tribe will be attracted by the two eye-catching beasts, knowing that the Feng tribe does not intend to bring the two beasts. After the tooth was sold, it was a pity to sigh.

In most places on the mainland, there is no such beast. If you want to find such a beast, you will usually go to the beastly mountain forest. No one dared to go before. It is difficult to find it now. The beastly mountain forest was in the world last year. The change in the catastrophe is too great, no one dares to pass.

The words carved on the beasts also let more people remember the Yanjiao tribe. As soon as they mention the Yanjiao tribe, the travelers who have visited the Feng tribe will think of the two beasts. Then suddenly: "Oh, what you are talking about is the Yanjiao tribe who can hunt the behemoth!"

At the same time as the Yanjiao, there is also the Yanhe trading area. Shao Xuan draws a simple map from the grassland to the Yanhe trading area on another animal tooth. It is a very difficult to fade pigment, even if the pigment fades over time, the texture engraved on the animal's teeth will not disappear.

Many of the far-off teams also took the map down, and there were many people who had the courage to follow the map and try.

These are all expected by Shao Xuan, when the people of the Feng tribe and those who saw the beasts talked about the Yanjiao and Yanhe trading areas. Shao Xuan has arrived at the back tribe along the map.

The Hui tribe has a large grassland, and there is also a section of the mountain that stretches beyond the end. Those are the sites of the Hui tribe.

On the edge of the tribal site, Shao Xuan saw the eagle patrolling the air. It was just an eagle that had not experienced the change of the eagle mountain. When he saw it, he called it. It once saw it, when it was Shao When Xuan went to the sea, when he ran to the tribe, he and many giant peaks of the Hui tribe had a face. However, now the cockroach has changed a lot, and the eagle has not recognized it for a while, and the scream has an early warning signal.


I didn't pay attention to the warning of the eagle. I screamed and screamed louder and sharper, like tearing the clouds above.

However, Shao Xuan knows that he can't fly here, so he doesn't want to arbitrarily arbitrarily arbitrarily, and at the same time he takes out a stone card for the patrolling person in the air. That was the earliest time, Shao Xuan got at the top of the Eagle Mountain, was given by a giant eagle back to the tribe.

"If you have trouble reporting, you will say that Yan Xuan Xuan came to visit." Shao Xuan shouted.

The patrolling soldiers are very young. Originally looking at Shao Xuan's look with obvious hostility, but after seeing the stone card that Shao Xuan took out, the look became very subtle, if Shao Xuan was alone, or took other people to ride other The beast, he will never believe the authenticity of the stone. It will also blow the enemy's whistle, but now, the giant eagle that Shao Xuan took is indeed a mountain giant eagle, belonging to the same class as their tribe's eagle, not the eagle of the Tianshan tribe.

"Yanjiao tribe?"

I heard that it was Yanjiao. The soldier believed in Shao Xuan’s heart. He heard that they went back to the tribe to cooperate with Yanjiao. However, he always thought that the Yanjiao tribe did not qualify, but it was a declining tribe. I don't know why the leader and the leader would choose to cooperate with Yanjiao. However, when he saw the giant eagle not far away, his original opinion was shaken. The eagle is bigger than the "mountain knife" that once went to Eagle Mountain. I don't know if the Gula leader knows each other.

"You wait." The soldier did not whistle, but his cheeks moved, and a white bone whistle appeared in his mouth.

The sharp whistle, like the eagle, spreads with a specific rhythm and echoes between the heavens and the earth.

The patrol of the patrol eagle attracted some people who patrolled elsewhere, but they could not be the master. They had not followed the journey before and could not identify the authenticity of Shao Xuan’s identity.

I don't know when people who can be the master can come. This is an empty time. The people in the sky are divided into two batches. They are clearly divided. On the one hand, they are patrolling the tribe, and on the other side, Shao Xuan is standing on the back of the eagle.

"You are Shao Xuan?" A warrior from the tribe looked at Shao Xuan's eyes.

The name Shao Xuan is known to many people in the Hui tribe. When the returning team came back, they also brought back a lot of news. Among them, the most mentioned by the leaders is Yanjiao Shaoxuan, which makes many Hui tribes young. People are not convinced, have not seen things with their own eyes, just heard that they can not admit.

Here, a few people in the tribe are going to say something, and their eagle is going backwards. It seems that it is still not safe, and it has to go back.

When they don't have a mouth, the mountain eagle with them rarely happens. This kind of abnormal situation pulls their attention back and shifts to the big mountain giant eagle opposite. It seems that the opposite The eagle is not in a good mood.

When the mountain giant eagle is in a good mood, it is easy to fight. When the mood is bad, it is easier to fight.

It’s no wonder that several hawks here have stepped back. Some of them have not experienced the change of the Eagle Mountain, and the other side is obviously higher than a few levels. Even if there are a lot of them, they can Five to one, six to one, may not be able to take advantage, it is likely to be miserable.

Fortunately, the eagle opposite the moment has no intention of doing a dry frame, but the mood is not good.

The warriors of the Hui tribe did not know that the reason why the reason why they did not start moving their claws was that Shao Xuan moved two feet. This is the meaning of the chaos. If you are in a bad mood, what does the little eagle mean? Even if you want to do it, you have to wait until the big eagle of the tribe appears.

Even when the claws were swept over the other side without moving their claws, several people and hawks on the other side were nervous. It is because they understand the habits of the giant eagle, they understand that it is not fun to make a temper.


An eagle came from a distance, and then a few eagle humming, coming from different directions.

It was the people in other places who heard the movement coming over. There were only two eagle flying in the direction. I didn’t see anyone on the back of the eagle. It was probably that there was no mission at this time. The eagle acted on his own and heard the sound coming directly. .

The first eagle was sent by a mountain knife, and the person on the back of the mountain knife was Gula.

"Haha, Shao Xuan, I didn't expect it to be you!"

Gula was surprised when he saw him. He also didn't recognize the cockroaches. He flew closer to recognize Shao Xuan on the back of the eagle.

"I came here specially to invite you." Shao Xuan let Fei Fei near, throwing a skin roll on his hand to Gula.

Gula took the line of sight back from the scorpion, caught the animal skin roll, opened it and glanced at it quickly. Just, looking at it, the smile on his face was as if he didn’t understand it, and looked again from the beginning, then Look again, be sure that you are not mistaken, Gula is difficult to understand.

Yan Yan is not because of the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth, leaving their ancestral land, moving the tribe to migrate, and going to another place to live again?

Should a tribe forced to migrate not be difficult? How is it now to establish a trading zone and to hold a banquet? If it is really bad, how can it be done?

No matter what the matter is, even if there are more questions, it is not the time to elaborate.

"If you are tired, you should take a break in our tribe first?" Gula asked the animal skin roll and asked.

"That is troublesome." Shao Xuan said.

Gula took a mountain knife and "go back."

Then I followed. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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