Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 625: Flame torrent

The flame giant is not clear, the identification is difficult, and it is better to look at Shao Xuan than to analyze the air giant in the air with his neck. After all, Shao Xuan is the spokesperson of the ancestor Flame Giant...

The action of the Flame Giant has always been synchronized with Shao Xuan.

Therefore, people in Yanjiao could not clearly distinguish the next action of the Flame Giant, and they all stared at Shao Xuan.

This is a very strange scene, and even the atmosphere in the venue has changed.

The other tribes who have been watching are also aware that the horns are not right. They always feel that the people in Yanjiao have a subtle expression. Although standing in their perspective, they can't see the expressions on the faces of Yan Yan people in all the venues, but they can still be seen on the side. Because of this, they don't understand, Yanjiao, in the end. Thinking about?

Inexplicable tension, filled the venue.

Staring at the people on the other side of the Yanzhou, or looking at the flame giant in the sky, the muscles of the body are tight, and the power of the totem in the body has been mobilized to the peak, ready for possible conditions.

Could it be that the previous sentence of blaming everyone to leave, "I don't recommend everyone to stay here" is really dangerous?

If you blame them for knowing what they think, they will definitely shout. Because of his current leader of Yanjiao, he did not expect such a thing to happen, and the people in Yanjiao were much more nervous than the bystanders!

At this time, hiding in the front of the Yanhe Fort animal's fangs, Alibaba, there is an ominous premonition in my heart.

He is also nervous. At the same time, they are more cautious than those of other tribes. They say that they are timid. When they were eating in the mountains in the past, they could let them flee and run away.

Although their tribes are not big enough, they have little strength to compete with other tribes for resources, but they can rely on their own discretion and intuition. As well as the ability to escape, I have lived in the mountains until now.

Since I feel that there may be something that will make them uncomfortable in the future, then I will not hesitate any more, and curiosity is not as important as a small life!

Ah did not reach out and grab his wife. Run the leg and yell, "Hidden!"

The other tribes have long waited for this moment, and once they heard the incompetence, they ran quickly.

Outside the Yanhe Fort, there is a courtyard like a courtyard. When designing, Shao Xuan designed it to resemble a courtyard.

After running away from the door of the beast, he turned the window and hid in the house.

There were no other tribes arranged before the courtyard, and the Yanjiao people who were originally inside were out of the house, so there were no other people in these houses.

It was this way of thinking that Abu Li chose the house in the courtyard and avoided it. The door of the house was closed, but there were two windows that were open, and there was nothing in it. empty.

At the moment when the last person in the row turned in from the windows of each place, he grabbed his hand and pulled out the nails. He tied the raised wooden windows and held the window panels.

However, when the warrior of the tribe turned over the window next to him, it was not that he was too fat, but that he brought too many things, that was, the food that was not packed at the banquet. There are too many foods and the window is too small. He couldn't drag the food into the house. Under the measure, he still had the pain to let go of the food and pull the window.

But the effort in the blink of an eye. Nearly a hundred people who were incapable of carrying them all hid in the largest room in the courtyard.

Even though this room is the largest in the courtyard, nearly 100 people who have enough to eat and drink are hiding here, and they are still crowded. The doors and windows are closed, and the room suddenly darkens. Only the window seams and the gaps above the tiles can see the light.

The darkness makes them nervous.

A long, low-pitched sound.

Ah did not smell the smell in the air. The face is green, "Who is farting!"

"Sorry, I have eaten too much, and I can't control it." A place that is not far from Abu, said a voice of apology.

But at this time, they are not likely to open the window, they can only endure.

At this time, within the Yanhe Fortress venue, almost the next moment when Abu was unable to hide in the house, a big movement occurred.

The arms raised by Shao Xuan are not like the cheering postures of the past, but after they are lifted up, they are opened to the sides, and then, like the people standing in the wind, they shake their sleeves.

At the same time, the flame giant opened his arms and shook with Shao Xuan. The next moment, like a fierce wind blowing, the flame of the flame giant was elongated. The arms seemed to be pulled out of the long, wide sleeves, and the human body was wearing a long skirt, which was brought up by the gust.

However, this is only the beginning.

The "sleeve" is stretched again, and the whole body of the flame giant is like being stretched. For example, after a torch is blown by the wind, the long flame tail is pulled up. However, unlike the torches in the wind, the shape of the flame giant is still there, not dimmed, and not dwarfed. On the contrary, countless flames emerge from it, turning into a torrent of long flames, rushing toward the distance.

The Flame Giant is higher than any building in the Yanhe trading area, from which the flames rushing over the buildings of Yanhe Fort.

Unstoppable flame torrents, instantly rushing out of the Yanhe Fort, flooding into the Yanhe trading area, spreading to various places, such as the momentum of the waterfall, like to rush all the things in the entire Yanhe trading area Going in general.

But the strange thing is that the torrent of these flames easily bypasses the people of the Yanjiao tribe. The people who are standing next to Shao Xuan and Guizawa can clearly feel the flow of flames passing by. It seems like a raging flame torrent, but they can't feel a little wind and waves.

Not only they, the trading area, all the buildings, all the appliances, still stay in place intact, no bumps, no broken, as if nothing happened.

However, the outsiders who stayed in the Yanhe trading area suffered. Especially those who stayed close to the scene, they were the ones who watched the venue in the Yanhe Fortress.

At this point, they are like being in a storm, screaming at the wind and waves.

The atmosphere of the Yi tribes is more intense, which makes them very uncomfortable, like the sugar that the salty and unhappy people are poured, and the sugar mountain is still on the pressure.

How does this make them feel good?

Everyone bites their teeth, they choose to stay, and stay in such a close position, do their own death, bite their teeth!

In comparison, the tribes and other people who have been hiding are much better. They were some distance from the Yanhe Fort, and they were hiding in the house. The torrents of the flames did not directly collide with them. However, the sudden pressure around the house made many people tremble. The giggling trembling was clearly heard in the room.

Afrima shook his mouth and controlled the teeth that he wanted to tremble, and his heart was mad.

What the **** is going on?

What exactly did the Yanjiao make? Scared that Laozi’s legs are soft! (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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