Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 626: End of the feast

However, between the counts, the entire Yanhe trading area is like a flood consisting of flames, and the buildings inside are blurred in the flames.

All the outsiders who stayed in the Yanhe trading area are equally frightened. Sudden oppression caused them to be shocked. At this time, their leaders stayed in the Yanhe Fort. They couldn’t find the backbone of the time. They couldn’t help but be huddled with their partners. The chicken scorpions that are shivering in the wind gather together for warmth, and they all hold their teeth.

They are also worried about what happened inside Yanhe Fort, worrying about the safety of their leaders, but they did not hear any whistle!

They didn't dare to act freely without a whistle. This was because the leader had emphasized it many times before, and he was not allowed to act rashly. Unexpected circumstances have occurred. If other tribes send out whistle warnings for help, they will also rush over, because maybe the leader of their tribe has an accident and cannot whistle.

But now, the big tribe that came over, there is no one whistling sound until now!

Outside the Yanhe trading area, people who have been staring at the other side are also shocked to see the Yanhe trading area bathed in the fire. If they don't feel that it is not an ordinary fire, but a flame similar to a fire, it will not burn people and things, they will definitely rush.

"What happened in the end?!" Some people are crazy.

Even if it is not an ordinary flame, it will not burn people and things, but the rejection of different tribal fires still makes them very uncomfortable. Nothing before, why is it suddenly appearing now?

"What to do? Have you seen it in the past?"

"Wait! Wait!" Another person squeezed a few words from his teeth.

No whistle appeared, and it was impossible for the leaders of several tribes to be completely annihilated. Even if they did not believe in others, they still had confidence in the leaders and leaders of their tribes. How can your own head be so wasteful!


Can only wait!

Wait for the whistle to appear, or wait for it to calm down!

After about half an hour, the fire in the trading area gradually decreased and dispersed.

Within the Yanhe Fort, the huge flame giant slowly fades until it disappears.

The atmosphere that surrounds the Yanjiao fire is also disappearing at this time, which makes all the outsiders who stayed in the Yanhe trading area finally breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s finally over...?

They are not sure, they are really scared. Who knows that there are other things behind?

So, after the fire in the Yanhe trading area disappeared, some of the people standing on the road were Yanjiao people. They were refreshed and energetic, and there was still excitement in their eyes, like a believer who had bathed in the light. This is the opposite of the external appearance of a tight-looking look.

The tribes hiding in the house, this time also open the window with a slit, look out to the outside, but still dare not come out from inside, they are timid and cautious, must be sure that there is no follow-up threat, then they will hide from the hiding place come out.

The people who were left outside the Yanhe Fortress rushed past the animal door of Yanhe Fort. They wanted to determine if the leader of their tribe was still safe.

When they saw the people coming out from the inside, they only took a sigh of relief. Although the expressions of the leaders were not very good, they were not hurt, and it was enough.

Those who find the backbone of the heart are no longer worried, just waiting for the instructions of their own leaders.

The people in Yanjiao ended up for the sacrifices, but the several tribes who watched it were no longer in the mood to continue to stay. They came out with a face and greeted the people outside the door of the beast and arranged for them to Yanjiao. The courtyard went back.

The tribe's people returned to the courtyard, and after the men's reports were reported, the leader Fu Gui waved to let others go out, leaving only the leaves.

"Have you felt it before?" Fu Gui asked.

The spring leaves, I don’t know what the leader is saying.

"According to the person who came to report, the Yanjiao, who stayed in the Yanhe trading area, or the Yanjiao outside, had the same changes." Fu Guidao.

"You mean..." The reed made a fire gesture.

Fugui nodded. "Not just them, I also listened to people on the side of the Yanjiao headquarters. The people there also have this change."

The reed leaves are wide-eyed. "From such a distance, there is still a river. Is this OK?!"

"This is also the place I care about." Fu Gui’s eyes were deep in thought. He is more and more interested in another form of fire.

"In any case, the original plan has changed temporarily, I intend to stay here for a while," Fu Gui said.

Originally, they just planned to come over and see what the so-called Yanhe trading area looks like. By the way, they can find out the truth of the Yanjiao and see if they can really hold a feast of the feast. In the plan, they are not planning to stay here for a long time. After all, the Yanhe area is unfamiliar, and there are very few distant teams coming here. It has always been a remote and impoverished place in the mainland. It is impossible to grasp the information. They will not stay for a long time. .

But now, Fu Gui changed his mind. He didn't care much about the food in front of the Yanhe feast. Today, he only cares about two things: one, the blue weapons in the hands of Yanjiao; the second, the most crucial thing, the thing he cares most about— - Another form of fire!

Fugui has a feeling that if he does not figure out the problem, he will definitely regret it.

"Perhaps, our tribe will also make the same choice as the Yanjiao." Fu Gui sighed.

The reed leaves can understand what the "same choice" in Fu Kei refers to, and can't help but worry: "However, the kind of fire is a matter of the whole tribe, let's think about it."

"This is natural, but I have a kind of hunch. We will finally choose the same road as Yanjiao." Fugui stunned, seeing the reed leaves or the disapproval of the face, and said, "You think, why is the Yanjiao? Open this secret?"

I haven’t said it for a long time in the fierce beasts. How can I be half-open now?

"Yanjiao wants to show off? Or, they want to use this to extract more things from the hands of our major tribes?" Reeds tried to answer.

Fugui smiled helplessly. "Not at all."

Said Fu Gui raised his hand and pointed to a direction. There is the position of the desert.

"Desert Rocky City?"

"more than!"

The expression on Fugui is very strange. It is something that the reed leaves have not seen. It is like expectation, but it seems to be somewhat uneasy, but more, still looking forward to it.

"The sea!"

Unlike some tribes with the highest strength and the strongest, the leaders of each generation of the tribe are carefully selected. Their strengths are not necessarily the most powerful in the tribe. They may not be ranked in the top three, but they It must be smart and far-sighted.

I don't know when the tribe started to implement such a selection method.

If Shao Xuan knows this, he will certainly sigh. It is one of the strongest in the middle. It can be such a realization that not every tribe can do it. It is no wonder that the tribe has been able to move forward steadily.

Although the leader of the tribe may not be able to perfect everything, the limitations of thinking are still great, but sometimes, it must be said that their leader, whether it is the leader of the tribe or the witch, "smell "It's very sharp."

I don’t wait for the reeds to understand what the three words “the sea side” represent, and listen to Fu Guidao: “The tribes in the Yanhe area will definitely move closer to the Yanjiao after this time. The tribes that came over this time must have been facing Yan."

For Fugui, the reed leaves are very much recognized.

Perhaps, others think that Yan Yan’s meal will be incredible for those who have fished. However, they have been very proud of the fact that they have hosted an exaggerated feast. The more the poor tribes living in poverty, the easier it is to be The meal was hooked. This is why many tribes with strengths choose to feast rather than choose the cause of a positive war. How easy is it to achieve a meal? However, those little tribes are not stupid, do they really have the strength, they can eat it.

The feast of Yanjiao made them eat very well, especially after experiencing the big "fire" of today, those people were afraid at the time, but the thoughts of the close-up of the Yanzhou angle would be even stronger. The stronger the inflammation, the more peace of mind they have.

Many tribes don't think too much. They only recognize what they have experienced. They want to persuade them to talk to Yanjiao, which is impossible in a short time. This is the strange thing of many tribes. Sometimes, a "silly" makes people helpless.

"If Yanjiao can gather all the tribes in this area, it is also a great force." This point leaves the leaves to understand.

"The strength of Yanjiao, you and I know, may not be weaker than us, and then gather these tribes, do not have to fear any tribe. But! They still choose to open this secret about the fire! Because they are taboo!" Fu Gui looks Reed leaves, "You said, where did the people who came out of the desert at the corner of Yan? Where did they come from?"

"Of course it is sand..." The voice of the reed suddenly stopped, and the eyes burst into shock. "What do you mean, the sea?"

Fugui did not speak, but his expression gave the affirmative answer.

Fugui’s guess is not wrong.

The Yanjiao tribe decided to open this secret. It was also after many deliberations. Once they thought about all the people, only said to the tribes they had handed over, or used this secret to extract more benefits from other tribes. However, in the end they chose this method.

The two continents are very close, and circulation is a matter of morning and evening. The outbreak of contradictions is also a matter of morning and evening. At that time, it will definitely be quite difficult with Yan Yanjiao. Now the people of the Yanjiao tribe are still too few or even completely unable to Compared to an ordinary city on the other side.

On the other side of the sea, the six nobles became a rope. The aristocrats in each city also had some tribes. The tribes on the other side could be different from the tribes here. It is impossible to give up the nobility and support this side. people.

The tribes here, according to Shao Xuan's understanding of them, although there are a lot of frictions in the past, but once they involve the slave owners, they will definitely stand on the same side, even if they have never been able to understand the long boat of Yanjiao. Tribes, Tianshan tribes, etc., choose between Yanjiao and slave owners, and they will choose Yanjiao.

This evening, the people of the major tribes who stayed in the Yanhe trading area slept unsteadily. They each had speculations and even been close to the truth.

The things of the fire make them irritated.

The original fire was gone, but the fire was still there, but it existed in another situation with the same blood and fire. These flaming horns have proved to them.

Innovation is always accompanied by fear. Choosing this will give up other things that have long been used, which is a great challenge for tribes.

They will worry, they will hesitate, not sure if such innovation is good or bad for their own tribes? People who are suitable for other tribes may not be suitable for themselves.

The original fire, which protects the entire tribe, can also trap them, and there are limits to doing things. However, if one day, the fire is no longer confined to one place. If the tribes no longer need to be concentrated all the year round, what will happen in the future after having such freedom?

Yanjiao chose such a path of innovation, and the tribes and rain tribes followed the pace of Yanjiao. So, who is the next person to choose such a person? Mobile phone users please visit

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