Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 644: Sacrifice net

This time, the tribe has a great movement. The battle that will be faced for a thousand years is bound to affect everyone in the tribe. In order to prevent those who have poor combat ability, the skeleton is leaving the witch. After the house, I went to arrange it.

Their core battlefield is where the tribe is. The tribe is also a rare tribe that takes its own habitat as a battlefield. To evacuate all the tribes who cannot participate in the battlefield, they must withdraw all of them from the tribe. range.

The plan for the cheekbone is to let those people leave through the underground caves of the sub-tribes and then find places to hide. The people of the sub-tribes are not strong in combat, but it is still very powerful to find a place to hide.

The person who had seen the nakedness in the house from the bottom of the house was the sub-tribe. The sub-tribe would not participate in the war, but would help the tribe to send people away.

So, in the next two days, I often see injured pregnant women and children with parcels, etc., enter from the underground cave below the sacral room, and then walk along the hole. There will be sub-tribes in the underground cave to guide them. .

On these two days, the nearby beasts began to increase, especially those who patrolled at night. They could even hear the clear waves of water on the river bank. Now the monster is no longer hidden, and the tribes are also Not close to the river bank, only guarding on the edge of the tribe, killing the fierce beasts who broke into the tribe.

On the third day, the tribe was very quiet, there was no noise from the children, and no one was running around.

When the sun was hanging high, the sorcerer walked out of the house and, after landing, went to the fire pit.

People from other parts of the tribe also came out of the house and gathered over the fire pit.

They also had an important ceremony before the start of hunting.

For the tribe, the net is a tool and a belief.

Perhaps other tribes don't think about a network, but every time before the official hunting and after the hunt. People from the tribes will hold special ceremonies, such as the mobilization meeting before the hunting of Yanjiao. After the end of the hunting, there will be a knife-washing ceremony.

The more important the action. The more complicated the ceremony.

For many tribes, hunting is good if there are people, tools, and strength, but the people of the tribe think that is more than that. To them. There is also one of the most important and necessary rituals necessary for major hunting!

If there is no such ceremony, the tribes will feel that no matter how powerful you are, no matter how skilled your hunting skills are, no matter how sharp your tools are, no ritual will not have a satisfactory hunting. Can't achieve the purpose of their plan.

That ceremony will give them the power of hunting nets, which will allow them to hunt and get satisfactory results. They don't miss their goals, they capture enough prey, and all the tools will achieve the maximum results.

When it comes to rituals, it is natural to mention witches. The witches are the ceremonies of the ceremonies. The important ceremonies of all the tribes are inseparable from witches. The witch is the most important person in this ritual. Without witches, this ritual does not exist, hunting The hunting net cannot be empowered. Hunting operations will also end in disappointment.

It can be said that in the eyes of the tribes, hunting is a witchcraft action, and the witch will decide the time of hunting, the way to hunt, and so on. The most important hunting method for the tribe is the net hunting. The witch plays a vital role in the net hunting, which is why the tribes of the tribes are in a position to do so, and their status is far less than that of witches. Each of their important actions can be without a collar, but there must be no witch.

When the witch came to the fire pit, the bones and other people had arrived in advance. In the fire pit, there was a hunting net full of fire pits!

Stacking a hunting net like a hill. The flames of the fire in the fire pit were blocked and did not burn due to the flame of the fire in the fire pit.

If you look closely, the hunting nets that are piled up in the fire pits are different from the hunting nets that used to be used by the tribes in the past, because the beasts they are about to deal with are much more powerful than the beasts they used to hunt! The usual grass rope net can't stop the pace of the fierce thing, let alone hunted, so all they use this time are all able to make this kind of net. They will be in the proper season every year. Collect raw materials, then store the hemp fibers, and when needed, will take out these treasured materials to weave the highest level of hunting nets.

"Ready?" The witch removed his gaze from the firepit and looked at the cheekbones in front of him.

"Okay." The cheekbone looked at the people who came together. These people are all participants in the operation, a total of 1,300 people, more than half of whom will be responsible for peripheral actions, and more experience. Not a rich warrior, the majority of the primary totem fighters, while the other half will remain in the core position, mostly middle and high-level totem fighters, experienced people will be responsible for the core position.

"Since this is the case," the sorcerer’s face was cleaned up, "the sacrifice net!"

All the people gathered together are lined up in a long line. This is not the first time they do, so there is no need to say more.

The first sacral bone on the far left walked toward the fire pit, then stopped at the fire pit and reached out.

The sorceress took out a long, narrow, yellow leaf. The dry leaves were thin and looked very brittle. It seemed that a gap would appear when touched.

The sorcerer grasped the leaf with three fingers and waved a stroke. The yellow blade of grass was like a thin knife, which cut the palm of the cheekbone.

With the trajectory of the blades of grass, the blood was taken out of a line, slipped from the hands of the shins, and fell into the firepit. The whole process was less than a breathing time.

The cheekbone left to the side, and the second person went forward, reaching out like the cheekbones.

Everyone who fights will drop his blood into the firepit.

Even if there are more than a thousand people here, it doesn't take too long. When the last person ends, it only takes more than half an hour.

Everyone who was on the scene was finished, and the sorcerer’s fingers moved into the firepit and into the hunting nets that piled up into hills.

What is the symbolic meaning of the net?



As the ritual continues, this idea seems to have spread with the sacrifice network.

Inside and around the tribe, there was an agitated and sultry atmosphere. The birds that used to fly here have long since left, and the flying insects hidden behind the leaves have spread their wings and flew away.

Another reason why the tribe refused Yan’s intervention was because if the net was opened, the Yanjiao could not shoot! On the contrary, it will even deviate from the net.

In the Yanhe River, the calm water waves rolled, as if there was something stirring up underneath, and it was about to break through. (To be continued.)

Ps: I planned to sleep and code again last night. I ended up stunned and slept, and I woke up until the next day.

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