Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 645: lead! By!

At the end of the ceremony, the sun is still hanging high in the sky, and the burning light shines on the ground. ¥f,

There is already a thick layer of sweat on the people of the tribe, but they don’t even have the mind to wipe the sweat. They silently follow the long-distributed characters and go everywhere.

Once the action begins, the spear chases, the bow and arrow, the rope lasso, everything will start to work according to the plan. They are very nervous, this will be their tribe, the first level of the fierce beast in the first millennium.

When the people everywhere have been ambushed, the sorcerer stands alone at the edge of the fire pit and picks up a thing. It is a hard round cake woven from dense hemp fibers, the diameter is almost as long as the palm, a knuckle The thickness of the round is connected to a long handle, and the witch is holding it on the handle.

He raised his arm and put the round cake face forward. It was the direction of the Yanhe River. After moving up, slowly moving. When moving to somewhere, the witch’s movements were lifted, and the eyes were lifted in that direction. Looking straight into the past, the line of sight is like a sharp blade, passing through the woods in front and directly to the side of the river.

Siwu kept the action, and he did not move. In the fire pit behind him, the net that had been piled up into the mountain had already been taken away. There was only one ignition light in the empty fire pit, just like the only flower opened in the big flower bed. .


The flame swayed abruptly.

Immediately, on the far side of the Yanhe River, the sound of the waves slamming the river bank was heard, and the sound of the rapid jet of river water hitting the woods could be heard.


The sorcerer's fingers holding the handle again force, not to mention other people, he is also nervous, but as a witch, he can not be self-defeating, must stay awake and calm.

I decided to do it today. It is because he will be the best time to start this day. The weather is fine, there is no rain, it will not interfere with their actions, the air humidity is right, not too moist. It will not be too dry, so that the soldiers will maintain their best condition. The most important thing is that this day, the success rate of the start is the highest, and the so-called righteousness and harmony are indispensable.

The behemoth will not come out during the day, even if it does not want to wait, the time to choose the attack must be at night. However, the night is too restrictive for the tribes, so the sorcerer has to be in this way to "lead" the behemoth that has never really appeared.

The method he used to lure the lurking beast out was to use the special secrets of the tribe to increase the hatred in the heart of the beast. Once the hatred buried in the heart is expanded several times, the cautious mind of the behemoth can no longer stop the anger that is about to be sprayed. Reason is no longer.

The sound of the water is getting louder and louder, even because of the blockage of the woods. I can't see the situation there, but the sorcerer can also guess what happened on the river bank from the sound heard.

The first step, "quote", success!

The sorcerer exhaled a sigh of relief, but did not dare to relax. The eyes are still staring straight at the other side, and the finger holding the handle of the round cake is shaking. This is not what he can control. This step requires a lot of power to face such a behemoth. He can only do his best.


There was a tremor in the ground.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The tremor is getting louder and louder, and it is getting more and more urgent.

Going ashore!

Even though the woods on the Yanhe River are dense, they can't be compared with the ancient forests on the other side. The deforestation of the tribes has caused so many old trees here, and such forests are an obstacle for the huge behemoths. . They can't even walk through the gaps in the woods.

The huge body is rampant, like an armored vehicle, knocking all the obstacles in front and stepping on it.

Take a deep breath and swear a word: "By!"

The sound is not big. Generally speaking, people who are a little far away can’t hear it at all. But at this time, the tribal warriors who ambush everywhere have heard this command. This is not a big one. Words, they sounded in their minds.

The sacrum was hidden in the woods, watching the behemoth that finally showed its true body. A drop of sweat slipped from the forehead and the heart screamed fiercely.

This is the first time he has encountered such a huge behemoth. He also saw the horns of the giant beasts in the Yanhe trading area of ​​Yanjiao, but those who retain the remnant beastly atmosphere, but after all, are dead, in the heart If you are shocked, you will not panic. But now, they are faced with a living, powerful giant beast!

Can't panic, calm down, calm!

Some trembling arms of the cheekbones quickly stabilized with the change of mood. They led the arrows and made arrows in one go. Without any hesitation and suspicion, they were still as confident as before, confident and decisive.

The tribe warriors hidden in other parts of the woods, after the first shot in the cheekbones, also acted in succession. Many people will still be shocked by the behemoth, and the shots will be disqualified, but it doesn't matter, it is just the beginning.

It’s harder, they must also meet!

This behemoth has been testing them with small beasts before, and why are they not using the excessive cautiousness of the behemoths from my ascension?

They are no more than the ancestors of the millennium, and there are not many beasts and experience. If there is no catastrophe last year, they will continue to be isolated from the beasts, but now they must face a new living environment. This is their first hurdle!

Gritted teeth, the tribes have turned the power of the totem in the body to the peak, trying to stimulate all the power in the body.

Dozens of figures roam in the woods, flashing like a meteor, and every movement, there will always be an arrow to attack the behemoth that seems to have built a solid shield.


The intensive arrows hit the giant beast and made a sound like a golden stone.

The relatively long neck of the behemoth looks like a flaw, but this place that is easily attacked by the hunters is still tightly protected by the scales like armor.

The sarcophagus arrow is shot on the scale of the beast's epidermis, the arrow is broken, the arrow is blocked, and the giant beast is unharmed, with at most some light traces.

The behemoth shook his head and avoided the arrow that was shot at the eye. The pupil in the eye was sharp and cold like a sword tip, and the sight of the sweeping eyes showed madness and anger.

After being snarled by the sorcerer, it looks more fierce, and the scorpion is underneath. Every scale is like a thick suffocating suffocation. In the half of the mouth, the fangs will break the tree, and the trunk branches become It is fragile and easily crushed.

Only one person, the tribe's people know that the strength of the two sides is very different. This gap is too big. If it is based on the traditional way of hunting, it is not a dead battle, but the result of death.

It is not easy to succeed! (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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