Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 646: trap! capture!

The sound of a sharp beast that rubbed like a rock made the woods seem to be pushed outwards by an unintentional hand and dumped.

The stone scorpion shot on the behemoth, and the giant beast raised a front paw, completely ignoring the sharp stone scorpion that was shot intensively, and the palm of the hand slammed all the trees in the side, venting the body. anger.

The skeleton is now, the claw that the behemoth is waving is not complete, it looks a little deformed, like someone who has been cut.

Yes, this is the claw. Thousands of years ago, when the ancestors of the tribes chased the beast, although they escaped, they left half of the beasts. Now, the beasts of this beast have been wounded and recovered, but they cannot grow again. Completely, even if it grows longer, it is not the shape of the animal's palm. It looks very weird. Such a slap, compared to the other one, will be weaker in terms of flexibility and attack.

Probably the behemoth also thought of why this eater's paw was like this, and once again angrily screamed, chasing those who were hiding in the woods and shooting arrows everywhere.

While the bones and other people shoot arrows, they lead the behemoth to the direction of the tribe.

If they are other beasts, they are expelled in the rear and drive the target to their expected position. For this one, they can't be behind, only in the front. Here, they are in a weak position, and the behemoth is the strongest side!

The sound of snoring, such as heavy rain, is a "road" in the woods, the cracked wood chips and the broken leaves are scattered, the trees are far away, leaving only some of the ground on the ground to be left behind. The pit below, or the remaining trunk that remains in place after being cut off by the half waist.

This behemoth, far less than a thousand years ago, should be similar to the small beasts they had contacted in the past few days. The ancestors used at that time were naturally different from their current hunting methods.

Therefore, for the hunting methods currently used by tribes, the behemoths are unfamiliar, even if they were hunting thousands of years ago. After a long time, it can't remember. Moreover, the temptation for the tribe has ended, and it believes that the tribe will not be too much threat. Even if the hatred of the millennium still remembers, even if there is such a trace of jealousy in the depths of my heart, now all the taboos have become the anger of hatred. Coupled with the sorcerer's temptation to induce greater anger. Now it doesn't think about anything else.

kill! This is the only thought of its heart.

In front, you can already see the house of the tribe.


A voice rang in the minds of the skeleton and others.

Let's move on to the next step.


A strip of vines appears everywhere, up and down, left and right, and all around!

At the same time, at the foot of the giant beast, a net suddenly bounced, and the dust and leaves covered by it were shaken. This net, when the giant beast stepped on the foot, lifted the net and directly bound it. That animal claw.

The behemoth that was rushing forward was pulled by a sudden pull. But it was just a meal. The claws that were vigorously moved will bring all the trees in the distance, and the ropes on the net were tied to the trees.

The tribal warriors who were hiding in the woods were exposed to the piece of wood that was torn off. They also had to evacuate and quickly set up the next net.

The one just was just one of the ambush nets, and there are more behind.

A network can't get much effect, they need more nets. This behemoth has fallen into their network area, and they must unwind the rope, rope, and net. One net and one net!

If Shao Xuan is here, I will definitely see it. This is similar to the chain lasso he used in setting the trap, but it is more complicated.

If it is said that the serial lasso is a one-dimensional change of two-dimensional, from the primary to the intermediate level of complexity. Then, the network network is two-dimensional to three-dimensional, from intermediate to advanced complexity!

If a person wants to make a network and guarantee its success, as long as he masters the skills and has enough time and energy, it is not too difficult. After all, the only consciousness is leading the operation. However, now, these tribes, the hundred people responsible for networking, successfully completed the huge network without any commanding voice on the scene. Even if there are contradictions and frictions on weekdays, they are all very well matched. This is a temporary tacit understanding that other tribes cannot do.

In addition, look at those weaving nets. The trees are easily torn off, but most of those nets are still connected, and the net rope is rarely broken. The nets that are entangled in the feet of the beasts are faintly red, obviously not too thick, but they are extremely strong, even if the bound object is a powerful beast.

That is the net after the ceremonial ceremonies, and also the people of the tribes, dedicated to dealing with the network of difficult targets. Thousands of years ago, the ancestors of the tribes often used such nets, but in the past millennium, the tribes rarely used it. After all, when the beasts gradually disappeared, the daily survival hunting targets were just fierce beasts. At the time, such a net naturally does not have to be used.

Now, after a thousand years, the tribe has once again used such a net.

There are more and more nets wrapped around the beast's feet, and the behemoth's body also inadvertently has a lot of ropes. Those ropes are inconspicuous compared to the huge size of the behemoths, but they are still increasing. When the behemoths step forward, there will be more ropes entangled.

These troublesome nets, as well as the breath of the rope network, made it think of a bad memory that was long and long ago, and then thought of its claws that had been cut in half, could not help but be more violent, and the coldness in the eyes was even better.

Sibu looked at the behemoth who stepped into the tribe, and once again burst out: "Hey!"

The cheekbone hits from behind the behemoth, and the power of the totem is poured into the arms. The ribs on the arms are like a dragon, and the sword is slamming with a suffocating cold. The blade is suffocating. Giant beast neck!

If it were in the past, the beast of this knife will be easily cut down. Even the beasts of the past few days cannot be spared under such a knife.

Such a huge behemoth, under this knife, there will always be injuries?

However, at the moment when the blade collided with the behemoth, with the sharp and harsh rubbing sound, the cheekbone felt that the whole arm was shaken, and then where the blade was, except for some scratches, no bloodshot was seen. .

Under this knife, even the skin of the behemoth could not be broken!

Not only that, but the shin bone can feel that the knife on the hand is no longer usable. The blade has cracked.

The skeletal bones of the results were shocked for a moment, and the other tribes who saw this scene were also shocked by the hearts of the people. Most of the stone tools they used now are medium to upper and even fine stone. However, now This scene tells them that this trick is not very useful.

What is this? !

But no matter what, knowing that the stone tools in their hands do not have much effective attack on the behemoths, they still have to continue to act according to the plan.

At the same time, in the Yanhe River, two ships that should have gone down the parade are folding towards the upstream. (To be continued.)

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