Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 668: Third eye

At the time when Lang Wei went to Shao Xuan, Caesar had already ran out of the tribal territory.

The patrols separated some people, but it was not long before they were taken away. They are not going out hunting, and the equipment they carry is not enough. It is not a wise decision to rush to chase it. Can't chase after?

A few people hesitated for a while.

Just at this time, Lang Hao came up with Shao Xuan, and they asked Shao Xuan, "Is it better to go back and prepare tools before going out to chase?" With preparation, you can track longer, otherwise don't mention tracking, your own life may not be Can keep in the mountains.

"No, you go back and continue to patrol, I will follow it alone." Shao Xuan said.

"How can you be alone?" Lang Wei disagreed.

Others do not agree.

Shao Xuan pointed to the top of the head, Lang Hao and others looked up, an eagle.

When I saw the cockroach flying over, Lang Hao and others were in the heart. If you traced it from the air, it would be faster and safer.

No longer nonsense, Lang Hao they went back to the tribe to continue patrolling, and Shao Xuan let the scorpion take, looking for Caesar's trace from the air.

In the woods below, there are some traces of trees being knocked or knocked down. That is what Caesar left. As long as you follow these tracks, you can definitely catch up. According to Lang Lang, what they said, Caesar was just like crazy when he ran out. When it was normal, it went out for food and would say hello to the patrolling soldiers, playing a collision game, even if it was a few days ago. When you are irritated, you will stop for a while while seeing the patrol people, and then avoid someone's place to hit the mountain and hit the tree. Today, it is simply ignoring everything and rushing straight out.

Caesar's state today is very wrong, this is Shao Xuan worried. If the late rejection caused by the real eye, this side effect is really big, it is like to drive Caesar the whole wolf crazy.

But, even if you found Caesar, how should you deal with it?

Will the right eye that has grown long be smashed?

That pain is probably more serious than when you first lost your right eye, but compared to your life. This is not that important anymore. What Shao Xuan is worried about now is that Caesar's two eyes may have been affected. After all, Caesar's change during this time was not only for the right eye that grew out, but when both sides were lifted, the two sides were paralyzed.

Do you want to ruin both eyes?

Thinking of this, Shao Xuan can not help but regret.

This is no longer the scope of all the exclusion phenomena that Crystal Witch said, and it also surpassed Shao Xuan’s prediction.

With a long sigh, the blue veins on the arms are raised by the clenched fists. Shao Xuan looks down to the forest below, no matter what. Even if Caesar loses two eyes, as long as he can live to become normal, it is okay to stop hunting. He can hunt more prey and raise a wolf.

The more you go to the mountains, the denser the woods and the more towering old trees, from the top. The trace left by Caesar is not obvious, and the eagle's eagle eye is not recognizable. It takes a lot of effort to track it.

Fortunately, Caesar was originally marked by Shao Xuan, although this connection can not be compared with the sapphire sapphire, but as long as it is not too far apart, Shao Xuan can still perceive some.

"Going over there." Shao Xuan pointed in a direction and gestured to fly over there.

Even if Caesar is in a wrong state, it seems that losing his senses becomes arrogant. But the route it chooses is still familiar to it. It was not the hunting route of the hunting team, but Caesar came out when he was eating. Shao Xuan has been there several times, and he has an impression, and he is often going out for food with Caesar. More familiar with this route. The direction that Shao Xuan refers to is Caesar's own foraging route.

He screamed, indicating that he had understood Caesar's movements.

The sun is gradually deflected and the day is gone.

Near dusk, after the night, it is even harder to catch up. After all, the perception in the night is not as good as during the day.

Still did not see Caesar's figure, but Shao Xuan can feel that it is close, but Caesar is still running, and can't immediately pull closer.

At night, the moon was separated, and the moon that was separated by the double moon was not long. The separated moon was still very large, and the moonlight was enough for night illumination. The flying insects hidden in the darkness spread their wings and flew along the spiral path toward the light source in the sky.

Even in the air, Shao Xuan can see the situation of the forest below. To take a step back, even if it is dark, Shao Xuan can look at it with a special vision. But now, more is based on Shao Xuan's perception to identify the exact position.

"Continue to fly over there, it is very close."

After the night, the speed of the flight has dropped a lot. It is usually daytime activities. There are some birds in the air during the day, but they don’t understand it at night. It has to be careful, not to be traced, otherwise it will follow Shao Xuan has been planted.


A wolverine came from a distance, not the excitement of the past, more like a meaningless snoring, as if suppressing something.

After the sound was heard once, there was no movement.

After flying a distance, Shao Xuan came down from the back of the eagle and landed on the ground. He could perceive Caesar in the vicinity, unable to determine the specific location from the air, the old trees were too tightly shielded, he could only find it on the ground.

喳喳 Detecting in the air, if you see the threat will give Shao Xuan an early warning, but the mountains in the night, more are predators lurking in the night, can not be seen from the top, only Shao Xuan himself.

In the woods, Shao Xuan Wen went to a trace of **** smell, judging from the smell of blood, still fresh. He followed the **** smell and looked over there. He soon heard some movements of biting and foraging. Shao Xuan’s heart tightened and his feet accelerated.

The branches above cover most of the moonlight, but the moonlight cast between the broken branches still allows Shao Xuan to see the situation there.

There was a corpse there, and it was not Caesar to look at it. This made Shao Xuan breathe a sigh of relief. The dead beast is not big, it is a night-time predator, good at latent attacks, and very fast.

Around the beast, there are other night beasts foraging, and the corpses in the mountains will not become long after a skeleton. Within 30 days, there will be no more bones.

Shao Xuan wanted to check the wound of the corpse to see if Caesar had killed it, because there were traces of the claws caught by the wolf claws, but there were only three beasts for food, and other night beasts. To the **** and rushed over, Shao Xuan is now mainly looking for Caesar, and for the time being does not want to conflict with these night beasts.

So Shao Xuan quietly left, bypassed there, continued to find the silk induction, and went in one direction.

There is still a slight **** smell in the air, but Shao Xuan does not see the tree that was hit again.


Already very close.

Shao Xuan carefully approached forward. He doesn't know if Caesar is still sensible now. If he is really crazy, he may even attack him. So Shao Xuan has to be cautious. He also brought some poisonous needles with strong anesthetic phytotoxin. If Caesar is really mad, he can't. Control, he directly dumped Caesar poison and brought it back, can not let it be here, lose the sensible beast, can not survive in the mountains for a long time, smart predators too much, will accidentally take them Tao, Shao Xuan did not want to bring back only a skeleton of the wolf that was lighted.

A low sigh came from a distance, and the voice was not loud, as if it suppressed the pain.

This voice is Caesar's, Shao Xuan can hear it.

Still alive.

Shao Xuan continued to approach the other side, the closer he was, the clearer the **** smell, although not thick, but Shao Xuan could smell it. There are already some night beasts that are attracted by **** smells, but they are still nearby, and they dare not rush up, like hesitating and alerting.

Shao Xuan looked not far away, where he was carrying a figure against him, it was Caesar who ran out.

I wanted to scream and think of the situation at the moment. Shao Xuan just put his finger on his mouth and blew his whistle.

The whistle is not too abrupt in the sound of night insects and active nocturnal birds, nor does it cause the attention of those night beasts. It is the whistle that Shao Xuan will blow when hunting on weekdays. It is also the familiar whistle of Caesar.

After Shao Xuan blew his whistle, he squatted there and slowly stood up and turned to look at Shao Xuan’s position.

Shao Xuan stood on an old tree not far away, and Caesar looked up and looked over after turning around.

Part of the moonlight cast makes Caesar's two eyes reflect the green light in the dark, and can't see how its eyes look, but Shao Xuan can feel that Caesar's breath is still stable, although he ran so far. It may have been killed with other savage beasts, and there were a lot of injuries, and there was still a wheezing in the throat, but there were no signs of arrogance.

Shao Xuan is not sure if Caesar is now waking up in the end, and then whistling again. The rhythmic whistle contains instructional information. It was very early and long ago that Shao Xuan taught it when he trained Caesar, meaning "come here."

Caesar also took two steps to Shao Xuan, but stopped again, bowed his head and raised a front paw. When Shao Xuan thought that he had to use his claws to blink his eyes, he paused and then looked up. Shao Xuan.

Two green glowing eyes reappear in the darkness.

Shao Xuan was placed in the other hand behind him, and three stone needles with phytotoxic toxins were prepared. Caesar's status is still not very good, he intends to bring it back directly.

However, when Shao Xuan was ready to take the shot, the action suddenly became stagnant.

Shao Xuan looked at Caesar with amazement.

In the darkness, two green light spots appear on the two wolf eyes with green light!

this is……

Shao Xuan looked at Caesar with horror. As Caesar lifted his foot again and approached here, Shao Xuan also saw it more clearly.

Caesar had a flesh-and-blood head on his head because of his self-abuse head, especially the entire forehead. There was no good skin, but between such flesh and blood, a vertical eye appeared there.

The third eye!

How can a third eye appear? ! (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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