Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 669: Three-eyed wolf

I thought it was a late-realistic rejection, but I didn't expect to see such a scene.

It turned out that this time is the reason for this third eye.

Shao Xuan does not understand why this happens, because a real eye can only produce one eye, and the witch can have a third eye. It is because their original eyes are normal, but Caesar is now, why is the right eye born? After that, the third eye emerged again? When the fashion goes up, it is just in the right eye.

What is the difference between this third eye and the other two?

It is a pity that Caesar can't talk, it can't tell Shao Xuan its feelings in detail.

Shao Xuan temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​bringing it back directly. Caesar is now not violent, his mood is still stable, and he has not hit the ground again.

It is in doubt.

Shao Xuan is also confused.

After Shao Xuan blew the whistle, it should have understood the instructions. Shao Xuan saw that Caesar had just gone on this side, just because the third eye opened and stopped.

I figured out the reason why Caesar was abnormal during this time. Shao Xuan’s heart was slightly safe. This proves that it is not a late rejection, and there should be no damage to the other two eyes.

At the time of Shao Xuan's thoughts, Caesar suddenly turned to the side of the wolf's head, and the three open eyes looked to the bushes on one side, and the low throat in the throat.

There was a lurking night beast over there, thinking that it was well hidden. I was probably planning to attack Caesar just now, but I didn’t expect Caesar to find it in advance. The low snoring was just telling the night beast hiding behind it: I found you. , hurry!

In fact, just when I was on the third eye of Caesar, even though I couldn’t see the eyes in the eyes because of the reflected green light, Shao Xuan had a familiar feeling. The crystal witches and crickets he felt when he was in the Crystal tribe were similar but not identical. Probably the fusion is different, the emotions are different, so the feeling is different.

Caesar's third eye, to the person who has this eye, has a feeling like whether you can find it after hiding in the grass or the tree. perhaps. This is the reason why those who smelled the **** smell and ran around but only squatted nearby, hesitant, and did not act because they hunted for sneak attacks. If they were discovered, they would not be attacked. They prefer a blow. Killing, when you are not sure, will not act easily.

Therefore, after Caesar’s low-pitchedness, there was not left there, but there was no attack. They will continue to wait for opportunities.

Around the night beasts will not have any action for the time being, Shao Xuan will look at Caesar standing there, he blew the whistle for the third time, the same whistle as before.

Caesar, who heard the whistle, finally came to Shao Xuan, but hesitated with his footsteps. Not as simple as before, Shao Xuan could even feel Caesar's eyes with doubts.

What is it doubting?

Is it something to see?

At this time, Shao Xuan thought of what the sorcerer said. He said that he was behind the "people." Caesar's third eye is similar to the crystal witch, and it is the reason for the true eye. Does that mean that Caesar also saw the "people" behind him, so he would hesitate to hear the instructions.

However, even if Caesar saw something that he could not see before, he followed the instructions of Shao Xuan and made a squeaky voice.

I heard this sound. Shao Xuan can be sure that Caesar has now recovered and is awake. It has injuries on his body. Now he is not suitable to stay in the same place. It needs to find a place to deal with injuries.

"Let's go." Shao Xuan turned back and followed the route back.

At the beginning, Shao Xuan was not fast. Hearing the movement on the ground behind him, Shao Xuan was able to speed up and whistle to greet the cockroaches in the sky.

It was night, Caesar had a wound on his body, and he ran so far, and he was tired. Not only it, but also a rest, and it was not suitable for flying at night, so Shao Xuan found a place to rest and gave Caesar a simple treatment. A bit of a wound.

He didn't bring a medicine bag, and there were not many drugs on his body. He could only use it. Fortunately, the injury on Caesar was scary, but the injury was not serious. Some shallow wounds were already scarred. Serious A few injuries were concentrated on the back and on the head. The injury on the back was that it was bitten when it was killed by other beasts, and the head was hit by itself.

At the time of rest, Shao Xuan had the opportunity to take a good look at Caesar's third eye. Caesar, who grew up in the third eye, didn't seem to be very controllable. After opening it, it took a long time to close it rigidly. It was a rusty machine, the reaction was not flexible, and it was not synchronized with the other two eyes. Around the eyes, the original flesh and skin became harder. Shao Xuan discovered it when Caesar applied the medicine. This reminded him of the true eye that he caught. When the real eye was cut, Wrapped in the real eye, there is also a layer of hardened meat.

I don't know if it is the reason. I have the opportunity to go to the Crystal tribe to ask. Shao Xuan thought.

When I saw Caesar, when I found out that Caesar had an eye, the shock was even bigger. One did not pay attention, and the goods turned from one eye to three eyes!

The resilience of the beast is stronger than that of the ordinary beast. After one night, the wounds on Caesar are already scarred, and the **** smell is not so strong.

Caesar woke up the next day with a good spirit and a clear mind, but she was not very comfortable with the third eye, and occasionally she would lift her claws and want to take a look there.

Some time ago, Shao Xuan always thought that it was because the eyes had problems and lifted the claws. Now I understand that what it wants to see is actually the place where the third eye grows. It hits the tree and hits the mountain. It mainly hits there. Now that the third eye grows out intact, the discomfort has faded a lot, and it no longer madly hits.

Perhaps, after a long time, it will get used to the third eye.

Caesar consumed a lot of physical strength because of the third eye. After the spirit was good, he went for food. Caesar's time to hunt for prey was much faster than usual, but sometimes he still looked at Shao Xuan with doubt. To be exact, he looked behind Shao Xuan.

"Is there someone behind me?" Shao Xuan took a wild fruit and said.

Caesar only screamed twice. It looked at Shao Xuan’s eyes with jealousy. It was only because he was close to Shao Xuan that he was not so vigilant.

"Don't worry about him, I will find out who is behind me sooner or later."

Shao Xuan looked into the air, and he had already finished eating, and he eliminated the traces of the original place. "Go, go back."

On the edge of the tribe, some people are there, it is Lang Lang, they are probably not worried about Shao Xuan, where they are guarding, each person still carrying a parcel, always ready to enter the forest if there is any disagreement.

When I saw the eagle in the sky, Lang Hao and others showed a happy color, but Shao Xuan did not sit on the back of the eagle, but was running on the ground with Caesar. Caesar now has injuries on his body, and because of the third eye. The reason for the failure of the state was not fully restored, Shao Xuan had to look at it.

"The elders are back!" Someone looked at the front and said.

"Caesar is back too!"

"It’s good to be safe."

Lang Hao ran for a while with pleasure. At that time, he brought Caesar back to the tribe, so in the Yanjiao tribe, Lang Hao and Caesar had a good relationship. Caesar's condition during this time, he also worried, went to see several times, now see Caesar running back with Shao Xuan, not like the crazy look of yesterday, suddenly happy to meet up, just looking at Caesar's At the time, I always feel that something is wrong.

As Caesar moved closer and closer, the smile on his face was stiff and his eyes widened. He reached out and rubbed his eyes and continued to groan.

No one else is better than Lang Lang.

They originally heard that Caesar’s condition was caused by the newly grown right eye, and even some people discussed it privately. Is it the way to restore Caesar, that is, to get rid of the newly grown eye, so in Caesar When they came back, they stared at Caesar's right eye.

At first glance, the right eye is intact.

Look again, the left eye is also intact, both eyes are quite good, but there is always a strange feeling that the hair behind their necks trembles.

Closer look again... lying trough! What the hell!

Because it is temporarily unable to freely control the newly grown eyes, Caesar’s third eye, when it comes back, is still wide open, and it is still long. The eyes of the original beast seem to be more fierce than people. Now, this combination looks even more horrible, not to mention the fact that when the eyes look over, the feeling is different from ordinary eyes! Therefore, the shock of Caesar’s third eye brought them a lot.

Not to mention Lang, they, after Shao Xuan came back with Caesar, everyone who saw Caesar looked awkward.

Some time ago, Caesar had grown up in the right eye. There were many people in the tribe who were curious to go onlookers. Now, there are more people onlookers. After all, the two wolves see more of them, even if they grow up again. Eyes, it seems that at least the normal wolf, but the three-eyed wolf, they have never seen.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it!"

"I thought that only people have three eyes, I didn't expect even a wolf!"

Dori wants to take a closer look at the past, but Caesar does not let people touch its third eye.

A few days after the third eye was born, Caesar did not appear to be in a state of violentness. Even the movements of lifting his claws and blinking eyes were less and less. At first, the third eye that was wide open and appeared dull was gradually started. Become smart, and the blink of an eye can be controlled by Caesar.

However, in the tribe, Caesar does not open his third eye, because it also finds that everyone does not seem to like to be seen by its third eye. Every time you meet the sight of this third eye, everyone will Unconsciously nervous.

Therefore, gradually, as the control of the third eye becomes more and more proficient, Caesar has been closed, and the third eye will be opened only when going out for food or when Shao Xuan goes out to patrol. And when it didn't open the third eye, there was no trace of the eye in the forehead, and there was no way to see there.

If you are here, you will tell Shao Xuan that the third eye of Caesar is very similar to him. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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