Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 671: Half orc

There are three entrances in the Yanhe trading area. Now the weather is hot. According to normal conditions, this is not a good time for traveling. Even in the large trading areas in the middle, it is the coldest in the year except the coldest winter. Time, travel far away from the team will avoid the cold and heat. However, since the weather turned hot before the full moon, the temperature has not yet come down, but the Yanhe trading area is very lively. The far-reaching teams that come here are mostly rushing to the beasts, because the skin of this season is It is very cheap here, and it is mostly a fierce hide.

Yanjiao strengthens the scope of patrols and guards. In the eyes of those who come from afar, just because there are too many people coming here, there are people who have thoughts carefully, and they see the strengthening of the guards. A few days ago, some people bought strong sales in the trading zone, and they were hit by the patrol team of Yanjiao, throwing people out directly. Fortunately, the troublemakers were flexible at the time and did not have a knife. If they were to pull out the patrols of the city’s patrols, then let’s die.

In the face of more powerful forces, even if you are dissatisfied with the rules here, you have to do it. Fortunately, most people in the far-off team still like this place. Under the chickens and monkeys again and again, the people in the trading area also have a lot of peace.

For everyone's misunderstanding, Yanjiao did not explain.

At the entrance to the largest trading area, Quintu took turns today. After he returned from Shao Xuan to the lower reaches of the Yanhe River, he was much higher among the guards. People who can be brought out by the elders are always Envious of others.

When Kuntu is resting, he will also talk to the people in the team about the long-distance things. He knows which ones should say what should not be said. If he is talking about this time, he will not think about following the journey.

No matter how you play during the break, the guards have to concentrate on time. Quinto originally thought about Caesar's three eyes. Caesar followed Shao Xuan to the trading area today, but he did not see Caesar's third eye, but now is not the time to think about it, he pressed his curiosity and focused on it.

A whistle came from a distant forest, and Kuntu and others changed. Raise your alert again and watch the direction of the whistle.

As Yan’s patrols expanded their perimeter patrol power, the scope of patrols also increased, and some people who wanted to rob outside the Yanhe trading area had to retreat further.

The whistle just now reminds the guards to be on guard, and is still highly alert, and dangerous people are coming. If it is just a common robbery, the patrol person will not make such a whistle at all.

"What's wrong?" Xiang Chen, who was in charge of the peripheral guards, was on the other side of the door. He heard the sound and rushed over.

"There are tricky characters."

Kuntu stared at the road in the woods over there. There are no obstructions there, and they can see clearly when someone goes there.

Not long after, there was a voice coming from there, it was a voice.

Quintu originally thought that the patrol people could send out such a signal, and there must be a lot of people outside the team, but I did not expect to come out of the woods. There are only two strangers besides the patrol.

When I saw the two people. The guards, including Chen and Kuntu, have a jump in the eyelids. They have more people to contact, and they are able to distinguish between people who have been merged with fire and those who have failed to integrate fire. Until now, they know that the rain tribes, the tribes, the fires, and other people from the far-off team. There is no fusion of fire.

But the two people who have come here are all blended with fire! Especially the big one, it gives people a very dangerous feeling. It is no wonder that the patrol people will send such a signal. Such a head is more than three meters, and the body is sturdy, and there is a person who is more powerful than the beast. It’s strange to not guard against it. Anyone who sees him will regard him as a high-alert object.

Xiang Chen looked at the two strangers brought by the patrol team. He was suspicious in his heart. Others may not understand it, but he was called to meet in the past few days, naturally knowing something that others did not know. . The last time I asked him, I said to someone on the other side of the sea. Did the two people who came at that time come from the other side of the sea?

Why come to Yanjiao here?

No matter what, before you understand the details of the other side, you have to be highly prepared. The people who come over there can have a lot of hearts and can live here, not to mention the strength.

Xiang Chenguang put it on the clothed man who seems to have no fighting power. Although the clothes on the other side have been ruined in many places, the feeling is not awkward, but with a faint smile, it looks very gentle. However, this person allowed Xiang Chen to be vigilant again. The big man next to him was obviously protecting the man. Such an attitude was familiar to Chen. When he was in the city of the slave owner on the other side of the sea, he saw no. Less, that is the relationship between the Lord and the slave!

The three words of the slave owner set the hair on the arm of the Chen to stand up, and the next moment will enter the state of battle.

The people who took the patrols they came over with a look of eccentricity, and when they saw Xiangchen, they explained, "They came to the elders." Suddenly, the voice was lowered. "He is Yi Shi. ”

"The six people of Yijia?!" Wrinkled deeper into Chen's brow, looking at the gentleman who smiled in front of him.

Yi Si laughed and did not answer, just stood there.

Xiang Chen stared at Yi Shi for a few seconds, and his eyes swept from the person next to Yi Si. "The elders are here today, come with me."

Xiang Chen took Yi Shi and the big man into the city and went over to Yanhe Fort.

After they walked away, the guard at the door asked the patrol: "What happened?"

"Don't mention, we are patrolling, and we hear a scream. I used to see the big man in the past," the speaker said, making a gesture of both hands. "Put a person directly into two halves. It was a robbery, and I didn’t expect to encounter such a hard battle."

In Yanhe Fort, Shao Xuanzheng looked at the animal skin roll that was just sent today. He heard someone come to report, and Xiang Chen brought two strange people over, and the other party pointed out to find him.

Shao Xuan still wonders who it is. When he saw Yi Shi, he was very surprised. "How is it?"

Other people in Yijia can come over and understand, but this one should not be guarded by the small Tianzhuang to help people settle accounts?

After Yi Shi saw Shao Xuan, the first sentence: "Long time no see."

The second sentence: "Is there something to eat?"

Shao Xuan signaled people to take some food.

"Take more points, the barley has been hungry for a long time, and it may be more likely to eat." Yi Si added.

Where is the face?

The levy sits next to each other and observes the two. The big man will not say it, a slave only, even if the strength is strong, it is also a slave. What he cares about is how the people of Yijia will run away all the time. It seems that their tribes are not familiar with Yijia, not only unfamiliar, but also related. Not so good, in those who chased them, the Yi family can make a lot of effort.

Shao Xuan looked at the big man standing there quietly. After Yi Si finished speaking, his eyes were obviously brighter, and he couldn’t help but swallow, and it looked really hungry. The "green scorpion" that Fang Caiyi said is referring to this.

"You are a good slave." It is quite simple to be able to **** people alive.

Yi Si sighed, he noticed the gaze of the side of Luo and Xiang Chen, and did not turn around, "I came to yours."

This words sounded in the sign of Luo and Xiang Chen, 10,000 unbelief. Six Yijia, Wangcheng aristocrats, ran away to go to their Yanjiao tribe?

When I am stupid?

After Shao Xuan was only surprised, he asked: "Is there a change in the situation?"

"The farm under my name has been taken back to draw people. I can't confess, I can't live, I can only find another way out."

So I found this side?

Luo and Xiang Chen still do not believe. The slave owners are too embarrassed, especially the Yijia people.

At this time, someone came over with the grilled meat.

The blue eyes are straight, the saliva has dripped from the mouth, but even so, he did not say anything, but looked at Yi Shi.

"Eat," said Yi.

The green scorpion was so excited that he grinned, then rushed to grab a roast beast and began to pick it up.

This person is scary than laughing at the tribe. The people in the house thought at the same time. Especially when the blue smirk smiles, the four exposed fangs that are obviously much longer than other teeth look like the beasts are ready to bite.

But such a person. At this time, there is no murderousness on the body, even very peaceful and pleasant. If you don’t look at each other’s appearance, you will definitely be temporarily harmless if you feel the atmosphere of the other person. You can clearly feel the Yanjiao who is sensitive to the breath. come out.

"The green scorpion has a **** beast," Yi Shi said, not eager to eat the small meat, and said, "It is said that the ancestors of the Qing dynasty were a certain tribe. Later, the original fires disappeared a lot. After the tribes merged with the fire, that The tribes are scattered. I don’t know what tribes are there. It’s been too long, no one can tell. I only know that most of the tribes have **** beasts. They are strong and powerful. And it has amazing resilience, but unfortunately, not smart."

The natural humanoid combat machine, but unfortunately the IQ is not high, this is the evaluation of Yi Shi to the Qing dynasty, and the Qing dynasty with the murderer blood.

"If you put them alone in the mountain forest, it will not die long before you die. You don't know how to distinguish the position. It is easy to be trapped by people. The powerful strength can't make up for such defects. However, it is excellent as a slave. "Yi Si said.

It is not the savage and fierce momentum of the savage beast, but the wilderness of the beast that is closer to the mountain.

The person who has the blood of the beast, so to speak, is the half-orc? No wonder sometimes it feels like a beast in the mountains.

His ancestors tasted really heavy. (To be continued.)

Ps: I have been tonight, I have been insomnia for a few days, and now I am suddenly sleepy. I sleep first, wake up and pay back my debts. Mobile phone users please visit

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