The Qing dynasty basically did not speak, and they thought that the Qing dynasty would have been a few words, just a slave to the brain. Yi Shi also said that the racial IQ of this slave is not high, but the reasons for the lack of ignorance, In fact, he is not familiar with the language here.

When Yi Si talked with Shao Xuan, they used the tribal language here, which he learned after he came over. It's hard to imagine that within twenty or thirty days, he learned the language here.

"Last year, the earth and the earth, the situation should not be good?" Shao Xuan asked.

"It’s not good, it’s just awful.” Yi Si thought of his harvest in Tianzhuang, and his heart was bleeding.

"Actually, in the year when your horns made a big noise, the snowstorm in winter was colder than in the previous year. The winter in Wangcheng came early, and it was often snowy. The harvest of my small farm was not good, if not one. The grain is harvested before the winter, I am afraid that it will not even be eaten by the cold coming in advance. Jingu Tianzhuang is not very good, even if it has already predicted the snowstorm in winter, when it is really faced, it is still impossible to avoid losses."

Having said that, Yi Si ridiculed and smiled. "But now that the climate has returned to normal, I don't have to count on the Grange. In fact, from the beginning of your movement, the atmosphere of Wangcheng has been very violent, especially the people of Yijia, all night. There are many people who are sleepless. After the catastrophe of the world last year, there are more people who are inciting. I think you should know why."

"Desert Rocks?" asked Luo.

"It can be said, but to be more precise, the Yi family did not have much interest in the descendants of Mu Han. Oh, now it should be said that Yanling’s family, Mu Han has already thrown up his tribal family name. Yanling’s family How, Wang Chengyi’s family doesn’t care, they care about the 'Ominous' of the year!”

"Ominous?" The sign does not quite understand what Yi Shi said.

Shao Xuan remembered what he had heard, "Yi Jia Yi Xiang? The Yi family who came with Mu Jiamu cold in the past?"

"Not bad." Speaking of this Yi Shi came to the interest, "Mu Han and Yi Xiang's talents were very high, and the results of the Yi family ancestors of the year. Now they have already begun to fulfill."

"Look at your appearance, it seems that they are looking forward to their battle." Shao Xuandao.

Yi Shi did not deny, "I am also a person who was forced to leave by Yi Jia, but it was not as bad as Yi Xiang in the past. There is no talent for him. Now the six nobles of Wangcheng have begun to recruit tribes, just like the forest of the year. Like the deer tribe, and the finances of our children who have no talent and no money, most of them are taken back to draw people's hearts."

Shao Xuan had seen the situation of Yi Si at the beginning, what Yi Shi said. It sounds reasonable, but he doesn't believe it. "Let's say, what is your purpose?"

Yisi’s smile is slightly convergent. “I want to look at the ominousness of the year. What have you done in the past millennium? I’m afraid you don’t know, it’s not long before the catastrophe in the heavens and the earth, Wang Cheng’s people stationed on the mainland’s borders I saw it in the sea, and later, except for two people who were deliberately put back. Others are all dead."

After Yanjiao crossed the sea, Wang Cheng specially sent a group of people to stay there, so that some small tribes there were forced to relocate, because the people of the Yi family predicted the possible danger, and most of the people who were stationed avoided it. The natural disaster, but unfortunately, after the crossing of the sea, almost the entire army was wiped out.

Shao Xuan only heard that there was a change in the desert. Perhaps there are these things that Yi Shi said.

"The two people who were put back, said that there are monsters appearing, and the number is huge, and people are not human. Those should be the results of Yi Xiang. I am very curious. Unfortunately, my position in Yijia is not high and I can't get closer. Those, coupled with life, forced to come over. But you know, our Yi family has never been a combat person. So I brought my own slave."

Yi Si looked at the reaction of Shao Xuan's several people and continued. "After I came over, my life was unfamiliar, my personal strength was limited, and I heard about the Yanyangyan River trading area, so I came to you and went to you."

"How did you come over?" The eyes of Luo Ruili looked at the past, crossed the sea, and crossed the desert. That was not an easy task. It’s not that easy to fool them!

Yi Si did not panic, explained: "It is a long-winged bird."

The wings of the long-winged bird are long and quite developed. They can fly long distances. They are considered to be birds of the highest flying ability among the birds. Their sizes range from half a meter long to several meters long and even a span of ten meters. They can not only fly in the sky, but also prey on the water.

"I know a person, his slave is a long-winged bird. I just borrowed his long-winged bird for a while, but it cost me all my savings." Said Yi Si asked Shao Xuan, "You have seen Those inhuman monsters in the desert?"

"No." Luo did not have a good face.

"It's better than this. You will take me in. If you can catch those monsters, let me take a look. After all, I can give you more answers to what Yijia has created. How?" What, Yi Shi added, "Of course, I am not here to eat white pigs here, I can help you calculate the accounts, this point your great elder Shao Xuan knows my ability, although I can not be as divorced as other Yi family, But there is still confidence in this area. Moreover, my slaves can do some physical work, and his strength can not be lost to you."

If he did not speak, he looked at Shao Xuan. When he saw Shao Xuan nodded, he took out a skin roll and looked at the distribution of the houses above. Finally, he chose a house near Yanhe Fort. Of course, now Yi Shi There is no hair in hand, and it is not okay to give it to him if he eats and wears. Therefore, Yi Si is the first credit.

Let people take Yi Shi and the full-fledged barley over the house arranged in the past. After they left, they asked Luo Xuan. "Do you think his words are somewhat credible?"

"Five or five points, first stay under the eyelids to observe." Shao Xuandao.

"Yeah." Zheng Luo also thinks this way. Although he does not like the six tribes of Wangcheng, he has to admit that the people of Yijia are very capable. Even if they can't be divined, they should not be underestimated. It is good to leave it under the eyelids first. It is good to help the inflammatory horn. But if you find something that is not conducive to the tribe, it will be directly slaughtered.

At this moment, an eagle screamed in the sky.

Shao Xuan and Zheng Luo face change at the same time, do not think too much about the matter of Yi Si.

The eagle humming was just awkward. In the first two days, Shao Xuan received a scroll of animal skins sent back to the tribe to let the mountain giant eagle send it. They will send the "monster" that they caught, but the exact time is uncertain.

Shao Xuan will let you pay attention to the movements in the sky in these two days. The perception between the giant eagle is stronger, if there is an eagle coming back to the tribe. It will definitely find out. The screaming voice just told Shao Xuan that "goods" arrived.

The two rushed to the top of the Yanhe building, a mountain giant eagle landed, and a long wooden box was caught on the paw. This is a mountain eagle coming back to the tribe, and there are people on the back of the eagle.

Just now, Yisi asked them to see the "monsters" in the desert. Zheng Luo said that he had never seen it. It was the truth. On the side of Yanjiao, only Shao Xuan had seen it. When Shao Xuan went to the tribe when he sent the invitation to the grassland, he saw the humanoid monster.

"Is it?" Zheng Luo walked curiously.

"That's it. However, it is best to move to the house and open it again. Don't see the sun. We seal it with drugs. If you see the sun, the medicine will have no effect." The tribe came back.

Don’t say anything about it. Pick up the long wooden box of the coffin and carefully move to a secret room in Yanhe Fort.

Without other people, only the person who returned to the tribe and Shao Xuan, Zheng Luo, did not shine after the stone door.

Shao Xuanzhen is out of the moonstone lighting.

The wooden box of the square is like a coffin, lying quietly in the dark secret room, it has not yet opened, it gives a strange sense of chill.

The sign of Luo Mo did a nap.

"Open it." Shao Xuan gestured to the tribe who came back from the shipment.

The other party nodded and took over the dagger that Shao Xuan handed over. The line of sight stayed on the blue metal dagger for a few seconds, and then cut the rope tied to the wooden box.

The wooden box was tied tightly by the rope. However, the dagger was very sharp, and the stroke was made, and the rope was completely cut off without any effort.

When the dagger was handed back to Shao Xuan, the back of the tribe’s eyes flashed. He is very envious of the material of this kind of weapon.

Untie the rope and pry open the top cover.

The sound of the wooden board is very clear in the secret room. When Shao Xuan sees the inside after opening the cover, the first thought is: mummies?

Inside the wooden box. The tribes used the animal skin to wrap the "goods" inside. The thick fur can play a certain buffering role, and the "goods" wrapped in them are covered in green cloth, barely able to See the shape of the person.

A strange smell came out, which also contained a trace of decay.

The pharynx swallowed, "Is it?" This is the seemingly inhuman monster that everyone is jealous of, and even the nobles of the city of Wangcheng are worried.

"The cloth is soaked with the medicine, so the package will make it rot more slowly. If you are looking at Shao Xuan, you can remove the cloth, but then you can't stop it from decaying quickly." The tribe said, "Our witch said, it is best to put it here, don't bring it into your headquarters."

Shao Xuan nodded and said that he already knew that the reason why he transported things to the Yanhe trading area instead of the Yanjiao headquarters was said in the previous collection of animal skins. The tribe said that the monster is too strange, and the location is still a little farther away from the tribe. Moreover, he also found that the closer to the fire, the faster the monster rots, although the flaming angle has no original fire. However, in the Yanjiao headquarters, because the Yanjiao people are concentrated and concentrated, the breath of the fire is still very strong. For various reasons, Shao Xuan decided to let the people back to the tribe to transport things to the Yanhe trading area.

Then take out a long-prepared animal skin roll and hand it to the other party. "This is what your leader and witch want."

The other party took the animal skin roll, carefully and carefully placed it. After the thing was taken, he did not bother to stay here again. After leaving, he left, not far from the Yanhe trading area, there are others. Waiting for him, the important thing, of course, will not only be transported by him alone, just to avoid attracting more attention, so he came alone after approaching here.

Shao Xuan gave back to the tribes, is a combination of their tribes, as well as the rain tribe and the tribes of the two tribes of fusion fires of various experience points, although since the Yanhe feast, more people know the Yanjiao The changes in the fire, and even the original fires into the tribes, Shao Xuan also told the people of several big tribes, but those people have been hesitant, and now it is a step back to the tribes. It seems that the next decision is to merge.

As a thank-you, the tribe returned to the "monster" that Shao Xuan requested, and anyway, leaving the tribe to come back, there is no conclusion, let alone. Now the monster is more rotten, and the leader of the tribe feels that it is useless to keep it. When Shao Xuan proposed it, he did not think much.

When the people of the tribe left, they asked for advice from Shao Xuan. "Do you open it now? Or wait for someone else to come over?"

"Let me consider."

Shao Xuan brought a pair of fish skin gloves, and the cloth wrapped around the "monster" was stained with antiseptic drugs. He would not pull it by hand.

The strip is wrapped from the foot of the "monster" all the way to the head, and the step of unraveling is naturally the opposite, starting from the head.

Zheng Luo stood next to him and looked at Shao Xuan with the pair of blue-gray fish leather gloves, and untied the strip of the humanoid monster wrapped in the head.

As the circle of the cloth was unwrapped, the head of the monster was revealed.

The sign looked at the face that had been so bad that he couldn’t see the face, and the muscles on his face twitched.

"This...this...this is a man?" Before the signing of Luo, I only learned from the back of the tribe's animal skin that the "goods" had a high degree of decay, but he thought he saw much more. People or beasts have seen it. But now I saw such a strange face, only that there was a chill in the back.

Unlike ordinary decay, this "monster" is more inclined to the weathering type. When Shao Xuan untied the cloth, he also made a creaking sound, and even a piece of dried flesh sticking on the cloth strip, black As if to dye the general dry hard meat pieces. And as the flesh was removed, the bones below were exposed.

The tribes said that the rotten bones were left. That's probably what it is.

"It's such a ‘people', walking around the desert? How come there are such people? Which tribe are they?” Zheng Luo is still thinking about whether or not the tribal bones are strange and grow like this. For example, the slave of Yi Shi, the body is not pure human blood and the like.

Shao Xuan shook his head. "The last time I went back to the tribe, it was not so. Now it has become hard."

With a sigh of relief, he said, how can you look like such a strange tribe. It turned out that it was not the beginning.

However, it is too early to sigh.

As Shao Xuan untied the cloth on the "goods", the legendary "monster" finally revealed his true colors.

Just look at the head, maybe just a little strange, but if you look at his torso, you will find a bigger secret.

This monster, he has no organs, the trunk part, the abdomen is deeply sunken down, even if it is just the kind of air-drying, it is not so. I believe that the monster’s belly is there, under the hard skin, there is no dirt. !

The first reaction of Zheng Luo was: "Is the tribe back to him?"

"No, not to the tribes, they don't have that hobby." The people who return to the tribe will not arbitrarily move the knife on the person or the beast, unless it is the prey that will be eaten.

"That... how could it be..." Zheng Luo did not know how to express his thoughts. He had a guess in his heart, but he did not want to believe it. How could it be?

"The monsters they say in the desert are actually these ‘people’ who have no organs, no blood flow, no pulse beats.” Shao Xuan said.

Shocked by the face, "cocoa can have no organs, no blood flow, can you still live?"

"Who said they are alive?"

"But since it is not alive, why can you make everyone so jealous?"

"This has to ask the people in Yanling. I have not seen these ‘people’ actions with my own eyes.”

"Is this what the Secretary said, what they are easy to get out of the tribe?"

The signing Luo only felt the chill behind it even worse. The cold sweat was soaked in the clothes on his body, and the scalp was numb. These are dead people in their view, but to a certain extent, they are still "live" because they can move and hack people. "I don't know how the people in Yanling made the ‘people’ like this. Could they make the dead slaves like this?”

Shao Xuan's eyelids jumped.

There are many people in the desert, but the number of monsters mentioned is huge. Just the slaves who are alive may not be able to reach the "huge" level, especially after the melee in the desert. But if you count the dead, it is an unpredictable number, not to mention that the people of Yanling did not know how long ago they were prepared.


Shao Xuan suddenly remembered that when he was in the desert, he grabbed the nuclear species from the underground palace. At that time, he had a battle with the knife in the underground palace, but after he killed the knife, he met the people of Yanling.

If the people in Yanling can really make the dead into such a monster, then, is the knife that has already died, is it brought back to the transformation?

Seeing Shao Xuan frowning at the monster inside, he grabbed the goose bumps that grabbed the granules on his arm. "The people in this rock are really terrible. Fortunately, their main target is the people on the other side of the sea. ""

Shao Xuan put the wooden box on it and transported it to another secret room built in the underground of Yanhe Fort. He had to study and study this, at least he had to know how to deal with it better after encountering such a monster. (To be continued.)

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