Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 673: Who stole thousands of gold

Below the Yanhe Fort, there are some secret rooms built underground, where only the core figures of Yanjiao can come in. ←,. And among them, in addition to the elders who are stationed in the trading area, Shao Xuan also has a secret room that belongs to him.

After Shao Xuan moved the "monster" into the secret room, several other core figures of the tribe came over to see the legendary desert monsters, but they didn't see it. Even so, they also had the legendary desert monster. A preliminary understanding.

The original monster is like this.

The original monster did not breathe, there was no organ, and there was no pulse beat. It is said that it was not as bad as the salted fish that dried.

It is said that this monster has superior ability, and can cut off the hands and feet without any interference. The lost ribs can also draw out their ribs from people who have traveled through the desert.

In short, the desert has become a place that the distant team can't avoid, and the rise of the Yanhe trading area has become a place that more and more distant teams like to go. The more the Yanjiao gets the news.

There is a place similar to an inn in the trading area. There is no cave here. If you want to live in a cave, you can only find it outside the trading area, but people who come here will not want to go out to risk again. Not absolutely safe, but at least there is interference from the flaming horn, most people are afraid to make a panic, this is enough. The place to live requires extra cost, but the tribe who has the strength to come here will not care about this consumption.

In these places, the travelers from all over the place will gather together to chat.

For Yanjiao, this is a good thing.

Chat, talk boldly! Bragging is also good. There are always some real events that can be mined, and they can gather more information.

This is the case with tribes. Regarding the secrets of their own tribes, there is no more to say if you are hiding a word, but about other people’s tribes, hehe. Then there is interest, digging! Dig deep! Although many times they say that they are going to step on people, they can bring up topics.

Yi Shi, who came here, likes to listen to the gossip gossip in the past. He doesn't know about the tribes here, and listening to them helps him to better integrate here.

In the recent collection of information from various places, there have been a lot of useful news, such as the central and the grasslands. There have been people from the other side of the sea. Although other people in the far-off team don’t understand it, the sign can be inferred from the words, and believe that there are more than 70% of the possibilities as he thinks. .

However, those Shao Xuan did not pay attention. Since the return of the tribe to the "monster", Shao Xuan spent most of his time on it. He felt that if he could find the secret of this monster, even if it was only a little, maybe . The problems he has been troubled can also be solved.

On a certain day, Guize configured a new batch of pills made with Tianmai, and planned to give Shaoxuan a bottle. I heard that Shaoxuan’s pills were used to change Caesar’s eyes. Shao Xuan’s hands were not in stock. However, when the tribe found a circle, she did not find anyone, so she asked Du Kang, who often traveled to and from the headquarters and the trading district: "What about Shao Xuan?"

"The elders are in the underground secret room of the trading area."

A few days later.

The tower intends to lead the team to go hunting. I want to ask Shao Xuan not to go. I have not found anyone in the tribe. I have not seen anyone in the trading area.

"What about the elders?"

“The elders are in the secret room of the trading area.”

A few days later.

"What about the old man?"

"Look at the monster in the secret room of the trading area."

Therefore, Zheng Luo and others know. To find Shao Xuan, go to the underground secret room of Yanhe Fort.

The levy does not understand, Shao Xuan is facing the monster, what results can you get? but. If you are a great elder, you may be able to see something useful. If you can’t see it, you can call the Yi tribe. It’s something that his ancestors came up with. Maybe he can see it.

but. Before Shao Xuan’s words, they would not take the initiative to disturb Shao Xuan, unless there is an emergency.

On this day, Shao Xuan is still in the underground secret room of Yanhe Fort. He also pondered some things these days. I remember that when he went back to the tribe to send invitations, when he opened the door and entered the room, he felt the strange and embarrassing and strange. The breath of fire. He has never seen a kind of smoldering fire, but now, the smell of this monster is still there, just a little faded, not completely disappeared.

At that time, because of the return to the tribe, Shao Xuan could not find it. Now, he found that the strange kind of fire in this monster does not exist in the flesh but in the bone!

However, how do the people who created these monsters connect the fire to the bones, and let those who have already died become monsters that stand up again?


What's in the bone?

Hematopoietic bone marrow!

Shao Xuan took the knife and prepared to cut it.

At this time, the stone door of the Chamber of Secrets was ringing.

"What is it?" Shao Xuan opened Shimen, looking at the door to the door, doubts in his heart. In general, you will be guarding the side of the headquarters, and you will be guarded by one person. However, what are you doing at this time? It looks very anxious.

Seeing Shao Xuan’s hand carrying a knife, I don’t know what he is doing with a knife in the secret room, but now I don’t think about it.

"Thousands of gold has an accident over there," he said.

One listened to a thousand gold, Shao Xuan temporarily put down the secret room, and the same rushed back to the headquarters.

Where thousands of gold are planted, there are special guards, because the growth of thousands of gold will rob the nutrients of other crops, so within a certain range near the field where thousands of gold is planted, no other crops are planted, even weeds are hard to see. When you arrive, the guardian is next to the cultivated land. If a suspicious person is close, he will definitely be discovered in the first place.

Thousands of golden arable land is surrounded by tall wooden stakes, and people outside can't see how the crops inside are.

After the thousand-grain gold heading, the change is even bigger, and now a grained millet can be seen on the ear. In order to prevent insects or other animals, even those who are ill-intentioned from getting close to the destruction, nearly 50 guards have been added here to kill the worms that they want to break into. It can be said that the place where thousands of gold is planted is one of the most guarded farmland.

The relationship between Thousands of Gold and Yanjiao is closer than other millet. When the fire was first combined, Thousands of Gold played a big role. It can help Yanjiao to better and more completely integrate the fire, let alone it. Other effects. Among all the grains, Yanjiao people like 1000 thousand gold, and he sees it very heavy.

This year's production is much more than before, and it was a great joy. But in the past few days, some signs found in thousands of gold farms have made him extremely angry.

"It’s not far from the ripeness of a thousand gold. I will come here every day. When I saw it inside the day before, I found that one of the thousand grains of gold was missing a tassel. I don’t know what happened, ask. The people who looked after it were not what they did, and I believed them. Afterwards, I let the guards keep an eye on them, and they didn’t find any abnormalities. But!” Speaking of it, it’s full of sullen, “Yesterday, I When I came to see it, there was one less tassel. I personally stared at the people who took care of the fields yesterday, and at night I was more rigorous, but today, this situation has appeared again. A Xuan, you have come to see."

Shao Xuan looked at the past, and the heavy spikes of thousands of gold were hanging down, because they were not yet mature, and they are still green.

He pointed to a thousand gold, because thousands of gold grows much higher than people. Therefore, every time you come over, you are looking up. If you are not familiar with every thousand gold here, change it to others. Come here, you may not be able to see at a glance that the ear was cut.

Yes, where there are few spikes, there are obvious traces of sharp cuts, not torn.

"Is it ‘theft’ and staring at it?” With a sigh of relief, he couldn’t think of anyone who could do this without a word. After all, “theft” had a criminal record.

"I don't see it for a while, maybe, maybe not." Shao Xuan also said no.

"Is it right, is the person coming over the sea?" He guessed.

"The people over there may not be able to achieve the degree of thief, but it is also possible. After all, there are many organizations that have stolen." Shao Xuan said.

Because there has been no original fire in the sea, the pattern of the tribe has changed greatly, some still exist in the form of tribes, and some are like-minded people gathered together to form a special group organization, the members of which come from Different tribes, and such organizations, some kill people for the sake of interest, some go to the robbery, of course, there are also caravan models or other businesses. There are also a lot of thefts, and this possibility cannot be ruled out.

The brow was so wrinkled that he could pinch the heavy grain of the grain, which made him worry. This is not mature yet. It is a matter of doing things. I don’t know who did it, and even a trace of suspiciousness can’t be found. If the next thousand gold is mature, will you encounter more things? He is not afraid of trouble, he is afraid that he can't start, even who does not know what to do, who is going to find a anger?

"Have you been here during the day?" Shao Xuan asked.

"Yes, I used to come here to apply fertilizer here yesterday. I personally stared at it. There were no suspicious people. I didn't find Shaosui afterwards." He is not suspicious of his own tribe. He just stares to prevent other people from mixing in. After all, Some people can imitate the appearance of others, even the breath can make a few similarities, the strength is slightly weaker, the observation ability is almost, so that you can distinguish it, you have to personally stare.

"I came to guard tonight, and called Caesar too." Shao Xuandao.

"I came over at night to see who could steal the immature grain ear from here without a word!" He squeaked his fist and gnashed his teeth. "If I let me know who did it, I will Cut him!" (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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