Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 677: The king bug is coming

The road along the ground is indeed the best way to find the king's insects, but the danger is also great. ※%,

After some discussion, Shao Xuan, Yan and the tower went down to find, there is no need for too many people together, but more people are inconvenient to move.

Put a rope down from the hole in the dwarf mountain, slide down the rope, carry the straw rope is not so long, and then tie several straw ropes into one. It has been falling nearly a hundred meters before landing. That is to say, the stoneworm king worm moved up from here, then took a head and then pulled back along this passage, and then changed direction to continue.

"Where do you go?" He looked at the passages on both sides and couldn't make up his mind. After that, there are two paths, one is the direction in which the stone worms come, and the other is the direction in which the worms leave again.

Shao Xuan carefully looked at the lines on the stone wall, reached out and touched the stone wall, pointing in one direction: "Going over there, but we will go the other side first."

Shao Xuan wants to see if the stone worm king worm comes over from there, and does it pass Bat Mountain? If so, then the movement of the head bat can find a reason to make sense.

Understand the meaning of Shao Xuan, and the tower and the tower did not object, looking for the direction along the stone insect king insect.

Although under the ground, before going down to the cave, Shao Xuan recorded the position on the ground, with a beaded bead in his hand.

"I can't see the sun and moonlight, can it identify the position?" The tower was amazed.

"Can." Shao Xuandao. When he was inquiring about the situation with the Asian tribes, he had heard them say that they used Wanxiang in the underground, but those who have the universality are the people who have the status in the sub-tribe. After all, Wanxiang Less, the Crystal Horde will not give away frequently.

In order to confirm Shao Xuan's words. Under the light of the water moonstone, on the universal shackles in Shao Xuan's hand, a line is opened, like a narrowed beast, and as the line expands, the direction is clearer.

Both the tower and the tower are very strong people. As long as you know the general orientation of the sun, and then estimate the current time, you can determine where the Bat Mountain is.

Continue along this passage.

"It's from there!" Tower confirmed.

The more they go, the more they are certain that this passage is from the side of Bat Mountain.

Speeding up, the three quickly reached the position of Bat Mountain.

Why do you know that there is Bat Mountain?

In addition to his own estimates, there is an upward channel there. But the passage is not directly to the ground, but it extends more than 20 meters from the ground.

"You said, is it because, when the worm king came here, he found the trail of the head bat, so he wanted to go to the ground, but the head bat reacted quickly, and the stone worm worm moved. It ran away. Is it possible?" He said his speculation.

"There is indeed this possibility." The tower agreed.

"This should be Bat Mountain, even if it is not directly below. It is not far away, but why does the stoneworm king insect come out of his own nest? Even if it is due to the catastrophe of the heavens and the earth, after it comes out of the old nest, it is in the world. At the end, it should be returned along the way." Shao Xuan doubts.

"Maybe. The king of insects wants to change places?" said the tower.

Shao Xuan is undecided, "Continue to go there and see."

The three people continued to run along the 100-meter-deep underground cavern along the direction of the stone worm.

The oxygen here is not enough, the farther away from the low mountains. The thinner the air will be, the place is not the nest of the worms, there is not much ventilation. Fortunately, the three people are more tolerant under the thin air. If they are primary or intermediate totem fighters, they may not be able to continue.

Yanhe Tower also wants to know what the purpose of the stoneworm king worm is to run around from the old nest. However, soon they knew why the worms did not run back but ran elsewhere.

A section not far from Bat Mountain, where there is a fault, the passage is cut off here, and here, there is a trace of the turn of the kingworm.

"It should be like this for a while, and it will make such changes in the underground. Only the last year's catastrophe," he said.

"That is, it may be the time when the catastrophe of the world was catastrophic, and the worm was stunned. So he left his old nest and ran to the chaos, but the underground also changed greatly because of the catastrophe. After it came out, we couldn't find the way back..." When it comes to the tower, there is a feeling of ridiculousness. "When the stone worms can't go back along the same path, they can go elsewhere, why should they stay away?"

"If so, can't it identify the position?" Shao Xuan said a possibility.

The tower and the tower were silent. A king beast, can't identify the position? Isn't it that the higher the level, the smarter it is?

"Also... can't rule out this possibility." He finally took out such a sentence.

Shao Xuan perceives the surroundings. "The stone walls here are much thicker than the rest of the passage. It may be that the stoneworms stay longer here."

The longer the worm king worm stays in one place, the higher the degree of petrification there. Shao Xuan can perceive that the surrounding stone wall is different from the original local stone, but the special stone belonging to the stone insect king petrochemical.

"Maybe, the worm king worm left the old nest in the catastrophe of last year's turmoil. Under the panic, it ran here for a long time, or it may have fallen asleep. When it woke up, the original road had already Was it cut off by underground changes, and it continued to move forward?"

It is not the original intention of Shao Xuan to think of the kingworm, but only this one is the most likely of all guesses.

If this is the case, the three can only feel: this IQ...

"No matter what the truth, let's continue."

Now that the end of the passage has reached the end, then it is looking for the direction along which the worms leave.

Hope is not going in the direction of the Yanjiao. Three people expect.

Going back to the low mountain, I will inform other people about the situation. After a little rest and add some food, Shao Xuan will continue to the underground and look for it along the passage.

Three hundred meters deep from the ground, the three people have been running along the passage.

At the middle of the day. The trio found another dwarf mountain, similar to the previous dwarf mountain, which proves that the king worm has overslept here.

"This should happen in these two days." Shao Xuan looked at the petrified trees around the dwarf mountains, and even the roots were petrified trees, the leaves of the canopy were still green, and the colors were bright. The branches and leaves are not wilting. According to the understanding of this mountain, this change will not exceed two days.

"Continue to find." Now the heart is more and more embarrassed, the orientation here, although not directly in the direction of the Yanjiao, but also not far from.

Don't head towards Yanjiao, don't! I kept thinking about these words in my heart.

However, the more you look ahead. The mood of the three people is getting heavier.

Shao Xuan looked at the Wanxiang in his hand and perceived the surroundings.

"Here is... Yanhe?"

"How is it possible?!" He and the tower exclaimed at the same time.

Already arrived in Yanhe?

But how could it be Yanhe?

Isn't Yanhe all water?

It’s not right. The river before the catastrophe in the world was more than 100 meters deep, but after the catastrophe in the world, the river was far less deep, and the top was mostly ten meters. Less than a hundred meters, of course. It is also possible that some rivers have deeper water, but now it is not the time to entangle this.

He took back the distracting thoughts, raised his finger on the top of his head and asked Shao Xuan: "Are you sure this is Yanhe?"

"80% is. There is no hard rock in the place not far from here. It should be muddy water. In farther places, there is water flow." It is impossible to determine how many meters away, but Shao Xuan can perceive that the top is mud and running water. Compared to rock. Silt and running water are less obstructive to perception.

Moreover, this orientation has always come, and should be near the Yanhe River, in the upper reaches of the river section where the Yanjiao headquarters is located. Shao Xuan flew upstream for a while before he was fine.

"So, the stoneworm king insect has crossed the river?" asked the tower.

"That's right."

Although the stone worms cross the river, they will not go to the Yanjiao headquarters. This makes the three people feel a little looser, but there is also the Yanhe trading area on the river. If it is there, The impact is also a huge loss for Yanjiao.

"Go ahead!" The tower is now so eager to grab the hair. They are guarded against thousands of people. They have not been able to wait for the people on the other side of the sea. They have not seen the "stealing" that caused them headaches. They thought that the head bat was already a Big trouble, I did not expect that there is such a bigger impact, if they are not psychologically strong, they will probably panic.

No matter where the worm is going, the three will continue to search along this road.

"Once we find that there is a change, we will quickly retire." Shao Xuan said.

It is important to trace the traces of the stone worms, but it is more important to be your own life. It is impossible to lose your life because of this. It is a king beast!

What's more, this is underground in the vicinity of the ground nearly 100 meters, the terrain is beneficial to the stoneworm king insects, really right, they are completely killed.

When Shao Xuan continued to track the traces of the king insects, outside the Yanhe trading area, there was a forest.

There is a long way to go from the Yanhe trading area. After the patrol outside the trading area of ​​Yanjiao, some people who are robbing their minds have to withdraw their "hunting" range. They want to rob the spot. Something, but not willing to go up with the flaming horn.

"What do you think of the people in Yanjiao? Do not hesitate, we rob them of their shit!" A man sitting in the tree said to play a dagger with a beast.

"Who knows, anyway, I don't think that they are not pleasing to the eye, I will not go into the Yanhe trading area." A person with a muscular body, a face full of beards, and a unkempt haircut, said with a sigh of relief.

A voice came from the thick grass beside him. "The last time I passed, the few Yanjiao people who were almost guarded by the door stared out of a hole. Hey, when I am rare in their trading area? I will ask Laozi later." I will not go in!"

"That is, if you die, you won't enter the trading area. Let's rob outside! Haha, don't have to face the nasty Yanjiao, haha!" said another person sitting on the tree, patted his leg.

They are a group of people who robbed outside the Yanhe trading area. There are more than 20 people hiding here. There are still 50 people together, but in other places, if they find "prey", they will be notified. .

When they rob, they will only choose those far-sighted teams that seem to be bullied, and will not risk robbing those who are not tempted at first sight. Robbery is also a matter of eyesight and bad eyesight. Don't say robbery, don't know how to die.

As for the previous person who said that when he entered the trading area, he was almost stared out by a Yanjiao. It was because there was a patrol that had a horn outside the trading area and they were killed. They also slaughtered several of them. Fast, not caught.

At that time, they were fresh and wanted to go to the trading area to see, by the way, who had the good goods on hand, and when those people went out of the trading area, they would start.

The Yanjiao people who watched the gate felt that the breath on them was quite familiar, so they kept staring at them and gave them nervousness. They almost ran back, but since that time, they didn’t enter the trading zone again, worried about being The Yanjiao people are arrested, and the Yanjiao people who block their robbery are also hateful.

A few people are screaming at the Yanjiao, and suddenly one of the trees has a sharp look. "What happened?!"

An extremely dangerous feeling permeated the surroundings, but he was not sure where the breath came from, and looked around. There was no one other than them. The patrol of Yanjiao would not patrol here. .

"Who is here?!" Others stopped talking and suddenly stood guard. ‘

The woods were quiet and strange at once.

They found out that there seemed to be something terrible in the surroundings. In the past, there were still many birds calling, but they just said that they had risen and didn’t pay attention. Now they stopped and noticed. Such a change.

The first person who noticed the wrong person, the cold sweat fell off the forehead.

He still can't find the source of that breath, it seems, all in all directions!

Moreover, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Even the slowest person in the team feels the horror that makes his scalp burst, and the hand holding the knife shakes uncontrollably.

Generally speaking, when they don't know what is going on, they will hide and hide and watch in the dark, but now they are tempted by their hearts, so that they can't keep calm.

where? !

Where is it? !

No one is holding their breath and looking at the movements around them, so the movement of a flying insect will be known to them.


still none!

The breath that made them unable to resist even the courage to resist, where did it come from? !

There is no one around, no bird, even the insects seem to disappear at this moment, a dead, the wind seems to be solidified.


Subtle voices spurred their nerves.

It was the movement from their feet.

But when they finally moved their sights to the bottom, at that moment, everyone, scared to fly out of the body (to be continued.)

Ps: Still a chapter of four thousand words. Recently in the sleep, the lack of sleep time in the insomnia of the previous period has been added, the spirit is much better, and will soon resume the three thousand words two more state!

Another: 90 degrees below 90 degrees Loli's new book "Dark Dominion" opened, everyone interested can go and see. Mobile phone users please visit

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