Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 678: Do not escape is silly X (two in one

On the ground, the leaves of the original green grass began to become gray from the bottom to the top. They did not seem to have the original flexibility. They became like stones, and they did not move, and even the shaking of the smile disappeared. One

No, this is not just the grass. On the ground, whether it is dirt or flowers and trees, all of them are changing the same.

The tan bark, the green leaves, the muddy soil, all turned into a color, and became stiff like the grass that changed.

What happened to me?

Will it make such a terrible change in this film?


No, they haven't seen anyone who can make all the things in such a big place change like this.

In any case, the scene of such a horrible moment has passed their recognition.

Looking at the changes that are spreading from the ground up, a cold chill rushes into the bottom of their feet and instantly spreads to the whole body, as if not in the woods, but trapped in the glacier. The tremors from the bone marrow are irritating to their nerves.

Can't stay here!


The people with the quickest response have already expounded the greatest strength. At this time, they are no longer able to think about concealment. The power of the totem is trying to reach the limit. However, the smell of the body that appeared with the increase of the power of the totem, surrounded by the suffocating momentum of the sky, such as the rising of the blue smoke in the wind, has not been visible, it has already disappear.

Pale, small!

On the tree that was originally waiting, fleas to other branches, such as the monkeys running away from the forest, the huge fear, let them unconsciously make some meaningless screams, in addition to escape, even innocent in the brain Think about other things.

Yu Guangjian sees that the earth under his feet is no longer a place of mixed colors. It is a gray dead place!

All the plants, the insects hidden among the underground leaves, are all spared!

They have already felt some changes in their body, only because of the stubborn resistance of the body's totem power. It has slowed down such changes, but with the rapid momentum of the unknown momentum, the totem power in their bodies will soon be as good as a car.

The woods around. The place with them is already gray, as if there is an invisible big hand, and it is covered with gray paint. Now, the big hands are sweeping towards them.


Hurry up!


A hysterical scream screamed, and the person who had been filled with fear in his heart had to jump into the eyes of the blind man, and the chill behind him was even worse.

Not only did the minds of those who were determined to be steadfast, but they screamed and ran faster. He didn't dare to head. He was worried that his only courage and courage to escape would be completely defeated after his head.

But among these people, there are also people.

After hearing the screams, they looked at the place where the screams sounded. Who was out of the screams, they naturally could hear it, and before the accident happened, the man was still hidden in the grass. The ground is squatting, however, when they are in the head. Only a person whose legs were grayish white fell to the ground, and the hands holding the ground were also changing in the same way as his legs, and the body was licking the ground. No one is spared, and such changes are spreading to his whole body.

Those who could not escape on the ground looked up at the direction in which their companions left, and their eyes were full of pain, fear and despair. But soon, the eyes became dead. Then it was covered with a layer of grayish white until the whole person became grayish white like the surrounding, such as a humanoid stone sculpture.

Next to a tree that has become gray, the upper part is broken and falls on the "humanoid stone carving".


The "human-shaped stone carving" splits, and a crack from the left shoulder to the right waist divides the "human-shaped stone carving" into two halves.

On the cracked section, only some places in the center have some red color, which seems to be blood, but the blood has not yet fallen, and the only red color has become gray.

All this is born between the heads.

The person who saw this scene only felt a bang in the brain. The gas in the chest suddenly opened, even forgot to breathe, the legs were soft, and the power of the totem in the body instantly became tangled.

Between the panic, they ignored the branches in front and were stunned. The two men were paralyzed and fell from the tree.

If they are in the tree, they still have a chance to escape, but after falling to the ground, the opportunity has become awkward.

The one that fell just now makes them feel like they are falling on the grass or the soil, more like squatting on the stone!

If you haven’t looked back, wouldn’t you fall?

I can't wait for the pain of falling, and I can't wait to regret it. They can only escape from this place now, and even will not come to the Yanhe trading area in the future!

However, they feel that their legs are becoming weaker and weaker, becoming heavy and stiff, without intuition, as if they are out of control of the body.


Finally, they can no longer continue to escape and fall.

"Do not"

"help me!"

The feeling of the former splitting companion before his death, they also felt it again.

However, this time, no one will slow down.

Those who fled the front, have lost their presence, and those who have escaped slowly are the same as them.

Soon, in this wood, no one is loud, only the enlarged gray.

At the same time, the slogan in the Yanhe trading area, originally thought of what was absent-minded, Shao Xuan, they are now the leader of the bat and the stoneworm king insects, he already knows, his biggest worry now is not those Mixed into the people in the Yanhe trading area, but the king of the unknown.

It’s hard to build a very promising trading area here. If a king beast comes, everything will be destroyed.

"Head, those people you said, someone went to find Yi Shi." Du Kangjin said.

The people who came from the existing suspected sea side mixed into the trading area, let Dokang personally stare, other soldiers with almost the strength can not be qualified for this task, the other party's camouflage skills have fooled many good fighters, but The Luo and Dokang are at this level, but they can be distinguished, just. Before they figured out the purpose of the other party, they didn't want to be amazed. After all, they had a lot of troubles at the moment, and more than one thing was less.

I heard the report from Dokang. The levy smeared the face, "What have they done?"

"It seems that I haven't done anything, just sitting and talking. The other person seems to know that we are staring at him, but we have not deliberately avoided it." Dokang did not know what those people were doing.

"Don't care about them, I recently stared around."

"Head. You said, what kind of stone worm king beast, shouldn't you come over?" Dokang also worried.

"I don't know, wait for the news. Shao Xuan has already tracked it. The forest is so big. It should not come over here."

"Oh." Dokang scratched his head and couldn't calm down. He once had the experience of facing the king beast. It was a nightmare, and he didn't want to come again.

After sitting for a while, Dokang left again, waiting for it here. He still stares at those suspicious people.

The person who was considered suspicious by Dokang and Zheng Luo was sitting in the room of Yi Shi.

The people wore hairless animal skin sleeveless clothes, rough linen pants, and a colorful snake skin belt around the waist. There were several sacks of linen and animal skin on the neck, and the bones were worn on the neck. The ornament, the flowing out of the shirt, painted some patterns with some dark green pigments, and the unkempt but rough head was tied with a straw rope, because the head was not long and tied up. It is directly facing the sky, so dressed up, there are quite a few characteristics of the tribes that often come to the trading area.

The picky eyes looked at the house where Yi Si lived now, and the man screamed. I came to the conclusion that "the place to live is better than you are there."

"That is natural, or what am I doing here?" Yi Si poured a handful of water into the pottery cup. This pottery cup was made by himself. The painting above was also drawn by himself, with him on the other side of the sea. The same time as the appliance used. Familiar things. Still use it more smoothly.

The people are also welcome, after pouring the water in the cup, said: "One more cup! I ran around in the morning and died hot. But this trading area of ​​Yanjiao really can't be underestimated, style is my appetite. !"

"Don't tell me, are you coming to grab the place with Yanjiao?" asked Yi Si.

"How is it possible? I am too lazy to manage such a big place, but I really want to create trouble for Yanjiao and see how much they can."

"You will have fun for yourself, but Yanjiao people can't make it difficult, which will make them angry, and it will be difficult to stop them." Yi Si said.

The person sitting across from the other side snorted and didn't put the words of Yi Shi on the mind. "We ‘ Changle’ people will be afraid of them being angry? Angry is fun.”

"No peace, look at your share of my long-winged bird, I remind you." Yi Si slowly and authentic.

"Say." The person sitting there, wandering around the ankles of the broken sandals, a leisurely look.

"Don't provoke people, even if you want to call them, it should be now."

"Hey, isn't your kid a skill that won't be easy for the family? How can you know this?" Wuhe did not put the words of Yi Si in his heart.

He is a "long music" person, perhaps no one knows here, but on the other side of the sea, the popularity is still somewhat high.

"Chang Le" is not a pure tribe, but a special group composed of people from different sources. They like adventure and curiosity. In their words, the things in the world are boring, so They have to use their sharp eyes to find some fun.

More generally, they are a group of curious adventurers and the first people to come from the sea.

As for why there are very few appearances now, it is because most of them have not yet mastered the language here, and even if they can't even speak, then what about fun? I want to ask all the way to tell the chicken and the duck, I don’t understand.

If the most disgusting object of the tribes here is "theft", then, on the other side of the sea, whether it is a tribe or a slave owner, the most disgusting person is the "long music" person, that is, a group of neuropathy, themselves When I was bored, I ran to blame others, and I completely built my own happiness on the troubles of others.

After the people who learned that "Chang Le" had crossed the sea, the people on the other side of the sea gave a sigh of relief, and the flies that had been around them finally disappeared, and the ears were clean.

Now, no one knows that Changle’s first goal turned out to be Yanjiao. It’s just that people who have crossed the sea have not arrived here. They are all in a certain place to gather for training. Learn the language and understand the intelligence. It is also technical to recruit people.

Nothing is just one of the first people who have mastered the language.

Yi Si is not angry with the words of incompetence and nothing. "I don't believe in you. Look at the fact that you borrowed my two long-winged birds. I will say it again. You still leave here early, here will be There are big things."

"Ah, big thing? It's better! Not to leave!"

The voice of no peace just fell, suddenly a meal, looking at a position.

Yi Si glanced at the sky outside the window. Look at the green scorpion that has been shrinking in the corner. "Come on."

"What is it? What do you mean?" Wuhe looked at Qinglan.

Because of the blood of the beast, the control of the power of the totem is not so fine. The totem pattern rarely converges completely on weekdays, but now the totem pattern on his body is clearer and clearer, like the pattern on the beast. The thick head is like a stone needle.


Behind the barley, a short thorn with a cone of cones emerged, and the eyes of the depression were full of panic. The whole person shrinks his body into the corner, so a big one can jump into the roof when he jumps, but now he can't wait to shrink himself into the ground.

"Frightened like this?" Nothing raised his eyebrows, and once again looked at the direction of the strange smell coming outside.

Because he is far away, he doesn't feel strong, but just a little bit has already made him feel like he is shocked.

Not only they, including the Luo and others in Yanhe Fort. There are also people who are sensitive in the trading area and they are aware of it.

What happened to me?

At the entrance of the trading floor, Kuntu stayed with other people and watched the people coming in and out. Zheng Luo said that suspicious people in the Yanhe trading area in the past two days, but they are not aware of who is in the doorway, which only shows that the other party's camouflage skills are very clever.

Suddenly, a sharp and rushing whistle came from the patrol.

This is a signal of warning.

"Someone is coming!" Kuntu stared at the other side.

Soon, they saw that seven people came out of the woods.

It’s just that these seven people are very weird. There are different degrees of gray-white covering on the body, which was originally thought to be the paint on the brush, but it is closer to the present, it is more like a stone.

These seven people looked crazy, as if they saw something terrible, and when they ran, they screamed in the throat.

When I saw Kuntu and others, those people’s eyes lit up and shouted: “Help!”

They also said not long ago that they would not enter the Yanhe trading area after they were killed. However, when they escaped, they were divided into two groups. One person ran to other places, and seven of them felt that there were many people. It’s safer, even if you run away, there are others who share the pressure.

There are only a lot of places around, and there is only Yanjiao. Therefore, they will run all the way.

Of course, Quintu will not put them into the trading zone, and together with others, tie the other people. However, the tied people are still struggling, constantly yelling at the door and shouting: "Come on, just behind, behind!"

Quintu didn't know what they were talking about. I wanted to knock these people down, but these people seem to be mad, but maybe they know something, so he sent people to the place.

When these people are struggling, the grayish, stone-like things on them are like being born in the flesh. As they struggle, pull, the stone-like places are separated from the flesh and blood, and the seven people are fundamentally Regardless of the **** wounds, I still repeat those words insanely.

"Head, what did they see?" Dokang's voice was shaking.

Kuntu is not clear on the side, but there is already speculation in Dokang's heart, but he does not want to believe it.

how could be?

Why is it so bad?

No, certainly not what he thinks.

Dokang himself brainwashed himself.

But in the next moment, the signing of the slain broke the luck of Dokang.

The voice of the levy is difficult, the hand holding the knife is too hard, and the knuckle is faint.

"The notice goes on, there are king beasts nearby!"


Kuntu's hand was loose, and the bundled people fell to the ground.

"Wang Wang beast?" Kuntu felt a cold and cold air rushing down.

The bundled people, after hearing the words of Luo, struggled even harder. The hoarse voice seemed to scream for bleeding. "Let me leave! I will leave here! Leave!"

Dokang did not control the few people, took the words of the levy, went to the high point of the Yanhe building, took a deep breath, and then screamed.

"There are king beasts nearby! Everyone is careful!"

The ability to recruit senior totem fighters, under this full force, almost the entire trading area can hear this sentence.

In the fierce trading zone, everyone’s movements seemed to be digesting this sudden news.

But soon, he smashed the pot.

The king beast is coming!

It's like a bomb thrown into the water, and it's a huge wave in the Yanhe trading area.

The king beast is coming, what should I do?

Of course it is running!

Don't run here and wait to die?

Sitting in the room of Yi Shi, holding a cup of water and drinking water, "squeaky" the water in the mouth, throwing a pottery cup and jumping out the window.

"What are you running, don't you want to watch the fun? Don't you want to have fun here?" Yi Si shouted at the back of the peace.

"We are looking for fun, not looking for death! You have to stay with yourself!"

Nima, no wonder Laozi feels trembled and turned out to be the king beast! Nothing spreads outside the trading area.

For those who rarely see even the living beasts, the king beast is a legendary creature, but this does not hinder their fear of the king beast. In the story passed down by the ancestors, the king beast is unmatchable. Exist, and with them, almost how many people die.

However, there are some similarities in this.

"Ha ha ha, I have waited for so many years, I finally waited! I will not go, I want to see the king beast!" Some people clenched their arms and shouted, excited and flushed.

The surrounding people looked at him like a neuropathy.

"Do not escape will die!" His companion wants to persuade.

"Death is dead! I am afraid of what, I must look at what the king beast looks like! I want to stay! No one will stop me!!"


Looking at him like a dead man, the people around him gave up persuasion, no time to toss here, and quickly packed up and slipped. Those who want to see the king beasts do not want to die, let them die here! (To be continued.)

Ps: On the last day of March, there was a monthly ticket.

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