Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 683: A bridge spans both sides!

At this time, attention to the movement of the stone insect king insects, in addition to the people in the Yanhe trading area, there are some people who should have left the long-distance team.

Among the first batch of people who left, how many people really want to leave, instead of planning to hide in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to smash the trading area?

Yanjiao people have a lot of good things, they are jealous, they are afraid of the strength of Yanjiao people on weekdays, do not dare to do it, but now, is this not a good time? The so-called bonfire, robbery, stealing, how can I use this opportunity to be worthy of myself?

Although the danger is a bit bigger, it is inevitable that you want to get more fruitful results. It’s just that they didn’t think that the development of the matter was so different from what they thought, so that they have not yet been able to shoot.

Even if it is really far away from the Yanhe trading area, there are also people paying attention to the movement around the Yanhe trading area. Therefore, although the trading area and the movement around the Yanhe River, they have learned that it is slower, but they still know it.

At this time, Shao Xuan, there is no way to pay attention to the feelings of other people, he only locked the back of the stone worm king, to ensure that it is still behind him.

Through the woods, the Yan River is ahead.

Perhaps it is the perception of the existence of the king beast, the piranhas that were active in the river in the past, but now they are not seen, far away.

The foot did not stop, took a deep breath, Shao Xuan blew a whistle.

The cockroaches that have been following in the air, shaking their wings and rushing down.

Shao Xuan grabbed the eagle's claw with one hand and was taken off the river bank to the top of the Yanhe River.

Now is the most important part of the plan. At this time, the behavior of the stoneworm king insect is the key to the success of the plan!

In the woods, the blame and other people who are staring at the other side are getting more and more nervous, and the atmosphere does not dare to come out. The heart still silently reads: The ancestor bless.

Here is not the small river before, the river is hundreds of meters wide, close to one kilometer, such a big river, how should the king insects pass?

in fact. According to Shao Xuan's thoughts, there are ideal situations and some times.

Of course, even if things can't follow the ideal line. But as long as the worms can cross the river, it is good. The way to cross the river is secondary, and the safety is serious.

Is it coming directly from the bottom of the river? Or go to a deeper place to cross the river? still is……

Shao Xuan grabbed the eagle's claws and looked at the stone worms that had reached the shore to stop there.


Come over!

Come here!

Shao Xuan shouted in his heart. Aware of the sea. The mask that enveloped the flame of the Totem Flame was also brighter.

Stop the stone worm on the shore and lift the front half, as if to see the front clearly.

The person hiding in the woods who can't see the situation there can also see the big head of the stone worm, only half of the body, far beyond the highest tree in this area, no one can ignore it. .

For the stoneworm king insects, when everything around them is strange, there is a source of fire that is similar to oneself. It is naturally chosen to follow, but the river in front of it makes it pause a bit.

But it only stopped for a while, and as the river closest to it became gray, it also set the front half again.

On the river surface, the place where the front body of the stone worm was touched was originally river water, but at this time, it has turned into a gray stone, and even the fluctuating water lines are clear, retaining them being wrinkled by the wind. The form of that moment.

just. As the king of the worms squirmed forward, the place where the huge body was run over no longer had water marks, replaced by the iconic traces of the stone worm.


The petrochemical water surface is still spreading rapidly. The stone worm king insect, at this time, is like a petrified emitter. The surface of the water is turned into a stone.

However, compared to the large-scale petrochemical in the woods, it is on the water at this time. The petrochemical range is relatively concentrated, only under the stoneworm king insects and on both sides.

At this time, the entire body of the stoneworm king insects is already above the surface of the Yanhe River.

Shao Xuan took a breath and excitedly. Things are moving towards his plan, the most perfect route!

The stone worm king insect did not sink to the bottom of the river, did not drill underground, but still walked on the river incomparably!

Nothing can stop it, no! Even in front of it is a long river with hundreds of kilometers wide!

What people think is impossible to achieve, but in the peristalsis of this king beast, appears in the world.

This is the power of the king beast!

Be worthy of the word "王"!

As the worms continued to move forward, Shao Xuan also asked him to take him to the other side of the river. Control the speed and direction, do not deviate from the route, do not stay away from the close, keep the most suitable position, fly forward. This is just the beginning.

A straight long bridge, in the eyes of everyone, with the huge body on the river, and gradually extended forward.

In the air, I kept staring at the incompetence on the other side. When I saw the scene on the river, I was almost stunned from the long-winged bird.

"He, he, he..."

That's it!

It is actually doing this kind of plan!

They even used a king beast as a coolie!

How did you think of it?

It’s a bunch of crazy people!

It’s not just the peace of mind that has always been in the sky, but also those who are outside, even the people who are planning to help at any time, such as Dokang and others, are also forced, can’t wait to blink their eyes, take a look at their heads, see Is it an eye-opening, or an illusion that is too intense and exhausted?

Although they probably know Shao Xuan’s plan, but they have not thought about it, there will be such a situation!

On a large flaming river, with the creep of the stone worm, a stone bridge extending from the river bank to the other side appeared!

It can even petrify even water!

At the same time, some people are wondering why the seemingly cumbersome king beast can stand on the surface of the water, even if it can petrify water, the stone formed may not be able to support its bulky body.

Could it be that the part of the underwater petrochemical has touched the bottom of the river, and the stone bridge that is being formed has cut off the Yanhe River?

No, it is impossible. Yanhe still looks very deep. How can it be so easily cut off? It seems that the current is not cut off.

So, is this long bridge floating on the water?

How else might it be able to support such a huge king? !

How can the stone float on the surface? !

It is against the common sense, and I can't understand it. It makes people feel mad at the same time when they are shocked by the river.


The Yanjiao, who was thought to be threatened by the king's beast, would lead the king beast to other places, but then unexpectedly found that they led the king beast back and led to Yanhe. The doubts that have always existed, until this time, they understand what the Yanjiao people are doing.

Yanjiao people, the mind is really unfathomable!

If everyone in Yanjiao knows how other people think about them, they will definitely shout, they are all the ideas of the elders, they are just execution, they are scared at this time, no less than others!

On the top of the Yanhe Building, the cockroaches and some people in the Yanjiao stand on the top of the Yanhe Building to pay attention to the movement of the worms. However, with Shaoxuan leading the worms, they have a good eye. It is also impossible to see that far.

On the one hand, Yongzheng is holding a single-lens telescope, staring at the movement above the Yanhe River, and still exclaims from time to time, "How come", "How is this possible", "I can really do this", "The original Axuan hit This idea"...

I heard other people scratching their heads, and they didn’t look at the side of Yanhe. They stared at you. They complained in their hearts: "Elders, you are screaming, just let us know that we know the situation there." what! Otherwise you will let the telescope give you a look!

I was able to surprise the former leader. I think the development of the incident is indeed unexpected, and it is far beyond everyone’s imagination. Certainly something strange happened. I can’t wait to go out to the river to see the situation, but they must Here, guarding, after all, in the trading area, especially in Yanhe Fort, there must be people guarding against theft.

It is a pity that I was too focused on investing, and I didn’t pay attention to the reactions of others in my body, and I didn’t mean to give up the only telescope here.

The petrological width of both sides of the stone worm is more than seven or eight meters, plus the body width of the king worm itself. The width of this stone bridge has exceeded 20 meters on average.

If the manpower wants to build a long bridge on such a wide river, without mentioning the current technology, even if there is a higher technology, it is not easy to complete it. Now, a long bridge pier has no stone bridge, but it is gradually forming. Not only that, the stone insect king worms steadily creep on the river, and the speed has not changed.

well! Do not take such a risk!

Shao Xuan looked at the gray-white long bridge across the river, suppressing the excitement in his heart and trying to test the impulse of the stone bridge.

Take a long breath. Don't worry, wait until things are over, and go back to check.

Shao Xuan made a few preparations, and now the development of things has successfully proceeded to his expectations, the most perfect route, even better than he expected.

Even Shao Xuan himself underestimated the stoneworm king insect.

Although staying a little, this stone worm's incomparable ability is unquestionable.

one fifth……

one third……



This miraculous stone bridge is completed soon.

The person staring at the river is so embarrassed that he can't bear to lick it, for fear of missing something important. They are very glad that they have followed and witnessed the birth of such a miracle.

The wind gradually rises and becomes fierce. It blows down from the upper reaches of the Yanhe River, and the waves of water rushing against the large section of the stone bridge that has formed behind the King of the Stoneworm.


The water waves are broken into water.

However, no matter how the water waves impact, the stone bridge that has formed as if floating above the water does not move, seems to prove its solidity to the world. (~^~)

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