Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 684: King worm back to the mountain

The people in the Yanjiao headquarters are also concerned about the situation there. Many of the patrol people are lurking around. According to the news from the rumors, they maintain a safe distance to the place where the king worm arrives. Being too close, there is a risk of petrochemicals.

Everyone will breathe lightly and try to reduce their sense of existence. Before they get the order, they just need to look at it here, don't arbitrarily take it, don't expose it too early, see the situation.

Over there, Shao Xuan had already been taken to the river bank. After landing, he saw the king of the worms behind him, and he did not stop, and he ran to the direction of the forest.

Finally, the stone worms that touched the shore stopped for a while, and then began to move toward the direction of Shao Xuan again. The long bridge spanning the Yanhe River extended to the shore and connected with the creeping track behind the worm Together.

The trees and flowers in a large area on the shore turned gray and white. After landing, the worms returned to their previous state on land.

The rumble of the rumbling sounded again. It didn't look back at the long bridge behind him. It didn't care about the amazing things he made. Perhaps it was not a special thing for it. It was just a move. Shao Xuan left the direction and continued to follow.

The people of the Yanjiao patrol team hiding in the woods watched the stone worms follow Shao Xuan. After they went away, they exhaled a long breath. They just saw the scene on the river and they were also smashed. I am shocked.


"Well, it has already left with the elders and should not turn back."

"What is that on the river? What did the worm king insects get?"

"That... should be called bridge? I used to listen to the elders, but the elders said that they have limited ability and have not been able to build them." Someone said.

"Then is the bridge now? Is that?" The other pointed at the gray-white long bridge on the Yanhe River.

"Should be, or else, let's go in the past?"

"It's still different. Wait until the elders of the elders come back and say it." Deterred people who want to go there.

"Hey, head, look over there! Someone is coming!" The man behind the Wei called out to the opposite side.

Wei looked at the past, and there was indeed someone on the Yanhe River who set foot on the gray long bridge.

"It seems to be the head of the Dokang, hey, and the big boss! The elders and the chiefs are also there!"

Yanhe over there. Dokang took people with curiosity and got together to the newly formed gray-white long bridge. The blame and the levy that followed, and the tower from the Yanhe trading area, came to this long bridge. .

Because the stone worms had a pause here before crossing the river, at the end of the bridge, the scope of petrochemicals was a little larger than other places.

The blame stepped on the petrified grass under the foot, the petrified grass here, compared to those in the woods. To be a little bit harder, he stepped on the petrified grass while in the woods, and he could hear the sound of squeaking, but here he couldn't step on the grass leaves without any effort.

"Let's see it in the past?"

"Try it?" The tower is also looking forward to it.

"Then try it." Guiqi as the current leader, he took the lead and walked on the stone bridge.

The worms of the worms can move steady on this. These people add up to the weight of the worm. Logically speaking, it should be fine.

Guilty. Zheng Luo, Du Kang and the tower four successively embarked on this newly formed long bridge. Behind them, the group of Yanjiao warriors brought out by Dokang followed up. For them, this is a brand new Experience.

After the blame went up. With a little effort, I tried to step on it, and the hard stone surface under my feet made him feel a lot more.

Very hard, very strong, and sure enough to withstand the weight of the stoneworm insects, not so easily depressed.

After the first step. The second step and the third step are faster. The tension and embarrassment at the beginning, after walking more than ten meters, the steps are much easier.

Can go!

Really can go on the water!

Those who set foot on the stone bridge felt the solid ground under their feet and the water waves on both sides of the stone bridge, breathing deeply. The water waves beat the broken water of the stone bridge and splashed on them. Originally, because of a layer of stone powder that had been covered with stone insects, it was washed away by water.

Those stone powders are the soot that is brought up by the worms of the stone worms. They are not petrified by the body, so they are mixed together by the water.

Everyone who walked on the bridge had grayish mud marks on his face, which was very embarrassing. But at this time, no one cares about those, just arbitrarily wiped the face, the face is uncontrollable smile.

There is a long bridge here, for their Yanjiao, it is also convenient. After all, the ship is not omnipotent, and they do not have as many mountain eagle as the tribe, even if it is also inconvenient. But if there is such a long bridge across the two sides, then everything will become simpler. They want to transport things between the Yanhe trading area and the Yanjiao headquarters, and they can do it at any time.

Even after the two sides of this flaming river are in their hands, the people who cannot follow the boat can easily travel to and from both sides.

This bridge connects the two sides of the Yanhe River.

The Yanjiao team is only 30 people, but it is watched by hundreds of eyes.

The incompatibility in the sky, the other outsiders hiding in the woods behind them, and the people on the other side of the patrol team are staring at their movements, stretching their necks and watching them from the long bridge, step by step. Going to the other side.

"Really... I can really go over!" A person from the outside team who was sent to investigate the situation, staring at the back of the team on the Yanhe Stone Bridge, the words were full of surprises.

"I also want to go in the past, but there is the site of Yanjiao." Another person hiding behind the tree stared at them.

Those who are more courageous, come out directly from the woods and walk to the side of the stone bridge, but just dare not go straight to it.

In their view, since this place was created by the Yanjiao people, it must belong to the Yanjiao people. If they did not get the consent of the Yanjiao people, if they rushed on, the nature would be invasion and provocation.

After the king beast, they are more and more jealous of the Yanjiao people, so it is better to be cautious.

However, looking at the stone bridge that is close at hand, they are very uncomfortable. Someone quickly swept over and stepped on the foot, and then the wind ran close to the forest to hide it. It was also a personal experience and an addiction.

Others look at the figure that the wind generally disappears in the woods, and brush it to look at the bridge not far away, one bite the teeth, two steps across the bridge, step on the bridge and fly back quickly, then open.

In the sky, sitting on the long winged bird, watching the team of Yanjiao go smoothly from the end of the bridge to the other end, when the heart secretly decided to see other "Chang Le" people, be sure to brag It is not easy to see the birth of such a miracle. Fortunately, he is daring at a critical time. Otherwise, if he leaves, he will regret it when he learns from other populations.

No matter what kind of mood other people are at this time, Shao Xuan still continues to run with the stoneworm king insects into the forest.

The stone worm king insects will not discuss with Shao Xuan when to rest, as long as it continues to follow, Shao Xuan can not stop, has been running towards the nest of the king insects.

However, there is probably too much physical energy consumed by crossing the river. After arriving at the river bank, the speed of the kingworm has slowed down a lot. For it, the creep on the ground is harder than the underground.

Stone worms eat stones, and what the stone worms eat in the end, Shao Xuan is not sure, whether it is eating stones or eating underground soil, or the unknown stone in the depths of the underground, always underground, I am used to the creeping of the ground, and of course it is very uncomfortable on the ground.

So, not long after landing, the stoneworm king insects went straight to the ground. Of course, it followed Shao Xuan’s. It did not drill deep into the ground, but kept a distance from the ground, allowing it to squirm in the ground. Can also perceive the existence of Shao Xuan, followed by Shao Xuan.

Perhaps crossing the river did consume a lot, plus the two days running around, the scope of petrochemicals narrowed, after the stoneworm king insects drilled underground, the grass on the ground was not petrified. But if you shovel a layer of turf, you will gradually see the petrified soil.

Shao Xuan can perceive the position of the worm king insect, and he did not stop. With the reintroduction of the worm king insect into the forest, the planned plan has progressed almost the same, which is a very good trend.

Even if the vegetation on the ground is not petrified, the smell of the worms of the worms is also extremely shocking to the various beasts in the forest. It is obvious that the worms are close, and the beasts are rushing to avoid them. Convenient to Shao Xuan's pace.

No fierce beast came out to obstruct the interference, and Shao Xuan went smoothly toward the destination. This is not a short trip, and the sun is already skewed when crossing the river.

Until the setting sun sets, the night is coming, Shao Xuan is still a long distance from the nest of the stone worm king insect, he has to catch the night road, but at night he has a special vision, so that he can continue to maintain the speed in the night forest. run.

When the hunting team enters the forest, it will consider the distribution of members and beasts to decide whether to take a straight line or a detour. Now, only Shao Xuan is alone, followed by a king beast, in this familiar forest of Shao Xuan. There is no single beast that can attack Shao Xuan when the king beast is approaching. Therefore, Shao Xuan is bold to run along the shortest distance.

When the night passed and the dark sky was beginning to brighten, Shao Xuan finally saw the mountain.

Probably feeling the familiar smell, the stone worms that have been following Shaoxuan's body, the speed suddenly increased, too excited, unable to control the force, the ground appeared large gray, and quickly expanded.

The worm king insect did not break out. It was still underground. Not only did it not come out. On the contrary, it also looked deeper. Shao Xuan could perceive the worms away.

The grayish white of the ground no longer expands, and Shao Xuan also converges on his own breath. He has already done it.

In the mountains in front, the sounds of various beasts rang.

The beasts who entered the mountain during the time when the stone worms were off the mountain were greatly frightened and rushed to the outside of the cave.

The king of this mountain has returned, how do they still have the courage to stay in the mountains? (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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