Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 685: Yanhe Bridge

Shao Xuan rested for about an hour next to the old nest of the stoneworm king insect, and hunt for a beast and a scorpion. Please search for the most complete! Novel

Because the worms of the worms have just returned, the other beasts in the vicinity have been smashed and will not be close in a short time. Therefore, Shao Xuan will not encounter any trouble here.

Soon after the stoneworm king worm entered the mountain, the riots passed, and everything gradually calmed down, and no stone worms ran out of the mountains.

Shao Xuan can perceive that the worm king insect is under the mountain, and the mood seems to be good. Although the mood fluctuations are still not big, but it is faintly able to guess a little bit, it is happy to come back.

Sure enough, is it lost?

Road idiot, do not recognize the position, can not think of how to go back to the mountain, you can only find a position to run freely, the result is more stupid. However, its powerful strength has caused countless people and beasts to be jealous. If this is not brought back by Shao Xuan this time, it will probably cause a lot of riots everywhere in the mainland. It doesn't care where you can't petrify, it wants to stay where it stays, and its IQ, it won't think too much, no complicated thoughts.

Because of this, once it is comfortable, no one can predict what it will do.

Fortunately, everything is gone.

The head bat that stayed at the Yanjiao headquarters should also return to its nest.

Thinking about the bridge that appeared on the Yanhe River, Shao Xuan suddenly became hot.

That is the bridge, spanning hundreds of kilometers of the long bridge!

I don't know how the bridge is, can I meet the standards in my heart?

The more I want Shao Xuan to sit still, after eating the fierce beast, the physical strength has also recovered a lot. Looking at the clouds appearing in the sky, Shao Xuan got up and destroyed the fire, cleaned the traces of the remaining, and then set off.

Shao Xuan met with Du Kang and others who came over in the middle.

It turned out that after coming from the long bridge, Dokang took the people all the way. Thinking that if Shao Xuan needs help, they can help, I did not expect Shao Xuan to have done it.

"The stone worm has gone back?" asked Dokang.

"Go back, it should not come out again, unless there is another disaster in the world." Shao Xuan said.

"That's good! That's good!" Dokang said a few good words. The king beasts really didn't want to be right, and this time I saw the stoneworm king insect, it seems to be more powerful than the salt beast I have seen before. Too strong, even water can turn into stone. How can such a behemoth be an opponent?

I know that the king will not pose a threat to the Horde in a short period of time. The big stone that everyone has been pressing has finally landed and is practical.

Dokang said that they had walked through the bridge with Shao Xuan.

"I can really go, we are all from that, oh, 'bridge', right. From that bridge, it doesn't sink like a raft, it's steady, just like walking on the ground!" Dokang was excited. In his impression, the so-called bridges were mostly just a huge piece of wood. Just as they used to be on the other side of the sea, they used trunks on the artificial river outside the Horde.

But now, he really saw such a "bridge" and only knew the meaning of the word "bridge".

The original "bridge" can still be like this!

It turns out that the "bridge" can also span such a long distance!

This is an ideological impact. At the beginning of the catastrophe, the tribe came over from the connected rafts. Shao Xuan also mentioned the "bridge" thing, but at that time, everyone and Shao Xuan thought differently, and felt that it was unnecessary and impossible. Nowadays, it has really been realized, but it has not relied on manpower, but on the power of the stoneworm king insect.

When I think of such a "bridge" belongs to my own tribe, Dokang can't help it.

The same as those who are outside. Dokang believes that since it was because of Shao Xuan's reason to promote the formation of this bridge, it must be something that belongs to their horns, whoever rushes to fight.

Can there be such a long bridge in the middle? The slave owners on the other side of the sea are always superior, but are there such long bridges on their side?

No! nothing! ,

Only Yanjiao has it, so far, the unique existence of the world!

"You haven't seen those people's eyes straight, but they don't leave on the bridge, saying they want to go up and go." Dokang's mouth is fast to his ears.

Shao Xuan also listened happily. Indeed, here, in the minds of many people, when you see the big river, you will think of building a ship, but you will rarely want to build a bridge directly, let alone such a wide river, and there are fewer people who want to build a bridge.

This time, it turned out to be.

However, it can't be too early, how long the long bridge can last, whether it can be strengthened under the impact of the river, and it takes time to verify.

Returning to the tribe from the mountain forest, it also brought back the news that the king of the stone insects returned to the mountains, which also means that the crisis of the king beast has really passed.

In the Yanhe trading area, there is a jubilant person who has been in the Yanhe trading area. Now I hope that the people who are on the turn will come over and exchange with them soon. They will be able to personally come and see the legendary king made by the beast." bridge".

"Miracle! A miracle!" Yi Shi stood in front of the stone bridge and carefully watched the long bridge that appeared here like a miracle.

The green scorpion is tight, and the root of the thorn is set up. Although the king beast has left, the long bridge that was made by the worm king insect still has the breath of the king beast. It may not be so big for others. Influence, but for the green scorpion with the blood of the beast, it is different, just a little bit of the king's breath, can also make him nervous.

More and more people gathered around the stone bridge, or blamed for sending people to surround it, only to prevent them from going to the bridge to find out the curiosity.

However, even if they can't go on the bridge, the people who look at the Yanjiao team come and go on the stone bridge. There is a bottom for this bridge.

There are many dangerous factors in Yanhe. This is what the far-off team from afar has personally experienced. There are countless fishes that are more ferocious than the beasts. This is why, until now, Yanjiao people have always crossed the river. The reason for the boat.

The rafts that were used when the inflammatory horns just came back have long been put away. As the days of the catastrophic changes, the fierce fish in the river have become active, and it is not appropriate to walk on the raft. It is not good to stand up against the river beasts that jump out of the water. But now, such a wide long bridge is formed, but it can solve a lot of problems.

The bridge was quickly named, of course, the name of the river. At both ends of the stone bridge, high stone monuments were set up with the totem of the Yanjiao and the words "Yanhe Bridge". The etched depression was painted with reddish pigment, which was striking on the stone-gray monument.

Onlookers of the Yanjiao people placed a lot of outside the stone monument, even if they were not close to the place, they could not ruin their interest.

"Yanhe... Bridge?" Someone read the words on the stone tablet. "The bridge is very much in line with the name of the bridge. It is really big enough."

Crossing the bridge of the Yanhe River, you can bear the bridge that the king beast creeps on. The bridge that touches the big stone tablet in Yanjiao is also not moving. It is not big, who can count?

However, some people think that this "big" must mean the scale? Maybe it's just a code name?

"Is there a second bridge in the future, what is the third bridge?" Someone whispered a question.

Others did not answer directly, but some people thought in their minds, as long as the king beast is still there, who is right?

Shao Xuan came to see it on the bridge. At the same time, he asked the tribe's people to help him. He looked underwater. Although he could use the perception to perceive the underwater situation, there are tribal people who can help and know more.

Below the bridge, the underwater petrochemical part is roughly inverted triangle, and the deepest part of the petrochemical is more than 20 meters.

There is no pier, if it is not the shore of the bridge, it can even be said that the bridge is floating on the water!

Is such a bridge really strong enough?

Can only see later.

After inspecting the stone bridge, Shao Xuan thought of the small river that was petrified by the stoneworm king insect on the river. Although the flow of the small river was not anxious, when the water of the small river of the petrient insects was petrified, the river was cut off directly, and later Shao Xuan took the stoneworm king insect back and cut it again. So, now at the small river, there are two "bridges" to cut it off.

There are not many dangerous fish in that small river. At most, some piranhas live in the river near the Yanhe River. However, the two bridges produced by the petrified water of the stoneworms will not have a short time. The fish is close there.

Shao Xuan people in the small river, the two stone bridges pulled a net upstream and downstream to prevent the upstream and downstream fish from approaching.

After the arrest, the soldiers of the Yanjiao and the people of the Yi tribe got into the water and went to drill holes in the two small bridges.

The bridge over the Yanhe River, they are reluctant to move, but the two small bridges on the small river, they are willing to start.


As soon as the chisel went down, the small bridge formed by the petrified water was only cut into a deep dent.

"Really hard!"

"Yes? Let me try!"


"It's really, is this hardness comparable to the finest stone? Isn't the bridge a water change? How could it be so hard?"

"You don't understand the power of the king beast. Hurry up, let's dig a big hole here, and dig out the stone and make stone tools!"

"Right right! Quickly dig!"

Based on the curiosity of the stone, the people who dig the bridge hole move faster. The chisel they used is made of new bronze and is easy to cut.

If you just dredge the river, you don't have to dig the bridge hole. You can dig a waterway to bypass the two bridges. However, people in Yanjiao want to study the stones, so they will dig the bridge.

The bridge hole is not so fast to dig well. In the middle of the road, someone digs a large watermelon stone and stunned it. "This stone is very frivolous!"

Not far away, watching the Yanjiao people who dig the bridge hole, the heart of the traveler haha, this way you think we will believe? !

One of Yanjiao's lies: This stone is very light.

Light fart!

Shao Xuan did not stay there to see them dug the bridge hole, how much he was kept, and he was not needed to be there. Shao Xuan was screamed in the past, guarding thousands of gold in the night.

Since the worm has left, will it not meet the leader bat at night?

However, when the night falls, it is still coming.

Shao Xuan stared at the re-emergence of the head bat, silent.

Why are you still not going? !

Your younger brother is waiting for you to go back to the mountains! )

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