Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 689: succeed!

The intense and busy atmosphere in Yanjiao cultivated land did not affect the other side of Yanhe.

Although you can't see the situation in the Yanjiao farmland on the Yanhe side, you can also see the changes in the sky. The birds on the other side are really eye-catching.

Some people who came to watch the Yanhe Bridge had argued with the Yanjiao soldiers who were guarding the bridge. They ran all the way to see the bridge, but people who were inclined to the horns would not let them go. Don't let the bridge, what is the significance of running them so far?

The coercion and temptation is of no use to the team of Yanjiao who guards there. No matter what you say, their attitude is very determined. As long as they are not Yanjiao, they are not allowed to take a step on the bridge!

Although they did not stay in the Ministry to participate in the harvest, but also know that no one is allowed to interfere in the past, these people are talking about the bridge, who knows whether they will go directly to the Yanjiao headquarters? This morning, the leader said, no one is allowed to step forward!

There are more and more people outside the surrounding area. The big-headed team of people from the far-off team looked around and watched the people who were busy, and looked at the Yanjiao people who guarded the bridge. They have already passed the number. These horn guards. Why not be straightforward?

I don’t know if there are some voices from time to time after the crowd, catalyzing this tense atmosphere,

"You can stop us?! Let me see, I want to see!"

The crowd pushed forward, and the people in front couldn't help but be pushed forward to take two steps. The Yanjiao people who were there immediately pointed the blade and the spear at them. Most of the people in the long-distance team are not good people. When Yanjiao people do not agree with them when they are on the bridge, they are already impatient. For Yanjiao people, they do not believe in the exaggerated things in the rumors. Come here, in addition to watching the legendary bridge, I also want to test the extent to which the Yanjiao people have the ability.

everything. It’s only one step away, and the one behind it. It became the driving force for the outbreak of the situation.

Seeing that a riot was about to erupt, I heard a bang from the top of the Yanjiao headquarters. I looked up and saw it, and I saw a **** sky in the air.

The **** scene directly smashed the violent Mars in their hearts, and stopped the movements in their hands. Even the Yanjiao guards at the bridge turned their heads and looked at them. They don't know what's going on there. But looking at it, it should be a good thing. After all, those who burst into a **** fog are the birds that come to **** the millet.

"What is that?!" someone shuddered and said.

"I don't know, I heard that there is a site of the Yanjiao tribe?"

"What happened to Yanjiao?"

"I always feel that there are terrible things over there." The speaker also took a nap.

Not only him, but other people also have the feeling that after all, people who can join the far-off team and still arrive here are definitely not too poor.

The people around are not squatting on the bridge, and the Yanjiao seems to be very dangerous. They still have to look at the situation first.

The guarded soldiers looked worried at the eyes of the headquarters, and they could only see the mountains on the side of the headquarters and the surrounding woods. I can't see the situation of cultivated land, and I can't walk away. I can only pray in my heart and hope that everything goes well there.

At the end of the crowd, several people looked at each other and the sister saw the difference in the other's eyes. They also temporarily changed the plan. Like the people of Changle, they came from the sea, but the people without Changle were fast. Originally intended to use these people who are too curious about the Yanhe Bridge to contain the guards of Yanjiao. They are good to be confused with other people, and then sneak into the Yanjiao tribe to have a look. Unexpectedly, it seems that it is not safe.

"I heard that Changle has already been there," one whispered.

Others exchanged a look with each other, you know that I understand everyone. Nothing to look for, smashing fire, this is what Changle people often do.

There are people with Changle, Yan Yan will definitely not be calm, they will wait any longer, wait and see for a while, they don’t want to meet Changle people.

At the other end of the bridge, the tower owner took people here, if the people on the other side couldn’t keep it, and he stayed here, I can’t let those people come here today. Recently, because of the Yanhe Bridge, I came to Yanhe. There are more people in the district, and their courage is bigger, and there is a direct test of the angle of inflammation. It’s really troublesome.

The task here is also crucial, but the tower is also worried about the arable land, perhaps others are not clear, but the tower, as one of the two leaders of Yanjiao, is clear about the head bat, and because of this, he is more worried.

At this time, above the Yanjiao arable land, the blood fog gradually dissipated, surrounded by feathers and broken bones, and one that was only shot or slashed, or was sucked into a bird's body. , dropped to the ground in succession.

Just as the Yanjiao people were busy with the birds that ate the food, and the head bats chased the birds, suddenly the two shadows swiftly moved toward the cultivated land of Yanjiao, and the land where thousands of gold was planted.


"Be careful!"

The person who shot the bird screamed after he noticed the sudden intruder in the air.

On the other side of the Yanjiao side, when the people opened the bow and arrow, on the flying figure, a black big shield opened and turned quickly.

This is the shield made of gum used by Changle people. It is much lighter than metal and stone. They usually split this shield into several pieces and stitch them together before the action.

The changes in the body of the person behind the shield are opened, and the totem lines appear on the exposed face and arms, especially the arm of the shield, which is directly inflated, the muscles of the lines are tight, and the meridians of the blue color are firmly grasped. Those two black shields.

Even a person with a shield has an inexplicable excitement, and every time he acts, they will have this feeling. This tense and exciting atmosphere made them excited and couldn't wait to make a few noises.


A bow and arrow shot was blocked by the black shield, and the arrow was pierced into the shield. It was not ejected or shot, so it was stuck there.

In order to save arrows, when shooting ordinary birds, people in the corner use wooden arrows, while birds that are slightly larger are stone arrows. Only birds like the beasts will use metal arrows.

The people of Changle came very suddenly, and the people with bows and arrows couldn’t change the arrows. So, the first shots of the arrows. All are wooden, and the arrows are stuck on the two black shields.

Some people have used stone arrows. In order to shoot the bigger birds, they also shot at the moment, but the arrows that were shot did not break the weird black shield. Also stuck on the shield. Not being bounced off, nor penetrated.

A face-to-face, two black shields with two figures, instantly become like a hedgehog, but did not really hurt the people behind the shield and the birds.

He also planned to shoot, but he saw another figure in the farther direction. The head bat is holding a fierce bird to **** blood. If he shoots, once the target is not reached, the spear is likely to directly Tied to the head of the bat. If it angers the leader bat, will it turn to the person on his side?

However, that is a little hesitation. I have lost the chance to hit a single shot. I want to shoot again. The difficulty is already great, and the chances are all gone.

And when the two men behind the black shield were complacent, a blue spear with a scream of emptiness slammed into one of the shadows.

The blue spear head smashed on the black shield, the sharp blade tip pierced the big shield, and the part of the impact force spread along the big shield in the collision, and the dense arrow stuck on the black shield was instantly shaken. . In addition to the arrow that is still stuck on the shield, many of the arrow body and the arrow tail have been shattered and broken. Scattered.

The spear piercing the black shield did not stop moving forward, and the powerful impact continued to push the spear forward. Open the shield.

At that moment, the people behind the black shield felt that time seemed to stop. The pupil in the eye shrank with a sudden startle. He could even hear the squeaking sound of the spear and the shield. It seems to be baked by high temperature. If the shield is in other colors, you may also see a place where the spear breaks open, and there will be a trace of burnt black. There seems to be a burning stream of air in the nose.

The person behind the shield looked at the blue spear that reflected the cold, getting closer and closer to himself. He didn't even have time to do any evasive reaction.

Not too late!


Fortunately, the spear's spear finally wiped his forehead.

At the same time, he took the hands of the black shield, under the impact of this spear, like the attack of the beast's claws, a tearing wound, extending from the tiger's mouth to the top of the arm, blood From these wounds, such as a **** arrow, the whole person was also carried backwards, falling out of the bird's back of the long-winged bird.

The hand holding the two black shields also loosened. The long-winged bird underneath also lost balance and rolled a few laps before flew away in panic. There was no arrow on the ass.

The man who fell off the long-winged bird's back, the next time he was caught by his companion on the back of the bird that mentioned the other long-winged bird.

The rescued man looked at the arm in his hand and looked at the spear that fell with the shield. He couldn't help but swallow. Just take it, his two arms are almost shaken.

Terrible power!

Just because people are going to save people, those who originally intended to hit the West are also exposed in advance.

"There are people!"

"They still have accomplices!"

However, just when everyone focused their attention on the two of them, there were two figures that rushed in when they didn’t pay attention. They didn’t rush directly into the center, but at the border, the guards. Among the exposed gaps, it flashed rapidly.

At the time of the flight, the people on the back of the long-winged bird, their arms were shaking again and again. The original normal arm was shortened in an instant and became like a child. The wind-driven sleeves outlined the clear outline of the underarm bone.

I saw him with a slight glimpse of his arms. When the long-winged bird swiftly crossed, the open five fingers became slender as a hook, and the volley caught it. As the arm swayed, it would be an inflammation. The corner warrior grabbed a bag full of thousands of gold and picked it up, and the place where the Yanjiao warrior was grasped was also cut open, leaving only one piece of animal skin in his hand, and the bag was directly taken away.

After the opponent hit a hand, he pulled up. The Yanjiao warrior had no time to do anything else. He could only watch the figure leave, and the mouth of the animal bag that had not been tightened, and some thousands of gold fell.

The same scene happened in another place in the 1000-grain gold field. The person who suddenly cut in took away a bag containing thousands of gold. The bag was full and was bundled, but it was not enough to move to the warehouse. Go, but now it has been sneaked and snatched away.

The two people who succeeded, the corners of their mouths evoked a smug smile. If the guards were not too strict, they could grab more, but I wouldn't have a chance after that. I can only withdraw first.



A bird called in the air, all the figures that broke in were evacuated. When they left, there was a strange scream, like the scream of the winner after the battle of the beast.

All of this, but it happened between the numbers.

The face of this scene suddenly changed, and the expression was very embarrassing.

It can be seen that they cooperate very well and make full use of their respective strengths and weaknesses. They are very short-lived with their own strengths. If they are not in the scope of Yanjiao and need to continue to cooperate, they will definitely stand up. Fly towards different ranges.

And once they leave the territory of Yanjiao, even if Shao Xuan will call back and continue to chase, it is impossible to catch people. After all, they have seven people and seven birds!

See you want to chase in the past, Shao Xuan shouted at him, "You stay, I go!"

Yan and Shao Xuan, one of the two must be left behind. After all, the harvest here is not over yet, there may be other variables, and someone must be here.

Listening to Shao Xuan said, he can only stop unwillingly. After all, it is useless to chase him. Shao Xuan can help him in the past.

After the sentence was finished, Shao Xuan chased the direction in which the figures flew in the sky.

Nothing and looking at the two bags of the already successful results, the face is full of pride: "Yanjiao, but so!"

"Irritation! Haha! See the faces of those Yanjiao people?"

"I didn't see it, but it won't be good, hahaha!"

"I almost lost my arm, but I just got it. I didn't see the faces of those Yanjiao people. However, I want to come to their faces and now they must be like a cockroach, oh..."

"Hey, don't be proud, there are people chasing below." No one next to interrupt the laughter of others.

Nothing looked down, the trees here are not too many, the person who can see the shuttle between the trees, seeing each other running in the woods so fast, the distance between the two sides is also rapidly zooming, no eyes flash After a trace of surprise, but the smile on the face did not converge, but some interesting and authentic: "That is the big elder of Yanjiao."

"What is that kid? Is the old elder of Yanjiao not the old man?" Someone is puzzled. Most of the people they can see as elders are middle-aged and elderly.

"Don't worry about him, the kid can't fly." (To be continued.)

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