Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 690: Do you think you can go to heaven?

After Shao Xuan chased those people who had left, the atmosphere had become much heavier.


If you are more cautious, maybe that will not happen just now, at least not let those people evacuate so smoothly.

I am also regretting it now.

Although Shao Xuan reminded other people to stare at this side, they have been guarding for it, but after the head of the bats made a big beast, they felt that no one else would dare to come over. Who knows, those people are so Bold! It’s a madman! Are they not afraid to be stared by the head bat? The birds that were previously opened are not the lessons of the past?

But things have already happened, or in the way they are extremely shameful, in the eyes of the public, they were robbed of two bags of thousands of gold. It’s just a hand on the face of Yan’s face, a palm of the hand, playing The Yanjiao people who were present were a bit embarrassed.

Although the two bags of thousands of gold are not even one tenth of the harvest in the cultivated land, but the nature of this matter is different, being robbed of prey is what the hunters regard as failure. What's more, it is valued by everyone, and I have carefully seen the current thousand gold?

Perhaps, the trading area, the king beast, the Yanhe Bridge and many other things have already allowed Yanjiao people to expand, leaving less vigilance and caution.

This is a big taboo!

Even if you are jealous of yourself, you have to admit that during this time, the mentality is really bad, especially the spear that was not able to throw it out decisively. If it can cooperate with Shao Xuan, then the spear will also be thrown out, even if it still can't change. The result of being robbed of the millet can leave at least one or two people.

Look at the sky again, the head bat kills more ferocious, probably knows the things below, but it did not catch up. If you chase it out, you have to give up the more important place here. It is only here.

It is not a domesticated beast. It is not as obedient as a beggar. Its purpose is different from that of people with inflammatory horns. Some things are stolen under the eyes. It will be angry, but will not leave here to chase those who **** the millet, it knows the trade-offs, only to guard the more important places.

Too much to rely on external forces. Sure enough, it can't be done. Sigh in my heart.

The timing of those people’s appearances is really good. They may fail at the moment of the early morning. Perhaps they also considered the mentality of the leader bat, plus the crazy power of those people...

I thought that only "theft" can do this, but I didn't expect it. There are others. "Pirates" people like to go out at night, and these people, at noon, the sun is in the air, under the eyes of the public.

I feel that this slap in the face is more painful than the stolen things.

Of course, now is not the time to blame, there is no time for reflection.

"Give me the spirit! It's not over yet!"

What can you do if you are not willing? Or let's finish the matter at the end.

This time, it is a lesson.

I don't think Shao Xuan can stop those people. Seeing those people's behaviors and means of cooperation, they know that those people are veterans, only one, I am afraid that the purpose of blocking can not be achieved.

On the side of the Yanhe Bridge, the tower turned and looked into the air. The seven figures flew over the woods not far away. It was probably known that there was someone guarding this place, so they did not approach, but continued to fly to the forest on the upper reaches of the Yanhe River.

Although a little far away, but with the eyesight of the tower. Still can see a rough. Look at the familiar animal skin bag, and then look at the plants that fall from time to time, and suddenly the anger can not hold back.

Someone even stole thousands of gold!

The tower also noticed the trace of Shao Xuan, Shao Xuan is chasing those people.

Moved his foot. I wanted to personally chase the past, but when I saw the people on the other side, the tower still lived, and raised a few people around me. "Let's see the past!"

Standing on the other side of the Yan River, falling outside because it is farther away. I can't see what happened there, and I'm still discussing what is going on. But soon they saw it.

On the other side of the opposite side of the bank, there is a bird flying in the air, so that it is intended to cross the river.

A few people behind the crowd saw it in their hearts. Isn't that the person who is Changle? Look at them, is this a success?

I can grab something from the headquarters of Yanjiao, and the people of Changle are really amazing. In this case, the Yanjiao can only be planted.

In the air, after the seven people robbed the two big bags of millet, because of the two long-winged birds, the injury slightly affected the flight, and the body also carried arrows, two long-winged birds carrying animal skin bags, also because of weight-bearing reasons. It is also impossible to fly high, and flying high also consumes physical strength. And there is still a wounded person among them. The long-winged bird and the camel are also more tired. The time before the **** was short, but the physical exertion was quite huge.

Especially the seven long-winged birds, their psychological pressure is quite large, even if the big bat is not a king beast, but the big bats are more threatening to them than the worms, because the bats can fly. It was only under great pressure that the task was finally completed. Now, when I am relaxed, I feel very tired.

In order to save energy and to better cooperate with the seven people, the seven birds are not flying too high. Of course, it is only compared with their past, even if it is not high, it is not the height that the beasts on the ground can reach. They are above the woods, keeping a certain distance from the canopy, saving both physical strength and avoiding the threats on the trees. It is the height that many experienced birds like. In the past, they also maintained this distance, as long as they fly. Faster, people on the ground, unless they are shooters, it is difficult to shoot them.

The reason why I chose to fly upstream of the Yanhe River is because there are fewer people in the upper reaches of the Yanhe River!

They certainly will not always go forward on the side of the Yanhe River. They don't want to enter the forests full of fierce beasts. They must cross the river. On the other side of the Yanhe River, the tribes are not evenly distributed. This is the incompatibility. Things, he also knows that people in Yanjiao have gone downstream. There must be more people familiar with Yanjiao in the downstream. If they fly to the other side, they will be stared at the action. It can be different from the upstream. Rivers, there are fewer upper tribes, and fewer people staring at them, so they can get out faster.

"The site of the Yanjiao has already come out, and then the mountain forest where the beasts are active, cross the river!" said Wuhe.

Others did not object, indicating that the long-winged bird turned and prepared to cross the river.

"Once we cross the river, let's split up..." Nohe said, suddenly the eyelids jumped wildly.

"What's wrong?" The other people saw it and looked around nervously.

The sky did not see other suspicious flying objects, and did not see the most threatening big bat, because the mountain giant eagle that he met would not see.

But the kid below is still following.

"Is there anything unusual?" No and asked.

"Except for the kid who is still following, I haven't seen any other threats." Others swept around again, sure.

"That's good."

I feel that I am too nervous and think too much. He did not look at Shao Shaoxuan. He was able to serve as the elder of the Yanjiao tribe. The person who can lead the king to leave, naturally has his special features. However, the reason why Hehe did not put him in his eyes, the most important The reason is that Shao Xuan will not fly!

Even the king beast that had been raging outside the Yanhe trading area couldn’t have them in the air!

Without the help of the mountain giant eagle, at this time, what about the Yanjiao elders? Not fart is not!

Exploring the head, no one looked at the people who still didn't give up, and then looked at the Yanhe River, which is getting closer and closer, and the smile raised at the mouth is getting bigger and bigger. It’s all here, the guy doesn’t have an eagle to help, there is no bridge in this place, how to cross the river? There are many ferocious big fish in the river!

See how you still chase!

The river in front is getting closer and closer, and the seven long-winged birds are no longer paying attention to the bottom. Among the seven, there are only those who are staring at the others who continue to chase.

Just as the seven long-winged birds were about to fly into the river, the people who shuttled through the trees directly slammed out and stepped on the canopy and leaped high.

Seeing, no and no smirk.

If you jump high, you think you can fly? Do you think you can go to heaven? !

However, I can't laugh out soon.

The sound of the wind sweeping.

A flame with a hot breath rose from Shaoxuan body, and the strong airflow swept from bottom to top. The wind helped the fire and went straight into the air!

The flames that are pulled up in the blink of an eye gather together, as if a giant who stood up from the air suddenly, a strong sense of oppression came out and filled the space. The rapid swirling airflow makes the silhouette of the flames blurred, and the flames that flow from the giants not only make it look weird, but also add a horrible power, as if it is angry. The beast swings the mane.

The seven people who have been away from the recent Changle feel the deepest. They have never felt such pressure. Such a majestic momentum seems to crush people!

The flame giant, who is almost in direct view with them, can't see the eyes, only one outline, but the seven people have an illusion, and the giant's eyes seem to stare at them!

Nothing and only feel that the bones in my body are creaking, and the other six people’s faces are also changed. They are scared, panicked, and helpless. Their fingers are shaking, there is a feeling of suffocation, and the seven long-winged birds even Forgot to flap the wings. Everything is out of their control, unpredictable obstacles.

And just at the moment of their glimpse, the flame giant moved, and the raised palms pressed down, like driving the flies, and took the past.

The hot air flow with the irresistible power, no time for no reaction with them, can only watch the big palm shot down.

Standing on the other side of the bridge, I have been paying attention to the people there. I saw this scene and I took a breath, opened my mouth and squinted, and my chin seemed to fall.

What is Natha? ! !

They only saw giants who suddenly popped up with a huge flame, and then, with a palm, they shot the people in the air.

Just give it, take it down... (to be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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