As the slap went down, the seven long-winged birds in the air went straight down to five, and the other two were not attacked in the front. They were swept down by the momentum and the airflow, and they turned around in the air for several laps. The tree barely stabilized before.

These two lucky, but the other five are not so good.

Although it is only a flame, the power of sweeping the face is real.

When the giants of the flames patted them directly, they passed through their bodies directly, but the power of the slaps was accompanied by a burning airflow, as if they were burning people, a burning pain.

It is not a real flame, but a fire flame similar to the force of the totem. Just as some people are mobilizing the power of the totem, the body surface will also have a flame. Everyone can understand, can be different. Yes, no one has just made such a big giant like Shao Xuan. This is not something they can figure out. Perhaps only those who have participated in the Yanhe feast will not be surprised.

Many tribes are very jealous of strange, seemingly powerful forces, and the scene just before them makes them not return to God for a long time, until the flames gradually disappear, it is like a frightened general.

The Yanjiao people who are at the bridgehead are looking back from there. Others don't know what it was. They are very clear. They are proud of their hearts and they can't help but sigh: It is a great elder!

I thought that there was still trouble in front of me, and the Yanjiao who guarded there was immediately serious and looked at the outsiders who gathered here to make trouble. The actions of the elders just gave them the enthusiasm. They don’t have to think about it. They just need to do what they should do. If they can’t stop it, there will naturally be elders who will deal with them.

The Yanjiao people who saw him at the bridgehead looked at themselves and others. The person who made the most fierce before the face changed, and then pulled out a smile: "Oh." After laughing, he turned and left.

Just kidding, they don't want to be pumped in the past, so big a flame giant, they don't want to go straight to the past. What if the person just stared at them?

Seeing that the situation is not right, they have also dispelled the hard-hearted mind. Although the people of Yanjiao are different from the rumors, they are indeed taboo. For the time being, they don't want to go directly to the Yanjiao. As for the temptations I wanted before...

Who wants to test who is going, anyway, they are not planning to continue.

"Go gone, go to the Yanhe trading area and see if there are any good goods. Don't come back empty-handed."

"But the head, the Yanhe Bridge, we are not going up and leaving?" Someone asked.

"When the Yanjiao people solve the problem, there should be a chance." The Yanhe Bridge is now second, and most importantly, their assessment of the Yanjiao will be upgraded.

Since those who started the troubles left, others were happy, and of course they would not stay here. The people behind the crowd looked at the position of the giant fish on the other side before leaving. Since Changle’s people have been beaten, Yanjiao people will definitely not let them go, or even directly kill them. To **** the things of the Yanjiao people, those Yanjiao people will definitely not let them live again.

Fortunately, I did not rush to shoot. A few people looked at each other and borrowed the joy of seeing their peers. Forget it, or wait and see for a while, they are still not going to the Yanjiao headquarters.

On the other hand, Shao Xuan walked over to the five people who were photographed in front. Two people left in the sky, he did not chase, and did not use the bones to promote the flame giant.

The front was slap in the face and fell from the air. Whether it is five Changle people or five long-winged birds, they are very uncomfortable, especially those who have already been injured and birds. The one who was seriously injured, even if it was covered by a long-winged bird, passed out.

After struggling for a few times on the branches that were hit by them, they finally kneel down and sighed directly at a Changle who was squatting. His face was red and he seemed to want to cough. But I couldn't cough out, only to breathe hard there, and the muscles on the face were distorted by pain.

Wuhe and several companions who could stand up beside him, looked up at Shao Xuan, who was approaching, and stayed on the cyan knife that Shao Xuan held for a while.

The murder of the knife is very heavy. Even if it is not killing, it must have killed a lot of fierce beasts. Now, Shao Xuan’s blade is facing them.

I was photographed by a palm, some of my legs were broken, and there was a direct fainting. It was impossible to leave all of them smoothly.


Someone in the woods is approaching quickly.

"Great elder!"

The people who were sent to help by the tower also arrived. Looking at the five strangers, the fierce light in their eyes flashed and murderously walked over. However, they did not immediately start, but looked at Shao Xuan, waiting for Shao Xuan to speak.

"Tie them up." Shao Xuan said.

"Ah?" The axe pulled out and was thinking about how to cut it. When he heard Shao Xuan’s words screaming and didn’t understand the meaning of Shao Xuan, he asked, “Cut and tie again?”

"No. Stay alive."

Shao Xuan said this, and a few people were obviously relieved. They were injured when they snatched the Yanjiaozizi. They just fell and fell and hurt, not to mention the serious injuries. Even if the injury is more clear, there is probably no way to play half the level of the past. The people with the flaming angles are different. What other means of Shao Xuan who took them down with a slap in the face? These are the Yan Yan soldiers who later want to resist and are very difficult. Here is the site of the Yanjiao.

There are a few people who are going to fight for a fight. When Shao Xuan said that he would stay alive, he was not willing to fight hard. As long as he could live, the two people who left would definitely rescue the soldiers and return them.

"Why?" The Yanjiao Warrior who came over did not understand why the elders had to keep the people who snatched their millet. They used to kill them. This is the same as those who robbed them, **** it! Not to mention, these people are still robbing the thousands of gold that the tribe is very valued, and even more unforgivable! It’s time to kill the fertilizer!

If other people say this, they have long been dissatisfied, but it is Shao Xuan who said this, even if they have different ideas in their hearts, they will follow the instructions of Shao Xuan. They also have no grievances. I believe that the elders must do so. There must be reasons.

I know that Shao Xuan didn’t mean to kill them. No one and several people gave up the resistance. They worried that they would rebel against the Yanjiao people and change their minds. This time they planted them and planted them. The important thing is to keep their lives and get rid of them. Opportunity.

The tower soon brought people here. He still didn't feel at ease. When the people gathered on the other side of the bridge had left, he left only a few people and then chased them with the rest.

The tower does not understand why Shao Xuan still wants to stay alive. This is not the style of Shao Xuan’s behavior. People who have encountered robbery in the past have not done this before, but this is not the time to ask, the conductor will use the straw rope to put the five The nasty strangers were tied, and even the people who passed out were tied, and five long-winged birds were not let go. They were tied and brought back.

The scattered thousands of gold rushed back to the majority, and a small part was eaten by the birds and other animals in the forest, which made the tower even more angry, and wanted to directly twist the five people's neck directly.

When Shao Xuan went back, the things in the cultivated land were over.

Seeing that Shao Xuan recovered most of the lost millet, and arrested five robbers, the mood of Yu Yin was also clear, but he could not understand the meaning of the five people. He advocated direct slaughter. I heard that I ran two more. I started to worry about it. I planned to go back and discuss the countermeasures of defense. The cooperation of those people is too good. The timing of the arrest is too clever. It is also from the people on the sea. There are other associates who have to guard against it.

"Leave them useful, someone will redeem them." Shao Xuan said.

"What redemption can they use?" I don't care.

property? They do not lack a corner.

food? Not lacking.

metal? Unless they take the nuclear species, they will not see their eyes. The new bronzes in their Yanjiao are better than the gold in most of the sea.

So what else can make them inflammatory? I can't figure it out. If it is just some property, it is better to directly slaughter those people who are happy and happy.

"I need them to do something." Shao Xuan said.

Nothing is far from them, but he can tell what the other person said from the mouth movements of the person. So, if you don't hear it, as long as he sees it, he can roughly get the content of Shao Xuanhe's conversation.

Although I have long guessed that Shao Xuan’s life is definitely useful, or is going to exchange for something, I didn’t expect that they didn’t want finance, not others. The purpose of the guy seemed to be running Changle. Not just these five people!

Think back to the previous things, and no peace of mind.

Shao Xuan took them from the air on the Yanhe River. The ****** is deliberate!

Take them to stand up!

With Shao Xuan chasing their speed, when can they be photographed from the air in that way, but they only stayed when they flew to the river. At that time, there were many staring on the other side of the river. They also want to let more people see how their line grabs things from Yanjiao. I didn't expect that the result was like this. I believe that those who saw that scene will definitely converge on those who are ready to move.

However, Shao Xuan wants to do what they do, and there is no peace.

"Take them up first." Shao Xuan pointed to Wuhe and five people. "Without the ropes tied, with chains, straw ropes are easily escaped by them."

People who were still thinking about how to get rid of the straw rope can only give up. Yanjiao people actually created these hard chains!

Waiting for the people to take the five and the five, and the arable land is also coming to an end, several high-level people in Yanjiao gathered together to discuss. Wuhe has already said their origins, and the name of Changle has been heard by them.

"What can Changle's people do in addition to getting into trouble?" Zheng Luo looked at Shao Xuan.

"Let them bring a letter to the sea. After all, we are still too few people."

Zheng Luo did not understand at first, but soon he reacted, his eyes burst into the light, and the fist he held hammered down the stone table next to him. "Yes, people are still too few!" (To be continued.)

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