Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 698: There is no common topic with you.

No matter how unhappy it was with the Changzhou tribe, but on this, Shao Xuan had to admit that the Changzhou tribe did have some admirable places. 》. 》

"It turns out that your ancestors had already started to play here, and the poor thing is that we didn't even find out!" One of the tribes was shocked.

No matter how much amazement and surprise, when the water in the river finally flows into the sea, all emotions change.

Others are okay, the Changzhou tribes, the emotions have become heated, as if they evoke another personality in their hearts.

"This is the feeling of the sea!" Mucha looked at the boundless sea, closed his eyes, felt the ups and downs of the boat in the water waves, took a deep breath, slowly opened the eyelids, looked forward to the water Where the heavens meet.

At this moment, not only the wood cutting, but other Longzhou tribes also have the same emotions. The pride and excitement in the heart suddenly seem to be magnified many times.

Going into the sea, really into the sea!

Among them, no one has ever seen the sea, or when they went to the desert, they once saw it, but they never really took a boat.

In the past, every time I saw the sea, they seemed to be able to hear the deep call from the boundless blue. Although the water here is not blue, but before going forward, it must be that they have been hidden in the bottom of their hearts. Looking forward to the vast blue!

The bottom of my heart evokes the longing for the future, and the infinite courage and fighting spirit.

The former Changzhou tribes, although known as one of the big tribes, talked about the Changzhou tribes, and they were always just "boats and rivers", not what they did. They always seem to be aimlessly sailing along the river. Some people think that it is showing off the craft of shipbuilding. Some people think that they are just trading far away. Some people think that the people of the Changzhou tribe are looking for the target, but no one really knows them. What kind of purpose is there, it seems that in addition to the long-distance trading, taking the boat to come and go, doing nothing.

Come over from generation to generation. I don’t know how many years passed, the Changzhou tribe’s ancestors relayed this route, but it was only because of the reasons of the fire that it could not be far away. Unable to embark on the vast world. But now, without constraints, their chances are coming.

It is no longer the twists and turns of the river, but the wider sea! For them, the vast expanse of water in front of it is full of unknown waters. Majestic, heroic, so fascinating, so that they can not help but arrogant, war-torn!

The power of the fire in the body seems to be active with the outbreak of emotions. The fires that have not yet fully integrated have begun to condense into the blood and penetrate!


One after another, the long boat tribe, the flame appeared with the totem pattern of the body surface.

The blood is boiling. Every cell in the body is like a screaming, sly, and a sleeping ambition that has been deposited in the bottom of the heart by generations of people. At this moment, it finally wakes up completely!

From the glory of the blood and the ambition of waking up, even if they face the huge waves of the endless sea, there will be no retreat!

"Ah" wood fell on the bow of the first ship, yelling toward the front. "I am a long boat, moving forward! Unstoppable!"

"I have a long boat, I can't move forward! Unstoppable!"

"Going forward! Unstoppable!"

"Going forward! Unstoppable!"

The Long Boat tribes on the fifteen ships followed and roared. It is like venting all the emotions that are suppressed in the bottom of my heart.

They are the first fleet to truly step into the sea, and they will be the first boatmen to cross the sea on another continent in the past 10 years!

Previously, due to the reasons of sailing against the water, manpower was used for boating. Therefore, every ship in front has a Yanjiao.

One of the ships, in the broad sense, looked at the Changzhou tribes who were all in the excitement, and asked Dokang next to them: "What happened to the people of the Changzhou tribe?"

"Nothing, crazy." Dokang replied.

Broad: "...oh."

A long-boat tribe who is not far from them turned their heads to look at the calm and broad health. Doubtful question, "Don't you feel passionate and don't feel excited?"

Dokang shook his head, "... don't think."

The man stunned and asked unwillingly, "Do you feel the burning passion that you can't wait to roar?!"

Dokang gave a face, "No feeling."

The man looked at Duo Kang like a silly x, and seemed to say: My Dachangzhou tribe warrior has nothing to do with you and other mortals!

Dokang is still secretly pouting, and there is a fart in the sea by boat. We came directly from the mainland with the big elders breaking the sea! Not saying it is afraid of scaring you!

The two sides scorn each other.

After sailing for a while at sea, the initial enthusiasm of the Changzhou tribes cooled slightly, but it was often intermittently crazy.

Compared with the river, there are thousands of changes on the sea. When you are calm, you will have a peaceful atmosphere. Whether it is a flaming or long boat, you can also fish in the mood, watch the sunrise and sunset, and brag and chat. . When the weather suddenly changes, there is no river bank to stop to avoid the wind and waves, only to head up, the vast sea, the fleet is small, isolated, helpless, swaying with the wind and waves.

Faced with the magnificent waves under the storm, the people of the Changzhou tribe are like chicken blood, they control the ship, they don't let the ship be overturned by the waves, and at the same time they are rushing toward the waves like this: "Go forward! Attack!"

Shao Xuan suddenly felt that today's Changzhou tribes no longer have the kind of dullness of the past, but with a kind of, strange... suffocating?

In the calm and raging waves, the fleet sailed towards the expected location.

When sailing on the sea, it is often found that huge sea beasts swim through the sea beneath their fleet. Once, a fish that is as long as the five smaller ships in the back, rushes from the bottom of the sea and jumps out of the water, and the next moment , a huge beak with a pointed canine, breaking out of the sea, directly biting the leaping fish, leaving only a fish tail outside, then the behemoth carries its prey Re-enter the deep sea.

When the giant beast preyed, the big waves picked up almost turned the ship over, and this kind of thing happened more than once. Sometimes, they will also counterattack and kill the fish that attack the fleet.

The weather is getting colder every day, and the snow has already begun to float, but it is not too big.

Shao Xuan looked at the front with a telescope. "There is land!"

After the wood fell, I quickly came over and took the telescope from Shao Xuan’s hand and looked at it carefully, then laughed loudly: “It’s here! It’s finally!”

The front is land, judging from the sights seen, this should be a mountainous area.

They searched according to Wanxiang, but they only knew about the vagueness. What they are going to do now is to find a river that goes into the sea along the mainland. They have agreed with the people of the Taihe tribe to meet at the mouth of the sea. . But now the situation is that it is impossible to pinpoint it. I don't know which direction to go at this time. After all, no one knows where the river is. If you choose the wrong one, it will waste more time.

"What to do?" Mucha looked at Shao Xuan.

"Wait a minute later." Shao Xuan left, using the knot rope to choose the position.

The good thing is that after the knot is successful, after reading the above conclusion, Shao Xuan pointed in a direction, told the wood cutting, let the fleet go over there.

Mucha looked at Shao Xuan's eyes. He looked at other Yanjiao people. When they saw that they had no objections, they let the fleet of the long boat sail along. Anyway, their purpose has been reached, and navigation has come to another continent. Has already a wish of generations, as for picking up people? That is the worry of Yan Yan, they don’t care.

However, before that, they have to go ashore to add fresh food and water. It is best to pick some juicy fruits.

Although the distribution of plants in this forest is slightly different, there are also many familiar plants. Dokang and the broad sense of them recognize that these have not been found in another continent, but here they return to this side and look at the continent. There is a lot of fruit on the special fruit.

"I didn't expect it to come back so soon!"

On the other side of the Changzhou tribe, the woodcut had not waited for the ship to stop, and could not wait for the first one to jump off the boat. He would be the first long boater to cross the sea and embark on another continent!

Without paying attention to the smile of Changzhou people, Shao Xuan people quickly went to find food and water. After a short rest, they still have to leave.

After a night of rest in the beached place, the fleet set off again, looking for Shao Xuan's direction and looking for it along the coastline.

Two days later, they finally saw a wide river into the sea. (To be continued.) Mobile users please visit

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