Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 699: These are all taken away

"Is it here?" Dokang looked at the coast closer and asked Shao Xuan.

"It should be here, first landing." Shao Xuan said.

Listening to Shao Xuan said, Dokang also greeted other people in Yanjiao, "Ready to land!"

When the first ship at the front was finally docked, Woodcut suddenly yelled: "Everything!"

When everyone else was stunned by the sudden slamming of the woodcut, the wood fell and jumped down. Standing in the cold sea, he was excited and the ground was red. After laughing and laughing, he looked up on the boat. The other Changzhou tribes said: "Let's go down."

See you, Dokang is very contemptuous, is not the first person to land here? When I first landed the first two days, Wood was swearing that I was the leader. I had to do it myself, because it was recorded in the history of the Changzhou tribe, the first leader to lead the sea, the first one. The fleet crossed the sea and successfully landed on the leader of the different continents. The first one arrived at this...

"What is this place called?" Mucha suddenly remembered, he still does not know the name of this place, do not know how to record the name? How do you leave it to the people after the long boat? Thousands of years have passed, and for a long time, who knows where you landed?

"Crocodile River." Shao Xuandao.

Dokang, generalized, they brushed to see Shao Xuan, a face of the busy, when is this taken? How do they not know that this river is called the "Crocodile River"?

"Just taken." Seeing Dokang their doubts, Shao Xuan calmly decided. Then people are ready to insert a monument, just like in the case of Yanhe.

Woodcut feels a pity. He also thought that if the river had no name, he would follow the Yanjiao and take one of the rivers, such as Changzhou River, Changhe River, Zhouhe River and Mudu River. I did not expect that Shao Xuan was temporarily given.

Woodcut is not willing to fight with Shao Xuan, and he is indeed a step in the evening. There is no need to argue for this, but he will wait until he discovers a new place, a new river without a name. To learn the Yanjiao people, give a name, and then insert a stone tablet with a long boat tribe totem pattern!

Shao Xuan looked at the big river in front of him. It is almost the same size as the Yanhe River. "If this river is the main river that we know through the mountains, there should be many crocodiles living in this river, but It’s winter, and the crocodiles may be hiding, or gathering in the warmer rivers for the winter.”

Wood fell nod. He has been to the Yanhe trading area. He once saw the tribes riding the crocodile from the tribe to the trading area, so he knows what the crocodile Shao Xuan said.

"Everyone is careful, although the crocodiles may not be here at this time, but there should be some vigilance! Here is the forest where the beasts live!" Mucha beat the soldiers of the Changzhou tribe, after all, the long boat tribe Less contact with such an environment, I have not adapted to it at once. Some people may also be sloppy in some small details, not to beat and pressure. It’s too late to regret it.

"I have seen a huge crocodile in this river. That is the biggest threat. If it is encountered, decisively withdraw and run away from the river and the sea. Don't go to the boat. The speed of the ship is much faster than no. Speed ​​on it."

"Is it a king beast?" As a tribe, the crocodile that Shao Xuan said was very interested.

"No, it hasn't reached the point of the king's beast, but it shouldn't be much worse."

Qing Yi thought about it, to Shao Xuandao: "There is no crocodile in the vicinity. But I think there will be something I need in this river, I want to see it."

The tribes are good at water. They don’t easily get into the waters of the estuary. Instead, they go upstream for a while. Others around them are cutting down trees to build a rest room, or hunting for food. If he encounters an accident, he can also Help.

After confirming the river section, Qingyi took a deep breath and jumped into the water.

The tribes don't really like winter, they don't like the cold river, but in order to find what they want, Qingyi can't take care of it at this time.

The power of the totem in the body is running. With the appearance of the totem pattern, the skin of the integrated table begins to thicken, and the irritating feeling of the cold river is also weak. After the fusion of fire, the use of power is more proficient, under the influence of fire, the power of totem is more and more pure, and the manufacture of water moonstone also exercises skills. It can be said that in order to save energy, he can apply the power of the body to Every place that needs to be used is extremely accurate and will not be used for extra consumption.

Shao Xuan and Duo Kang are discussing the layout of the camp here. They don't know when they can wait for the Taihe tribe. In order to prevent it, it is impossible to stay on the boat.

After the winter, they did not know whether the sea water near the coast would freeze. During the time of the Taihe tribe, they also had to learn how to repair the ship with the Changzhou tribe, and they often had to overhaul, otherwise a winter passed, the ship Can't use it, how come back?

When building the camp, Shao Xuan also got some edible plants that were not available on the sea side, or herbs that could be used for medicine. The herbs that were not withered in winter were directly dug, and the seeds that were withered to find seeds were collected. Of course, if it is too big, it is not convenient to carry it, and the method of beading, cutting or dividing is replaced. Perhaps it is not the best time, but Shao Xuan has no way, they can not stay here.

When the people in Yanjiao collected plants or caught some suitable beasts, the people on the side of the boat seemed to react.

Shao Xuan saw the wood fell all day and couldn't help himself. He walked around with people. "This, this, this, this, and this, I have dug me back and brought it back... What is this? It is really ugly, No matter, take it away... Wait, who is the snake that you pulled out from? Where did you dig when you dig the grass? The pattern has not been seen, but also bring it back. What? The people in Yanjiao said that they are highly toxic. That's it, kill it directly!"

In addition to the time to build the camp, the woodcuts with the people of the Changzhou tribe followed the people of Yanjiao to dig up the herbs, catch the beasts, and not feel tired when they did not rest their feet.

After the camp was built, the outer perimeter of the ground was also surrounded by a high trunk, forming a wall that could stop some unnecessary troubles.

Yan Yan and the people in the boat negotiated and decided to use the trees here to build a new ship. This was planned before departure. So this time Shao Xuan also brought some new bronzes, which they used to build ships.

The shipbuilding technology of the Changzhou tribe has been improving. After entering the sea, the environment of the ocean has been seen. The people of the Changzhou tribe have more requirements for the ship and only continue to improve. The ship can satisfy their ambitions.

In the past, the wood used for their shipbuilding was carefully selected, and even several tribes attached to their trees were planted, and then the good wood was selected from those trees, but those were not as good as the flaming horns. Those trees, they went out to sea this time, mainly using the wood provided by Yanjiao.

A lot of wood is going to cost a lot of material to trade, but here, those good woods are nothing. Which one to cut which one to cut, as long as you do not get rid of those beasts that hibernate.

Since the Changzhou tribe has had better wood and new bronze produced by Yanjiao, this trip to the sea has also made the wood cut more.

They need to let the Changzhou tribe really open up a new era, to realize the aspirations that the ancestors have been expecting, and must constantly transform and innovate the ship.

Due to the limitations of the wood itself, they have designed “building boats” to build heavy buildings on board. As a warship or command ship. During the Spring and Autumn Period, with the development of warship construction techniques and operational needs. In addition, Mucha intends to explore a fixed route and find a suitable place as a port to support a large-scale maritime fleet.

They want to develop into a true maritime team from the inland river fleet inside the mainland, and the technology needs to break through. Anchors, sails, docks, paddle wheels...

During the open time, Mucha continued to think about how to innovate and improve. This voyage has given him a lot of sentiments. From time to time, he gathered a group of talented Changzhou people to discuss. Shao Xuan once saw a look at the wood cuttings. design diagram. The painting is very simple. In many places, Shao Xuan does not understand. Perhaps because of this, the wood cutting is safe to let Shao Xuan see.

But only those things, Shao Xuan knows that in the shipbuilding, the Changzhou people are indeed geniuses. In the near future, after the people of the Changzhou tribe have learned more, they may be better than Shao Xuan’s thoughts. Much more, it will be more adapted to the world and the ocean and river environment of this era.

In fact, many civilizations initiated by farming are more moderate. They are not keen on exploring the territory. They are inclined to peace and moderateness. They pay attention to inheritance. One generation has taken over the generation, thinking that as long as stability and stability are good. If you don't encounter provocation, you will rarely take the initiative to launch an attack.

In some ways, Yanjiao is also more inclined to farming civilization. Although hunting, although there are many wars in the history of Yanjiao, there are few active attacks.

The difference is that, like the Changzhou tribe, even if the tribes also plant land, they are more inclined to sail, especially when the navigation route is opened, it will develop in the other direction.

On the climatic environment, the oceans are much more unpredictable than the land. As the wood cuts say, they must constantly improve the ships and tools to ensure that they survive on the volatility of the ocean with great power. The temperament will change, no longer conservative, and more outgoing.

During this period of contact and observation, Shao Xuan discovered that the people of the Changzhou tribe have begun to show aggressiveness. Of course, this is not against the flaming horns, but against those unknown places, and more They are curious about the land.

"Shao Xuan Grand Elder, do you think these are the water stones you said?" Qingyi took a spar. During this time, he found many rough stones similar to the water moonstone in the river. Maybe others may not be able to distinguish those stones from ordinary stones, but for the evil people of the tribes, it is as simple as distinguishing between black and white.

Shao Xuan took the stone, blocked it with his hand and nodded. "Yes, it is."

The crystal spar that has been changed from the original stone to the water stone is returned to Qingyi. Shao Xuan thinks about something. "There are many metals here. Relatively speaking, there are very few beautiful spar, so many of them are There is no practical spar, but it is very popular among people here. Those who do not lack food and have a slightly higher standard of living will choose some rare spar to wear, which can show their uniqueness, especially slaves. The more rare the spar, the more like, the more they can show their superior status."

I heard that Shui Ri Shi can sell high prices here, and I was very excited when I was in the heart, but I was disappointed soon. "It’s a pity that we are away from the coast and cannot come often."

However, the people of the tribe did not have much ambition. Qingyi was only a little regretful for a while, so he did not care, but Woodcut was interested in it. When Qing Yi and Shao Xuan spoke, he kept listening to his ears, because he did not touch any secrets that could not be said. Shao Xuan did not stop him from eavesdropping.

Now, when Qing Yi does not say it, Woodcut suddenly said: "Actually, you can trade with our Changzhou tribe."

Shuiyue Stone is found in many places on the mainland there, and there are even many spar that can be illuminated with the water moonstone, but since it has now encountered a tribe that produces waterstone, wood cutting will not let go. Second chance.

Their Changzhou tribe will continue to travel from the two continents. He even plans to open the first sea trading route. Perhaps this will become the nails of the slave owners, but the people in the boat will never care, not only They will be able to shrink their heads and they will be more unscrupulous.

The first sea trading route... I think that when I think about wood cutting, I can’t wait to jump a few times.

The first new ship after the camp is built will also be completed. The people in Yanjiao are responsible for cutting the trees. The people in the long boat are responsible for the construction. The new ships also have the horns. Shao Xuan is not afraid of the people on the boat. .

The ever-changing marine environment makes the Changzhou tribes unable to bear the burden for the time being. They will continue to rely on the help of Yanjiao. When they encounter difficult choices, they will negotiate with Yanjiao instead of acting arbitrarily. They need to exchange interests with each other. And achieve a win-win result.

As for Qingyi, he offered to help, but on the strength, Qingyi is not comparable to Yanjiao, and on the craft of shipbuilding, he only stayed on the bamboo raft.

When Qingyi proposed to help, whether it was Yanjiao or a long boat, he smiled and said: "Play while you are."

Therefore, Qingyi is now looking for the water stone in the river.

After staying in this place for fifteen days, he finally brought good news.

Shao Xuan listened to the eagle from the air and said: "The people of Taihe are here!"

"What? Finally arrived?!" Dokang, who was smashing wood, threw the wood and ran to the direction pointed by Shao Xuan.

I haven't seen it for so long, I don't know how the old neighbors are. (To be continued.)

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