Chronicles of Primordial Wars

Chapter 70: long time no see

When Shao Xuan saw the Taihe people, they had already exchanged enthusiasm with the old neighbors.

Looking at the state of the Taihe people, Shao Xuan found that they were much more embarrassed when they moved from the mountain to the seaside than the original Yanjiao. The clothes on the body were ragged, all of which were traces of branches and beasts, even if they were bitten. Wearing thick skins, you can also see dry blood and sly wounds from those that are cut.

Migrating the tribe is not an easy task, but in many cases, in order to make the tribe have better survival and development, it has to make choices and make some sacrifices. This is what most tribes have experienced, no matter how strong. weak.

Fortunately, Shao Xuan discovered that although the people of Taihe are in very poor condition, at least most of them are still alive here.

"I have been... worried about going wrong... I didn't expect... actually it was... arrived!" Taihe's Fei Ang and Tao Zheng were familiar with each other. After meeting, they couldn't take a break, panting, laughing. Come over.

Duo Kang is talking with the leader of the Taihe River, Yu, to understand the situation of the Taihe tribes, and to introduce other faces in the Yanjiao team to them, as well as the people of the Changzhou. This is also to be introduced.

In the broad sense, I also chatted with old friends.

After walking for so long, with the pressure of uncertainty about the future, experiencing difficulties and obstacles, and finally seeing the old acquaintance, the people of Taihe are really excited to cry, even if it is a serious elderly person on weekdays. I couldn't help but redden my eyes.

Looking at the old friends in front of the broad public, it is rare to smile and greet the past: "Long time no see, Pontoon!"

In front of the broad sense, people who were excited by tears because of various complicated emotions suddenly turned their tears back, stiffened their faces and raised their fingers to the side: "The pontoon is over there, I am returning myself."

The generalized pause, and then smiled enthusiastically: "Long time no see, return."

Sure enough, the old-fashioned partition time will not recognize people. Go back to my heart.

Set up a weak person. Especially those children with low resistance and those who do not have the power to wake up totem need to take care of them. They are not like other people, even if they come here. Even if there is no danger of life, if you are not careful, you will still lose your life.

After asking about the situation of the wounded, Du Kang came over and talked to Shao Xuan about the problem of the current Taihe.

Nearly 4,000 people from the Tai River arrived here alive. There are about 3,000 or so. Nearly 500 people lost in the middle of the road, partly because of the beasts and various difficult environments in the mountains, and some of them were artificial.

Knowing that the slave owners are rewarding and causing a large number of people to enter the forest, the first thought of Dokang is "green face fangs". The reason why Shao Xuan knows that the green face fangs can assist forging, is the reason for the workmanship, and it is unreasonable to be familiar with the slave owners. do not know.

In the past, they might think that it doesn't matter if they can't find them. They have the tools of the workers in the hands of the workers, which are much better than the weapons used by ordinary people. enough. But now because the two continents are approaching, the threat is big, and perhaps they still suffer big losses in the hands of the people of Yanling, so they are eager to find some solutions.

"Fortunately, this time is winter, many beasts began to hibernate, they avoided more losses." Dokang sighed. They also migrated at the beginning. They know what state the tribes are moving, not just physical fatigue, but also psychological pressure. They can't help but even collapse. "But they have more drugs. So many people who are poisoned or seriously injured have not lost their lives."

"Place them well, prey those who are prepared, let them recover as soon as possible. The weak body can not cross the sea." Shao Xuan said.

Dokang certainly understands. Life at sea is not so good. Without a strong physical strength, it is really bad. At that time, if a disease is regenerated, the drug is consumed again, and if it is not replenished, it can only wait for death.

Probably I saw hope. The tremendous pressure and shackles that have been pressed in my heart have disappeared. After a night of sleep, people in Taihe have a lot of spirits. Some people have been sleeping for a long time. They have not rested for a long time, and it is rare to have a relaxed environment. One sleep is a few days in a row, and once again, I will live again and again.

Most of the people who have recovered have begun to look for herbs around them. They can't do it, they can't do it, but they can prepare some herbs. If they see the herbs that can be dug by the horns, they will be dug up.

"Let's take these boats... leave?" The leader of the Taihe River looked at a large ship and asked Dokang.

"Yes, that's it, haven't you seen it? Hey!"

Here, even if there is a boat, it is not big, it is really not comparable to this. Perhaps the six nobles of Wangcheng are very powerful in other aspects, but in the case of shipbuilding, it is far less than the people of the Changzhou tribe. Especially in the past few years, many places are arid and there are fewer people using boats.

This surprised the people of Taihe. They thought that there might be more backwards. I heard that many tribes are still in the state of the original fire, and they use stone tools, but now they are too naive.

"You are this..." Yu especially pointed to the blue axe in the hands of Dokang. "Is this a goldsmith?"

Dokang is more proud, he always thought about showing up in front of the old neighbors, the axe in his hand turned around the palm of his hand, and then grabbed the handle of the axe and slammed it to the stone on one side.


A loud sound, the big stone was cut off a deep trace.

Yu You opened his mouth, looked at the axe in the hands of Dokang, and looked at the stone that was smashed. He did not believe that he would walk quickly and tried the hardness of the stone. He did not give up on himself. The two mouthfuls of axe were cut and cut, then snorted, turned to look at Dokang, and the eyes glowed. "This is the one you said in the letter?"

“Not bad!” Duo Kang said, “We call it ‘new bronze’, the name of the great elder Shao Xuan.”

Because it was inconvenient to say in the letter, the letter written to the Taihe tribe at that time was only vaguely mentioned, only telling them that they did not have to worry about weapons. Their Yanjiao improved the goldsmiths, definitely surpassing the results of the previous forging.

Before this, the people of Taihe always had a skeptical attitude. After all, the Yanjiao of the year, in forging and farming, did not have much talent, and the inheritance of skills was limited. However, it turned out to be true!

"Haha, there are more things that shock you. When you have passed, you will naturally see it." Dokang is looking forward to seeing the Yanjiao tribe in the Taihe people.

Their horns are not what they used to be, and people in the Taihe River can never think of it.

"Right, have you really built a city?" Yu You is very interested in this.

"Like it, Zheng Luo said that we don't call a name with the slave owners. Let's call it 'the city', 'Yanhe City'!"

"'Yanhe'? Really? Good! Good! Good!" The leader of the Taihe River has three good characters.

Dokang is inexplicable. "What are you excited about?" We named the river in Yanjiao, and then named the trading area by the river. What about your ass, how excited than us?

"Yanheyan River, there is also a ‘河’ word hahaha! Sure enough, it feels very kind! Good!” Yu Youyi slaps and slaps and slaps Dokang, a pair of “good brothers, loyalty”.

Dokang: " think too much, it really is because of a river."

The snow in the winter is not big, and there is only a layer of ice that is not thick near the coast.

The snow is not big, but the wind is fierce and there is no orientation.

Every day, most of the people of the Taihe tribe have recovered, helping each day to work, and this is for themselves.

Prepare food, medicine, and new vessels, just waiting for the best time to leave. (~^~)

Ps: Explain:

About the half sentence of "Spring and Autumn Warring States..." appeared in the previous chapter. Because in the afternoon, I will cut out the dozens of paragraphs in the three documents I have found, so I don't need to go through it. It is convenient to read it, and the friends who write the thesis should understand. After writing a chapter to delete the original text, it has not been deleted. This bug has been changed. The subscribed friends can re-download and do not need to repeat the subscription.

Another: The three references are “Analysis of the Differences Between Farming Civilization and Marine Civilization”, “The Leap of Ancient Navigation” and “Ancient Voyage Astronomy in Ancient China”. In the last two articles, I mentioned a very interesting word "Learning Stars". In the afternoon, I looked at the time and passed. The result was still not understood, and the mathematics was too bad. I don't plan to write this. Interested friends can search and see, it's very interesting.

When the novel is over, I will list the references, such as some tribes' rain-seeking customs, rich feasts, etc., and everyone is interested in searching. Even for non-professionals, many archaeological documents are still very interesting. Mobile phone users please visit

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